Disclaimer: I don't own Young Justice or the song.

Pairings: Wally/Artemis and Dick/Zatanna
Word count: 4,098
Rating: T
Summary: "She grabbed his thin black tie and led him to the dance floor like a dog on a lease. But, surprisingly, Wally had no problem with that." Masquerade AU. Artemis and Zatanna are part of the League of Shadows.
Song: How to be a heartbreaker by Marina and the Diamonds. I listened to the Glee version. I do not own! (I like both versions)
Note: I didn't mean to turn it into a sort of song-fic but oh well; I thought the song fit Artemis for this.


Wally West was bored. No, that was an understatement. He was jaded, bored to death, absolutely uninterested in anything at the moment. Nothing could occupy his attention for more than ten or fifteen minutes. He tried to play video games and stopped after he switched the disk four or five times. He tried eating away the boredom but that didn't last long due to lack of food. He even tried cleaning! Though that was more doomed from the start than his other earlier ideas.

So when his best friend walked through the door of his apartment he was utterly happy. Ecstatic even, overjoyed that someone had come to rescue him before he went into a coma from lack of stimulation. He needed to exercise his brain. His thoughts moved at too fast a pace for him to have literally nothing to do.

The redhead was sprawled out on the couch, one leg resting on the top of the couch and one arm was hanging limply near the ground. He gave his friend a pleading, helpless look as he entered the (now only slightly) messy living room. His black haired friend simply cackled his signature laugh, shaking his head.

"Dick, old buddy, old pal," Wally whined, "Please tell me you have a mission or that you want a night off so I can patrol for you or something productive."

"Wally, if you wanted something productive to do then you should've cleaned your living room." He smirked, "There's empty take-out boxes and wrappers on the coffee table and old newspapers and other trash on the floor."

"Yes, but that's not fun." Wally pouted; he even crossed his arms over his chest and stuck out his lower lip a tiny fraction. "I tried to clean, but the vacuum cleaner was hiding."

Dick shook his head again, amused by his friend's reluctance to clean. "Honestly Wally, did your mother ever have you tested for ADHD?" He chuckled.

"Hilarious." He deadpanned.

"I thought so." Dick grinned.

"It's the super speed. Not only do I have increased speed and agility but my thought process is quick too. It makes doing mundane things very difficult." Wally said defensively.

"Right," He drawled out, "Anyways since you so desperately need something to do, I have just the thing."

Wally's interest piqued as he sat up, "Oh?"

"Apparently the League of Shadows plans on assassinating Jacque Rue, you know the guy who owns that weapons company? They think that by doing so they can get one of their own on the board so they can have free access to weapons and so they can suggest new models." Dick paused for a moment; he seemed to be in deep thought, "Though I don't see why they wouldn't just steal the weapons. That would seem so much easier."

Wally simply shrugged his shoulders, "It's the Shadows, do they need a good reason to do anything?"

"No, I guess not."

Wally stood up and clapped his hands then rubbed them together in anticipation, "So what's the plan?"

"Well, the Shadows might try to assassinate Jacque Rue tonight at his fundraising masquerade ball. We are going to go undercover and look out for anyone suspicious. And if you see anyone that could be a Shadow we lure them outside and take them down." Dick pushed his sunglasses further up his nose.

"Sounds easy enough." And it did sound easy. The two of them have been through a lot harder mission with impossible odds staked against them. They weren't always successful but they made a good team after working with each other for so many years. Having to walk around a party with many girls dressed up in pretty dresses didn't sound like a bad night at all. Plus there has to be plenty of good food. The rich always have the best finger food at these types of events.

Dick smirked in return. "That what we always think then the mission always goes wrong," He laughed as he turned towards the door. He gave a lazy wave and opened the front door of Wally's apartment, "See you tonight, Wally." With that, he walked out and shut the door behind him.

Wally stood there for a moment before collapsing back on the couch. After a few minutes he groaned and stuck his hands out to the ceiling, "Dang it, I still have to entertain myself for a few hours."

