I wearily blink open my eyes and stare up at the canopy above me. Did I used to have a canopy in my room? Or did I get it last night? Now that I think about it, these blankets do seem rather unfamiliar... am I even in my own bed?

Something moves beside me, and I turn to see him- him! -scooting closer to me, sighing softly in his sleep, ducking his head into my shoulder to block the sun coming in through the large French doors that seem to lead onto a balcony. My heart quickens its beating speed as I gaze into his beautiful face; flawless skin; dark brown- with a slightly reddish tint -hair; long eyelashes; perfect lips; one random curl of hair sticking up over the bedsheets that I really want to pull.

I move closer to him, wrap my arms around him, cuddle him in my arms, and then I realize: he's not wearing any clothes.

Neither am I.

...Man, I bet last night was brilliant!

Too bad I don't remember anything.

(What did I drink?)

"Mmm... five more minutes..." he murmurs sleepily, shifting himself even closer to me and wrapping the blankets further around himself- pulling them off of me in the process... How cute~! "I don't want to get up yet..." he sighs.

"You don't have to get up," I whisper, even though he probably can't hear me. "In fact, don't get up. Just stay here."

"Mkay..." he replies sleepily. I grin. He is SOOO cute~!

And then he seems to realize I'm there.

He bolts up in bed, gets slightly tangled in the blankets, flails around for a bit, then finally managed to get his head uncovered. He stares at me for a bit, taking in my shirtless torso (here a blush touches his cheeks) until looking into my eyes.

"Antonio...?" he asks softly. I smile brightly at him.

"You remembered my name!" I say happily. I lean forward and quickly place a kiss on his shoulder and watch gleefully as his entire face turns tomato red.

"S-stop!" he protests when I lean in to kiss him again, whacking me lightly on the back of my head. "Of c-course I remember your name! My brother has introduced us enough times... He was trying to set us up."

"I think he succeeded," I say, grinning as I realize- and he does too -that his hand is resting on my head from when he smacked me. I quickly reach up and grab it before he can pull away, gently bringing him forward until he's wrapped up in my arms again. He struggles against me a little bit, but I can tell he's not really into the struggling by the way he relaxes into my arms after a while, nuzzling into that spot between my shoulder and my neck and sighing comfortably. He's still tired... how insanely adorable~!

"Should we get up then?" I ask quickly, before I cuddle him to death. (It's the fate of all cute things: to be cuddled to death.)

"Yeah... u-um, do you want some, um, b-breakfast...?" he asks, blushing bright red and avoiding my eyes. "I mean, it's no trouble if I make some for you, b-because I was making some for myself! So there!"

I smile brightly and try my hardest not to grab him and place a million kisses all over his face and neck and chest and shoulders and- well, everywhere. "Breakfast sounds great!" I say instead. I glance around for my clothes but I can't see them anywhere. "Um, Lovino, do you know where my clothes are?"

He shakes his head, blushing, and tries to pretend that he's not staring at my abs which are, I must say, not too shabby. "I-I-I don't kn-know where your c-clothes went, dammit!"

I try to pretend that that I'm not totally and completely in love with that cute look on his face right now and instead smile and ask, "Can you lend me something to wear then? Unless you want me to walk around naked. I wouldn't mind, really. Easy access." I grin wider at the horrified blush that rises to his face at this.

"No. Thanks. But no." he tells me, face so full of blood I wonder how he hasn't exploded. "I-I'll just see if anything I have will fit you." He starts to get up until he realizes that he's naked too, so he turns around to glare at me. "Don't look!" he yells, blushing even more furiously, somehow.

"I'm not looking!" I say, covering my eyes with my hands. I wait until I feel him get off of the bed to peek in between my fingers. Mmm... he's niiiiice...

When he next comes into the rooms, he's wearing jeans and a loose light gray t-shirt that somehow looks good on him, even though it's very casual and not actually meant to look hot. With his customary blush, he holds out a pair of sweatpants and an oversized white t-shirt for me to put on.

"Th-they were the only things I thought would fit," he says when I shoot him a questioning look. (Because I expected something super stylish, considering how fancy he seems.) "B-because you're so much bigger than I am and I didn't think anything else would fit." His eyes widen as he realizes what he's just said. "N-not bigger in that way, dammit! Shut up!" He turns and stomps out of the room, yelling for me to come down when I'm dressed. I giggle to myself as I grab the clothes he left on the bed next to me. He's just too, too cute~!

When I'm done getting dressed, I quickly wander around the hallway, wondering where I go. I find the stairs fairly quickly, but where's the kitchen? That's where he'll be, right? I don't know where that is- oh. OH. I smell bacon.

I follow the smell until I reach what I guess is the kitchen, considering all the, well... kitchen appliances and stuff. Lovino is in there, cooking bacon and eggs with this adorably focused expression that makes me want to grab him and repeat whatever happened last night. I somehow manage to control myself, though, and instead just walk up behind him to peer over his shoulder at what he's doing. It takes him an adorably long time to figure out I'm there.

A/N Okay, so, since FanFiction doesn't allow songfics, if you'd like the songfic version of it, check my Tumblr or my Archive Of Our Own (Tumblr: epicfawesomesauce, just look it up. Archive: Epic_F_Awesomesauce.) If you don't want to read that version and want to rant to me about how cute this probably is, please yell at me through the box below! :D