Title: Borderline

Pairing: HarryxDraco, pre-slash SeamusxGeorge, implied RonxHermione

Fandom: HP


Summary: Non-Epilogue compliant post-Battle of Hogwarts fic. WWW Partner Harry Potter is attacked by unknown persons and left for dead. He creates a portkey to take himself, Andromeda and Teddy to a place of Safety. Single parent Draco Malfoy is living quietly out of the politics of the Post-Second Wizarding war. Together can they give each other the happiness they've been missing?

Chapter 29

After some hard soul-searching, Pavarti addressed Dean over breakfast at Deerfield where they had lived since being bonded after the Battle of Hogwarts.

"Dean, I've decided what I wish to do after Hogwarts."

Dean blinked, "Really?"

Pavarti nodded, "I've decided that for now at least I would like to see if I can offer my services as a nurse to Harry's children. I am hopeful that Healer Tonks would train me in enough healing to certify as a medi-witch, I can assist Draco in nursing Teddy and Scorpius as well as keeping an eye on their infants. Unlike us, Harry has yet to sit his NEWTS and even if he has employment with George Weasley I am sure that he will want them."

Dean grinned, "You're the best! I am sure that they would be glad of the help. Merlin knows they will need it. Especially if Draco chooses to continue his pregnancy…"

Pavarti kissed his cheek shyly, "Thank you for understanding!"

Dean blushed, "Well I do try. We're both older siblings so we've helped look after younger kids before. Harry and Draco were only children so despite having a mutual wish for a large family they might get overwhelmed easily especially with so many…"

Pavarti started to nibble at her breakfast as she contemplated how best to propose the idea to Draco or at least Harry…

She loved babies and despite the slight age difference, it might be fun to properly introduce Vicki to her Parisa. They could end up good friends, she would be sure to see if Parisa could join Vivi for playdates with her cousin Vicki.


While having more children when they already had Teddy, Scorpius, Vivi, Orion and Jaime was probably unwise, Draco could not bring himself to end his pregnancy.

The baby inside him was no more planned then his first pregnancy but he was bonded to Harry and cared deeply for him.

Between Harry, Andromeda, his mother and surprisingly, Pavarti; they would be alright.

Draco's potions apprenticeship was going on hold…

While nursing and brewing weren't so bad, unfortunately there were too many ingredients hazardous for pregnant persons to brew with or handle.

Pavarti was officially Aunt Andromeda's healing apprentice but despite being 'Lady Dearborn, the former Gryffindor witch had taken the 'menial' post of nanny.

She had also taken to nursing both Teddy and Scorpius along with her own Parisa using mild potions to stimulate her milk production to handle three infants.

Fleur was still essentially nursing both Vicki and Vivi, leaving Orion and Jaime to Harry of course.

Dealing with milk-filled pectorals and being forbidden to nurse was uncomfortable to say the least. Given Draco's accidental pregnancy, his vitamin levels and other dietary concerns had to be considered, thus his breast feeding was forbidden until his gestating child was born. The pregnancy was already going to demand Draco's magic as well as much of his body's intake of nutrients and overtasking either was against Andromeda's wishes.

Given that she had overlooked the possibility of a pregnancy after their drunken night of sexual debauchery the night before Scorpius' first birthday, she was hyper-obsessed with safe-guarding his health.

Draco just hoped that with so many children under three-years-old wouldn't prove so taxing that it destroyed his relationship with Harry…


With Pavarti nursing Scorpius and Teddy as well as helping the grandmothers and Harry handle most of the childcare, Draco was left mostly on his own. Without his Potions Apprenticeship to fill his time, Draco had turned his attention to his and Harry's Estates as well as taking care of himself.

His reaction to his being told he was pregnant away was somewhat of an embarrassment. While his baby's sire this time was someone he cared deeply for and this time he would mostly have proper care from a birth healer from almost the start. Like Harry, this time Draco would have proper prenatal care from the first trimester and familial support.

While his mother despised Teddy, being the only living Black Metamorphmagus (that had been a shock), she had resigned herself to keeping track of their curious one.

Scorpius who preferred his Aunt Andromeda to his own grandmother, had an owl-like personality, always watching. His mother still disapproved of his choice to carry and keep Scorpius, yet had little issue with Orion and Jaime since they had been born to bonded parents and were legal heirs.

Teddy was the Black Heir to Andromeda's bemusement, Scorpius was the Malfoy heir, Jaime the Potter heir and Orion was to inherit Harry's share in George's shop. Vivi on the other hand was a Black heiress, she would be granted a trust vault and a Black property of her choice upon graduation provided both Harry and Teddy agreed of course.

If his mother failed to deliver an heir for Uncle Severus, then perhaps this baby might be the Prince heir.

Harry and Aunt Andromeda entered Draco's study together.

Pavarti was likely watching the babies in the drawing room with mother, which was a good thing. Mother was the only one who could cast wards to keep Teddy from wandering too far or rather keep him in one room.

'please let it just be one baby…' Draco begged his ancestors and Mother Magic silently. He didn't want to add another pair to current five…

Andromeda ran her usual tests in silence on Draco before checking the baby with the spell that made his womb visible in a conjured water bubble.

"Salazar's cauldron, this is a pickle. Your fertility is clearly beyond my expectations. Somehow congratulations seem ridiculous, you are apparently expecting twins again. There are two strong heartbeats and while they both appear to be healthy, I cannot tell at present their gender. Nor can I tell you if they are identical dispermal or fraternal dispermal twins. The most I can say is that they are healthy…"

Twins was the last thing Draco wanted to hear right not. Unfortunately, he was going to have to resign himself to this news…


It was nearly Teddy and Scorpius' second solstice as well as Vivi, Orion and Jamie's first.

Draco's pregnancy had him ordering all of his gifts by owl or through Aunt Andromeda.

After Harry's attack at graduation which nearly lost both his bonded as well as their twins Orion and Jaime coupled with Doge's implied view that Harry deserved the attack for his choice in bondmate, Draco wasn't jeopardising these babies by leaving the Manor.

Draco was determined, after this pregnancy no more children.

They would have seven by spring; while he and Harry could afford ten children between them, doing so while they were so young and having them so close together felt irresponsible.

Draco didn't wish to neglect any of their children because they had too many. He was of the opinion that that was where Mr. and Mrs. Weasley went wrong…

The youngest weasel and Weaselette were spoilt to the point of uselessness; the twins had been ignored, perfect Percy coddled and the elder two seemingly chased out of Britain. If it weren't for the war, Draco very much doubted that Bill and Charlie would have returned. After all, they bonded to continental purebloods after all…

While Draco wanted their children to have strong relationships with each other, he also wanted to be a familiar, reliable and trustworthy constant in their children's lives.

He would just have to do the best he could…

Or rather they would…

What do you think? Outstanding? Exceeds expectations? Acceptable? Poor? Dreadful? Troll?

A/N: In reference to my earlier note- I had to explain how drarry's youngest were a year behind Jaime and Orion but in the same school year as George and Seamus' sons Gideon and Fabian as well as Blaise and Neville's Alvean and Kenan. It was poor thinking on my part.

By the way how much more of their lives pre-Flashpoint and Baiting of Rose would you like to see?