This is a SLASH content story, so please leave if it's not to your liking.

Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter series nor Twilight sagas. The pleasure goes to J.K Rowling and Stephanie Meyer.


As much as Harry didn't want to believe it, Saturday came around rather quickly.
It was a cloudy day, not that Harry expected much. He didn't mind the rain but he thought it wouldn't be nice if it rained while they were on the street.

Harry would never admit it willingly, but it was true that he has waited for this day. Harry tried to rationalize his thoughts and reasons but what was there to rationalize in the first place? It didn't take long for Draco to notice Harry's inner conflict, but her decided to keep quiet for Harry's sake. It wouldn't do any good to set get on his nerves.

Draco was already up when Harry came by the kitchen for breakfast.

He was wearing a black shirt with his collar unbuttoned and a light beige pants with expensive black Oxford shoes. He looked dandy as usual.

Draco looked up while sipping on his coffee and raised one of his eyebrows.

"I see you've woke up early. I wonder why"

Draco scoffed at Harry who was casually dressed.
Harry was wearing his favorite yellow sweater with dark blue jean that was rolled up to his ankle and a brown brogue.
As Draco handed the coffee to Harry, he glared.

Teddy was still soundly asleep and although he wanted to say goodbye to Teddy firsthand, he didn't want to wake him up.

"When are you coming back?"

"Um... I guess around 6?"

Harry wasn't the type who would stay out late. He didn't like being away from home especially when he knew Teddy and Draco would be alone together without him.
Not that Harry didn't trust Draco, but it's just that he didn't feel secure without them.

"If not, be here by 9 for Teddy's sake. You understand?"

"Don't worry. I'll probably be back before 9. And I'll call if there's any problem"

Harry slowly creaked open Teddy's door to check on the sleeping toddler while Draco stood behind him with crossed arms. It amused both of them how long can the toddler sleep in. They were worried at the beginning, but they decided to let him be since he was fine even after sleeping in. Harry guessed Teddy got that side from Nymphadora. Remus was an early riser.
After closing Teddy's door, Harry snatched his wallet and cellphone after checking himself in the mirror.

11'o clock sharp, they heard two honks outside their driveway. Suddenly feeling nervous, Harry slightly opened the curtain to see a shiny silver Volvo on their drive through. "He's here" rasped Harry. Draco looked unimpressed.

"Well, he asked you out"

Draco sarcastically commented and Harry took a deep breath before heading towards the door.

"Quick. How do I look"

Harry pointed at himself and spun around for Draco.
Draco blankly looked and quickly said 'Sexy. Now, go' and pushed him out the door.

"Thanks- wait, what?"

But before Harry could process what Draco had said, he was already out the door.
Cursing Draco inwardly, Harry looked up to see Edward out of his car and opening his door for him.

"Good morning, Harry. You look fantastic today"

"Er.. Thanks- you look sexy, no! I mean wonderful"

Now Harry just wanted to hide somewhere else other than his car, but he reluctantly climbed in as he found no other alternative. Harry wouldn't have been so bothered if he hadn't caught Edward smiling at his muster.

But Edward truly did look wonderful today. His expensive quality designer clothes only enhanced his beautiful self. With his midnight blue shirt tucked in his black pants and his sleeves folded up to his elbow, he may have just come out from a fashion magazine. And it didn't help to Harry's nervousness.

"What are you so nervous about?"

Edward suddenly asked him without straying his eyes from the road. It helped Harry to focus on his answer. He tried to calm down and seemed like he wasn't affected by anything which only temporarily worked.

"It's been long since I hung out with anyone other than Draco and Teddy."

"I see" murmured Edward. He was strangely calm and Harry peered at his features until Edward flicked his eyes towards Harry that made him flinch and retreat back. Harry thought of Dr. Cullen and peaked at him again to see the resemblance. They were oddly similar to each other, mused Harry.

"Are you sure, you're not related to Dr. Cullen by blood?"

"No. He is not my biological father. He died many years ago"

"Oh, I'm sorry. My parents passed away too"

Harry was glad that he and Edward had something in common but quickly put that thought away as it was the worst thing to have in common. Harry wasn't this awkward around people but he seemed to be loss at topics to talk about with Edward Cullen. Where are all the things that he wanted talk about with him? He decided to keep quiet and enjoy this silence.
Harry noticed that Edward was a fast driver but didn't mind since Draco was a speeder himself.
Trees were passing by in blur and the noise of the winds were vaguely heard.

After that, Edward didn't speak and Harry wondered where Edward was taking him.

"Where are we going?"

"Port Angeles. I would like to show you around"

"Tell me. Why?"

Harry didn't notice until they were at a certain parking lot and Edward pulled up.

