Every time she closed her eyes Regina was still horrified by the images, she could barely think at the moment and her mind kept trying to process what she had witnessed. All she felt for the minutes of total panic was a strong pain over her chest and something revolting at her stomach, she was about to lose the little remained of her control right there.

She remembered the voice of Ashley Boyd calling her name while trying to alert someone over the phone and breathing was becoming so difficult to do. She started slowly suffocating in a certain way that no air wasn't enough to fulfill her lungs' needs. Not once her eyes parted from the slow-motion images of the yellow Volkswagen beetle crushed against the welcoming plaque of the city.

And the tears. The tears followed the events sequence, they blurred her vision making it as hard as it could possibly be to see anything but the strains of colors. That happened right before everything lost its tone and everything became dark.

Those were the memories she carried from the moment in which it all changed.

The cold grass of the graveyard made contact with her knees over the soft fabric of her pants, she was still dressed in as the professional woman that everyone expected to see no matter what. For the last week Regina had been visiting this place with more frequency than she'd like to admit, and every day she felt needing more and more of the comfort it had to offer her.

For this time she didn't bring flowers, but as the steps announced another visitor she saw the woman lean in depositing the single white rose in front of the gravestone.

Regina smiled a bitter smile as the woman turned looking down to her.

"How did you know I was here?"

The expression on Cora's face was one unmistakable, as if she was about to state the most obvious of all explanations, "When you're looking for the right way you stare at the apple tree, when you need comfort you come here." In her tone the words came out as if they meant nothing, just an usual lack knowledge, but for Regina that single statement meant much more than she could precisely say. It meant her mother was not a mare spectator on her life as she thought for so long.

During the last weeks Cora was by her side at every instant she needed someone to be there, not only when it came to the baby boy that faced the tougher time after being born of a premature birth. Cora was there each of the times when she went to visit Emma, even if she didn't enter the blonde's room, even if she was only looking from the glass hoping that everything would be back to what it was once, Cora was there helping her daughter keep it together every time Regina entered the hospital in hopes of seeing the beautiful green eyes open and shiny but they just weren't.

"I just..." Her voice was tired and she sighed as her eyes filled with tears that she never allowed to fall down her face.

Of all the thoughts the one that she experienced the most was the one saying that she could not possibly face any of this. In the worst of the possibilities, she could not face losing Emma, not now, not ever if she was speaking the truth.

After the blackout was over, her mind started working again, she remembered, and she must have been out for at least half an hour - she didn't ask anyone, there was no time, she had to be fast and take off the seat-belt.

She didn't even noticed that her mother was now lowered by her high, she only saw the woman was so close to her when her hands were taken by hers and they were face to face. She sighed avoiding the urge to cry as she recorded how much of a wreck she was when her shaken hands reached the glass trying to make Emma regain conscience.

Cora pulled her daughter to stand up and tapped the arm extension of the younger woman's blazer as if to clean up and when she felt satisfied with the result she let it go. Regina was still facing her hands so Cora rose the other woman's head with a hand on her chin and said in a much serious tone, "You just came back from another courtroom. You need to shower. You need to dress up in more pleasurable clothes. And you need to eat a full meal because coffee can't sustain anyone."

The words were taken with no resistance and Regina nodded one single time before faced the tombstone mentally saying goodbye and started to follow her mother's tracks.

Meanwhile in the hospital, the nurse had just delivered a package at a certain blonde's room and left. After spending one night in one of their shared rooms she was relieved to be finally moved to a room with actual walls and have some privacy by the morning, which meant that she could make a scheme to sneak outside food in there and get out of the diet the doctor submitted her. It felt incredibly good to finally be freed of all of the machines that for a week monitored her twenty for seven.

She was enjoying the good taste of the chocolate chip cookies when two people entered - one of them particular over loud.

"Morning, Emma!" Ruby saluted her friend.

While Mary stopped before saying anything and took a look at the side table and the food the blonde was consuming too much happy to be anything from the hospital. "What is this crappy thing you've been eating here?" She asked as a good inspector.

"It's tasty food. Opposite from the disgusting and healthy ones they give here." Emma explained regardless.

Still curious, the school teacher proceeded with her questioning. "Who gave you that?"

Quiet until the very moment Ruby walked to a side of the room, and stood close to a table with some plastic flowers. "Oh, look... The... Flowers are really pretty today."

"They look exactly the same- You did it?!"

Looking farther into the flowers as if they were the most interesting things she had ever seen Ruby poorly defended herself. "I don't know what ya talkin' about."

Before a discussion started Emma warned, or more like threatened them. "I'll cry if you start a fight, I've been really good at crying whenever I want lately."

As they knew how truth the blonde's statement was they both agreed with leaving the subject to another time. Well only Mary agreed to that, "Alright..."

"Did you bring me the papers today?"

Mentally hitting herself over the head Mary Margaret apologized "Sorry, Emma, I kind of forgot about it." She knew she was forgetting something.

"Have you passed by the convent?" The blonde asked making the other two women frown confused.

