Inspired by the strange personality shift for Bo during season 3.
At its best, this is just a compilation of one shots during Bo and Lauren's relationship since we haven't gotten much insight into it so far.
I'd say timeline wise, it's shortly after the events of 3.09; but offers no spoilers.

Disclaimer: I do not own these characters, though sometimes I wish I did.

Bo stood at the door, her black knee high dress feeling surprisingly suffocating as she tried to calm her nerves.

In reality, there was no logical reason for her to feel so nervous, no legitimate reason for her heart to be hammering so quickly and so loudly in her chest. But then again, when it came to the things in her life, she long ago realized that sometimes, logic had no place in the matter.

The brunette ran her hand down her dress for the umpteenth time, smoothing the form fitting dress down as if to remove its nonexistent wrinkles.

When she'd left her home just fifteen minutes ago, she knew she looked good. Her hair hung in loose curls and framed her face perfectly; not a strand of hair was out of place. Her dress clung to her body perfectly, accentuating her natural curves and putting 'the girls' on display. Her heels made her legs look longer and leaner than usual, only adding to the effect of her dress.

But now that she was standing in the hallway, her fist poised to knock on the door and her hand clutching a bouquet of roses, she felt all that confidence disappear.

It wasn't often that Bo experienced a bout of self-consciousness, mostly because her Fae nature had her believing there were few who could resist her charms. From a genetic and evolutionary standpoint, Bo knew her looks were enticing; it was part of the predator that lurked within her. Her brown eyes and encouraging smile brought people to her like flies to honey.

But even with that knowledge, there was one person who always had Bo feeling as though she had been stripped bare.

With a deep breath, her fist collided with the door lightly.

The door swung open not two seconds after Bo had knocked; revealing her date for the evening, Doctor Lauren Lewis. Her straight blonde hair framed her face perfectly, much like her tight silver strapless dress framed her slim body.

Though, if Bo were being honest, Lauren could be wearing a bedazzled burlap sack and the brunette would still find her absolutely beautiful and perfect.

Both women stood staring at one another, bright smiles on their faces as they took in the others outfit.

"You look fantastic," Bo said a bit breathlessly.

Lauren's cheeks tinted a faint rose red at the compliment, her heart beating just a bit faster. "I could say the same about you," the words came out shakier than she had intended, but being around Bo tended to have that effect on her. "Are those for me?" The blonde asked, pointing towards the flowers in the other woman's hand.

"Flowers?" Bo blinked slowly before her eyes lowered to the flowers, "Oh, yeah. I got these for you," she chuckled nervously before extending her arm.

Lauren inwardly smiled at how Bo was behaving. The blonde took the flowers and immediately raised them to her nose.

Bo watched as Lauren walked away to place the flowers in a vase, feeling the anxiety that had been clutching as her chest just moments ago, finally fading away.

Human or not, Lauren always seemed to have this effect on Bo. The brunette wasn't sure when it happened, but somewhere along the way Lauren had burrowed herself under Bo's skin and taken up residence in her heart. Though from the looks of things, Bo wasn't too sure Lauren was aware of that.

"Thank you for the flowers, Bo; they're beautiful."

Bo smiled, her arm crooking at the elbow as she offered it to her girlfriend. "It was no problem. Besides, what's a date without flowers, right?" Their eyes locked and for just a moment, Bo felt her heart seize at the look of pure love she saw shining in Lauren's eyes. Her throat cleared awkwardly, "Ready to go?"

Lauren slipped her arm through Bo's and nodded. "Lead the way."

The car ride was mostly silent as Bo drove, her hand intertwined with Lauren's the entire way.

After ten minutes or so, the car pulled to a stop and Bo quickly stepped out of the car, walking to the other side and opening the door for her date.

Lauren wore a puzzle expression as she glanced around the deserted park, wondering what they were doing there.

Before she could ask, Bo was quickly closing the car door and wrapping her arm around the doctor's waist; leading her down the park pathway. "You're gonna love this, trust me." The brunette whispered conspiratorially, a huge grin pulling at her lips as they ventured further and further into the park.

They walked for another few minutes until Bo gently pulled Lauren through a group of trees and off the path they had been going down. Lauren's brow furrowed, the ominous lighting from the moon casting shadows on the trees and ground. Had it not been for Bo's warm hand lightly gripping her waist, she probably would have turned around and walked back to the car.

Inside her head, as she carefully stepped over the various tree roots and fallen branches, the thought that a deserted park at night could scare her more than the Fae she encountered on a daily basis almost made her laugh out loud. Her head shook slightly as she let the wry humor sink into her brain.

Though, those thoughts were immediately silenced when her brown eyes locked onto the sight before her. As they stepped out of the cluster of trees, Lauren could clearly see a small round table with two white chairs on opposite sides. Off to the right, a red and white checkered picnic blanket lay on the ground with a bucket and a bottle of champagne in it.

