Here is the epilogue... it is set between 5-10 years in the future. Sorry it is kinda long. Enjoy, and once again, thank you all so much for reading! :) I love you all so very much! :)

PS: Anything in italics is a flashback.

Many years past since the wedding. A lot has changed for the beloved hunters and their angels. For the most part, however, nothing has changed. The Winchester brothers always remained a team and stuck together, even if one was married and the other was engaged soon to be married. Sam and Dean still went on hunts together. When they needed back up or help Bobby would be their lifeline. And if the three hunters couldn't do the job, a quick prayer to Castiel or Gabriel usually solved the problem.

After Dean and Castiel got married and back from their honeymoon, they and Sam and Gabriel wasted no time in building a house for them out in the country in Lawrence. It was big enough to house the two couples, Bobby when he decided to stay, and have a couple of extra rooms just in case.

Sam and Dean just got back home from a weekend long hunt in New York. A couple of teenage witches killing people who they just simply didn't like was a much harder hunt than they expected. Luckily they didn't have to disturb Bobby who was working on a spirit case which suddenly turned to a ghoul case. Gabriel and Castiel were basically running things in Heaven. They had spent a good amount of time away from Sam and Dean because of the arch angel, Raphael, planning to rebel and restart the apocalypse. Luckily now, things were running more smoothly and the two angels were able to be with the hunters at home more.

Sam and Dean walked through the door and were instantly greeted by an excited person happy to see them home.

"Daddy! Uncle Sammy!" said the girl running up to the hunters and wrapping her arms around Dean's leg.

"Hey gorgeous!" he said with a huge smile picking her up.

Soon Castiel walked around the corner of the room. Dean had finally started getting Castiel to only wear his Sunday best suit when he has to go to heaven. Any other day he would wear jeans, an open button up polo, and a white or black shirt underneath.

"Hello Dean." Castiel greeted as he took the girl and leaned into kiss his husband.

"Hey other gorgeous." he replied with a wink.

"Where's Gabe?" Sam asked.

"He's with Uncle Bobby." the girl said.

Before anyone had the chance to do anything, the girl took Sam and Dean's hand and pulled them into the other room. The three men followed the girl to where she had spent all day drawing pictures and as she started to explain all her drawings to Sam and Dean, Castiel stood in the corner watching with a smile on his face as he thought back to the day she came into their lives.

Dean and Cas had just gotten back from a simple spirit hunt. However it wasn't very simple. Dean and Castiel had to take a little boy, no more than 5 years old, to an orphan age. Dean and Cas killed the spirit, but only after it had killed the little boys entire family. It pained both the hunter and the angel to see the boy fall to the ground in tears crying for his mommy and daddy to come back.

The two just laid down on their bed. Dean laid on his back and stared at the ceiling. His arm was wrapped around Cas' shoulders as the angel laid his head on Dean's chest and stared at the bare skin his fingers were gently tapping.

"Dean." Castiel finally said disrupting the silence.

"Yeah babe?"

"I want a child." he bluntly said.

Dean shot up instantly with wide eyes. He knew in the future he'd want a kid, but he wasn't sure if he was ready for one. He looked at Cas with a questioning look.

"I... Are you sure you... I mean..."

"I understand it will be tough. And yes, I've thought about this for a while. I think we can make it work, all of us, besides, I've already talked to Gabriel and Sam and they said it sounds fun." Castiel finished.

"You... They did?" Dean asked surprised.

"Yes. If you do not want a child, I understand." Castiel began to explain. Soon he was cut off by Dean's hand covering his mouth.

"Cas, I do want a kid. The thing is, I don't know if I would want to adopt. I love kids, but I really want one that is... I don't know..." Dean began trying to word his words right.

"Biologically yours." Castiel finished.

Dean didn't know what to say. He didn't know if Cas thought badly of him for that. He didn't even know if he thought badly of himself. I felt bad for orphans. He really did, but at the same time, he wanted a child that had some sort of resemblance, preferably good resemblance, of him.