"Yes, it's on our way." Ruby said.

"Then you could've got theirs."

Carefully as if she was speaking to one of her fourth graders Mary explained, "Emma, honey, that's stealing."

"Jesus! I didn't know Regina had a double." The blonde mocked her friend, but Mary made it clear she didn't approve it. The very mention of Regina's name made her face drastically change.

"Hey!" Ruby automatically shouted at Emma.

Regina still made Mary pretty uncomfortable, even though for the last weeks she had this strange urge to cry when walking into her.

"So you didn't bring me the papers, enlighten me. What's juicy in town?" Emma said actually wanting to change their conversation topic into something lass intense.

"Not much really-" Mary began to speak but was cut by an excited Ruby.

"Oh! Leroy knocked up that nun- well, ex-nun."

As for the last days gossipy about the town was actually all she earned besides all the irrelevant news in the papers Emma usually got excited about any little scandal. "That's potentially the gossipy of the month!"

"Tomorrow's paper is probably gonna bring the gossipy of the month. The mayor's trial is today, so that's probably going to pass through as the scandal of the year in the whole state."

"Oh, maybe our little town can even get into the national news." Mary said hopefully.

And joining the teacher Ruby too showed some enthusiasm, "Maybe the you will get into the regional news."

"Why am I only regional material?" Emma complained.

"So not the point!" Ruby slowly replied.

"Cause you didn't actually-" The pixie haired said at the same time as her girlfriend but stopped when earning a warning glare. "I mean... Do you feel like walking or should we get you a wheelchair?" Mary asked the blonde making her face a little confused.

"Walk?" The blonde asked frowning.

"Yeah, it's just that Regina is in the trial for most of the morning so she won't be coming to the hospital." Ruby explained.

But as Emma was still with the same face, and didn't speak anything MM spoke with concern, "We thought you'd like to see him. The baby."

"Oh, I would like that."

They were silent starting at the babies thought the glass, Emma was making faces while steering at all of them.

Mary was the one top break the silence. "There he is Emma."

"Jesus, poor thing." The blonde murmured.

"What?" Ruby asked not understanding the words.

"He is the cutest thing." Mary said with excitement.

"Well, umm, yeah... I mean, he is so- I'm sorry, I can't do this." Emma said feeling sorry for thinking what she was thinking but not being able to avoid or hide it. "He is really, really weird."

"Come on." The pixie haired brunette said cutting off her excitement.

"Look at him, he is the ugliest thing ever." Emma unsuccessfully tried to make a point.

"I think he resembles Regina-" Mary said thoughtful only to have her sentence cut short by the blonde.

"No! Regina is sexy and gorgeous, this baby is just the opposite of those two things."

"Babies are not supposed to be sexy." Ruby explained.

"I though they weren't supposed to be ugly too and look where it took me..."

"Do you even know which one is your- I mean, Regina's?"

"Look at them, does it really matter?" She said pointing all of the six babies.

Ruby and Mary shared a glare and the pixie haired teacher said with a tender smile.

"The third from the left in the second row."

"He is..." What was a careless expression turned into a soft and warming one and Emma thought that maybe this was what everyone called maternal affection.

There he was, the kid she almost gave her life to conceive, she remembered when the doctor came into the room and told her the current situation. She remembered when he said that his chances would be better if they did the procedure but hers were not the best, there was no doubt, she didn't need any time to think, she'd do anything, and she did. In that moment his life was more valuable than hers. And now looking at the little piece of a human being quiet sleeping only moving from time to time, now she knew she did the right thing even if Regina hated her, it was worth, he was worth, this moment was all she needed as a reminder.

"So, are you sure about this?" Mary asked seeing how Emma's face had changed while she looked at the child.

"I... I think I am." He voice was soft, so unsure, she couldn't keep her eyes away from the boy.

"Do you really know what that means? Are you ready to do this?" Ruby asked just to make sure.

"I need to do this."

She had just finished the dishes and was heading to get ready for go to the hospital and have one of her daily visits when the doorbell sounded at the house and she left the kitchen taking the apron off and leaving it over the dining table.

The smile took her face when she opened her door and saw her good friend Daniel standing there.

He smiled back at Regina and declined her offer to enter the house. "I have a good and a bad news for you. Which one do you want to hear first?"

She was worried even if she wasn't showing it, and he knew. "I doubt any bad news can overcome my last week, so you may start by that."

"I'm leaving town again." He delivered the news in a short sentence, he always preferred the short ones to start difficult personal subjects.


"The good news is, Allan Spencer was located in Canada this morning. He'll be in a maximum security prison by tomorrow, you'll receive the communicate indicating when his trial will be. I can assure you he has no chances of success."

"Especially after running away." She repeated what he had been telling her over the last few days once she could handle to deal with things beside Emma and the baby.

"Especially after running away." He confirmed.

"So..." She hesitated to ask it, and hoping for a better answer she voiced, "When will you leave?"

"My cab is waiting for me."

"When will you come back?"

