The water ran in the sink as Lauren waited for it to turn warm. With her hands placed on either side of the cold porcelain she took a hesitant look in the mirror. Her once perfectly pinned pony tail hung loose with blonde strands falling from the elastic. The red on her cheeks, which was once make up was now replaced by a smear of blood. Cupping the tepid water in her hands she splashed her face over and over. She was hoping to wash off the day's events but instead just ended up smearing what used to be her mascara. She took a long look at herself and couldn't believe what a mess she was. Her shirt had come un-tucked and her pants had a small pull from falling while chasing their informant. Not to mention the quick shoe change she had to make when her heel broke. Taking a deep breath she reached for a tissue. A knock at the bathroom door made her uneasy legs go out and she fell back against the sink. "Ow! Crap!"

"Lauren, you ok in there?"

She steadied herself as best she could and tried to keep the tremble in her voice to a minimum. She needed to make a good impression on her boss and this was not the way.

"Oh yeah. I'm good. I'll be right out."

This was her first week on the job and as the newest detective on the squad she couldn't afford to let the "boys club" know that blood made her queasy. With one final wipe of the tissue she dried her face and made her way out of the bathroom.

She watched as all eyes in the room trained on her. Keeping her head up and her eyes level she walked over to her desk as calmly as she could.

"Fun first day?"

Lauren recognized the same voice that had boomed through the bathroom door earlier. Turning in her chair she came face to face with her new partner and boss.

"Sorry, Detective Thornwood. I have had this stomach bug all week and I was just trying to…"

The tall man smiled down at her, "Please, it's Dyson. We don't do formalities here."

Lauren began to apologize, as he had indeed told her before to call him by his first name. "Sorry, I didn't mean to…"

"And stop apologizing."

"Right." Lauren nodded "Sorry…"

"You're doing it again," he smirked.

"Ok," she smiled, "I'm done now…I think."

Grabbing the chair from the desk behind him, Dyson parked himself next to his new partner.

"You always freak out at the sight of blood?"

Lauren dropped her head into her hands, utterly embarrassed.

"No really it's cute," Dyson joked. "Like an exterminator being afraid of bugs or a plumber with a fear of water."

Lauren finally gave in and laughed. "Go ahead, I can take it."

Standing up Dyson reached his hands down to Lauren.

"Come on, I'm buying you a drink."

Lauren looked over at the clock.

"Dyson, I appreciate it but it's 10'o'clock at night and I am beat."

"Sorry, but its tradition."

"I really don't think…"

Grabbing his leather jacket, Dyson threw it over his shoulder and started walking away.

"It's ok. I'll just have to tell everyone about this little incident with the blood today."

"Fine, fine!"

"Smart move." Dyson flung his arm over his new partner's shoulders as they made their way out of the precinct.

"And another," Kenzi shouted across the bar as she slid her shot glass back to the bartender.

"Don't you think you've had enough?" His old eyes smiled back at her.

"My dear Trickster, 'enough' in terms of alcohol does not exist." She gave her best pouty face and Trick poured more clear liquid into the shot glass.

In one foul swoop she grabbed the shot glass and threw back the fiery liquid.

"Atta boy Tricky!"

He ignored the little pixy girl as he continued to wipe down the bar.

"Fine be that way."


The shout came from the front of the bar and caused Kenzi to spin on her heels.

"Hey hey Wolf Man!"

Running at full speed, Kenzi ran and threw herself in Dyson's arms.

"Wolf Man?" Lauren asked quizzically.

Dyson shook his head, "long story".

Placing Kenzi's feet back on the ground, Dyson turned to introduce the new comer.

"Kenzi, this is Lauren my new partner. Lauren this is Kenzi, Kenzi."

Lauren extended her hand to Dyson's "friend" but Kenzi did not reciprocate. Instead she began walking in a slow small circle around Lauren. Her eyes trailing from her head back down to her feet and up again.

"Hmm.." Kenzi mumbled.

Dyson reached for her arm but Kenzi jumped back.

"Dyson," Lauren started, "can you explain to me what she is doing?"

"Would if I could."

Kenzi stopped pacing abruptly.

