Chapter 30: Epilogue

Nineteen Years Later

From above, Haley and Fred watched as their loved ones approached the Hogwarts Express.

"I never thought they would actually end up together," he spoke of Ron and Hermione who were leading their children, Rose and Hugo, into the station.

"Why's that?" Haley continued gazing at the scene below, rather than face the man whose arm was currently wrapped around her shoulders.

"They bickered constantly, remember?"

"They still do," she smiled as the couple fought over Ron not being honest in regards to his driving test. "Like Maggie and George once did," Haley enlightened him.

Fred looked on as his twin too entered King's Cross with his family of five.

"Oh, yeah," he recalled as Maggie took hold of her sons' hands. She and George ended up having two sets of male twins and, lastly, a daughter. One of the boys, much to his pleasure, had been named Fred.

"Amaryllis seems happy," Haley directed his attention to the blonde who stood with her family just in front of the train.

Rye eventually married Oliver and had three beautiful redheaded daughters: Narcissa, Andromeda, and Nymphadora. The last of which had been named after her cousin who was also happily married, to Remus, with a family of her own.

Draco, her brother, wedded Astoria Greengrass who bore him a son whose appearance reflected his own: Scorpius Lucius.

"There's Cedric," Fred had her look just to the left of the Malfoy clan.

Haley shifted her eyes to see the former Hufflepuff guiding his own son through the magical barrier of platform 9 ¾.

He, as she had always hoped, ultimately married Cho and had two children: a boy named Ryan and a girl, (who took Haley's newest middle name, per Cedric's request) Eileen.

Maggie had given her only daughter the oldest middle name of her late best friend by naming her Jane.

"Over there is Percy and Audrey," Haley pointed Fred to where his brother stood at the entrance to the station.

"Molly and Lucy are growing fast," he commented, referring to Percy's daughters.

"They really are," Haley couldn't help but to agree. "Much like Frank and Alice," she said, speaking about Ginny and Neville's children who already boarded the Express.

"Hey," Fred gave her shoulders a tighter squeeze, "Harry's here," he watched as said man kindly helped his wife get out of the car.

Haley also noticed this sweet gesture and smiled because of it. She then looked on as another man exited the vehicle, causing her smile to widen greatly.

"Dad," she whispered, resting her head upon Fred's own shoulder, feeling incredibly satisfied.

"Do you find it odd that only one of Harry's children inherited his black hair?" he inquired, thinking the fact to be strange as the darker colors tended to be most dominant.

"A bit," Haley confessed, "but Luna's blonde color suits the others well."

It was true. Their two eldest children (James Sirius and Albus Severus) were stunning with her ice blonde hair and Harry's emerald eyes. The youngest (Haley Lily), however, was just as beautiful with her raven colored hair and Luna's sky blue eyes.

"Do you think they can feel us? I mean, we watch them do this every year," Fred asked, genuinely curious.

"It's possible," Haley thought about it, "Sirius told me that the one's we love never truly leave us," she smiled, not believing that she was actually quoting the man. "He said that you can always find them," Haley looked to Fred and placed her hand over his heart, "in here."

Fred chuckled, "I can't believe Harry never told me that he was a Marauder."

"At least you know now," Haley also laughed.

"Still," he shook his head, smiling nonetheless. "I don't see why-"

Fred never got to finish his sentence…not that he minded.

Haley had interrupted him with a kiss.

Everyone had their happy ending.


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-The Little Anonymous Author