He slowly and lazily reached out for the remote. Clicking the on button, he relaxed back into his couch. He figured watching a movie would be a good way to pass the time.

The hours flew by and suddenly Wally found himself in a nice looking black suit with a black tie and a black masquerade mask. Dick had given him the suit before they left for the mission. Dick also had a black suit and black mask but his tie was a dark blue color. Wally wanted to have a yellow tie and red mask but Dick didn't think it would've been a good idea. He said they were 'trying to blend in, not stand out. And stand out badly at that.' Wally totally rocked the yellow and red, he could've pulled it off with style.

Dick handed him a ear piece before they went in, "Keep in touch throughout the night. And don't make a big show." Dick put his ear piece in and disappeared into the crowd before Wally could make a retort back.

He settled instead for pouting and muttering to himself, "I do not make big shows of myself undercover. I can't help it if everyone can't tear their eyes away from me."

He stalked off to the nearest buffet table and immediately started to pile food on a plate. He surveyed the room, his eyes landing on every person, trying to spot any potential Shadows. He made a mental note on Jacque Rue's position. He had his own special table with his 'close' friends. Rue was nothing special, just the typical money hungry business man. Wally couldn't tell if his dull brown hair was slicked back with gel or if it was just really greasy. His plump, short figure was currently seated and his skin was pale.

Wally stood at his spot, surveying the room and eating, for several songs. The DJ was good; he played a lot of popular songs and switched occasionally between upbeat and slow songs. Currently some popular pop song was playing.

"Wally, you're supposed to act like you're having a good time. Not being a glutton at the buffet table. Go dance or walk around. You're starting to have people stare with the amount of food you eat." Nightwing's voice came through the ear piece. Wally set down his plate, clean of any scraps. He grabbed a champagne flute from one of the waiter's walking around and downed half of it in one gulp. Wally surveyed the room for potential dance partners. If he was going to dance he didn't want to do it alone.

A curvaceous chocolate brown haired woman caught his eye. She had a pretty baby blue dress that had a plunging neck line and was backless. The skirt part of the dress was puffy and big. Her brown hair was pulled up in a delicate bun and her mask matched the color of her dress. All in all she was very pretty and definitely a potential dance partner. He ran a hand through his red hair and swaggered over, putting his best charming smile in place.


She looked him up and down with a quick sweep with her eyes before putting on a wide smile, showing off her white smile, "Hi there."

Wally internally cringed, her voice was high pitched and squeaky, almost like nails on a chalk board. He coughed, hoping she'd mistake it for being nervous, "Would you like to dance?"

Her smile got wider, "Yes. You're the first to ask me tonight. All the others came up then left after we talked for a few minutes. They must've been nervous." Yeah that's the reason why.

"I can imagine." He muttered, then downed his champagne and set the flute on the table.

Wally held out his hand which she quickly snatched up. She practically dragged him out to the middle of the dance floor as a slow song was starting. Wally mentally groaned as she tightly latched her arms around his neck and snuggled into his chest. They swayed back and forth since they couldn't really go in any other direction due to the woman practically on top of him. A few pieces of her blond hair got into his mouth and he craned his neck to the side to get his head as far away from hers as possible.

"This is so nice," She said in a low voice trying to sound sexy and flirtatious, but to his ears it was like a softer version of her squeaky and high pitched tone.

"Yeah… Nice." He practically counted the seconds till he could make some sort of excuse to leave.

"You look comfy there, Flash." A mocking voice said in his ear, followed by a cackle of laughter.

If he could reply, Wally would be making many comments and many insults. The song finally ended and Wally had to peel the girl's arms from around his neck. She protested and asked for another dance but Wally said he was hungry and made a beeline for the buffet table across the large room. He heard the girl shriek and stomp her foot before walking off. He shuddered, glad she was gone.