"Listen Blondie, last time Dyson brought his partner around to join out merry band of misfits we all got attached. If we are going to let you in our inner circle I just want to make sure you fit."

"What?" Lauren had begun to wonder if moving here for this job was mistake.

Dyson wrapped his arms around Kenzi's waist from behind and whispered in her ear.

"I think it's safe Kenz."

"I'll be the judge of that. This is an audition Blondie, you got that?"

Rolling her eyes at this point, Lauren couldn't hide her annoyance. "Lauren. My name is Lauren. Not Blondie."

"My name is Lauren, not Blondie," Kenzi mimicked.

Lauren bit her lip before looking at Dyson, "Listen, Dyson, maybe we can do this another night?" Lauren dropped her eyes to the floor as she continued, " I really am tired and I feel like maybe I'm intruding a bit here…"

Dyson's lips turned up in a smile as he stared past Lauren.

A new voice echoed from behind her.

"Intruding on what?"

With her eyes still pinned to the ground Lauren could hear the click of heels on the wooden floor as a pair of leather boots strode past her. She lifted her gaze as a tall brunette breezed by and folded into Dyson's arms for a hug. Lauren's eyes grew wide as she took in the stranger. She was striking. Her long hair fell into waves at her bare shoulders. She was wearing a black vest with very little under it and burgundy leather pants that clung for life to her curvy hips. But it was the knee high leather boots that made Lauren's face flush for what seemed like the millionth time that night. She had seen super heroes in movies pull off this kind of outfit but never a real person.

"Hey there." Dyson's face lit up.

"Hi yourself," said the stranger.

Kenzi tapped her foot on the floor like a petulant child.

"Excuse me? What about me?"

The brunette pinched Kenzi's arm with a loving smile.

"Kenz, I live with you! I see you all the time."

"Lauren" Dyson yelled!

Lauren shook her head as if she were coming to.

"Ah, Lauren! The new partner." The brunette took a step closer and Lauren could feel her breath catch in her throat. She watched as the newcomer's eyes scanned over her. Frozen in place, Lauren could no longer feel her legs.

"Yeah. I mean yes. I mean, uhh, I'm Lauren Lewis."

This time when she extended her hand as an introduction it was met with a strong grip and growing smile.

"Nice to finally meet you Lauren. I'm Bo."

"Bo? That's an interesting name."

"I hated it growing up. But as I got older, I think I grew into it."

"I'd say."

Bo starred at Lauren for a second before it hit her what she actually said. And there went that pesky blush again.

"Oh god. I mean… you's like..I just.."

Bo smiled and took Lauren's hand in her own.

"It's ok. I'm sure you've had a long day."

Lauren paused before speaking again, hoping to not be any more awkward but thankfully Dyson spoke first.

"It has been a very long day and I promised the good detective here a drink and I intend to make good on that promise."

Realizing that she was still holding Bo's hand, she dropped it and began to rub her eyes. Hoping it looked more casual than it felt.

"Yes, well," Bo began, "I actually have to get to work. But you guys are all hanging out for a while right?"

Dyson and Kenzi nodded but Lauren hesitated.

"Actually, I'm beat. I think I might just have that drink and then head out."

"Oh ok. If I don't get the chance to chat with you later I am sure I will see you again soon. Right?"

Dyson playfully punched Lauren's shoulder.

"She's my partner now. You'll be seeing this one all the time."

Bo gave the group a smile.

"Good. That's good."

Kenzi looked from Bo to Dyson, Dyson to Lauren and Lauren back to Bo again.

"OK. This is just a barrel of fun but I think I'm gonna grab a seat now k?"

Dyson reached for Bo's hand before turning back to Lauren.

"I'm gonna walk with Bo for a minute but Kenzi, why don't you take Lauren with you to our favorite little spot and order us some drinks?"

"Aye Aye Captain!"

With that Kenzi nudged Lauren toward the sofa in the back. Stopping for only a second to grab 3 beers that were lined up on the bar.

The last thing Lauren wanted to do was to be left alone with this little nut case but she needed a drink and if this was the only way, so be it. The two sat with considerable distance between them for what seemed like forever. Finally not being able to bear it any longer, Lauren caved.