"I don't know, honey." The sadness he carried was just too much to bear in that moment.

It wasn't the first time they had to say goodbye and it was just as hard- no, it was much harder to do it this time.

They couldn't say who initiated the hug.

"I'll miss you." She said over his shoulder.

"Not more than I will..." Daniel tried to bring some comfort.

"Just don't let your job keep us fifteen years apart again, okay?" She asked him hopeful, implying that he should make his answer to this a promise.

"I won't. I'll be back for your son's tenth anniversary!" She pulled back and looked at him, which was enough for him to know this joke was not welcomed. "I'll be back before that!"

"You better."

He offered his pinky to her in a childish manner that they used to seal their deals with each other and she took it with a smile.

"Good luck with Emma."

"I think I'll need that." She nervously sang the words out. It had been a hard week without speaking to the blonde and she had used this time to confirm ETA she already knew, not even if Emma wanted her to be away she'd never be far from the blonde.

"Oh, come on! As if you don't have her all over you already." Soon after another joke he was scratching his arm after receiving a punch from his brunette friend. "And she'll be fine, you'll see."

Regina's smile was a silent thank, she knew he'd stay to support her with this if he could, but Daniel had a busy life and he had already postponed a lot of his work to be in Storybrook for so long.

"Good luck with..." She tried to find something to wish him luck for. "Traveling around the world."

"I don't need luck with that, I've got the world all over me already too." He said making they both laugh.

Some calm paths were heard and Regina looked over Daniel to see who was walking into her porch and making him turn back.

"Hello, Kathryn!" He greeted the blonde with a friendly smile.

"Hi... Leaving town already?" She asked pointing the taxi parked on the street.

"Yes, duty matters." He explained as he took her hand to escort her up the four steps.

"Always a gentleman." She said with a hint of complaint for the action.

"Took you long enough to admit it."

Kathryn had come back on the last weekend after receiving a call from Regina, she was there to support her friend as she needed and to get some support too. When she returned there was no way to avoid having this conversation with David. The four month pregnant stomach was starting to show and she knew that he had the right to at least know about the situation, she never asked him to stand up or anything but she wouldn't feel fine with hiding this.

When they had this talk David confessed that he was about to make the decision to leave town, but from the first time he saw her and she confirmed the pregnancy he changed his mind. This child could be his very motivation to start his life again, both him and Kathryn knew they would never head back together but they could be co-parents.

"So David?" Regina asked intrigued to know.

"David went better than I thought it would be." She admitted with relief.

"He agreed then?"

Kathryn nodded, "He said this is his one good decision in a long time."

"David can be a dear when he wants to." Daniel said thoughtfully.

"Can't he?" The blonde asked sarcastically. "Cheating around with the fourth grade teacher? He is great, if you were gay I'd settle you two together."

Laughing at her last phrase he spoke, "You already have one half of the pair guaranteed."

"You are gay?" She laughed but stopped changing her face dramatically. "You are gay?! Come on, you're flirting with me all the time."

"I guess I'm a flirty person." He shrugged as he said.

A horn sound coming from the probably impatient taxi driver sounded making Daniel rush.

"Now I really have to go." He spoke giving one sad glare to Regina and one last hug.

"Bye!" She whispered.

And when the hug was over he kissed her forehead and gave her a sad smile. Then he turned over to Kathryn and looked her with serious eyes. "I won't touch you, because you might think I'm trying something. And I'm not." They both laughed, "Good bye, take good care of her."

"I'll." Kathryn without a second thought.

"If you need anything you just call me, or email me, or send a letter, or a bottle through the ocean and I'll come flying for you." He looked at Regina as he spoke and she simply nodded at the end of his words.

Once Daniel turned and left to enter the cab Kathryn placed a hand over Regina's shoulder to comfort her friend.

"He'll come back, Regina."

"I know." She tried her best to sound sure but it wasn't enough to fool her blonde friend.

"Sorry I could never be Daniel. Sometimes it feels like I forced you into a friendship you didn't even need."

"I did need you. I do need you right now, but not because he's going away, not because you could never be Daniel. I was never looking for a replacement for him."

"Oh my... The guys are going to freak out when they find out Daniel didn't date the hottest girl in town."

"I think Emma is the new legend."

Only the mention of Emma made the smile on Regina's face fade away, she was heading to one more of her visits at the hospital. Even though this was not going to be the first time she did this, she was never used to walk in there and see the blonde that seemed to be just asleep, who could barely open her eyes, who seemed so fragile connected to all those machines.

She looked over the panoramic view of the city, never quieter so early in an afternoon as it was this day. Probably because everyone was in their houses waiting for the news on the mayor's trial to come. Emma saw only a couple of citizens walking down the main street, but the three men coming out of the long closed library called her attention, she looked above the building at the still stopped watch. "Eight-fifteen." The hours marked.