"I understand, I have an idea." Castiel said with a smile.

"You do? What is it?" Dean asked more shocked than before.

"You'll see... Get some rest, you'll need it tomorrow." Castiel said with a small smile laying his head back on Dean's chest.

"Wait, what is it? Cas you can't just..." Dean felt two fingers touch his forehead and suddenly he was in a deep sleep.

Castiel let out a sigh and laid his hand back on Dean's chest.

"I love you Dean, but sometimes you just need to shut up and do as I ask." Castiel said to the unconscious man.

The next day at breakfast, Dean and Cas told Sam and Gabriel how they wanted a kid. After Gabriel's usual cheers were done, they decided to put Cas' plan to work. Both Sam and Dean didn't know what exactly this plan was, but they went along.

"Alrighty Sammyo, Cas and I need a sturdy chair, some rope, and a belt. Oh, and you might want some ear muffs." Gabriel ordered as he and Cas got ready for the plan. Sam was instantly off to get everything leaving Dean along to ponder on what Gabriel listed.

"Wait, rope? Who are we tying down?" Dean asked curiously.

"You." Castiel and Gabriel said simultaneously.

"What?!" Dean nearly screamed.

Soon Sam entered the room with the things they needed and before Dean could protest, he found himself being pushed into the chair and tied tightly. Castiel soon shoved the belt into his mouth and began to explain to Dean what was going on.

"Dean, you can put me in a ring of holy fire later for this, but listen to me. I am creating our child. For me to do this though, I need a small portion of your soul and DNA. Getting your DNA will be very easy, however, for me to extract part of your soul, this will be very painful, and I can't have you moving. Please, trust me." Castiel said with bright blue eyes.

Dean thought about it for a moment and finally nodded his head. Sam gave him a slight pat on the shoulder and turn his eyes away for what was about to happen and covered his ears. Castiel looked Dean in the eye with his features in total focus. Soon Castiel reached his hand towards Dean's stomach and before he knew it, Dean felt the most painful and agonizing pain he had ever felt in his life. He could help but scream out in pain as a small part of his soul was being torn off. Soon, the pain and the light was gone, but all of his energy was drained.

Castiel held part of the soul which glowed brightly in his hands. He turned to Gabriel who took the soul, and held in the air between his hands. Castiel quickly got the part of DNA he needed from Dean. The last ingredient was needed from Cas. He took out his angel blade and slowly made a cut on his hand which glowed a bright blue light from the wound. Castiel then put his hand put to where Gabriel's was. Sam couldn't watch, but Dean was able to watch the angels as they glowed a bright blue light that flashed into Gabriel's hands.

Soon, everything was normal, except now, there was a crying infant in Gabriel's arms. Castiel was slouched over. Dean could easily tell that the procedure took a lot out of Cas as well. Once Castiel had untied Dean, the two and Sam walked over to Gabriel who stood there looking at the creation he helped make for Cas and Dean.

"Dean, I'm pretty sure this really does make me Dr. Sexy." Gabriel joked as he handed Dean the new born now wrapped in a white blanket.

Normally Dean would start to argue with the arch angel, but right now, he was too happy. He and Castiel had just created their own birth child. The beautiful baby girl had Dean's facial structures. Except her eyes. She luckily inherited Castiel's bright blue eyes. She stopped crying as Dean and Cas stared at her with a bright smile, and she let out a small baby smile.

"What are you guys going to name her?" Sam asked looking at the baby.

"Samantha?" Dean asked earning a light punch from Sam.

"How about Persephone?" Castiel asked smiling at the name.

"How about a name she won't get made fun of, Cas." Dean added.

"Lucy?" Sam asked.

"You know, that's what we all called Lucifer." Gabriel said.

"No Lucy then." Sam replied.

"How about Bella?" Castiel asked.

"No!" Sam and Dean both yelled instantly.

"Why not?" Castiel asked.

