Exiting the SUV Morgan fetched a wheelchair, double glares from Peter and Morgan ensured JJ climbed in. Neither had missed how hard she had leant on them walking out the house or her grimaces of pain as the car ran over bumps. Peter pushed the chair into the busy emergency room. At reception Morgan explained in quiet tones why there were there they were led almost immediately into a side room away from the main bustle of the department. JJ remained in the chair as a nurse came through; she took JJ's baseline measurements then asked what happened.
"I'm fine" was all JJ would say. She was having a hard time processing what had happened herself without explaining it to strangers
The nurse left Morgan excused himself to meet Hotch, Peter used the time to talk to JJ.
"What happened?" he asked. JJ looked at the one person she trusted most in this world, the first person who had never hurt her, judged her or taken any of her crap.
"I used to sleep with him for stuff, candles, cigarettes, coffee, whatever I wanted. But it was any delivery driver; he was the only one who got all weird about it. Scott was the one who stopped me thought even he never knew everything" JJ admitted fearing Peter would judge her, he didn't having promised himself never to judge anyone but especially not Shelby. He hugged her tightly.
"They aren't going to hurt you" he told her sincerely hoping she could trust them like she had with him and the Cliff hangers.
"I know, but it's been so long, I can't find the words" JJ replied truthfully. It wasn't like she could mention it in casual conversation. 'How was your weekend by the way did I ever mentioned being raped by my step father, being a prostitute or my sister killing herself.'
"They're there JJ deep down. You just have to trust yourself" he encouraged. JJ nodded she had always trusted Peter and he had never steered her wrong.
"Can you and Sophie be there?" she begged. Peter nodded pleased she was taking such a big step forwards. "I need you to ring Garcia get her here she needs to hear this in person" JJ begged
A Doctor came in; Peter stepped outside to give JJ some privacy. He rang Garcia who promised to be on the next flight out. He met Sophie and the team in the waiting room. He took Sophie aside so the others couldn't hear.
"They had sex at the school but he raped her tonight." She hugged him aware he would feel like he let her down
"Is she ok?" Sophie asked worriedly.
"Shaken up, a few bruises but nothing physically serious. She has decided to tell her team, she wants us to be there."
"We'll be there" Sophie promised him. Although they weren't meant to show bias to the kids they had both admitted to each other that group of cliff hangers had been their favourite kids.
The Doctor came out. He spoke to the whole group as the nurse finished up.
"She is fine and can go home tonight" he walked off. JJ soon came out of the cubicle. The cut on her face had been steri-stripped and although she was walking stiffly she was smiling still.
"Hey" she said awkwardly. Sophie hugged her tightly knowing Shelby avoided initiating contact but always secretly craved it.
The whole team travelled to Horizon to stay taking advantage of the empty parent's cabin. Hotch shared with Rossi, Reid with Morgan, Emily with Penelope when she arrived in the early hours of the morning and JJ with Kat needing someone who understood her nightmares.
Early the next morning the students were awake, JJ woke with Kat helping to herd the kids to the right place. The noise of the camp woke the rest of the team up. After breakfast and coffee they met in the group therapy room with Peter. Sophie and JJ were noticeably absent.
"JJ has asked me to speak with you" Peter began drawing the group's attention, "She is worried about what she has to tell you and would like you to hear her out without passing judgement until she has finished" they all nodded dreading what they would hear.
"I run a school for troubled teenagers. Some of them have been emotionally abused, others physically, a few sexually." He paused as JJ and Sophie walked in taking their place in the circle JJ clutching Sophie's hand nervously. "Some of our kids have been abused in all ways possible" he finished.
"I came to this school as a teenager I was 15" JJ announced to the group. They all looked surprised, she made eye contact with Peter giving her the courage to continue.
"My parents split before I can remember, I was about 3, Jess my sister had just been born. When I was 7 my mum married Walt" JJ spat the name even now she hated him with every fibre of her being. The team didn't need to be profilers to see how much she tensed as she spoke about him. It was clear he was the reason she had been sent to the school.