Down the streets close to the police station a towed vehicle passed by carrying a car she very well knew, the bug, her old companion, even with all the effort she doubt it would be fully fixed. The sheriff's vehicle stopped in his usual parking spot and Graham jumped out of the vehicle. After closing the driver's door he opened the back one a waited for someone to get out. Surprisingly, a wolf came out – now it seemed more like a dog, than a wolf – but she felt sure this was the same one she was trying to deviate from at the accident night.

In her mind, she barely could diverge what she saw from what she was tricked into see, but it was clear that all the time she was trying to tell Regina how sorry she was once her conscience was slowly regained and her eyes searched to see who was slapping the window glass. Emma never managed to say a word. Not until she felt her body being immobilized at the hospital stretcher and a soft small hand gather with hers. She remembered fighting against the darkness, fighting to keep herself awake, to be able to say anything to the woman looking so intensely into her eyes from time to time having to clean out the tears that kept falling. Once they were inside the ambulance she tried again to speak many times, but only succeeded to say 'Wolf.' to which surely Regina had no idea what she was referring to.

When she closed her eyes, still conscious. Emma remembered thinking that she had to find a way to tell the woman whose hands were holding hers anything that could explain it hadn't been her fault, that she wouldn't ever do anything to disappoint Regina, that she'd never hurt the baby or any other explanation that would make the older woman see that she was not the one to blame for this.

All because in that moment Emma felt she was the only responsible, that it was the consequences of her own acts that led them to the point they were.

The feelings of guilt never left her.

"I sure you're not allowed to be here, Miss Swan." A voice coming from behind said and as Emma turned she already knew it to be Cora's.

"Well, I asked very nicely if you must know." She spoke as she gave the other woman her best fake smile.

"And they simply let you come up their roof like this?"

"I might have made a pass at one of the nurses." Emma stated not really feeling comfortable or proud of her method and already expecting the sarcasm that came from Cora.

"It makes happy to see how much you respect my daughter and your relationship with her."

The blonde swallowed hard at the mention of the relationship she was sure she had lost, the only true connection she ever made with anyone romantically.

"Come on, old lady, don't judge me!" She couldn't help but get into her defensive mode. She had her reasons. "It was a moment of necessity. If you were in your early days I bet you'd do it."

"I am in my early days, Miss Swan. And stop calling me by those disrespectful names." With a slight shake of her head Cora moved from the topic. "I see you got attached to the book."

She shrugged it off saying, "It's a nice book I guess."

The feigned curiosity on the older woman's face was noticed by the blonde.

"Every normal person would be at the very least curious after finding out their name is referred in a book with ours, but you didn't." While making her observation of Emma's behavior about the book Cora also made an observation on the hospital clothes she had on and pouted in disapproval.

Looking at herself to see what could possibly have called attention to it, Emma mumbled, "Of course not, it's just a book. I know I'm not a character of it, I'm a real person with real problems and I'm trying to deal with them." In the end she faced Cora still not figuring what was so amusing but letting it go, as it was probably nothing that would serve to their conversation's propose.

"Oh, is that so?" The harsh judgment exhaled from the older woman's voice, and Emma felt as if punched in the face by her words. "You're dealing with your problems running away like a coward, hiding for days in a hospital bedroom? Did you just for once think about my grandchild and my daughter?"

This was the last Emma was having, she didn't know if Cora was only testing her patience or if the woman actually meant it. But only the fact that she implied a doubt of her concern over Regina or the baby made her feel the rage into her veins.

"See you can judge me, you can insult me with anything-" She moved only a single step closer to Cora, "-but never say that I don't care about this child or Regina. They're all I think about ever since the accident. And before it. I don't even know if I'll ever not think about them."

Again, tears from the memories that kept floating on her mind assaulted her. And while one was dropped running free on her face her mind ran off.

Regina had let go of her hand, it was for a brief instant and she remembered that she opened her eyes to make a complaint and was faced with the sky. The starry sky, it was certainly a beautiful night, even with all the tragedy the stars still shining. She forced her vision to see them better and a shooting star passed through, transporting her to almost a year ago. To the day she went home with a cupcake in a bag to celebrate one more of her lonely birthdays. To the wish she made.

She smiled, even though it must have been almost imperceptible this was the best she could reach at the moment. The sky was replaced with the white up walls and artificial lights, the first tears started to form when she saw all the people she had met all the while she lived in the little town of Storybrook, and all the friends she'd take forever in her heart. In this place she lived again, even if it wasn't for long, she did. She had everything she wished for and more, for that Emma would be forever grateful to all of those people, each of them in a special way.

She recalled Regina saying encouragement words, telling her to be strong but her eyes were about to close again and this time she was sure she'd not have as much energy as to listen to all the words. Her last thoughts were of how much she loved this woman, and how much she felt loved by her, most of all she was thankful for being the one to give the greatest blessing Regina Mills ever longed to have.

From this point Emma decided that her goal was to make sure the little person she carried for those eight months made it, and that it made Regina happy.

So long she was thinking about Regina, but in the middle a thought scarred her as she told herself that perhaps this is what mothers are supposed to do. Nothing was going to change her decision.

