Me: Thank you for the positive feed back. I have people who are worried about my story and I'm here to straighten things out.

1: My story is not M. I have one and let me tell you, I'm horrible at lemons. So Haruhi's relationship with any of them will not escalade to a detailed scene. With that said, I might to a lime, but nothing to bad. And if I continue this story to the point where they graduate I will only give subtle hints to if she became sexually active with the relationship. So do not fret.

2: I will not promise anything about the official pairing. If more people vote for all then just one particular host, I will write the pairing Haruhi X Hosts. I, myself, is a big fan of this pairing, and of Twins X Haruhi. So again I'm sorry if she ends up with all of them.

Now speaking of pairings, I checked. My messages, Poll, and Reviews and I have the results.

Hunny: 0

Kyoya: 3

Mori: 5


Hikaru: 5

Kaoru: 6

All: 10

Yay! This is so exciting! Keep them coming :) Now for the end this story. Enjoy!

The Unique Kinds.


Silly Haru-chan. She just doesn't get it. How much we love her. She doesn't understand that, instead of being our commoner, she's our princess. I would give up eating cake if that's what she asked of me. I know she wouldn't though, because she would never want to change anybody.

She's too cute sometimes. Even cuter than me. She has that way about her. She's so mature, but has the innocence of a child. She knows how dark the world can be, but she ignores it. That's why I love her. I love her more than anything. More than Usa-chan. I'm not the only one, though. Everyone else loves her too. I'm so scared she will end up with someone who's not in our group, because that would mean she's fading from us.

I don't want her to leave. I want her to stay with us forever and eat cake with me. I want her to know that I would always protect her and so would Takashi. He would always watch over her. I know he loves her to. I thought about just watching everyone else trying to win Haru-chan. I wasn't planning on pursuing her, but then I heard Hika-chan and Kao-chan talking about their love for her. They had agreed for no hard feelings. That inspired me.

"I want Haru-chan to be my bride one day." I had told Takashi. I had expected silence from him, but I was shocked When I heard him say:

"May the best man win." His deep voice rumbled. I nodded in agreement to him.

Yes, may the best win, because Haru-chan deserves only the best.


She's too stubborn for her own good. She isn't watchful of anything she does. She always seems to cause trouble for herself. If it wasn't for me, there's no telling what may have happened to her. She thinks that she would have a chance against a grown man. She makes me laugh at her idiocity at times.

Honestly, I have no idea why I am so smitten with her. Then I look at her and I remember.

She's stubborn, because she wishes to prove herself to everyone that nothing can hold her back. I have the same trait when It comes to my father. I refuse to listen to him most of the time, so he can see I am my own man. Nothing and No one can hold me back. One of these days I will be more successful than my father ever was.

She doesn't look around herself, because she is too busy looking forward. She has been doing this since her mother past. It has been her goal since 5 years of age. If that isn't devotion then I don't know what is. She spent her whole childhood, growing up to be the best she thought she could be. She never tried to make friends, but they always seemed to be attracted to her. Her own father tries to approach her and talk to her, but she ignores it. In her mind she is taking care of him. And to continue to do that she has to work and study each and everyday.

The trouble she gets into is because she is naïve. She grew up so fast that she never had a childhood. She never made the mistakes that a child should. So she never learned life lessons. I was forced to learn those lessons. Like: Never trust strangers, be careful for what you wish for, and love carefully. She needs to learn how to be more careful, because someone won't be there all the time.

She has so many flaws, but those flaws are what makes me love her. She doesn't care of my wealth, or any of our wealth's. She cares for us for our traits. She cares about us for our flaws. I don't want to lose her. I refuse to lose her, even if it means competing against Tamaki. This will be a challenge, but I'm an Otori. I live for a challenge.


I live to serve Mitskuni. I will always serve and protect him. I would give up anything for him, well everything but her. I can't just let her go. I will fight for her. I don't care who I might have to fight. I love her so much it hurts.

That scum who even dared to hurt her should die by torture. I had to use all of my teaching of discipline not to rip his tongue out of his mouth. I could tell Mitskuni wanted to follow up on his threat as well. I've never seen him so angry. I knew he loved her a while back, but that seemed to prove to me just how much he loved her. He gets jealous when the twins or Tamaki touch her to fondly, but he stays to himself. As do I.

"Mori-sempai! Help!." She shouts to me almost everyday. Her arms are outstretched towards me and her caramel brown eyes hold laughter and annoyance. When I rescue her, I imagine it being different. In those moments, I am her hero, her protector. She is mine and I'm hers. In those moments I feel like she loves me like I love her.

I know that's not what it means to her. She doesn't look at me that way. I'm Security blanket. It makes me happy to know that she feels safe with me. I want her to always feel that way for me. Because it's true, I will always protect her.

"May the best man win." I had told Mitskuni as he confessed to me of what he wanted. He had only nodded, but I knew it was like him saying:

"Game on."