He glanced across the room then spotted Dick giving him a thumbs up which Wally returned with a glare. He could see him laughing even from across the room. Stupid little troll. Something caught Nightwing's eyes, his jawing dropping for a second before he composed himself and sauntered over to a pair of ladies who just arrived. He walked straight up to the black haired female who was wearing a black dress with a bedazzled swooping neckline, the jewels continued to outline the plunging back. It created a stunning affect and made her waist look tiny. The dress had a slit up the side which showed off her high black heels and fish net stockings. Her mask was black with black glitter and she had a headband holding her straight hair back from her face. The headband seemed to have a small hat tilted to the side attached. The hat seemed to be a magician hat and it had a small black veil attached under the hat. What would've looked tacky on anyone else, make her look absolutely stunning. Dick bowed slightly and the girl giggled back and took his outstretched hand. He led her out to the dance floor where a fast song was playing. Lucky bastard.

His eyes then travel to the girl's companion and Wally nearly choked on his polenta wedges with tomato tapenade. He coughed and patted his chest. The woman was almost the exact opposite of her friend. She had long blond hair that was put into a high ponytail then curled. Her bangs which were about chin length were also curled. The mask she wore was black but had thing silver swirls that started in one corner and faded when they reached her nose and cheek. Her skinned looked smooth and was tanned. The dress she had on almost made his jaw drop to the floor. It was a silver one shouldered dress. It also had a slit running up the length of her leg, except there was no fish net underneath, just smooth silky looking skin. When she turned he could see that the strap turned into a thin jeweled strap that crisscrossed across her back. The metallic silver was a great contrast to her dark skin. A few boys stopped her and he could see their faces fall as she turned them down. He smirked.

He could see her start to make her way to the hor d'oeuvres. Wally ruffled his hair a little and put on a suave smile. He walked over to the blond haired beauty and leaned casually against the table, "Hi there."

She simply raised a thin eyebrow but didn't say anything. He tried again.

"I've got moves, you got shoes, let's go dancing." He winked.

She snorted and said coyly, "Does that always work on the ladies?"

Her voice was surprisingly husky which Wally found out he immediately loved the sound of. He wanted to hear her talk more. "No, but it got you to laugh, didn't it?"

"Touché." She cocked her hip out and placed her hand on it as she gave him a once over, "Okay fine. Let's dance."

She grabbed his thin black tie and led him to the dance floor like a dog on a lease. But, surprisingly, Wally had no problem with that. A song started up when they arrived.

Rule number one
Is that you gotta have fun
But baby when you're done
You gotta be the first to run

She put one hand on his shoulder and grabbed his hand with the other. Wally placed his free hand on her waist. Wally led her backwards then twirled her around in a circle. He could see a faint smile grace her lips. Behind them and a little to the right he could see Dick twirling the black haired girl around in a circle. Both had smiles on their faces. The girl got close and Wally had to know her name, "You gonna tell me your name?"

Rule number two
Just don't get attached to
Somebody you could lose
So le-let me tell you

She smiled and put both of her hands around his neck, she lifted her leg slowly up his side till her knee was almost at the height of his waist. Her leg hooked around his and she leaned back as Wally supported her back with both hands. She slowly moved forward again. He suddenly felt weak in the knees and his breath caught in his throat. Surely she must know the effect she was having on him. She leaned in close, her mouth next to his ear and leg still wrapped around his.

"Maybe." She whispered coquettishly.

This is how to be a Heartbreaker
Boys they like a little danger
We'll get them falling for a stranger
A player singing I la-la-la-love you
How to be a Heartbreaker
Boys they like the look of danger
We'll get them falling for a stranger
A player singing I la-la-la-love you,
At least I think I do

Ohhhhh, Ohhhhh, Ohhhhh
Cause I la-la-la-love you

She unwrapped her leg from around his and sashayed a few steps away, swinging her hips and spinning in place. Wally stood there, watching her hips for a moment as if in a trance, before coming up behind her. He grabbed her hand and spun her towards him. She ended up with her back pressed up against his chest and Wally could see her dark grey eyes under her black mask as she tilted her head towards his. They were the most amazing color.