"Maybe that's why I need to leave, maybe I just care too much." The words were sighed and she wasn't sure if the other woman had listened to them.

Not seeing the real point to the conversation Cora prepared to leave. "Call me when you stop acting as pathetically, Miss Swan."

"Wait!" Emma called in desperation, she needed this woman, she needed help from her. "I just need one favor. Please? You kinda owe me." She knew that Cora wasn't one to care very much about her, and she'd probably leave either way. Although the Mills woman turned around facing her and signing for her to proceed not wanting to spent any more than the necessary of her precious time in the hospital's rooftop. "The house. My parents' house, I won't keep it. I called a friend and asked for some papers, I'm gonna need you to give her, it'll make her the owner." Emma handed the book to Cora as she completed, "They're inside the book, with the first pages."

Looking down on what was offered to her Cora spoke, "I don't believe my daughter has any interest in keeping this house."

"I know she'll make a good use of it." The blonde seemed sure of it, that this was her ultimate decision.

Still hesitant Cora took the book.

"Your parents. They were good people, you have your mother's face but your father's hair and eyes." Waiting and knowing that the phrase would cause the expected reaction Cora turned facing the exit.

"Are you complementing me on my good looks? I don't date elderly people, but thanks."

"What is a good appearance when you behave like a barbarian?" Cora opened the door and before exiting she said again loud enough to the blonde hear. "Emma." The other woman looked quickly back to her. "I owe you nothing."

August entered the hospital to see a certain blonde patient after having a tough day. He was coming from the hardest conversation with Marco, the closest man he got to a paternal figure, the one family he had.

When he was already close to Emma's room, he saw the blonde walking in one of the hallways directing herself to the room.

"Hey, is everything okay?" He asked intrigued for finding her wondering outside the bed, not such a current thing for someone who spent almost a week recovering.

"Yeah, I just..." She seemed lost with her words or trying to find a way to explain without making a big deal about it. "I think I did something really stupid."

"Do you need anything?"

She declined his help offer, as there was nothing he could do either way. "No. I'll be fine."

"Shouldn't you be resting?"

"I doubt I could right now."

"I could tell you a story." His words managed to put a smile on both faces.

With a sudden interest she answered, "I'd love to hear the one with this guy that has this really big talk with his father."

"How did you know about that?"

"Sick people gossip too." She made her point feigning to be offended.

He only took a deep breath and didn't take much long to chive her the new while they walked thought the hallway. "I'll sell the bike because I'll need a surgery."

"You'll sell your bike?" He nodded. "Are you two okay?"

August seemed to be deep in thought before answering with the most honest words he found. "For the first time in a long time I can say that we are. I just needed to take a leap of faith and be honest."

"Brave, truth and unselfish." She quoted he father's book with a hint of pride.

"You learn fast."

They walked a bit more and turned on the left where Emma's room was located.

"Was it bad? What you did, I mean."

"I was in an accident and it almost killed two people, they always said it wasn't my fault but it never stopped me from feeling guilty about it. It never stopped me from thinking that he'd judge me badly for it or he'd hate me."

"Did he?"

"No. He said that nothing would make him love me less, he said that I shouldn't blame myself for the things I was never able to control because he knew that I'd have done anything to avoid it."

Finally they entered the room and much for Emma's surprise there it was, the book as if it never left with a note up her bed.

I'm giving you one last chance, Miss Swan. If you are going to be a part of the Mills family you need to start dealing with you responsibilities.

Maybe he is right... She put the note away and faced August with pleasing eyes. "I need your help."

"What for?"

She nervously scratched the back of her head, "I need to sneak out of the hospital."

"No. That is out of question."

"Please? She tried again. "Come on, it could be an adventure. And I wouldn't be asking if I didn't really need it, this could change everything, it could be my last chance to make things right."

He closed his eyes knowing that this would potentially end up pretty bad. "How?"

She smiled thankfully, "Just get your cycle in the back door in I'll be out in no time." She said and started walking to the door.

"And where am I taking you to?"

She stopped for a moment looking back at him. "To the mother of my baby."

Said and done, Emma did what she could to get out without anyone seeing her. It took more than a few minutes to get in a medical supply room and dress herself into one of those scrubs and walk out with a ridiculous mask put on, which only caused people to stare at her with questionable faces. She couldn't run, but she walked as fast as she was able and much for her relief there was no one outside the back door but August and his motorcycle. She walked until him dressed in the ridiculous clothes and taking off the mask. He didn't ask anything, the less he knew the best because when Regina found out, there was no doubt she would, the safer he'd be.

The first place they went to was the mansion, but except for the porch light all the others were off and when Emma walked inside there was definitely nobody home. The office door wasn't even open so she didn't pass the entrance of the building. She thought about Kathryn but she remembered that the blonde's house was darkened too, as was Cora's.

"It not possible, we must be forgetting somewhere- The diner! She hates it there, but she'd go for like a coffee or something."

"While you were in the hospital?" He asked implying that Regina would be nowhere but by her side.

