Summary: After learning that a newly single Hermione is spending the summer with them, Sirius and Bellatrix start some cousin rivalry with a bet to see who can sleep with her first. As Bellatrix tries to beat Sirius, she grows closer to Hermione, putting her own emotions at risk. What happens when through all the lies, games and seduction, the truth comes out?

Note: AU- War never happened, OOC Bellatrix (she doesn't hate muggleborns, well she won't murder them at least)

Disclaimer: This story is not for profit and no copyright infringement is intended. These characters and the world of Harry Potter belongs to J.K Rowling

"Harry, are you there?" Hermione asked as she stepped through the fireplace. She looked around the sitting room of Grimmauld Place, finding no one.

"I'll be right down." Harry yelled from the second floor of the house.

Hermione waited in the sitting room. She took a seat and tried to steady her breathing. Memories of the last hour were at the front of her mind. Her argument with Ron had given her a headache. The insults that were thrown at one another, making anyone watching think they were enemies instead of lovers, made her start to tear up. As she tried to hold back the tears, Harry walked in.

"Hello Hermione, to what do I owe this enormous pleasure?" Harry's playful smile disappeared when he noticed that his best friend was crying. He sat down next to her and took her into his arms. She relaxed a little and pulled away from Harry. "What's wrong Hermione?"

Before she could respond, Tonks walked in. "Wotcher Hermione!" Just like Harry, her grin fell once she saw how distressed her younger friend was.

"Hello Tonks." She offered a shy smile once she realized the disheveled clothes on both of them. "Sorry if I interrupted something, I shouldn't have come without telling you first. I can go if you'd like." She got up to leave but Harry grabbed her hand lightly and led her to the couch.

"Nonsense Hermione, we were just packing. Tonks, do you mind going upstairs and finishing?" Tonks got up, sending Hermione a comforting smile just before leaving the room.

Once Tonks left the room, Harry turned to face Hermione. "Did something happen with Ron?"

"We had a bit of a huge argument. I just couldn't stand being in the flat with him anymore."

"Ron's sometimes is a complete git, Hermione. I'm sure by tomorrow he'll be here apologizing."

"We broke up, Harry."

There was tense silence. The wizard was in shock. He always thought that his two best friends were hopelessly in love with each other, no matter how different they were. They had always had some sort of chemistry. Then again, so did Ginny and him. He continued to ponder his friends' relationship until Hermione's voice brought him out of his stupor.

"Why are you packing?" Hermione asked, no longer comfortable with the silence.

"Sirius invited me to the Black's summer house." Harry responded as he got up to serve Hermione and himself a glass of Knotgrass Mead. As he handed one glass to Hermione, Tonks walked back in.

"I'm done packing, but I promised to visit my mother before leaving. I'll be here at noon so we can leave. Are you going to come with us?" Tonks asked Hermione.

"No, I wouldn't want to intrude on your vacation. If Sirius wanted me there, he would have invited me. It's clearly a family thing and—"

"Nonsense Hermione, you are family. I bet Sirius would love to have you. Plus, it'll help you relax and get your mind off Ron." Harry replied eagerly.

"I don't have enough time to pack"

"I'll help you. Come on Hermione, it'll be fun." Harry begged, more than excited at spending the summer with his closest friend.

"The library is almost the size of the one at Hogwarts." Tonks told her.

"Are you serious?" Hermione's voice was no longer doubtful, but instead filled with excitement. She thought about all the old books that such a regal and ancient family would have. "Fine, I'll go. I guess a tan wouldn't do any harm."

The three of them laughed, until Tonks went to say goodbye. She hugged Hermione and grabbed some floo powder. She then went and kissed Harry goodbye, smudging a little bit of powder on his cheek. Hermione watched their interactions, happy that Harry was finally getting over Ginny. Her thoughts almost drifted to Ron but a tap on the window distracted her. She opened the window and an owl flew in. It flew over to where Harry was sitting. Harry took the letter tied to its leg and opened it.

"Who is it from?" Hermione asked Harry as he read the letter.

"It's from Sirius. He wants to make sure that we are going to be there for lunch. I'll write to him that you're coming too." Harry quickly took a piece of parchment, wrote a letter to Sirius, and sent it back with the owl. They sat down and enjoyed the peaceful silence.

"What did you and Ron fight about?"

"What did I interrupt you and Tonks from doing?"


"You know why you don't have a job Remus?" Bellatrix said to Remus, who was sitting on the couch opposite hers. They were both sprawled out, taking up their respective sofas.

