Well this is it guys! I am very sad that this story is coming to an end. I have truly enjoyed writing this one. All of your reviews were greatly appreciated. I would like to thank; daisesndaffidols, Celia Toma, Simone, sharpie78, Jody N, Zombie450AirBournePrincess, Isabel, Lonestar, Cat130, SFogh, kdmom, Cathy and BlueBellian for coming back and reviewing numerous times.

I hope you guys don't get confused while reading this. All italics are flashbacks. It's pretty long so Enjoy :)

September 2028

"Whatever she says, I didn't do it. Jackie is lying. I don't know what she's talking about."

Christmas Eve 2014

"Wade" Zoe called from upstairs

"Wade" 1-year-old Jackie copied her mom

Wade laughed and climbed the stairs. He walked into the spare bedroom where Zoe and Jackie were. "What's up Babe?"

"I wanted to give you your gift before we went over to Lavons." Zoe told him

"In here?"

"Yeah, well this" she waved her finger around the room "is where your present will be sleeping in 8 months" she smiled and handed him a pregnancy test

Wade couldn't help the giant smile that appeared on his face. "Really?" he asked pulling her in for a hug

Zoe nodded and wrapped her arms around his neck "Is that alright with you?"

"Heck yeah" he kissed her "So much for waiting until she was two." He laughed a looked down at Jackie who was leaning on his leg. He placed his hand on Zoe's stomach. "Hey little guy"

"Oh It's a boy?" Zoe asked with a laugh

Wade thought for a moment "Yep, Troy"

"Troy?" she asked

"I've always liked that name" he shrugged "It's cool"

"Wade" Jackie repeated pulling on his shirt

"That's Daddy to you little miss." he said as he picked her up and gave her a kiss "You're going to be a big sister." Jackie smiled and kissed her Dad's cheek. Wade smiled and pulled Zoe closer to them "I think we've hit our Christmas present peak."

"Yeah, I honestly can't see topping this year."

"I guess we start making it amazing for the kids instead. We'll have two next year."

"I love the sound of that."

"I love you" he smiled

"Uv you" Jackie attempted

They both laughed "You think it's time we find a house with a kitchen?" she asked

"I think so, but are there even any houses for sale in Bluebell?"

"Well since AB and Lavon are engaged now, I assume she will be moving in there. Maybe we can buy her house?"

"I like the way you think Dr. Kinsella." he smiled and kissed her

"Ick" Jackie laughed along with her parents

"Lavon just had to teach her that." Zoe smiled

"Mom! Dad! I am going to kill your son! He was spying on me and Noah after school and threw water balloons at us. You need to do something about him or I'm feeding him to Burt Reynolds" a 14 year old Jackie came storming into the house running after her 13 year old brother who looked just like Wade.

"Troy Wilkes Kinsella, what did I tell you about spying on your sister? And especially about bringing water balloons to school?" Zoe yelled at her son. "I don't need another call from your principal about how the two of you are living up to the Kinsella name."

"I wouldn't have done it if she didn't tell Kayla Blodgett that I still sleep with the elephant Paw Paw gave me."

"I don't know why you like her anyway, but you told Noah that I..."

"Enough, the two of you." Zoe yelled "Troy go sit with your father." she pointed to the couch in the living room

"What were they doin?" Wade whispered to him as he sat down

"Kissing" Troy replied

"Good job Son" Wade smiled and fist bumped him

"DADDY! It's not funny and you said it yourself you like Noah."

"Yeah not enough for you to be kissing him, you're 14, to young!"

"I'll be 15 in 2 months" she shot back

"I think I need to have a little chat with young Tucker. Troy go get my shotgun"

"Wade! Stop it. Jak, why don't you go dry off. I'll talk to your brother and your father."

"Thanks Mom" she went to head up the stairs "and don't forget you said we could go to Mobile to get me a new dress for the back to school dance."

"I know, we're going on Friday after school.

"Another new dress? Am I made of money?" Wade sighed "Who you going to that dance with anyway Jak?" Wade called up the stairs

"Noah" she called back as if he should have known that "Although I heard that Luke Long and Kyle Blodgett want to take me as well."

"Your daughter" Zoe laughed looking at Wade

"Yeah, well. She looks just like you. So you're partly to blame as well."

"Yes, but when I was 14, I was shy and not very social. So back to you."

"I don't get it, what is so special about Tucker anyway?" Troy asked bringing his parents attention back to him

"He's Golden Boy Jr. What else is there to know."

"I don't get why he gets all the girls attention."

"What are you talking about? The girls are all over you at the games, at the Rammer Jammer, at church." Wade laughed

"Well, not all of them, Kayla likes Noah and that's why Jackie doesn't like her."

"Ohh so Lemon's daughter and Zoe's daughter are fighting over George's son. Interesting." he smirked at Zoe

"Shut up Wade" she tried to sound serious but the thought of history pretty much repeating itself was funny to her aswell.