Immediately Emma remembered the harsh tone and words said when she announced that yes, she was going to take the risk. The words I'll never forgive you for this were never as meaningful as in that one moment when they left Regina's mouth.

"Well, maybe that's for the better." Emma said giving up.

But August never believed her not even for one second. "You can't possibly believe what you're saying."


"Emma, I know that you don't feel this way, I know that you need them just as much as they need you."

"They don't need-"

"Yes, they do, stop denying."

"I don't want them to need me, I never asked for this, they can be just as happy without me. Damn they can be much better without me, the only thing I could contribute into their lives is ruining everything." She said recalling all of her previous experiences.

It was so usual to not be wanted or to when she finally found someone that she could rely on something ended up bad, and they send her away.

"That's a shame because we both know that Regina and that baby - your baby - they need you, no matter what, they rely on you, just as much as you on them. Why can't you just realize the three of you already are a family and that you are not ruining anyone's life, you are making her happy. For a week every day I came here she was there looking thought the galas of your room, sometimes she was only looking at you hoping to see you open your eyes, sometimes she was crying at a corner so nobody would see it because even though it was too much she had to handle it, she had to be strong. So don't tell me that you don't make her happy, or that you can't possibly do anything right in her life because that woman doesn't care that you are a human being with imperfections or that you make mistakes, she only wants to know that eventually you'll walk in the room and be there for her, only that'll make her day worth living."

By the end of the afternoon Regina arrived at the hospital and walked the corridors she well knew for the past week, some few new patients were seen, but the hospital was as usual almost empty and the hallways were silent. When she passed through the balcony and headed to the intensive care unit her steps slowed one by one until she stopped on her track. Seeing that the room was emptied and the nurses were working to take off all of the appliances she frowned and looked around in search of any sight of the familiar blond haired woman but didn't see a thing. Taking a deep breath she made her way back to the balcony and not really carrying for how much afraid the attendant was, she only demanded to have the answer she was looking for.

"Where's Miss Swan?" When nothing came out of the woman she got closer leaning over the balcony in a provoking a much worse reaction from the other woman that as much as she tried couldn't say a word. "The blonde, the tremendously stupid blonde that was in the intensive care room, where is she?" In the end Regina's voice didn't manage to keep all the controlled she wanted, the last three words were slightly shaken when pronounced by her.

In her mind she only thought about the minute she walked into Emma's bedroom after speaking with the doctor, she was so sure that Emma would have chosen the best option for her and she couldn't be more wrong. She was a nervous wreck at the time and the things she said were so meaningless. She'd forgive the blonde for it, she'd forgive Emma for choosing their son, for giving him his best chance. However, besides all the hurtful words, Regina meant it when she said they could do it again, they could try one more time in the future, together.

And the next time she spoke there was more desperation than threat to it.


"I'm here."

A little voice said behind her, the one voice she longed to hear the most, the one she feared as hell not getting to hear again. At first Regina only thought this was a trick of her mind, something she was making up to restrict her fears from becoming reality. So she closed her eyes and told herself to jump back into reality, but a hand touched her arm making her heart leap inside her breast, making her breath intense, making her mouth water, making her eyes glow with tears.

"I'm here."

Now Regina was the one who lost her speech capacity, she was praying for whatever god for this to be true, she was begging for the hand and the touch to be Emma's as she slowly turned. The warm feeling of comfort she felt after being faced with the tired but beautiful green eyes she just so wanted to see again. She didn't say anything for a moment she only appreciated the sight, she only appreciated that the woman she loved was back there. She stood a hand and for a moment hesitated to touch the face of the blonde, but that didn't last long because soon she was not only touching Emma's face, she was hugging her in a way of who say the person not to leave again, to stay forever, because the pain of the lost was unbearable.

Emma left the woman just keep holding her, it felt good and tender and right, damn, it felt so right. However, she had to stop it, this wasn't how this should go even if she wished with all her heart. "We need to talk." The words left her mouth with a hint of sadness, and this only managed to make Regina go on alert for whatever was about to come up. The brunette slowly nodded once and they headed to the new bedroom the blonde was installed in the hospital they engaged in a heavy silence.

"I know how hard all of this is for you. I understand it. I never thought I'd say these words but I do. And this baby... I just feel like he's a part of me and though I would die to be close to him and see him grow up... I know I can't. And it just kills me to see how unhappy you've been because of me. I just want to make sure you know that I'm not gonna make this worse than it is. The plan was to have the baby and disappear from your life." She looked down not being able to face Regina while saying the next words. "I'll do it. You never hear about me again." She walked to the book and grabbed a piece of paper between the first pages to then hand it to the brunette. "I only wanted you to have this back because I can't have this check, and I don't want it-"

"What do you want, Emma?" Regina's voice was soft and it took the blonde by surprise.

"Everything I need is for you to be happy. I can work to get the money again. Just take it back because I do not want or deserve it. I don't deserve anything from you, and honestly I can't offer you anything either. Just know that-" She stopped to take a deep breath a off this could prevent the cry, it worked but only for a few words. "-the last eight months were the best of my life, and that you made me happy through all of it. I understand that you don't want this anymore, I really do, but I just didn't want to leave without having the chance to properly say goodbye, which was really not a good idea. So... That's it."