Around the table, candles were lit and flickering away, providing a soft glowing light. Atop the table was a silver platter, two sets of plates and silverware and a bottle of what looked to be wine.

"Bo?" Was the only thing Lauren managed to get out, her throat constricting at the sight before her.

The succubus dropped her hand from Lauren's waist and pulled out one of the chairs at the table, a nervous smile on her lips as she stared at her girlfriend. "I thought you might enjoy a night away from all things Fae." Her shoulders bobbed, "Plus, I've been pretty self-absorbed these last few weeks, what with the Dawning and everything else." Her hand waffled in the air. "It's not an excuse, but," Bo's eyes dropped as she drew in a shallow breath, "I've waited a long time for a shot at this and I know I'm screwing it up. Things between us have never been easy; it's always been one thing or another. Our timing was off, I was in a relationship, Nadia woke up, then there was the fight with the Garuda; I just don't want all of that to be for nothing."

It hadn't taken much reflecting for Bo to realize that as a girlfriend, she was failing miserably. Somewhere along the way she stopped trying and stopped focusing on the important things. Her relationship, the one she had waited so long for, had fallen to the background and it took her Dawning and everything that came with it for her to realize that she had to reprioritize. The most important things in her life had no longer seemed important and it had been weighing heavily on her.

She had no more excuses, no more reasons to ignore the obvious. Kenzi, her best friend and surrogate sister, had been missing for God knows how long and it killed Bo that she hadn't realized it sooner. A complete stranger had been living under her roof, pretending to be her best friend and she hadn't realized it until it was almost too late. A rift had occurred and suddenly Kenzi and her were keeping secrets; things that they normally would have shared and joked about were kept harbored and thrown out in passing conversation. They were going through the motions but it lacked the substance it once held.

Her relationship with Lauren was even worse. Dyson, Tamsin, cases, training and the Dawning; it all took a higher precedence over the person she claimed to have loved. Lauren had been a primary character in her life and then, as if someone rewrote the script, she was no longer important. Their plans were pushed aside or forgotten, their time outside the bedroom dwindled away and that only served to cheapen what little substance their relationship had left. Cheap potshots were taken at whim and only further deteriorated their time together.

The moment she realized that, she made a silent vow to be the person she was before, the person that was worthy of a best friend like Kenzi, a person who deserved someone as great as Lauren Lewis.

This night was her first step at doing just that.

"This is my way of making up for all the time I've let go by. All the time I've spent being wrapped up in my own drama and leaving you to wonder if this relationship was worth the wait."

Lauren's eyes softened as she closed the distance between them, grabbing Bo's hands in her own. "I know you've been going through a lot of things, but never once did I ever think this wasn't worth the wait."

Bo shook her head defiantly, Lauren's words only serving to drive the stake further into her heart. "You don't need to do that. I know I've been hurting you with how I've treated not only you, but this relationship. I couldn't see it then, but I can sure as hell see it now. I pushed you away, I lied to you, I kept things from you because I didn't think you needed to know, I put myself first and put you last. You should be pissed at me, not defending my behavior."

Deep down, Lauren knew Bo was right. She should be pissed off but a larger part of her still couldn't get over the fact that she'd found someone like the succubus. That someone like Bo could really exist let alone want to be with her.

The idea that Bo could look at her and see someone who was an equal and not just 'some human' made it all that much harder to hold a grudge. After all, the idea that they were from two completely different worlds had been cemented into her head since the moment she entered the Fae world.

'The Fae are superior to humans in every way. The sooner you realize that Doctor Lewis, the better.'

'Humans are only food. Nothing more.'

'Just because you're in our world doesn't mean you're a part of it.'

'The second you stop being useful is the second that you stop being important. And if you aren't important, then you have no place with us.'

The words had never affected her much, at least not after the first few years when she learned her place. The hierarchal system around her confirmed that she was indeed, lower on the pyramid that the Fae. She had accepted that as fact and moved on.

But then a beautiful brunette woman with no idea of her heritage or Fae lineage came waltzing into her office and for the first time since she learned of these mythical creatures, she felt like she wasn't so far down on the pyramid. Bo didn't treat her like a human servant, didn't look down on her; in fact the succubus often went out of her way to show Lauren that she was just as important if not more so than the Fae.

When Bo found out about Nadia, despite the feelings the brunette had for her, she still went out of her way to try and help.

Most of the time, Bo was selfless in her actions and when she truly cared for someone, she did it will all her heart. So it stood to reason that Lauren could look the other way when Bo got wrapped up in cases or her Dawning.

"I can't be angry with you Bo for something that was out of your control." Her hands cupped the brunette's face, "You didn't even know about the Dawning, and none of us expected you to considering it wasn't supposed to happen this soon."

