Disclaimer: I don't own any material in this fic besides my own story, plot, or characters

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I am the deepest of shadows

Rage is my body, Hatred makes my soul

I am the one who signals the End.

Unaware of mercy, nor aware of regret.

Walking down the path above heavens.

Clad in the blood of countless.

The earth chants the song of genocide.

So I Proclaim!


Fate/Second Avenger

Those who want to be heroes, save yourselves first.



He awoke to a burning field.

He realized that the scene was oddly familiar.

Hot air, Cold Air.

Keeping him alive, killing him slowly.

'What am I doing here?' -He thought.

The cityscape he should be familiar with was completely alien to him now.

He had to find him.


Dawn was almost upon him, and like the darkness of the night. The fire weakened too.

Whatever had kept those strange flames 'alive' must had been completely consumed now.

'I have to search for him' -was his only thought.

Couldn't remember anything else.

No family, no friends, no life.

There was nothing inside of him

-yet oddly, it was a familiar sensation.

'I Have to save him' -something kept whispering to him. the only thing he had now.

Everything else hurt. From breathing to blinking, he felt pain-

Yet it was also a familiar sensation.

He could feel that he was one of the few thing that still remained in its original form, not having been turned into ashes by the black fire.

'Is this life?' He thought. wondering if something had kept him alive for all this time for the sake of amusement, that mere thought brought him a little more strength, born from an anger that somehow still remained in what was left of his mind.

He hadn't noticed the changes.

Black hair turned into blood crimson, white eyes turned into sickly yellow.

Power behind the fire might have done this, but at the time, he couldn't pay attention, nor cared to.

He simply kept walking.

It's a curious thing, that even with your conscious shutting down, the instincts you were born in will always remain.

But whatever kept him moving, was way beyond that.


It was a familiar sensation.

Somehow, having discarded everything for survival, he felt oddly at peace.

It brought back sensations that should be linked to memories, however, the latter were now missing.

People had always said that hope was the last thing that they discarded in the direst of situations.

Yet he had discarded that sixty steps before.


He arrived in time to see someone collapse to the earth.

It was him, something told him.

The one he had to protect.

His legs finally gave up, he finally fell.

But whatever was behind those whispers, it made him keep moving.

His arms were now filled with cuts and burns, the wounds cauterized by the still blazing stuff laying everywhere on the ground.

His eyes were filled with nothing.

He still kept going.


The hands of the corpses seemed to reach for him, wanting him to hurry to join them in death.

Something else whispered to him that he would never join them.

The flames that remained near also seemed to strive for taking away his life

But those weren't near enough to take his life, only drain it a little more.

The one who he had to find didn't notice the other body closing in.

He finally fell, close enough to see him as clearly as he could, but not enough for the other one to see him.

His red hair stopped moving, there was nothing more to keep moving it.

Th other one raised his hand, as if to reach the sky. He reached his hand to him.

Not hoping for someone to save him, he still had to save him.

But the pain had finally became too much.

Yet somehow, this pain felt familiar.

As if it had been there all this time, as if it was always within him.

He was so close to him, yet it was so far.

The sheer acknowledgement of that brought a new wave of anger, laced with frustration.

But he could do nothing.

And that was reality.

He rolled up, facing the sky.

Clouds moved lazily towards them.

'You're late' -he still found it in himself to think at them, no longer able to speak.

Life was pain, pain was life.

So true in this case.

The sky seemed so far...


He slowly opened his eyes to a man hovering above him.

The man had the one he had to find over his back.

He felt at peace that at least he could be saved

-so he tried closing his eyes once more

But something pulled him from the ground.

He opened his eyes once more.

He was now being hugged by the man

The man was crying, crying tears of happiness. Why? he did not know.

The man's eyes were empty of anything else but the joy of having found someone alive in this hell


What a familiar and welcoming name

Had he stayed conscious a bit more, he would have heard the man mumble thank 'you'.

As if the one saved had been him.

But fate dictated that all illusions needed to be broken.

The boy in the man's arms finally 'died'

And so... the darkness came back.


Prologue: To_ Die_ is_ To_ be_ Born… Complete.

To be Continued...