Regina stepped closer and took the check from the blonde's hand and when Emma thought that it was it, that it was over she saw that the other woman only threw it away after smashing it and walked closer to her taking her face between her hands before asking, "Why are you crying?"

"I said I'm leaving, that's enough reason to cry until I've got no more tears."

"You don't want to leave?"

"Why would I? This is the only place I've ever felt like I'm home." The brunette smiled brightly at the words, this was beyond what she longed to hear someday.

"I have something to show you." Regina said while getting something in her blazer's pocket. Two tiny golden bracelets came out of there.

"When a baby leaves the hospital they always put one of those. A few weeks ago I went to the jewelry store and asked for two, because I wasn't sure yet." Regina gave them to Emma and the blonde was confused because they both had the same thing written. Henry James.

"Henry James? After our fathers?"

Regina nodded. "I thought you should know that I really want him to wear this one." She said picking the one on the blonde's left hand and turning around. And in the back of the bracelet she readMills-Swan. "But our son will need you to sign up some papers and make it official."

"Like now?" Emma asked not being able to control the tears falling freely through her face.

"Whenever you want, darling." Regina said smiling.

"I can't do this right now." When hearing the words Regina reacted to them and Emma quickly corrected herself. "I'm too much emotional, my hand will probably shake into an ugly scribble over the paper."

"Are you saying yes?"

"With all my heart."

"Are you ready for this? To change your whole life? To be a mother? You're still young, you have an entire life ahead of you.

"I could have eternity and I'd still want to live the all of my days with you."

And the blonde took Regina's face between her hands and pulled her closer to a kiss they waited what felt like eternity to have, even through the salty taste of the tears it was the sweetest kiss they ever shared, the first after days of missing and longing but not being able to have. Even though it wasn't long this one was the most comforting, it sealed the beginning of a new stage of their lives. For Emma it meant her birthday wish coming true, for Regina meant the start of new life, a promising one.

"So you sneaked out of the hospital?" But old habits were nasty, they never left.

"I had a good motto." Emma said pulling Regina closer for another kiss, but the woman leaned back.

"I hope you had a better one for making a pass on one of the nurses."

"I can't believe she told you that!"

"So it is true?" Regina asked with curiosity.

"I thought you didn't want to see me again, like never again, okay?" Emma tried to make a point.

"That would be more believable if it wasn't you who didn't want to see me."


Quickly the gossips took over the small town, saying that not only Lacey French had comeback, but she returned with no other than the mayor's son. Someone practically coming back from the dead was something that would be spoken for a long, long while.

Lacey testified against the mayor on the trial, even though his son - which seemed like a personal protector of the girl - tried to convince her not to.

During the process she for the first time spoke about what had been of her life ever since she left town.

The years in Australia she spent doing intense therapy to finally go on with her life and leave the past where it belonged. She still felt the sorrow for the lost child, this was something she'd never get over. It was considerably more painful when she sat on the courtroom and saw Gold's face looking back at her.

Finally the Lacey French case was about to close, and to sum up what happened...

One day after the sheriff tried to help her get away in an unsuccessful attempt she basically vanquished from the town. For almost a month the sheriff had been in a search for the girl, gathering all the information he could from anyone she had related in the last months. The surrounding's and then other regions' authorities were alerted to look for the seventeen year old girl but the searches didn't turn out as they wished. A month or so later the local enforcement declared to have found a body of a woman in the woods, at the time they had to wait a considerable long time to declare if it was who they were looking for. Unfortunately the sheriff had an accident while attending to an emergency call in the woods. No citizen ever knew what exactly happened to him but the town mourned his death. The French's case was never again touched by the local sheriff - Graham - as the investigations about the corpse were taken on by state police and declared as Lacey French's by them before he took over the job.

There was only one person that could succeed in getting this girl alive away from the mayor, and this was his own son. Cora received the request from Mr. French, he signed up papers but never asked what they were for. After getting the permission to take his daughter away from Storybrook to a psychiatric hospital where they'd help her react better to the lost of her child and keep her away from Mr. Gold, Cora called in and asked Bae to make a deal for his father. The Mills family would not interfere with the mayor's activity and his son would take care of the young girl as long as it was necessary.

At the morning of the trial before heading to the courtroom, Regina stopped by her father thumb and saw not too far Lacey French depositing a bouquet of yellow flowers on the grass close to a gravestone. She was about to walk away when the other woman looked in her direction and headed her way. Regina offered a drive to the trial and for the first time she got a full version of the story.


August went through his surgery, but as the doctors said it would take a while for him to fully recover from the injury but the procedure was a success. When he confirmed he was selling the motorcycle Emma offered to buy it but it only took a glare from Regina to know that she'd not seal any deals about it. And he actually finished a book of recollections of his time travelling the world.