"I would like to know you better"

With that simple reply, Edward got off the car.
When Harry got off the car, he was able to inhale the scent of the sea. He smiled at the sudden reminisces in Britain when the whole family visited the beach to have fun. It seemed like the day was only yesterday.

"Do you like to read? There is a library near by"

"Oh, definitely! Lead on!"

They laughed and chattered, completely enjoying themselves.
Harry and Edward passed by many people including students from their school. Fortunately, Harry didn't notice anything.

Harry watched as Edward swiftly and gracefully walked as if he was gliding on the ground. It reminded him of Draco with his noble upper class pride and postures. Draco used to be such a snob and he was proud of it.

The library was small so Harry did not bother to get a card. He shouldn't have expected too much from this small town library. Although Draco's taste was not to his liking, he was better off with what Draco had in his study than this. And Draco despised library books. He deemed it unsanitary because it was touched and borrowed by hundreds of god knows who.

For the sake of Edward, who went through all the troubles to bring him to the library and who seemed to catch on with his mood easily, Harry tried not to make it obvious. But he had a feeling that it didn't work.

The city wasn't too big for them to travel and Harry was enjoying it every moment.
He hoped that it wasn't just because of Edward. But then again, it was Harry's nature to be amiable. It would be out of character if Harry didn't enjoy it.
Edward, acting as a tour guide, explained as they passed by many shops and Harry tentatively listened.

It was 3'o clock when Edward cautiously asked if he shouldn't he eat lunch. Harry had no idea how fast time fled. He was still full by the coffee he drank in the morning. Harry usually didn't eat much and it was no wonder since he was so thin.

They decided to walk a bit on the sidewalk of the port. Harry loved to take a walk and occasionally had one with Teddy.

"What. No questions?"

Harry playfully retorted at Edward who was silently walking beside him. He had his hands behind him and gracefully glided along with him. His expression was regal and handsome. Edward glanced down at Harry and crookedly smiled as he replied.

"I'd like to enjoy this moment as much as you do"

That certainly caught Harry's attention.
Suddenly, Harry walked right in front of Edward while stepping backwards to face him.
Imitating Edward's posture, Harry gathered his hands and clasped them behind him.

Edward was only amusedly gazing at Harry and walked on with green-eyed boy in front of him.

"I don't understand you. You're not what I expected and heard"

"That depends on the source and the contents"

Edward easily answered Harry's confusion. Mostly, his source was Jessica, Mike, or Eric. Harry squinted his eyes as if he was trying to figure out who he was.
Edward kept silent and merely smirked at Harry's attempt.

Harry couldn't have possibly seen the small rock behind his heel and almost tripped. Almost.

It was Edward who grabbed Harry's waist and pulled towards his rock-hard and cold body.
Harry yelped when he felt cold hands wrapping his waist and furiously blinked when his head hit Edward's chest hard.
His hands were on Edward's shoulder and their intimacy startled both of them.
Their widened eyes met and both of them didn't bother to move.

Harry gasped when he realized how cold he was.

"I'm sorry"

Noticing Harry's gasp, Edward quickly released Harry.
Stumbling to gain balance at the sudden release, Harry bit his lips.
The fact that he had liked the intimacy dawned on him. The cold shot up to his spine, making his fingers tingle.

Edward quickly looked at Harry as if he heard what Harry had said.

"You must be hungry. How about I treat you with dinner"

Startled by Edward's sudden suggestion, Harry only nodded while Edward walked away.
It was already 4:30 pm.
By Harry's whims, he didn't eat lunch except for snacks they sold on the streets.

Glancing at Edward's retreating back, Harry thought if he had made any mistakes.

"Don't worry."

That was what all Edward said and Harry was barely convinced.

"Anything you would like to eat?"

"Where were you going to take me?"

"I was about to take you to C'est Si Bon."

Although Harry just moved in, he knew about that French restaurant that Draco constantly talked about.

"Absolutely not. How about a nice Italian restaurant? Like the one we passed by"

"Suit yourself. I really don't mind, Harry"

Edward chuckled and stared out the car window.
Harry didn't like people spending money on him. Draco was an exception. They knew each other very well and it's not like Harry was taking an advantage of him and Draco knew it. As much as Draco was spending money, Harry was doing most of the chores in the household.
Harry really didn't want Edward to take the wrong impression of him.

When they entered a decent Italian restaurant, a waitress greeted them and took them to their table.

Harry felt Edward looking at him while reading the menu. He peeked sideways to glance at Edward, only to retreat back to the menu board.

"Are you ready, yet?"

The waitress came around eventually and patiently stood to take orders. Harry panicked because he still hadn't decided but read what came into his eyes at first.

"Uh.. I'll have a shrimp Rossini."

