Penelope closed her eyes while enjoying that spicy taste. She couldn't help but moan as she savored that bite of barbecue pizza. But opening her brown eyes, there he was looking at her in rapt attention, which made her feel a bit embarrassed.

"I'm sorry. I know I'm not eating like a delicate lady."

He simply released a cheerful laugh while shaking his head. "I don't like ladies" Derek confessed, holding a piece of sushi to his mouth "I love real women. Those who enjoy, those who moan and lick their lips."

She swallowed and pressed her thighs against each other. God, she was still very horny after three hours. Penelope felt she wasn't hungry anymore. Her body just wanted to feel him inside again. His hands caressing every little millimeter of skin, his mouth discovering every little corner. His hard sex inside her, filling her to the utmost.

"And what exactly do you work on?"

She needed to change the subject. ASAP.

Derek smiled mischievously, aware of the earthquake that shook her body.

He knew it because he felt the same.

That wasn't normal. That was more than attraction, more than chemistry. What they both felt went beyond a mere sexual desire.

He took a sip of his wine, ready to focus on that necessary conversation.

"I'm a simple cop" he replied, shrugging his shoulders "This week I'm patrolling the slums but sometimes I direct traffic. Just last week I was on duty" he arched an eyebrow "You could have come to visit me at the office"

"Really?" her voice sounded funny, accompanied by a choked laugh "I thought you were a bad boy"

Derek leaned his forearms on the table to approach her.

"Sometimes things are not as they seem, babygirl"

She laughed bitterly. She better than anyone else knew that appearances really cheated. But at that moment, Penelope didn't want to think about that. She must keep a cool head and a horny body. That was her job. And she did it better than anyone.

"That's true, Derek"

But she no longer smiled. Her conscience began to betray her. Maybe, after all, he was not guilty of what he was accused of. No, he couldn't. Derek Morgan was too perfect, too loving, too much funny. He looked good person, with a good heart. By God, he was even on the good side of the Law.

"You were never a bad boy?"

Penelope asked, raising an eyebrow. That was part of her job, to bare his soul. But it was she who wanted to know the truth, she needed that truth.

She could see how a halo of sadness covered his face, erasing any fun gesture of his pretty features. He swallowed, squeezed his jaw and even dodged her gaze for a few seconds. Penelope's heart was beating wildly against her chest cage. All those gestures shouted guilty.

"Yes, I was a bad boy" his voice sounded sad and his look seemed lost somewhere in the ceiling"I did some bad things that I still regret, but it's never too late to reform, don't you think?"

He grinned widely, his eyes once again fixed on her face. His hand dropped to her knuckles. "What about you? Are you a good girl?"

Derek grabbed her hand and almost dragged her to the camel-colored sofa. She followed him delighted, wanting to feel his skin beneath her fingertips.

"Answer me"

He whispered against her mouth, while Penelope straddled his hips.

"What do you think?"

Penelope asked weakly, halfway between a pleasure moan and a whisper. She dropped onto his already erect dick and then a fist closed around her soft blond hair.

"I think sometimes even the devil presents himself as an angel of light"

Derek laughed, before hiding his mouth between the curve of her neck. Penelope smiled. He really did not know how much truth there was in that phrase...

"I don't understand why you have to go"

Derek asked, leaning against the door frame of his house. She narrowed her eyes.

"Maybe because I have a house and a kitten to look after?"

He raised his eyebrows and shook his head slowly. "Still don't understand your departure but " a smile appeared on his face just before bowing to her."Your wishes are orders, my lady"

Penelope opened her mouth wide, while looking left and right, checking that nobody had seen that. "Derek, don't do that again. I'm ashamed"

Her cheeks were really red but her heart kept melting every minute. He looked at her smiling, his eyes full of warmth. For many years no one looked at her like that.

"Will you kiss me good night?"

And she gave it to him. Of course she gave it to him. Penelope interlaced her fingers behind his neck to give him a slow sweet kiss. A kiss that warmed her cold soul. A kiss that was destroying each and every one of the walls that she'd built around her. And he just needs a few hours.

"Can I see you tomorrow?" he whispered against her swollen lips, his forehead resting on hers "Need to see you. I think you've become my daily drug"

"See you tomorrow, then" she replied, before kiss him again "I'll call you. Bye hot stuff"

Penelope still felt his gaze on her back until she disappeared from his street. And then, she couldn't help the tears. Her heart needed that relief.

She had a bad life. An unfair, painful life. Her soul was full of scars and several open wounds. But at that moment, Penelope GarcĂ­a felt that she deserved all this. She was rubbish. She was a heartless bitch. She deserved all the tears her eyes cried.

Her cell phone rang inside her bag and she picked it up reluctantly. At that time, she didn't feel like talking to anyone. Not even with her. But that was her duty.

"What do you want, Lillian?"

Her breathing was agitated from the other side of the phone

"What the hell was that?" she replied in a agitated voice "Tell me what the hell it was that I've seen"

Penelope swallowed "Don't know what you're talking about"

"Listen to me, bitch, I've seen how you kissed that guy."

"That's my job, that's what you hired me for"

The other woman laughed sarcastically, "No, I want him to fall in love with you. I want you to drive him crazy and want him to be able to give you his soul, but not the other way around. Don't even think about it, Penelope. Because if you fall in love with him and betray me, I swear you'll pay for it. "

"Whores like me don't fall in love"