Title: Borderline

Pairing: HarryxDraco, pre-slash SeamusxGeorge, implied RonxHermione

Fandom: HP


Summary: Non-Epilogue compliant post-Battle of Hogwarts fic. WWW Partner Harry Potter is attacked by unknown persons and left for dead. He creates a portkey to take himself, Andromeda and Teddy to a place of Safety. Single parent Draco Malfoy is living quietly out of the politics of the Post-Second Wizarding war. Together can they give each other the happiness they've been missing?

A/N: Part of the same universe as Baiting of Rose.


Six months after the Battle of Hogwarts and the death threats kept coming.

Harry'd turned down the offer of being an Auror, which resulted in another argument with Ron and Hermione.

The first had been when he told Ginny that he'd changed and he just didn't see a future with her anymore. He hadn't really pursued her at all since they broke up. She snogged him before Bill's Wedding and after the Battle of Hogwarts.

He'd had nowhere to go with the Dursleys who knew where and the Burrow no longer an option.

Andromeda had found out that he was supposed to be Teddy's guardian and told him that she wasn't letting her grandson go so if he wanted to do his duty by her daughter and Remus he'd better move in.

So he'd moved into Lavender Vale in Godric's Hollow, which worked for him because he could go visit his parents, Sirius, Remus and Severus at his whim. Sirius hadn't had a body but he'd shared a headstone with Remus. He'd given his own plot up, Remus and Tonks had been cremated and their ashes were in the plot. So the three had shared the headstone that ought to have been his.

The Weasleys weren't speaking to him…

Well, Mrs. Weasley, Ron and Ginny weren't.

Bill and Arthur looked in on him from time to time and George was hiding out at the shop trying to put it back together. Charlie immediately returned to Romania and well, Percy never liked him much so he didn't see him except in passing.

Harry was looking into becoming a full partner at WWW but he was willing to just help George put it back together for now.

He got home from the shop to see Lavender Vale burning…

Harry screamed, "TEDDY! ANDROMEDA! NO! I can't lose anyone else." He ran towards the burning house intent on stopping it from burning and rescuing the only family he had left.

He was hit from behind by curses.

Harry passed out…

He woke up sore and it was dark.

He was shaken, "Harry? Are you alright?" Andromeda whispered.

"You're alive? Where is Teddy?" he rasped.

"Right here."

"We can't stay. They'll come back."

"Where will we go?"

"Can't Apparate with a baby." Harry said in a pained whisper.

Then it hit him, debts…life debts.

Fixing his destination in mind, Harry whispered as he touched his wand, "Portus."

A rock jumped.

"Grab that." Harry said as he clutched Andromeda's robe.

As the portkey activated, he passed out again.

What do you think? Outstanding? Exceeds Expectations? Acceptable? Poor? Dreadful? Troll?