"Don't worry Son, it'll all work out. It did for me!" he smiled proudly

"Mom dated George?" he asked almost disgusted

"No, they never got that far. I won before that could've happened. But you're mom put up a good fight for him against Lemon."

"What?" Troy asked, eyes bugging out of his head


"I'm sorry I started this conversation." Troy laughed, putting his hands up as if he was surrendering and got up from the couch "Mom, did you wash my football uniform. I need it for practice later and L.J and Uncle Lavon are coming early so we can run through some plays."

"It's all washed and on your bed."

"Thanks. Oh and on Saturday, L.J, Noah, Kyle and me are all going down to the field with the rest of the guys for an extra practice and work on some new plays. Is that ok?

"Yeah, that's fine. Just remember your Uncle Jesse, Aunt Leigh and your cousins are coming for the weekend. So maybe bring Dylan along." Zoe suggested

"Alright cool, he's a better wide receiver then Kyle anyway." he said running up the stairs

Wade and Zoe just shook their heads and Zoe walked into the kitchen.

"Daddy I can't find my other boot. Have you seen it?"

May 2018

"Hey Sweetie?" Zoe asked walking into Wade's "Man Cave"

"What's up? Kids asleep?" he asked looking up from his desk

"Yeah, finally. Jackie needed about 10 glasses of water and Troy couldn't find his football. Cause he needs it while he sleeps." she laughed sarcastically and hopped up on the desk

"Kids" he laughed "Are you ok? You seem a little off today."

"Yeah, Um, I have to talk to you." she looked down at her hands as she twisted them around

Wade took her hands in his to stop her "What's the matter?"

Zoe took a deep breath and looked him in the eye. "Remember when we went to New York?"

"For our anniversary? Yeah, I think I can remember a month ago." he laughed

"True, that hotel on Madison was gorgeous huh?"

"Yeah, it was. What are you getting Babe?" he asked with a smile

"I'm..." she started

"Pregnant" he finished for her with an even bigger smile

"How'd you know?" she asked a little stunned

"Well I heard you throwing up this morning and then we had burgers for dinner." he laughed

"So you knew all this time and didn't say anything? You just let me stress over this all day?"

"Why were you stressing? This is exciting." he smiled and pulled her off the desk and onto his lap. He gave her a kiss while wrapping one arm around her waist and placing his other hand on her stomach. "I knew you would come to me when you were ready anyway."

"We said we would only have two." she mumbled placing her head on his shoulder

"Oh because we always do what we say we're going to?" he laughed

"I guess not" she laughed with him "So you're ok with another one?"

"Absolutely. I can't wait."

"Good, me too" she smiled and kissed him again. Then she placed her hand over his "So Daddy, what is it this time?"

Wade thought for a minute "Girl"

"Which boot Madison? You have about 100." Wade asked their 9 year old. She was the perfect mix of her parents. She had big brown eyes and dirty blonde hair but her personality was all Zoe.

"Girls gotta have her shoes." she smiled "But I'm missing my pink sparkle cowboy boot, this one's partner." she held up her foot that occupied the none missing pink boot "I had it this morning and then I don't know what happened, maybe someone stole it or it got up and ran away or the boogie man ate it or Troy is being mean or ..."

"Woah, slow down girl, relax. You're sounding like your Mama." he laughed "I don't now where it is though, try the playroom." Wade told her

"I haven't looked there yet." she giggled and skipped away into the next room "Found it and my stethoscope" she yelled running back into the living room and hopped up on the couch. "Thanks Daddy, you're the best. I love you" she kissed his cheek

Wade smiled "I love you too. Now go clean up the playroom, it's a mess."

"Fine" she hopped off the couch and ran back to the playroom

He rested his head on the back of the couch "These kids are exhausting" he thought to himself

"Dr. Mama! I have a boo boo"

August 2020

"DADDY" Wade heard coming from the entrance of the Rammer Jammer. He turned around and saw his 2 little kids running his way with Zoe quickly following behind while balancing Maddie on her hip. He bent down to their level and got tackled by both kids.

"We missed you" Jackie said

"I saw you this morning" Wade laughed

"Yeah but now it's afternoon" she replied

"We got lollipops" Troy smiled showing his Dad

"I see that. Does that mean you were all good for Dr. Brick?" he asked standing up

"Yep, except Maddie. She cried." Jackie told him

"Shocker" Wade laughed and pulled Zoe in for a hug "Hey Doc"

"Hey Babe" she sounded exhausted already

"Come here Princess" he said taking the toddler from her

"Hi Da" she smiled

"Was she really that bad?" he asked as they all sat down at an empty table

"She's Maddie, of course she was. Can never be easy, this one. These two were excellent, what happened?"

"Well, they take after me and you got Maddie" he laughed

"Shut up! It's not fair. This next one better be good." she mumbled

"Next one what?" Wade asked in shock

Zoe's eyes bugged when she realized what she said. "Crap." she sighed and looked up at him "I'm pregnant again" she told him while chewing on her bottom lip

"Seriously?" he asked

"Yeah, I was going to tell you tonight. I've hardly processed it yet myself."

