Upon reaching the surface he took a deep breath. The air was just as smoky as the base. The once ever-green trees were now ever-red with the fire feasting on the wood.

Sighing he went north, to a place where (hopefully)the skies will be clearer so that he can fly away.

In the distance he could hear the cackling of his future self/alternate future self. Stopping, he debated, whether or not to go, it would mean almost certain death, but is death better than his current situation?

Smiling he began gently floating towards the sound.

In the middle of a small, destroyed town stood HIM. With a crimson eye he stared at the younger one.

"So, finally decided to actually do something for a change?" He mocked.

He simply stared.

"What? Don't tell me you are horrified by this?" He sneered.

He smiled. He was confused.

Making a small, green flame burst in his hand, he threw it into the air.

"The one way I can end this is by killing you." He said, making another flame, blue this time.

What do you get when you mix flame an ice? How about his ice core and his flame core?

Relazation dawned on his face.

"Stop boy! You're kill yourself too!" He yelled, flying towards him.

The green flame flew down, onto it's last place, where the blue flame was, seconds before they met, he said.

"The future cannot exist without the past." He smiled as the light took him away.

Danny cracked open his eyes, looking at the spaceship poster in his room. His body ached from the fight with Technus last night.

Looking at the clock he saw that it was noon, good thing it's a Sunday.

He would have slept more if not for the weird dream he had.

He couldn't remember it, but he knew it was rather odd. A buzzing came from his desk. It came from his phone. Walking toward it he picked it up.

He smiled. It was from Sam.

The next day Danny lay in a hospital, covered in the ash of the nasty burger and with Vlad sitting by his bed side.

He already forgot everything about that odd dream. There where bigger fish to fry.

(The end of a horrible story. I am so sorry if the story was crap, just my style I guess. No sequels will come. You can do fics in this universe if you want, just send me the link so I can read it.)