"So, Kenzi, what do you do?"

"This and that."

This was going to be harder than Lauren had anticipated.

"This and that? That sounds, umm fulfilling?"

"Ok here's the deal Blondie," Lauren felt herself cringe at the not so loving nickname.

"I'm really good at reading people. Like REALLY good. CRAZY good. Almost CREEPY good."

"Ok…" Lauren looked at Kenzi skeptically.

"Point is, I can kind of tell that you're into the wolf and I'm not cool with that."

Lauren took a much larger swig of her beer than she has planned and choked a bit.

"See? I'm good right?" Kenzi's eyes were wide as if she had just uncovered the meaning of life.

"I don't think I know what you are talking about."

Kenzi huffed a little before continuing.

"Dyson. I can see that you are making googlie eyes at him and it's not cool. For one thing, you guys are partners and if you confuse the relationship someone could get hurt. Second, he's like my big brother and I just don't think you're right for him. And "C" he is madly in love with my bestie Bo. So, you see what I'm saying here?"

Lauren nodded slowly if for no other reason than to make this strange girl leave her alone.

"I got it."

Kenzi took a long pull of her beer before responding.

"Good. Because I am pretty small and I get hurt easily and seeing as how you're a cop and all I am certain you could kick my ass. However, if need be, I'll do it. I'll hunt you down and I'll make you cry."

"Ok," lauren stood up finally reaching her limit. No drink was worth this. "Well, this has been fun but I'm gonna get going now…"

Kenzi took her hand and pulled her back down on the couch.

"Don't be silly. Stay. I just have to give that speech. It's in the best friend contract somewhere. But I am sure you are perfectly nice and understand completely why I had to run through that spiel."

"I really still think I ought to be going."

Kenzi smirked.

"Suit yourself."

Dyson appeared behind the couch with three more beers.

"You're staying. And don't mind Kenzi, she's just..umm…different."

"You can say that again," Lauren mumbled under her breath.

He handed Lauren a beer and continued his pushing.

"Besides, Bo hasn't even gone on yet."

Lauren scanned the room until she found what she was looking for. A small stage.

"Go on?"

Kenzi happily explained.

"Bo's a bartender here but she's also the entertainment."

"Oh?" Lauren asked.

Dyson was beaming with pride.

"She's amazing. And you don't want to miss it."

Lauren moved a little closer to the edge of the couch. No, she didn't want to miss that.

Maybe it was the beer talking or perhaps the exhaustion but Lauren had to know.

"So, Dyson. You and Bo huh? How long have you guys been together?"

Kenzi nearly dropped her beer while eyeing the new girl.

Dyson laughed loudly.

"Together? That's not really the word for it. She umm, well, she isn't big on commitment. I guess that's the best way to put it."

Lauren immediately regretted asking. It wasn't her business anyway.

"Oh, sorry."

"No. That's ok. It's ok. She's a good friend."

"Yeah," Kenzi interjected, "a good friend you do the nasty with!"

She made sure to be looking at Lauren when she said that last part.

"Kenzi," Dyson scolded, "cool it."

"Fine, whatever. It's true. What about you Lauren? Leave any boyfriends behind?"

It was her fault for delving into this but she hadn't considered that it would come back to her.

"An ex."

"So tell us more about this ex, " Kenzo prodded.

Lauren searched for the words to describe the situation. How she had left the states and her boyfriend behind due to scandal that she herself had caused.

Both Kenzi and Dyson waited for her to speak but finding the words was nearly impossible.

She opened her mouth to, at the very least lie, when she was saved by the dimming of the lights and a voice over the speakers.

"Ladies and Gentleman. The Dahl proudly introduces your entertainment for the evening and my granddaughter, Bo!"

Applause ripped through the bar as the small man with the big voice stepped off the stage.

Lauren sat just as transfixed as the rest of the crowd as Bo sauntered (and Lauren truly believed "sauntered" was the right word) to the mic. She watched intently as Bo cleared her throat, licked her red lips and opened her mouth to sing.