Wally had his face almost buried in her neck and he breathed out, "Babe, you're killing me here."

Rule number three
Wear your heart on your cheek
But never on your sleeve
Unless you want to taste defeat

"Good." She purred, her mouth so close to his that he could feel her breath on his lips. Then suddenly she pulled away and twirled again. She sauntered backwards and wagged her finger, silently telling him to come closer. He obeyed but whenever he got closer she took a little step back, a playful smile on her lips as she still wagged her finger. She was taunting him and he knew it but for some strange reason he absolutely loved it. She was a challenge and he was definitely up for it.

Rule number four
Gotta be looking pure
Kissing goodbye at the door,
And leave them wanting more, more

Wally finally caught up to her and trapped her in his arms. Or so he thought. She swayed back and forth a little and waited for his arms to relax a fraction before ducking under and spinning. A breathy laugh escaped between her glossy lips and Wally suddenly really wanted to kiss them. If only he could get close enough. If only he could learn her name.

This is how to be a Heartbreaker
Boys they like a little danger
We'll get them falling for a stranger,
A player singing I la-la-la-love you.

How to be a Heartbreaker
Boys they like the look of danger
We'll get them falling for a stranger,
A player singing I la-la-la-love you.
At least I think I do

Ohhhhh, Ohhhhh, Ohhhhh
Cause I la-la-la-love you

"You gonna tell me your name yet?" Wally asked when he caught her again. She simply smiled and moved her hips.

Wally grinned in return as he twirled her around. He kept both of her small hands in his much larger ones as they moved together than apart. Both were completely oblivious to the people around them. A small crowd had started to form but they gave them enough room to dance. The two were being watched and a few whispers started. Guys were giving Wally death glares, not that he noticed though. Obviously any guy would love to have their arms around such a beautiful girl. Especially the ones that she previously turned down.

Girls, we do, whatever it will take,
Cause girls don't want,
We don't want our hearts to break in two
So it's better to be fake
Can't risk losing in love again ba-abe

The beat slowed briefly. Wally spun the bewitching woman back to him. Her hand slowly crept up his chest to behind his neck where it rested. His hand caught one of hers as the other slid down her back to rest on her lower back. Their bodies were pressed up against the other as they waltzed in a wide circle. She played with the hair at the nape of his neck, sending chills down his spin.

She leaned in close and said in a husky whisper, "I'll tell you mind if you tell me yours."

This is how to be a Heartbreaker
Boys they like a little danger
We'll get them falling for a stranger,
A player singing I la-la-la-love you.

How to be a Heartbreaker
Boys they like the look of danger
We'll get them falling for a stranger,
A player singing I la-la-la-love you.

Ohhhhh, Ohhhhh, Ohhhhh
Cause I la-la-la-love you
At least I think I do

The beat picked up again. She started to make her escape again but Wally was prepared this time. He held her tightly to him. He was completely captivated by her every movement. Every twitch of her lip, every step she made and every sway of her hips caught his immediate attention.

"Wally." Her lip twitched and she had to bite her lip to keep from laughing.

"Wallman, huh? I was hoping for a little more of a manly name." He would've pouted if he couldn't tell she was teasing.

"It is a manly name." He defended.

The song started to end and they stopped dancing. She leaned in close and whispered, "Artemis." She gave him a light peck on the lips before disappearing in the crowded room. Wally stood there in a daze. Artemis. The name was as captivating and as mysterious as the woman was. His check burned from where her lips made contact and Wally had to fight to not touch the area. He was not going to act like a love struck girl.

Shaking his head to free his mind, he looked over to the head table. Wally had to remind himself that he was here on a mission. He searched the table for Jacque Rue but found that his plump figure wasn't there. Uh-oh.

Wally touched his ear piece and in a panicked whisper said, "Uh, Nightwing, I think we might have a problem."