"Ok, cool. 4 kids. Even amount. Good thing I own this place. " he said with a small smile

"Are you mad?"

"No, no. A little shocked but definitely not mad. Damn heat wave" he laughed

"Yeah, blame the heat wave" she laughed with him

He smiled and leaned forward to kiss her

"Ewww" Jackie and Troy said in unison

"Eww" Maddie copied her older siblings

Zoe and Wade shook their heads and laughed "4 of them" she said

"Eh, it will be fun. Plus now Troy gets a brother"

"What happened Elijah?" asked Zoe kneeling down to his level. He's 7 with dark brown hair and eyes that matched his Daddy. No question taking after his mom in the height department, he was tiny and also pretty shy.

"I got a paper cut and it really stings and it's bleeding. I might need stitches like Troy does every time he gets hurt." he uncovered his finger showing his Mom the cut

"Ok, you don't need stitches" she laughed "Lets go clean that up and get a band aid." she led him into the bathroom

"Can I have a camo one?" he asked

"Of course you can." she lifted him up and sat him on the sink "I just bought these, where did they all go?" she asked pulling out the box that had one bandage left

"Oh, me and Maddie were healing our toys. She used some on her baby dolls and my trucks got in an accident and got scraped."

"Elijah Hart Kinsella, I told you and your sister, these are not for play. No more using band-aids on toys." she warned

"Ok, I'm sorry" he gave her a smile that easily resembled his Daddy's

Zoe rolled her eyes at her two youngest kids. They were always playing doctor. They were definitely hers while the two oldest took after their Dad.

"Is Paw Paw coming for dinner tonight?" he asked as she bandaged up his finger

"He is, so you better get your room cleaned up." she told him while lifting him off the sink and placing him back on the floor

"I will" he smiled and ran towards the stairs "Thanks Mama" he called halfway up

Zoe went back in the living room."Wade, are you going to be at the Rammer Jammer all day tomorrow? Elijah only has a half day of school but I have patients until 4." Zoe asked while picking up random toys off the floor

"I'm not working but I have to go in and do some paperwork, make some orders. If I don't get there in the morning I'll just take him with me. Put him to work." he laughed

"Don't forget to fix the boy's shower too." She sat down on the couch with him. "When did our lives become new dresses for school dances, football uniforms, missing cowboy boots and boo boos?" she asked resting her head on Wade's shoulder

"I don't know Doc. Remember the simpler times?" He put us mouth up to her ear and whispered "Blown fuses, heat waves, barns, and casually monaga.."

"Wade!" she shrieked and slapped his shoulder. "And all that led to 4 kids."

"I wouldn't change a thing" he smirked

"I remember saying we were not having 4 kids." she smiled remembering back to the day Jackie was born

"Obviously, you kept to that." he laughed

"I blame you"

"Why am I not surprised." he laughed planting a kiss on her head

"Knock Knock, Kinsella's?" Lavon called walking into the house, his own son right behind him

"In here Lavon." Zoe called

"Hey Big Z, Wade"

"What's up? Hey L.J"

"Hi Aunt Zoe, Uncle Wade. Is Troy up in his room?"

"Yeah, go on up" Zoe told him

Annabeth came in a few seconds later with their little girl. "Hey guys." she greeted

"Hey AB, Hi Ali" Zoe waved

"Hi Uncle Wade, Aunt Zoe, where's Maddie?"

"I think she's in the playroom."

Ali went to find her friend and Annabeth sat down in the chair across from Zoe and Wade.

"How are you guys today?" Annabeth asked

"Good, Jak and Troy got into it again. Apparently she was making out with Noah Tucker and Troy threw water balloons at them." Zoe told them

"Ah yes, L.J mentioned that. Zoe's daughter and the Tucker boy. Isn't life funny." Lavon laughed

"Shut up!" Zoe yelled while laughing

"Why did I have girls?" Wade shook his head and the other three laughed. He looked over at Lavon. "You're laughing now but just wait until Ali is dating."

"Oh she is not allowed to date until I find a nice respectable young man for her to marry." Lavon assured his friends

"Good luck with that Sweetie" Annabeth laughed

Lavon was standing by the fireplace and picked up a picture off the mantel.

"You remember this day?" he asked picking up a picture of Zoe, Wade and Lavon standing in the Rammer Jammer

"I love that picture. I think Dash took it. It was from my first Gumbo cook off. I had that lovely snake bite curiosity of that neighbor of mine."

"Hey that neighbor of yours also made your gumbo, so be nice."

"You didn't tell me until years later."

"Doesn't matter, I still did it"

"Just think, all these years later we'd be sitting here together with a gaggle of kids no less." Annabeth stated

Zoe laughed and took Wade's hand "Who knew"

I want to thank you all one more time for reading and reviewing my story. Hope you enjoyed the last chapter. I have other stories in the works so I hope you all come and read those as well.