Remus sighed, growing exasperated of his friend's cousin's bad werewolf jokes. He downed his glass of firewhiskey and went to grab the bottle of Ogden's Old Firewhiskey. He served himself a glass and realized that this was their third bottle of firewhiskey. Remus looked over to Bellatrix who was looking at her hands in confusion. He wondered what was taking Sirius so long, but responded to Bellatrix's earlier question. "Is it because I'm a werewolf?"

"It's because all your employers think you're shifty." The witch replied, bursting into giggles. Once she saw that Remus was scowling, she stopped and looked at him seriously. "Relax puppy, it was only a joke. Seriously speaking about your job, you can always become a writer. Werewolves make great writers, something about always having a tail to tell." The dark haired witch began to laugh.

"Merlin, you're insufferable." Remus smiled a little at the witch's intoxicated state

"If you put on a coat, does that make you an outerwear-wolf?" At this joke, both of them laughed. Sirius walked into the room reading a letter. He sat down in the recliner and served himself a glass of firewhiskey.

"Glad to see you two are getting along. Harry's bringing Tonks and Hermione tomorrow. They get here at noon." Sirius finished reading and put the letter on the table.

"I've never met Hermione. Is she nice?" Bellatrix asked, her speech a bit slurred.

"I think what you meant to ask is what are the chances that she'll sleep with you. Don't even try, she's dating someone, a Weasley to be exact. Right, Pads?" The werewolf told her, reaching over for another refill.

"That's where you're wrong Moony. Harry says they broke up, which means she is fair game." Sirius answered with a grin.

"She's too innocent for either of you. Did I ever tell you she came on to me once during a party at Grimmauld Place? Well she was a bit drunk, said she had drank too much champagne. Much too innocent, getting drunk on champagne. Either way, we started to snogging but then she just stopped. Kicked me out of her room and when I asked what was wrong, she told me to go wank and leave her alone." Remus was interrupted by the others boisterous laughter.

"How feisty, I love it." Sirius said while patting Remus on the shoulder. Bellatrix was bent over holding onto her stomach from laughing. Once he saw the scowl Remus had on his face, he stopped laughing and sat up. "You can continue now."

"Thank you. So I went to bed."

"To wank" Sirius said to Bellatrix who snickered.

"No! Now stop interrupting. So the next day, I see her in the kitchen eating breakfast and I asked if she was ok. She apologized, said she overreacted and whatnot, and told me how she didn't sleep around. She's waiting til marriage. It's a rather common muggle tradition actually but the point is that she won't sleep with either of you just because you wink at her."

"That sounds like a challenge, don't you think Siri?" said the witch with a mischievous smirk.

"Yes it does, and I love a challenge. How about a little wager, cuz?"

"Didn't you listen to anything I just said?" exclaimed Remus.

"Relax Moony." Sirius grabbed a couch cushion and took out his wand. He pointed his wand at the cushion and silently transfigured it into a crown. "Whoever beds her first gets crowned the the Official Marauder Conquesting King/Queen."

The older witch scoffed. The idea of putting so much work into something during the summer for a silly crown annoyed her. The Black summer house was located on the southern coast of France in a small town near Nice. That meant that it was far away from all sorts of gossip and whispers that came with being part of the Noble and Most Ancient House of Black. She could fuck whoever she wanted with no worries that the annoying little twat from the Daily Prophet was around. If Hermione was as much of a prude as they said she was that would surely mean she would have to commit to a monogamous relation, or at least make the girl think that.

"All that work for a silly crown, not thanks Siri. Plus the title from that little Gryffindor club of yours really isn't that appealing for anyone above the age of 9." The witch said, making the werewolf next to her laugh a little.

"It´s not a club", muttered Sirius still holding the crown.

"Come on Pads, you gotta admit that the crowns pretty lame", said Remus as he served Bellatrix and himself a refill.

At that comment, Sirius shot Remus a dirty look. Remus simply grinned at his best friend.

"Come on, why so Sirius?", said the werewolf. Both him and Bellatrix burst out in giggles at the annoyance on Sirius's face. They continued to laugh while he turned the crown back into its original state. The animagus threw the cushion at Remus, causing him to drop his glass. Sirius got up angrily and walked out of the sitting room, slamming the door shut as he left. After a few uncomfortable seconds of silence, Bellatrix finally spoke.

"What crawled up his arse and cast a stinging jinx."