It took a few seconds but Dick answered back, "What is it?"

Wally looked around the room real quick to make sure that Rue wasn't in the large crowded room. He wasn't. "I don't see Jacque Rue anywhere. Do you think the Shadows got him?"

He heard a heavy sigh come from his friend. Silver caught his attention in the corner of his peripheral vision and Wally whirled his head around to see what it was. The edges of a familiar looking silver dress disappeared behind a door, along with the short squat figure of Mr. Rue.

"Nightwing, I think I found him and a possible Shadow. They disappeared behind a door by the back stairwell." Wally rushed his sentence as he quickly made a beeline for the door.

"I see you; I'm on my way over." Dick said.

Wally reached the door and opened it. He quietly slipped out and surveyed his surroundings. He was in a garden with lots of tall hedges and many different colors of different plants. In the distance he could hear the sound of water trickling down a fountain. In the distance he could also make out the sounds of a struggle. He quickly ran over to the source of the noise to see that Jacque Rue was on the group with the woman in the silver dress he was dancing with earlier. He groaned internally, why'd she have to be on the villain side?

He tsked loudly, making himself known. "And here I thought you were just a normal but enchanting young lady."

She smirked, "Sorry to disappoint." She didn't sound sorry at all.

"Why don't you just let Mr. Rue go, then I won't have to hurt that pretty face of yours." And he really didn't want to hurt her. He wanted to help her, to help her see that she should be working for the heroes instead.

"Sorry, but that's not gonna happen." The new voice startled Wally. The young lady in the black dress, who arrived with Artemis, stepped out of the shadows. So she was a part of this too.

"Then I'm afraid that I'm going to have to stop you." Both ladies laughed at that. Wally deflated a bit before he ran up to where Artemis stood, grabbed Rue off the floor, then ran back a good distance away.

She looked a little shocked at how fast he arrived then left, "Flash, right?"

"What gave it away babe?" He smiled.

Another figure materialized out of the shadows, this time a friendly face though. Nightwing looked shocked to see the dark haired woman he was dancing with earlier, "Zatanna?"

Zatanna seemed to pout a little, "Dang, and I was hoping I could see you later."

"You still could." Dick winked.

"Sorry, honey, but I don't get involved with heroes." She cocked out her hip and crossed her arms.

Jacque Rue got out of his shock and started running towards the door. Artemis made a move to follow but Wally easily intercepted and blocked her way. She frowned and tried to go around but it was pointless. She quickly dropped to the ground and swung her leg out, tripping Wally. He fell the ground with a thump but recovered and blocked her path again.

"Artemis, we don't have to fight." Wally tried to reason.

"Sorry, Wally, but we do. I'm part of the League of Shadows and your part of the Justice League." She threw a few punched which Wally dodged. He had his arms around her, restraining any movement. She went limp and stopped fighting.

Wally relaxed his hold, "Artemis, we can help you."

Artemis elbowed him in the gut then ran over to her friend. "No one can help me, Wally." She seemed to look a little sad at the thought before adopting her trademark smirk again. Wally could see Dick getting up from the floor. The girls each gave a mock salute.

"Tropelet yawa." Blue glowed from Zatanna's fingertips as a portal swallowed them up.

Dick and Wally each sighed and stared at the spot where the girls once stood. A desperate need to help the blond haired beauty swelled up inside him. He was going to find her again and he was going to get her to see that fighting the villains was a lot better than being a villain. He had a strange feeling that Dick felt the same way about Zatanna.

Sorry for any grammar errors, I might've missed something… who knows. If you spot something, please tell me so I can change it!

Well I'm not satisfied with the ending much but it'll work for now. It felt too rushed... I really like the idea of both Artemis and Zatanna both working for the League of Shadows, I think it'd be really interesting.

I might continue this and add a little follow up about Wally searching for Artemis…. Eh, I don't know. Maybe.

Thoughts? Reviews?