Okay, I felt really sad about people/probable you readers losing their/your cats. I love cats so much, and this is a story, where you tell me about your cat, and I will write a story for everyone to remember them by. I will try to do all.

This is :'( dedicated to my cat Molly.

Molly sat perched on the fence post. I love life out here in the fresh air, no sound of honking cars and trucks belting their horns.

She watched the young twolegs prance around the garden and felt a purr rise in her throat. They are so cute!

She heard barking, but she didn't worry, she was friends with all the animals on the farm, but then she saw who it was. Bluey, the neighbour's blue-heeler…

The tabby rolled her eyes and brought a white paw over her ear. "Well, what are you doing here?" she asked the dog, anger in her eyes. "This is my place," she pointed out, twitching her whiskers.

The young twolegs were pointing and gasping, she snickered slightly. Bluey let out a low growl. "I'm here to visit, maybe I'll stay a while," he suggested and Molly felt herself bristle.

Being on the farm so long, I can understand any animal I want. "Go home…" she snarled and the blue-heeler leapt. Before she could skirt up the tree, he clamped his jaws in her tail. "Argh!" she shrieked and the young twolegs screamed in fear and rushed forward to assist their loving, old cat.

She pulled with her might and felt searing pain scorch her tail as she clambered up the tree. "Missing something?" the dog snarled and Molly saw the tip of her tail on the ground below, blood was pouring out of her wound.

I can't leave my kids, but they could've done something to prevent this she thought, struggling to keep her eyes open. Darkness washed over her.

Molly blinked open her eyes, seeing her brother. Gee-Whiz, he was her brother, and they were very close, they'd been raised together, unlike many other kittens.

"Molly! You've come at last." Gee Whiz purred loudly and she looked at her tail, it was normal, and she felt no pain. But then her eyes blinked open and pain washed back over her.

"Gee Whiz, come back," she whispered. She looked below, there was a tall, male twoleg, holding a stick and pointing it in her direction. Wh-What is that thing?

Boom! She felt herself fall out of the tree, hitting every branch on her way down, she collapsed into the dirt.

The last thing she saw was the tall twoleg leaning over her.

"Gee Whiz, Marmalade?" she called, worry in her flashing green eyes. "Are you there?" a voice surprised her. "Molly!" it was Marmalade's high mew.

"Marmalade, how are you doing?" she murmured, touching her nose to her ear. "How are my twolegs, are they alright?" she fussed.

"The young female is taking it hard, she thinks she is to blame," Marmalade sadly confessed and Molly bristled. "She had nothing to do with my… death!" the word death sounded strange on her tongue.

"What about the male? The young one?" Molly continued, she loved her twolegs with her heart and soul. "He's sad, but he refuses to show it."

"And the older female?"

"She is devastated… she misses you so much, and they are going to make a book about you," Molly felt instantly loved, and remembered. They'll always remember me, I know they will, and Klaws is the new leader of the farm she thought with a sad smile.

"Do you wish to see their future?" Marmalade interrupted her thoughts and Molly nodded eagerly. She followed her friend along a grassy path and a river alongside them. What is this place, I'll have to ask!

"What is this place?" she echoed her thoughts. "Oh Molly, this is paradise," she teased, flicking her tail and bounding to a pool full of starlight. "What is this?" she pretty much repeated her last question.

"The Starpool, where we see the future ahead," Marmalade informed her, happiness flickering around in her gaze.

"Oh wow, there's the young female twoleg, she's petting a ginger cat, who is that Marmalade?" Molly asked curiously, looking expectantly at her friend.

"The cat's name is Mango, and alongside her is her sister Daisy, they are Klaw's grandkits," and Molly gasped. "Who is the leader of the farm?" she hissed.

"Crystal, the cranky one over there in the corner," a hint of amusement was in Marmalade's mew. "I wish her well," Molly replied, knowing Klaws and Lacy weren't there. A young jack Russel was playing with a toy rabbit.

"What is that dog doing in my house!" she spat, unsheathing her claws slightly. I got murdered by one of those foxhearts!

"She lives with the cats, I swear she partially believes she is one…" the ginger tabby replied, and the vision closed.

"Oh," she murmured. "Everything's changed so much," she meowed quietly, looking at her paws, and she began to get lost in thought.

I'll miss sitting on a cow's back, or a horse's, I'll miss bossing Zen, the bullmastiff-ridgeback, and I'll miss Klaws and Lacy, watching their kittens grow. But I'll be watching, watching from paradise.

No, Klaws and Lacy are both girls, they just had their kittens at the same time! :D

Molly died in 2006 when I was young. I did feel partly responsible, because I watched it happen, I saw it happen, I could've been quicker, but I wasn't.

Sorry Molly, maybe you'd be here today if I'd been quicker.

Fill this out if you want your cat remembered by everyone on

Name Of Cat:




Cause Of Death:


Genders of Twolegs:

Other Pets:

Deceased Pets:


My Form For Molly

Name Of Cat: Molly

Nickname: Good Golly Miss Molly

Gender: she-cat

Appearance: tabby she-cat with white paws, a white muzzle, a white tipped tail and beautiful green eyes

Personality: she is a wise, playful old cat, and she can get your attention when she needs it

Cause Of Death: a blue heeler named Bluey

Environment: a farm, hay rolls, cows etc.

Genders of Twolegs: young female, young male, older female

Other Pets: Lacy/Klaws (grey she-cat with ginger patches/lazy, plump tabby she-cat)

Deceased Pets: Marmalade/Gee Whiz (pretty ginger tabby she-cat/same as Molly)

Other: two young cats, grandkits of Klaws, Mango, and Daisy… and a stray cat they found, Crystal.