Bonnie lays in bed motionless and unaware to everything outside of her bedroom door. All she knew was that Elena had flipped her switch and was off road tripping with Damon. Stefan and Caroline had been thinking of ways to encourage her to turn her emotions back on. She had come home back from the island to her father's judgmental eyes and the news that Abby had once again left.
Her last encounter with her mother was still fresh in her mind. Abby poisoned her, and tried to stop her from getting to Elena and Jeremy. She just took things into her own hands. It wasn't like she did anything to seriously injure Abby. It was merely just to slow her down. She couldn't believe that she was still insistent on getting her to follow the spirits orders. Even when they allowed her to get turned into a vampire. Bonnie just couldn't do it anymore. She refused to play by their rules.
Bonnie wasn't stupid she knew the expression magic Professor Shane had taught her was dangerous. But what other choice did she have? Jeremy was dead and the only way to bring him back was to complete the expression triangle. She didn't want to kill twelve people, but now she understood that the deaths wouldn't be permanent. She could bring back everyone that died in this cursed town: Jeremy, Jenna, Alaric, Vicki, and her Grams.
Two knocks on her door brought her out of her thoughts. She doesn't bother give a reply. Her father's head pokes through the door. He studies her silently for a while before speaking. "Bonnie?"
"I told you I wanted to be left alone." Her voice was raspy and tired. She closes her eyes tight, not ready to hear her father's disapproving statements about her craft.
"I know," He says quickly. She sensed that he was still afraid of her powers. "You have a visitor downstairs, though."
She opens her eyes to look at him. She gave a brief nod before sitting up. There was only one person who would come see her. Everyone else was gone, partying, or dead. She made her way to her living room where her visitor sat on their couch. She turns to her dad, who was close behind her. "Do you mind giving us a few minutes?" He looks like he wants to protest. "I called him hear so he can help me with controlling my expression. I need his help, dad." She explains.
He stares at the man for a moment before giving a brief nod. "I'll be in the kitchen."
Bonnie tries to give a small smile. When he exits the room she turns back to her guest. He gives her a gentle smile. "Hello Bonnie."
She regarded him for a few seconds. "Silas."
Dean slowly opens his eyes from his nap on the couch. He slightly jumped at the sight of Castiel standing there, watching him. "Dammit Cas."
He looks down at his feet. "Sorry."
"I told you how creepy that is." He continues, not listening to the angel. He grabs his beer from the table and tips it to his mouth. "Where've you been?" He asks after setting down the beer.
"I've been helping people." Cas says with a small smile. Dean found it kind of amusing. Ever since he declared that he wanted to be a hunter, Cas had been popping in and out between his cases.
"So, what you need help with a case or…"
"Something like that," He interrupts, looking around. "Where's Sam?"
"He went for food run." Dean says shortly. "He'll be back soon."
Castiel breathes out in frustration. "I'm getting word that a witch in a small town is getting prepared to sacrifice twelve people; witches specifically."
Dean cursed. "Freakin' witches, man." He pauses. "Why is this chick getting really to gank her own kind?"
"The sacrifice of twelve witches is required to complete a ritual called an expression circle."
"Sounds kinky." Dean says, making his way over to his laptop. Research was usually Sammy's thing but he'd give it a go. "So what else is needed for this circle thing?"
"The sacrifice of twelve demons and twelve humans. From what I've heard that's no longer an issue."
Dean shook his head. He types in all the new information and waits. "What is it with witches and sacrifices?" He scrolls down the search page and an article catches his eyes. "I think I got something."
Cas leans down to look over his shoulder. "What?"
"A local pastor in Mystic Falls and eleven others were trapped in an explosion." Dean reads off. "It was ruled as an accident, but what are the odds?"
"Do you think it was the witch?"
Dean shakes his head. "We should go check it out after Sam gets back." He stands from his seat. He notes the angel silence. "What aren't you telling me?"
"If the circle is completed," He stops. Dean urges him to continue with his eyes. "She can tear down the veil that separates us from the dead supernatural beings."
He was quiet for a while. "Purgatory? As in the place we just got from?" He realizes. "Is she taking the souls in?" He decides to leave out the comparison to Cas' past deeds.
"No, I only opened the door. She has enough power to get rid of it completely."
He scoffs. "Cas, don't you think that's something you tell first?"
"What's going on?" Sam asks as he walks in. He does a double take when seeing Cas and instantly knows something's going on.
"Oh nothing," Dean says sarcastically. "Just beginning of the apocalypse…again."
Sam looked between the two of them. "What did I miss? I was gone for like ten minutes."
Sparing a glance to his brother, he grabs the keys. "We'll explain in the car."
"You want me to kill twelve witches?" Bonnie says disbelievingly. She shakes her head. "No, I won't do that. I-I can't."
"You can, Bonnie. And technically it's not really murder." Silas tries to reason. "They'll all come back."
Bonnie glares at him. "I'm not doing it."
"Do you want Jeremy back? And your Grams?" She pauses to look at him. "Shane might be dead, but I have all of his memories. I know that the spirits are torturing her because they didn't like you thinking for yourself. Bonnie, it doesn't have to be like this. You could have them all back."
"How's it going?" Her dad interrupts. "Making any progress?"
"No," Silas answers. "We need more time."
"More time?" Rudy folds his arms. "You taught her this magic and now you can't control it."
"Dad," Bonnie interferes with no use.
"Get out of my house." He raises his voice at Silas.
"Wait!" Bonnie yells, exploding their windows, and lighting their fireplace. Both Silas and Rudy duck to protect themselves from the flying shards. She hears her dad asking what was happening to her. She barely hears Silas' response before stepping closer to her dad. "I need you to call mom. We need witches; a lot of them."
Out of the corner of her eye she sees Silas smirk. "I'm gonna get going." He turns to Bonnie, looking her intently in the eyes. "I'll see you soon."
She finds herself nodding. "Okay."
After he leaves, Bonnie hears her dad speaking to Abby. This goes against everything she's ever believed in. She didn't know if she could just kill twelve people. To make it worse they were witches; her own kind. She also didn't know what kind of power Silas held over her. She couldn't believe him when he revealed that the real professor Shane was dead and he was indeed Silas. Bonnie looks up as her dad re-enters the room. "Abby said she'll contact a witch named Aja. She and her coven will be here in a few days."
"Thanks, dad."
"In the meantime, you should start going back to school. I know you have a lot going on, but it might do you some good to do something normal."
She didn't have it in her to protest. She only nods her assent. "I'm going back to bed." She says as she walks back to her room, lost in her thoughts.
"So if this witch does this…expression thing, she can tear open purgatory. Wouldn't that be too much for one witch to do?"
"Normally," Castiel answers from the backseat. "But the triangle gives her access to thirty-six souls to use for power."
Sam sighs and his eyes go to his brother. "How much longer?"
Dean shrugs, gripping the steering wheel. "Less than an hour."
"What's the plan?" Cas asks. "Do we have one?"
Dean scoffs at the question. "We find the witch and kill her. Everyone clear?"
"What does she look like? Where is she? Those are the things we're gonna need to know." Sam replies.
Dean rolls his eyes. "Fine, where do we start?"
"I guess we talk to the pastor's daughter first. I think her name's April Young."
"Where do we find her?"
"Mystic Falls High School."
A/N: I know I'm the last person to start another story. This one randomly came as a result of Supernatural breaking my heart and Vampire Diaries pissing me off. So I'm just going to write my pain away.