"That jerk! Malfoy got everything he deserved, but instead of taking to like a man, he ratted them out!" exclaimed Padma.
"I know, what do think will happen?" Asked Jane.
"Snape isn't all bad... ok he is, he'll probably make them clean up some potion stuff, it'll be gross though." said Cho.
"They'll manage," replied Jane. "They've been through a lot worse."
"I suppose, but it's still a Snape detention." murmured Terry, "I heard they really suck."
"Well, I'll definitely be having my fair share of them." shrugged Tony.
Bruce's eyes wandered from the ravenclaw table and settle on the teachers, Dumbledore was walking from the table, this would be a Perfect time to tell him about the "Other guy" but that's insane. It would cause them all to be chucked out.
Bruce put his head back down to study.
"Mr. Banner, may I speak to you please?" Asked a voice. Bruce looked behind him and Dumbledore was rocking back and forth on the balls of his feet.
"Yeah," Bruce gulped. All the Ravenclaws looked at each other nervously.
Dumbledore lead Bruce around the castle to a stone Griffin, He had no idea what Dumbledore wanted from him, and he didn't want it to be bad.
"Fizzing Wizbees." he stated, the Griffin moved and spiraled up to reveal a staircase. They walked up the staircase into a huge office with portraits of old people in chairs, moving around a bit (It's something that they've noticed for the time they've been here, the paintings move, and talk.) and little gizmos and gadgets cluttering up the place, Dumbledore's familiar office.
"I understand there's something you'd like to tell me?" Dumbledore asked.
"Err, no sir." Bruce stammered.
"I know that you're lying."
Bruce sighed. "Um, I have a certain... Condition, that if I get angry, I turn into a monster."
Dumbledore stared. Not in a surprised way but... Calmly.
"Well, it would be best that you're not anxious, I will alert the teachers-"
"Sir there's no need to do that-"
"Mr. Banner, I will not have your friend running amuck and tearing this place apart." Dumbledore stated. Bruce nodded and left the office.
Bruce returned to the Ravenclaw common room, what would all the teachers think of him? Would they say he's a monster?
"Bruce! What did bumblebee want?" Tony asked.
"Bumblebee?" Jane queried.
"Dumbledore Is Latin for bumblebee." Tony replied matter-of-factly.
"I told him about... 'The other guy.'" He replied.
They all looked at him like He was insane. "Better pack our bags." Tony muttered.
"We don't have to. He just said that he'd talk to the teachers, I didn't say anything about us." Bruce replied.
Jane smiled. "So were not leaving?"
"Not yet." Tony said. We chatted a little bit after and soon headed off to bed.
Natasha tried and tried but she couldn't get to sleep. It was probably one in the morning, and she decided to investigate Hogwarts just that little bit more.
She snuck out of the slytherin common room and into the halls. She wandered the halls silently. Until she heard a meow. She looked out and saw two small red eyes. She ran as she realized that it was Filch's cat. She ducked into the nearest room, it was a bathroom, and she hid in a stall and waited.
"Who is it my sweet?" Asked the croaky voice of Filch. "Student out of bed?"
Filch left, not hearing a thing. And Natasha crept out of the stall.
"I could have told him you know." Said a high pitched voice. Natasha span around to find a ghost, she looked about thirteen and had big round glasses. She had long black hair in two pony-tails and had a big frown.
"Thank you, for not." Natasha smiled.
"Are you going to tease me yet?" The girl huffed.
"Tease you? I can't tease you if I don't know who you are. I'm new to this school."
"I'm Myrtle, but everyone calls me Moaning Myrtle because people tease me and I cry." She said sadly, her voice was very childish.
"I'm Natasha and I need to go now. It was nice meeting you Myrtle." Natasha said quickly before running back to the common room.
When she crept back into the common room, she was greeted by a very stern Snape.
"Out of bed late Ms. Romanov?" He asked. Loki was beside him, trying to wake up.
"I'm sorry sir. It won't happen again. I was just-"
"I don't care silly girl, ten points from my house, don't make me take away more. But now, I must take you up to Dumbledore's office."
"What did we do?" She asked, raising an eyebrow.
"It's not what you've done. If you have noticed, everyone but you have wands, they are an essential item for learning at Hogwarts."
She nodded. And he led her up to Dumbledore's office. Her and Loki had to stifle a laugh when he said, "Fizzing Whiz bees"
All the avengers were in the office, some more awake than others. Another man was in their too, he had fly-away white hair, like professor flitwick but considerably taller. He was very skinny and had kind grey eyes.
"Hello, is this the last of them?" He asked.
"Indeed, I will leave you to your work, Ollivander." Snape said, leaving the room.
"Now," Ollivander said. "You are all in need of wands, something you must remember is that the wand chooses the wizard, eh?"
They all nodded in turn but Tony. "How does a wand pick people?"
"You would understand if you were to study wand lore, wands are more alive than you think. They have a pure magic core, and have personalities of their own."
Tony was still confused but nodded anyway.
"Now, I have a list in alphabetical order, Mr. Banner?" He asked, guest earring towards the pile of skinny boxes behind him. Bruce took a nervous step forward.
Ollivander rummaged through the boxes until he found a skinny brown wand. "Phoenix feather, eleven inches, maple, quite flexible." He said, putting it in Bruce's hand, yet, he took it out immediately. "No no."
He got a yellowish wand with what it looked like, yellowish vines around it. "Unicorn hair, nine inches, yew, excellent for healing."
He shoved it into Bruce's hand and Bruce's face was awestruck. "Am I meant to feel warm?"
Ollivander smiled. "Yes, now. Mr. Barton?"
Clint stepped forward and ended up with a solid oak wand with unicorn hair, apparently good with offensive spells. Eleven inches.
Jane had a pointy chestnut wand, Phoenix feather core, and good for practical spells. Ten and two quarter inches.
Darcy got a small dragon heart string core, yew wand. Surprisingly flexible. Nine and a half inches.
Loki got landed with a mahogany wand, dragon heart string core, and fantastic at transfiguration. Twelve inches.
Thor had a sturdy, Phoenix feather cored, pine wand. Eleven and one third inches.
Pepper had a unicorn hair and maple wand. Twelve and one quarter inches, good with practical spells.
Steve got a Phoenix core, wand, twelve and a half inches, excellent at defensive spells.
Natasha got a dragon core wand, Nine inches. Very quiet and obedient.
And finally, Tony obtained a dragon core cherry wood wand. Eleven and one fifth inches long, good with charms.
"Excellent." Ollivander smiled. "Now, off you go to bed." He said airily. They all took off to bed, marveling at their wands.