"You can't do this, Lauren. You can't make excuses for my behavior. I know you're mad, there's no way you couldn't be. I missed your award ceremony. I told you I would be there and I completely failed you. I know you love me but you need to stop worrying that you'll say the wrong thing or call me on my BS and we'll be over. I'm not going to just give up on us." As endearing as it was that Lauren loved her enough to weather the tough times and bite her tongue, it was equally frustrating. Bo was no fool, she knew when it came to relationships, she was a novice, at best. And Bo had no doubts that if Lauren kept her frustrations to herself then things would spin out of control and there would be no chance in hell they would be able to recover from it.

Bo placed her hands over Lauren's, which were still cupping her face, "I need you to promise me that you'll talk to me about things like this. I can't fix things or try harder, if I don't know I'm doing something wrong. If I'm messing up, tell me. It's just like the thing with Dyson; we can't make this work if we don't talk this out and set boundaries." It felt weird for Bo to be the one saying these things but after realizing how close she was coming to losing Lauren, it seemed like these things needed to be said. But along with the uncomfortable discussion came a sense of growth; it left Bo feeling oddly mature.

Lauren could only nod, still surprised that Bo was the one bringing this up. Maybe the Dawning changed her more than I thought.

"You're right. I guess I'm just afraid that I'll say the wrong thing or push too hard and you'll be gone." It was an insecurity that Lauren didn't want to admit and even though Bo had reassured her on several occasions, it still lingered below the surface.

Bo pulled the blonde into a tight embrace, her head resting on the smaller woman's, "I'm not going anywhere Lauren. You should know better than anyone how stubborn I can be. What we have is worth fighting for."

Bo smiled lightly before stepping aside and once again grabbing the chair, "Now, enough with the serious talk. Let's get this date started."

Lauren chuckled as she sat down, "By all means," she waved her hand towards the opposite chair.

Bo took her seat and the beginning of their date was quickly underway.

When the food was finished, Bo glanced at her phone and quickly stood up, the chair almost falling over as she did so.

Lauren's eyes widened, "Is everything okay?"

"Oh, yeah, yeah. Everything is fine." Bo said quickly, but her rushed actions weren't very reassuring.

"Are you sure? Because if there's some sort of emergency we could always do this another night."

Bo ran her hand nervously through her hair before looking up at the sky. She exhaled loudly before walking over to Lauren and sticking her hand out. "No, it's just...I had imagined this going a bit smoother but I guess I'm running a bit behind schedule." Her head shook, "C'mon."

Lauren grabbed Bo's outstretched hand and followed her towards the checkered blanket on the ground. When Bo laid down, she quickly followed suit.

"I thought you might enjoy this." Bo said quietly, her fingers intertwining with Lauren's as they lay on the ground staring up at the star lit sky.

Lauren looked up at the sky, noticing the stars seemed unusually bright. "Normally with the city lights and pollution the stars don't appear this bright."

Bo smiled, "That's good to know but that's not why we're staring up at the sky." the succubus once again checked her phone. "3...2...1." Bo counted down as her grip on Lauren tightened.

Across the sky, a meteor shot through the darkness followed by several more. The night sky was covered with twinkling stars and streaks of white as the objects shot across it.

Lauren gasped, her eyes fixated on the sight before her.

Together they watched as the last of the meteors shot across the sky.

"I thought you might enjoy that," Bo said softly, not wanting to break the quiet atmosphere.

Lauren couldn't say anything. Her throat felt tight and her heart was hammering in her chest; unable to fathom the thought that Bo had put into their date. It was something that was tailored specifically to her. Bo wasn't much of an outdoors type of girl and hadn't shown much of an interest in astronomy but these were the kinds of things Lauren lived for.

No words could express how much she enjoyed their date, so she decided that her actions would speak louder than her words ever would.

The blonde sat up and pulled Bo up and close, her hands tangling in her girlfriends hair as she pressed their lips together in a slow and languid kiss.

When they pulled apart, both women's eyes were a little glazed, their faces showing the same dreamy smiles.

"So, I take it you enjoyed our date?" Bo asked after a moment, an undertone of nervousness making itself known.

And for the first time, Lauren realized that maybe she wasn't the only one who felt lucky in this relationship. That maybe, just maybe, Bo felt as strongly as she did. That Bo felt just as lucky as Lauren did.

"I loved it," the blonde said a bit breathlessly before pulling Bo in for another kiss. "I love you," she said when they broke apart.

Bo smiled brightly, feeling as though her chest was about to break open from the thudding of her heart, "I love you too."

They both reclined back onto the blanket, Bo handing a glass of champagne to Lauren as they gazed at the bright sky. No more words were said, not that they were really needed. The night felt like a fresh start for both women; a chance to do things right.

And Bo was bound and determined to give this the shot and dedication it deserved.

Suggestions or ideas for later one shots are always welcome.