A/N: RenTats. I'm just within the word-limit for this one.

Bleach IX: Exchange

"Hey," she says softly, "do you need a ride home?"

He looks away from the floor, where his best friend is expertly leading his other best friend (when did they get so good at the waltz?) and up at her, dangling her car keys off her finger. She is wearing a knee-length black dress – strapless, with little sequins all over the full skirt. She has shadows under her brown eyes and her dark hair has started to come out of her updo.

"Tatsuki," he says, and stops to clear his throat. "Sure. Sure, thanks." He gets to his feet and picks his suit jacket off the back of his chair and follows her out the door, casting a glance back at the dance floor.

She drives barefoot, her heels under the seat, and soundlessly, her eyes fixed on the road. He stares out the window at the streetlamps flashing by the windows, one blazing light after another. It is past midnight, and the streets are quiet.

"So," she says, after several moments, "I heard you won't be in town long." She slides the car into neutral, waiting for the traffic light.

He looks away from the window and at her reflection in the windshield. She seems to be dwarfed by her seat, the top curving over and around her.

"Yes," he says, "I'm going back to Kyoto tomorrow."

"Aren't you almost finished with your course?"

"I'll be done in six months."

The traffic light changes and she shifts gears. The engine purrs.

"Oh," she says, and lapses into silence again. There is something about the set of her mouth – it seems more stubborn than usual, and as she takes a corner, heaving a sigh, he realizes with a start she's about to cry. Her eyes are unnaturally brilliant in the glare from the streetlights.

"Hey," he says, "are you okay?"

She swallows and blinks. "What? – oh, yeah. Yeah, I'm fine. Good luck with the rest of your degree."

They are almost to his house now. "Tatsuki," he says, and she ignores him, pulling in front of the bungalow and bringing the car to a stop.

"Tatsuki," he repeats, "are you okay?"

"I'm fine," she insists. "This is your stop."

He doesn't move. The car shudders; across the street, a door slams, and a dog barks.

"Tatsuki," he says, suddenly, "did you love him?"

She bites her lip. "Yes." She takes a deep breath. "Did you love her?"

"I did."

"Does it ever stop hurting?" He's never heard her sound like this – a little broken, desperate.

He leans his head against the headrest. "It might. Someday." He sets a tattooed hand over hers. She smiles a little. "Okay."

"Come see me in Kyoto sometime," he says, sliding out of the car. "It helps, to forget."

She looks up at him. There is a little glimmer in her eyes; her smile widens.

"Sure. Okay."

"See you, Tatsuki." He shuts the door.

She watches him walk up the steps. "See you, Renji."

Dedication: Chibi Yachiru-chan. Thanks for reading.