"When I was 9 he came into my room for the first time, said I was his little kitten. At 12 I found out this wasn't normal he threatened my sister if I told anyone. I was 13 when I ran away. I slept under the pier at night walked the streets in the day. I tried begging but it wasn't enough so I did the only other thing I knew to make money and started sleeping with men. Patty was my best friend she showed me how to cope I used drugs to forget." She paused as the shame burnt her face and she flushed red. Looking around at the team she saw mixed reactions. Rossi appeared furious, Morgan sympathetic his own abuse giving him unique insight, Prentiss horrified, Garcia was blinking away tears but used the opportunity to grab a hanky and clutch Morgan's hand. Hotch had his mask in place and only those who knew him well could see how angry he was, Reid appeared confused as he tried to conjured facts about abuse and prostitution.
"It was a wakeup call when Patty OD'd and died I knew that would be me in a few weeks. So I found my real dad forced him to send me here. Even when I got here I didn't feel safe. I slept round with some of the students and delivery drivers. One of them was Bill Lathers." JJ paused again to gain strength.
To a bunch of profiles the reason was obvious why she had continued to sleep round even when the abuse of her step father had passed she had desperately searched for a father figure finally finding it in Peter and a confident in Scott.
"I stayed at Horizon for 2 years before things changed. I thought Walt would keep his promise I didn't think he would touch Jess. Jess never told me, I would have done something taken her away from it." JJ stopped as she began to sob. Even 15 years on the pain was too raw. Peter took over
"We got a phone call Jess killed herself, it was the police the autopsy revealed that she was pregnant the DNA test revealed it was Walt. Jess had been dead 3 weeks by this point. Shelby's mum never bothered to ring us."
"Wait who is Shelby?" Rossi asked
"I am, or was" JJ revealed having gathered herself together. They all began asking question JJ raised her hands silencing them all.
"Let me finish, when I lost my sister mum and Walt went to jail. Dad refused to pay for Horizon so I was sent to live with my Aunt in Pennsylvania. Auntie Ann and Uncle Michael Jareau, I was so fed up of being screwed up Shelby and I did not want his last name. So I changed my name joined a normal high school joined the soccer team. I got a group of friends who knew I had a rough past but not the details I won a scholarship to the University of Pittsburgh and then joined the FBI" JJ finished
"Why did we never know any of this I mean your criminal record, your name change?" Hotch asked
"I never had a criminal record I never got caught and both records of my name change are on my file" JJ defended.
"Why didn't you tell me?" Reid asked feeling let down. He considered JJ his closest friend.
"I didn't know how" JJ confessed breaking down in tears again. This time it was Garcia who hugged her tightly.
"I still love you my little Jay bird" she whispered. She let go to be replaced by Morgan. Out of everyone on the team he was the one who understood most what she had been though.
"Thanks Morgan" JJ said in response to her hug. He stood protectively behind her.
Rossi was next he was waiting behind Morgan. He also hugged her as tightly as he could.
"It doesn't change anything" he promised. Hotch agreed also hugging her tightly.
Emily was next having waited impatiently behind.
"And I thought I was the one who got shipped off. You know this changes nothing you're still my best friend." Penelope coughed, "So are you I'm allowed two" Emily defended. Garcia nodded hugging them both. Only Reid was left.
"You lied" he muttered.
"I know" JJ responded, sitting next to him. The team backed off knowing the 2 of them had to sort it out.
"I had to, to protect myself" JJ admitted "Just like you did when we found out your mother had schizophrenia" she reminded him carefully. They sat in silence for a minute as Reid processed that information.
"I understand" he said finally. He stood up hugging her tightly. JJ returned it glad they had accepted her and her past.
They stayed at Horizon for 5 more days getting themselves together making use of their week off. They hiked, canoed, played soccer FBI vs. Horizon and even with JJ and Morgan's skills Horizon won fair and square. Although JJ was disappointed she knew it was a much needed ego boost for these kids.
She used the time wisely to help herself heal from her experience, talking to Peter, Sophie and the team proudly showing them her favourite places.
Morgan bonded well with the kids, his own past helping plus he was cool and fit. He used the time to coach some of the kids especially those with anger issues. He began wondering at the end of the week if he could start coming out here with JJ finding it very therapeutic. He wasn't the only one thinking that way.