"Two sprites and nothing for me"

Waitress quickly compiled and went about.
Harry felt incredibly awkward, since he noticed many of the people in the restaurant were couples.
He wondered if they were seen as one too.

"What are you thinking about?"

"Um... Nothing"

Harry couldn't help but blush and look down as Edward asked in curiosity.
Edward seemed to catch on Harry's thoughts as he looked around to observe the couples around them. Harry saw Edward's lips twitch up.

"Why won't you eat?"

A question suddenly came out of Harry's mouth out of awkwardness. Was he on a diet? Harry thought as he eyed Edward.

"I don't like food"

"That can't be! How do you not like food"

Harry incredulously asked and threw a disbelieving look towards Edward who merely observed Harry's reaction very carefully.
As if Edward was fearing something, Harry mused.

"They taste horrible to me."

"I never seen anyone who would deny food. Are you on a diet? Because, trust me, you don't need one-"

Harry was preaching about when he grabbed Edward's hand to show how thin his wrist was. But as soon as he touched Edward's bare hand, Harry gasped as he felt icy coldness that shot up to his arms. Again with the cold.
Observing Harry's reaction, Edward quickly retreated his hand backwards and looked apologetic towards Harry.

"So you weren't kidding when you said your hands are rather cold."

Edward didn't say anything when Harry demanded his hand back. Harry pressed his lips together and determinedly took Edward's hand.
Harry was observing his hand and poking around. His hand was rock hard and cold, as if it was frozen for a while.

"Was it always like this?"

"...Not always"

Edward drawled on to answer and Harry gazed in to Edward's golden hazel eyes. Green and hazel clashes together as the intensity grew.
It took Harry a while to ask again.

"For how long?"

"Quite a while"

Harry felt strange as he grabbed on to Edward's hand while looking into his eyes.
He noticed something was off with this guy and he always wondered why.

Just then, Harry's food arrived with the waitress smiling.

Harry dug in silently. His mind was swirling with many strange things about Edward.
He doesn't eat. He's inhumanely pale and icy cold. He's too handsome to be human. His body seems like it was made out of a rock. He seems to catch up with whatever he's feeling. And now that he think about it, his answers to some of the questions were odd.

But as Harry thought they were all coincidences, he decided to let it all go.

"You shouldn't do that"

Edward suddenly spoke out loud but neither of them said anything until Harry was finished with his dinner.
After paying the bill, they got out of the restaurant.
It was 5:46 PM but due to the cloudy weather, it was getting dark already.
Harry shivered a bit when cold wind hit him as soon as he got out of the restaurant. It wasn't long before Edward took off his jacket that he brought out from the back seat of his car and placed it on Harry's shoulder and walked in front of Harry to get his car.


Harry's hand shot out and grabbed on to Edward's arm. Edward suddenly stopped and looked back with slight smirk that was usually there on his face.

"Why what, Harry?"

Harry didn't know what to say and he assumed that Edward knew what he was talking about but decided to question him to be more specific. That Damn bastard.

"Why are we even here"

Harry wanted to know what Edward wanted from him.
By now, Harry knew where the Cullens stood among students. No one would be nice and willing towards others without a reason.
Edward Cullen was no exception.

Nobody made any movements or comments for few seconds before Edward broke into a strange yet almost sad smile.
Harry's breath hitched as he heard the next odd reply.

"You make me feel... so human"

As if that was the final clue, Harry's mind snapped back.
Certain things started to make sense and his confusion only reached its conclusion; the only possible explanation.
Harry watched Edward's retreating back while sudden realization dawning on him.

Edward was not a human being.

A.N/ Long time no see(; I'm sorry for the lateness. I've been busy with all the preparations for my vacation and graduation! I actually had this written while ago, but couldn't edit it properly. I still suck as grammar and I'm ashamed.

I didn't really liked this chapter. Even I was awkward while Hopefully, it'll get better.

Is this what people call 'cliffhanger'? Wow. I never had cliffhangers but here it is. I'll try my best to upload as soon as possible! But it may be hard for me upload during July through August. Who knows. However, I know I'm not going to stop writing.

All the thanks to whom read, followed, favored, and reviewed CIVILIZED! I'm very grateful and it's the best motivation I could ever have! XOXO

Any mistakes, comments, suggestions, thoughts? Please let me know. And I repeat, I take any suggestions under my considerations and I'm more than willing to have some suggestions regarding the plot whether if it's a small side story or a main plot.



p.s Among the reviews that I got, I have one review with spanish language and unfortunately, I'm not a native speaker nor am I very good at it. Can anyone translate it for me? The translator can't translate it either; Or can the reviewer, her/himself kindly translate it for me? I would like to know your thoughts(; Thanks!