"One, Bella is the name of a royal bitch that's in hell. Two, no Twilight names!" Dean informed.

"How about Leliel?" Sam asked again.

"No!" Gabriel and Castiel replied.

"Okay..?" Sam said curious as to why not.

"She's an angel in Heaven. She has a grudge on anyone who copies her." Gabriel said.

"How about Aubrey?" Dean finally asked.

All three men seemed to agree on that name and so it was set. The hunters and angels proudly welcomed Aubrey Winchester into their lives.

Castiel soon snapped out of his thoughts. Aubrey ran over and pulled Castiel to where Sam and Dean were. The now 6 year old girl sat down and began to color again when the doorbell rang. Dean walked over to answer it. Bobby walked into the house right on schedule. After the older hunter greeted everyone, he walked into the room with Aubrey, who jumped up super excited to see him.

"Alright Bobby, we'll be taking off pretty soon. You know what you gotta do with her." Dean said as he and Cas got ready to leave.

"This isn't my first rodeo, ya idjit." Bobby replied rolling his eyes.

"Daddy, what's an idjit?" Aubrey asked.

Castiel chuckled a little bit while Dean planted his face firmly in his palm. Bobby continued to explain to Aubrey what exactly an idjit was. Soon after Dean walked over to Sam to let him know he and Cas were leaving.

"Reservations aren't till 7, Dean." Sam said.

"Cas and I have an errand to run. We'll meet you and Gabe at the restaurant." Dean informed.

Soon, Cas and Dean were in the impala listening to some Led Zeppelin while driving into the familiar city. Finally they pulled up into the parking lot of the familiar building. Castiel's cellphone was up for renewal, and he was looking at getting a different one for a while anyways. The couple walked into the story and walked up to the counter. The employee, who had their backed turn, was working on what looked like paperwork. He started to turn around and greet the two when he suddenly went quiet.

"Hi, welcome to... You... It's... Oh god! YOU!" the employee nearly screamed while backing away towards the door.

"Godly. Everything alright?" Castiel asked with a small smirk that only Dean could point out.

"Stay away! You're not human!" He screamed as he bolted out the door with everyone inside the building staring at him.

"Jesus Cas, what did you do to him?" Dean asked still staring at the door.

"Gabriel will tell the story better." Castiel informed as he turned to the new employee.

While Castiel took care of his business with the employee, Dean stepped off to the side and made a quick call. His curiosity had been bothering him long enough.

"Deano, ma man! What can I do you for?"

"Gabriel? Yeah, don't call me that. I gotta question for you."


"You remember that cellphone employee named Godly?"

"Haha! How could I forget?"

"What exactly did you and Cas do to him?"

"We took him to hell with us and had a few demons show their true form to him along with some of his worst fears."

"Go on..."

"Just that really. He was screaming like a little girl. Well, I also might have flexed our wings and warned him not to screw with my little bro again."

"Oh, well, that explains a lot."

"You done? Cause Sam and I are having hot sex."

"Eww! Gabe! Didn't need to know that!"

After he held in any vomit that tried to make it's way up after ending the call, he walked back to Castiel who was almost done. Once he was finished, they walked back out to the impala and drove to the restaurant to wait for Gabriel and Sam. After a short wait and a small make out session, Sam and Gabriel arrived to the restaurant where the four men had reservations. It wasn't very often they got to enjoy a night out with each other, but when they could, they took advantage of it. After all, they were all family. Maybe not the Brady Bunch, but this was the best family any of them could have ever asked for.

Holy Crap! Chuck was right... endings are hard.

Anyways, thank you all once again for sticking with me and reading this story! You have no idea how much fun I've had reading all of your responses and criticism! :) A big thank you to whatthechuck for helping me come up with a name for Dean and Cas' daughter. :) As always, please let me know what you thought of this chapter and overall this story. And if you liked the story, be sure to look for my new story "Not All Heroes Wear Capes"! Thank you all for reading! It's been super-awesome! :)