All week Rossi had taken over the kitchen teaching the kids to make home-made Italian food. He now had about 9 kids volunteering for cooking duty something which Peter was encouraging. When not cooking he was writing his book finding the Mountain life and kids were providing inspiration as he promised to name characters after each in his 'cooking school'. He also bounced ideas off them finding them brutally honest but very resourceful. His best critics and although he tried to tame some of the details of the profiling he was surprised and saddened how much insight these kids had of the unstable mind and swore to do whatever it took to help them.
Spencer initially had trouble relating to the kids. Although he was the closest in age to them he had always had trouble relating to people. Then he found Harry an extremely geeky child who reminded him a lot of himself. They began to connect sharing a love of literature, Reid began teaching him piano finding that Harry had a natural talent. As he began teaching him other children came over intrigued by the music. Soon he had a group of shyer, intelligent children that he mentored unofficially, teaching them magic, piano and random facts.
Emily a natural with children and at meeting new people quickly began teaching some of the kid's self-defence with everyone else helping out. She found it exhilarating as she helped Kat run treks and camps. Working with the kids, giving back even recognising some of the surnames as sons and daughters of the elite she had once known. It was strange listening to her own problems coming out the mouths of the kids as she wished her mother had sent her here as a teen. Maybe then she wouldn't be as screwed up as she was. This place really was incredible.
Garcia had gone on one trek with the no wifi signal, the mosquitos and the mud before firmly refusing to leave the camp again. She enjoyed the canoeing but she loved her computers more even if the ones at Horizon were horribly outdated. The rest of her week was spent updating them, deleting software and installing better faster stuff teaching a small group of kids all about computers. Hotch had to step in to stop her teaching them how to hack the pentagon or any other website for that matter.
Hotch used the time healing himself, he knew his marriage was on the rock but using the week to rearrange his thoughts, having the space away from Hayley and work to consider his priorities. He helped Peter going over some of the legal issues they were having offering free advice. He hiked and watched as the team bond, even Garcia got to join in which they all appreciated.
They reluctantly left Horizon flying back to the FBI. They watched as the tension build in JJ as they came closer and closer to the FBI headquarters. They all knew she would be expected to write her report and speak to Strauss and they could tell she was dreading it.
Rossi was the one who finally snapped as he opened his laptop and handed it to JJ
"Start writing your report now" he ordered. JJ glared at him but he remained impervious. She sighed as she began to type.
"Don't tell them your previous relationship with the unsub" Hotch advised "Start with being presented with the case"
JJ began typing about the case and why she felt it was BAU.
"Don't mention the school they don't need to know" Rossi encouraged, "Skip to the leaving dinner"
JJ began typing that section of the report it was remarkably brief. Driving to the hotel the breakdown, texting Garcia the van, the unsub, the car, the cabin. That's when it got hard. It was as if they sensed it or more likely profiled it.
"Where are you up to?" Garcia asked
"The cabin" JJ whispered. Garcia took the laptop off her
"So tell me I'll type" she offered. JJ took the offer taking a deep breath.
"It was dark when the car stopped. The boot opened I was hog tied unable to do anything as he lifted me like one would do a child. Inside he left me legs tied. My arms were aching too badly I tried to fight but they were both dead. He tied me up again spent time ranting at me. He gave me some water to keep my strength up. Then started yelling at me for leaving him alone so long then he said I could make it up to him. He began ripping my clothes and biting me. I tried to fight but he was too strong."
JJ rubbed her wrists the bruises evident. Garcia hugged her.
"When he finished he ranted and beat me up some more. Then we heard an engine outside. I knew it was you. He untied me and held a knife to my throat. Mogan and 2 police officers came in. I saw what Morgan wanted me to do I elbowed him hard as I could. He went down and Morgan had no choice but to shoot." JJ finished feeling better.
Penny typed it up then handed it to JJ, JJ edited it making it more her own style. Before passing the laptop to Hotch. He read it and signed it off as usual it was really good.
JJ smiled the weight easing they knew everything about her now and they hadn't run. Maybe life was getting better.