Hello everybody~ It's been a while, hasn't it? And I have good news (or not, depending on your perspective) for my lovely readers!

Because of Return of Kings, my Haru plot bunnies have been nibbling at me again, and so I decided to do something with them. In other words, there will be a sequel to Sound of Madness! I've already got some vague ideas for plot and, well, let's say, relational developments between certain characters, but for now that might take a while to get to.

But before I want to get started on the continuation of Haru's story, Sound of Madness has to be rewritten. I realise, and so should my dear readers, that when I wrote this, we only had the anime to go by, and later some additional mangas. Now, however, there's a plethora of material that shows us more about out favourite characters, and I realise that perhaps some characters were a bit OOC (*cough* Tatara *cough*). And so what better time to go back and fix everything than just before moving forward? One last look back, as it were, to make it as perfect as I'll ever be able to make it.

Some changes that will take place are, for example, the relationship between Haru and Mikoto, which I will try to improve. Hopefully this will become easier because I have finally managed to think of quite a few chapters with which to fill in that pesky time skip after chapter 10. These chapters will most likely be fairly episodic of nature, like self-contained chapters, and will help broaden out the story a bit. My idea for the moment is that some of these will be about the joining of HOMRA's core members such as Anna, while others will revolve around important scenes we never got to see in the manga/anime, for example Munakata's becoming the Blue King and the following tension between the two clans, and others again will focus on Haru (who in this version keeps her powers and thus has to learn how to control these). And to keep the spirits up there will probably be a few random fillers in there just to please the soul (but not too many!).

Many of the changes I'll be making due to the feedback I received in the forms of reviews during the writing of the "first draft" of Sound of Madness, as I like to call it. Although I mostly write because I like doing so, I'd also like to make the experience as pleasant as possible for my favourite readers. And so I am offering you the chance to influence the rewriting of Sound of Madness! If you feel so inclined, please leave behind a review to tell me whether you want something changed (or perhaps you have an idea which I might be able to add somewhere?), and I'll see what I can do. Of course this is not a guarantee that I'll do everything asked of me, but I'll consider each and every idea that gets sent my way.

As a side note, I'd also be very happy to receive any suggestions pertaining to the possible sequel, which will most likely start with the beginning of the Return of Kings seasons, revealing bits and pieces of what happened before through flashbacks and the like.

And so for now, I hope to see you all later! I will post the rewritten version as a separate fanfiction labelled something along the lines of "Sound of Madness [Rewritten]" so that this one can remain online. Please check it out some time in the future.

Happy reading~