I will fight for her, even if it means fighting one out of the two people I had vowed my protection to. For Haruhi I would lay down my life.


I created the host club, so I could have a family. I searched for the people who needed a family just as much as I did. Some how, though, it didn't feel complete. Then, she walked in. Or he as I thought. After she joined, we became closer. She showed us, that we could forget our own bad pasts. That people can have it far more worst. She lost her mother at such a young age. I mean, at least mine is still alive.

When we visited her home, I saw her mother's shrine. It was scary how much Haruhi looked so much like her. I prayed to her, wishing that she continue to let Haruhi grace us. I promised that we would protect her, no matter what. I felt at peace when I prayed. Almost as if I knew she was listening.

Then I met her father. In the most horrible way. He was very protective over Haruhi. He would even follow her to the store. I started to wonder what it would be like to be in his shoes. To have the love of my life die and have my only daughter shut herself completely away. Having to work long hours, and having your child so independent that she never needed me. I felt bad. I made a vow to prove myself to him at that moment.

I'm not blind. I see the way the other's look at her. So I tried to pretend I didn't know my feelings for her, so they could continue to branch out. But, when she cried to me that day, and trusted me the way she did, I knew there was no way I could pretend any longer. I love her to. I wish to wed her one day and have children. I told Kyoya and he just smiled and walked away. I know he has something up his sleeve. I have to be ready.

My father was elated when I told him. He said how fond he was of her, but he got very serious when he stated:

"I am aware of the other boys as well. Do good my son, but be careful to not push her away as well."

I took that seriously. I plan on calling a meeting, just for us boys, to discuss our feelings for our commoner princess.


I'm such an ass. I'm a jerk, and a jealous pig. I just love her so much. I hate the thought of losing her. I know she isn't a toy. I only tell her that she is so I won't say the truth. She is the only girl that I would ever fight with Kaoru about.

I will admit, when she first came. I was disgusted by her, or him since I thought was a guy at first. Then She grew to me. After Kaoru and I found out she was a girl, when she wore the girl's uniform, I thought she was cute. She never fell for our act or the other's act. It was aggravating, because I wanted her to swoon ove me like all the other girls did, but I guess if she did she wouldn't be Haruhi.

She could tell us apart easily. It felt like the glue that kept me and Kaoru so attached was fading away. The fight we had was fake, but what Kaoru said was True.:

"Maybe you're really in love with Haruhi, Hikaru." It was like a slap. I was happy nobody over thought it. I didn't know how much I loved her back then, it was just a crush.

My crush deepened into love at the summer resort. I made Haruhi cry all alone and hated myself for it. My jealousy was just too much. I was so selfish. That's one of my worst flaws. I just love her so much. I'm so scared she's going to leave me. I don't know what I would do if she fell for someone else. It would be even worst if she fell for a guy outside of our "family". She would slowly disconnect with us.

When she came to our home, I was so happy. I knew she didn't mean to spend so much time with the others, but when she came it was like a huge wind of relief. She came to see me. I didn't mean to act the way I did, I just don't know how to act. If she was like the other girls I would know what to do, but she's not like other girls.

"I want to pursue Haruhi. I just wanted you to know." Kaoru had confessed to me. I had argued about his selfishness, but I apologized later and said:

"It's about time you want something of your own." We laughed.


I stood back and watched as the others swooned over her. I refused to put any attention to the anger that bubbled. I even set Hikaru on a date with her. It hurt, but it was for him. I shared everything Hikaru, given things up for him, but I love her too. I can't help it. I didn't wish for this, it just happened. I was mad at her at first, for stealing Hikaru. Then I noticed, She stole me to.

I became her go to person. If she was mad at someone, I would listen. She would just ramble about everything, probably not noticing what all she said. I knew much about Haruhi that the other's didn't. The only other person who would most likely know more than me would be Kyoya.

Hikaru and I were possessive over her in class. No one was allowed to talk to her without us being right there. Even though people still thought she was a boy, guys would still try to confess their love. After class we would have a "talk" with those idiots. She was ours, no one else could have her. But for how long would this last?

I was so scared when I told Hikaru. He was mad, but it was expected. Later that night we laughed about it. There was still that fog though. The fog of uncertainty.

I started to drift off and think; what if we shared her? All of us. Would it work? Could we do it? I am very fond of everyone else. We are, in Tono's words, "a family". I have thought about it never ending. That we could all just stay together and be happy. It would be to good to be true. I mean we can't all win.

It would be nice to have her for myself, but like I said, I would sacrifice anything to make her happy. To make us all happy. I just hope this all ends well, for the sake of all of us.

All Hosts

She's one of a kind.

She's unique.

She's simply Haruhi.

Me: So here is the last chapter. I will try to start the sequel soon. I hope you enjoyed. :)