Mary Margaret and Ruby moved in, and even though they fights were less current they still had a few and as much as Emma tried to walk out on them whenever this happened the blonde wasn't as lucky to do so and always ended up listening to their complaints about each other. And Ruby almost had a stroke when her girlfriend mentioned kids for the first time, but Emma was glad to help and this was one more of the situations in which the blonde never thought she'd find herself.

Daniel came back as promised, he surprised everyone in the holiday season and spent five days spoiling little Henry, this was the first thing he and Emma united forces against Regina.

Kathryn finished her studies in the Boston UC and came back to Storybrook, she and David were taking the task of being co-parents surprisingly well. The blonde also decided to joining Regina's campaign and was scaled to be helping with social programs, and she was the one to come up with the whole plan for the orphanage that was opened within a year after the company was sold and installed in Emma's parent's house – as the blonde went back to living with Regina and never used it. The day she got in labor was the day she got the 'I'm sorry' out of Emma, who panicked about having someone about to deliver a baby in front of her.

Ashley got to keep her baby and raise him with the help of her ex-boyfriend, Sean, who got some balls and stood against his parents and is still trying to recover the love of the mother of his child.

Lacey, well, Lacey was finally leaving the past behind. She was reunited with her father now. As after the mayor left Sidney Glass decided that this town wasn't good for him, The Mirror needed someone to take over and she was the first option to do it. Now she worked at the newspaper and helped in the library when she had time, but in a rather short amount of time she was a popular figure at the bars of the city.

Spencer and Gold were the two big scandals of the town for a long time, it was a shock to see a note about the honorable Allan Spencer at the newspaper after the shameful scandal involving the mayor – who had a forged illegal documents to the properties that never belonged to him. They both were making their time in prison, they both were going to be doing that for a long, long time.

As for Emma and Regina, they were happy and together.

Regina launched her successful campaign to the mayor election, and won, there was actually no doubt she wouldn't get it. Big changes were happening, and she wasn't used to it, she never really liked changes but Emma was there and that was more than what she needed. The blonde was having her first day at the sheriff's cabinet, as Graham decided to take off to visit his family in Europe on a more than deserved vacation.

From time to time the mayoral mansion was a mess of leather jackets all over the place, and from time to time Regina gave a thirty minutes speech about how organization was needed but she never reached the final because somehow Emma always managed to start a make out session during it.

During her day in the office Emma had nothing but boring paper work to do most of the time, she was glad and so excited when the first call came and took off immediately.

Regina was going to the station in hopes to find the new sheriff there, she had brought Henry along, but when she arrived the station was empty so she decided to wait for her at home.

She was on her way, for a while she had been trying to get Henry to speak his first words but the boy only said nonsense syllables. On her walk home she spent having a monologue with the boy who found more entertaining with catching the air.

"Regina, dear, you shouldn't walk around mumbling." Cora said not even greeting her daughter but reaching her grandson.

Rolling her eyes she completely ignored the comment and only said, "You can't have him today, mother. Emma and I have plans-"

"I'm sure Emma wouldn't mind it." Cora said getting the baby back in the baby carriage.

"Why?" Regina asked preparing herself for what was about to come.

"She was stuck in one of those trees."

"What?! You didn't call for help?"

But Cora only sighed impatiently to say, "How many times will I have to say, Regina, your woman your responsibility." When she saw that Regina was still death glaring her, the woman rolled her eyes pointing to a near tree, a tall near tree, and watched while Regina directed to there.

When she was close she looked up to find that Emma was grabbing the tree trunk while standing at one of the branches. "Emma?" She called.

"I can't look down, Regina."

"What are you doing up there?"

"I don't know... Just hanging around." She said sarcastically.

"That behavior won't take you anywhere, Miss Swan."

"Don't 'Miss Swan' me, just take me down." She said almost desperate. "HOLY SHIT!"

"Language!" Regina disapproved the blonde.

"Seriously, Regina?!"

"Stop being rude or we'll leave you there to think about your bad behavior."

"Ohmygod! I'll jump, just catch me." Emma said quickly in apparent panic.

"I can't catch you. Wait there I'll call for help."

"I can't! There's a flying thing here."

"Does it have a needle?" Regina asked trying to hide her laughter.

"Just go get the help before fall, would you?"

"Say 'bye' to Emma, Henry, she's going to spend some time in there to think about her life."

She said while turning the carriage away but stopped when heard, "Emma."


A/N: So, that was it, I hope that all of you liked the story, and again sorry to keep you waiting this much time for this chapter. A huge thank you for everyone who read this, I'd really appreciate if you took a little bit of your time to leave me a review so I can know what you thought about it. I'm so tremendously sorry for the grammar mistakes, and I'm grateful to each one of you who kept reading besides it. My beta reader for this story and I kind of lost contact during the process, so if anyone is interested I could use a hand with it!

So that's all, thanks again for reading, sharing, favoriting and reviewing! I won't be posting anything for a while, but I do have some projects and maybe I'll have time for a few one-shots, so who knows?