It only took like two years but I finally finished this story!

...okay, don't be too harsh, it wasn't supposed to be a super serious story, so I'm not really sure how this ending went...but this was kind of what I had planned from the very beginning...


It only took Santana a moment to register what had just happened before she quickly exited the room. "Wait, Quinn…" she trailed off noticing both Quinn and Rachel standing in the living room.

"Well, it took you long enough." Quinn stated. She had her arms folded over her chest and one of her eyebrows were quirked.

"I'll just…step over there." Rachel said pointing toward another room, before she quickly exited the living area and went back into her bedroom.

"I don't understand." Santana said, "I heard you leave."

Quinn shook her head, "no you heard the door slam, I never left."


"Will you just shut up and listen to me?"

"I can't." Santana admitted. She shook her head at Quinn's arched eyebrow. "You can't deny it anymore Q. You've been caught. Please don't feed me anymore excuses."

"There haven't been any excuses, Santana!" Quinn snapped. "I don't understand why you don't just believe me." She shook her head, "look, I get that I have a bad history with relationships. I know I've cheated in the past, but that shouldn't define me in every relationship I have. I've learned from my mistakes."

"Have you?" Santana shook her head, "I don't see it. Rachel said-"

"Will you not listen to her, huh? Pay attention to me." Quinn motioned toward herself. "This relationship is supposed to be built on trust."

"But I don't trust you."

Quinn nodded, "I get that. And it says a lot." She shrugged, "I can't make you believe me." She glanced toward the floor, her eyes fluttering a little, to stop the tears Santana had noticed were building up. "Look, Rachel has a classmate in school whose holding auditions for a short film." Quinn looked back up at her. "In that film the main character is having a fling with someone who's currently in a relationship."

Santana rolled her eyes, "Quinn, come on!"

"Ask Rachel." Quinn motioned toward the bedroom. "She'll tell you."

"That's bull."

"Take a look around Santana." The blonde motioned around the apartment. "Notice anything different?"

Santana's brow furrowed, but she did glance around the area. There wasn't anything different. She saw nothing out of the ordinary. "What are you getting at?"

Quinn watched her for a moment before she shook her head, "what's the use? You already think I'm guilty." She started backing up toward the door, "Don't bother coming to Lima, I don't want to see you." Santana watched Quinn grab the bags that had been packed that morning, but she made no move to stop the blonde from exiting the apartment.

"She's leaving?" Rachel's voice pierced through the air.

Santana turned toward the girl, her eyes sharp. "Don't talk to me." She said, "Ever."

"Santana!" Rachel called after as she stalked toward her curtained room.

"I said don't!" Santana flopped down on her bed, staring up at the ceiling. Take a look around? What the hell did that even mean?

"Santana." Rachel's voice peeked through before she pulled back the curtain to Santana's makeshift room.

"Go away before I slap your face too."

"Quinn and I weren't messing around." Rachel said. "Look."

When Santana made no move to glance up at the shorter girl, Rachel sighed, "Well, whenever you decide to get over yourself take a look at that." A folder flew through the air and landed next to her thigh. She could hear the curtain pull back as Rachel stalked off.

Santana frowned her eyes rolling toward the folder. She sat up and reached over for it. It was labeled 'On The Side' Santana shook her head, "there's no way." She pulled the folder open and read a few lines.

Amanda: [Unnamed Character]'s been acting weird.

Leslie: I know what you mean. So has [Another No Name]. He practically cornered me last night.

Amanda: They know what's going on. (Move to sit next to Leslie).

Leslie: They do. (Take her hand) But in the end it'll all work out fine.

Amanda: I really hope it does.

Leslie: It's all worth it, I promise it is.

Amanda: I'm not saying it's not worth it. I know it is…but-

[Unnamed]: Amanda! Honey, I'm home.

Leslie: Oh, my God!

Amanda: No it's okay, don't panic. Just relax don't say anything.

[Unnamed]: Amanda, (Enter the room) hone-Leslie what are you doing here?

Leslie: Let me explain.

Amanda: Les, don't.

[Unnamed]: Wait a minute…with all the phone calls and the texts. You're in our bedroom together…what's going on?

Leslie: (Start panicking) It's only been going on for a few months.

[Unnamed]: How long?

Leslie: (Cowering) Three. Three months and Amanda wanted to tell you, but I thought it'd better to wait. We wanted to wait until we were sure. And I am. I'm sure that I love her.

Santana shook her head, "this cannot be right." There was just no way. Rachel had to have written this while she and Quinn were fighting. That's why it was unfinished. That's why there were only two pages. Why there were still unnamed characters. Santana tossed the folder back onto her mattress.

She sighed standing up and straightening her clothes. She needed to get out of here. It seemed toxic at the moment. Santana grabbed her purse and made her way through the curtain.

"So did you look at the script?"

"God!" Santana jerked, her hand over her heart. "Were you just standing out here waiting for me to leave my room?"

"I was." Rachel nodded, "yes."

"You're relentless."

"No, I'm trying to mend something I helped break. Santana this is all just a big misunderstanding."

"You don't honestly expect me to believe that script was a real thing?"

"Why would I lie about that? Marissa, this girl at NYADA is writing a short film and is holding open auditions-"

"Quinn explained this already."

"Good." Rachel nodded, "so sort this out."

Santana rolled her eyes, "there's nothing to sort out Rachel. The two of you betrayed me."

"It's a script!"

"Please, it's got two unnamed characters."

"It's a work in progress! Where are you going?"

Rachel's voice followed her to the door, but Santana couldn't stand her any longer. She had to get out of there. "Hey, Santana-whoa!" Kurt stumbled as Santana snatched his wrist and pulled him toward the stairs. "You almost spilt my coffee!" He huffed out. "Um, what's going on?" He asked as she let go of his arm, allowing him to walk in a normal pace beside her.

"I'm going insane and I need someone to talk too."

"O-kay." He nodded, fixing the bag he had hanging on his shoulder. "So what's going on?" He repeated.

Santana shot him a side glance as they continued on their walk. "I barged in on them."

Kurt gaped, "they were like-they were really-I mean what…" he trailed off.

"They were holding hands."

"Oh, wow." Kurt was shaking his head.

"You sound surprised." Santana said quickly, "why do you sound so surprised?"

"It's just-"

"No, you said you thought they were sneaking around too."

"Part of me did." Kurt said quickly, "but I really didn't want to believe it…I mean I was hoping it was all in your head."

"So was I."

Kurt sighed as they finally stepped outside, "well, what happened when you barged in?"

Santana shook her head, "I…" She sighed, "they argued. I pointed fingers and they defended themselves."

Kurt nodded, "Okay, then what happened?"

"What do you think happened?" Santana asked him. "I slapped her."


"No, Quinn."

"Ouch, Santana."

"It was a reflex." She said quickly, "it's what we do."

"But did she slap you back?"


"Have you even had a fight that was bad enough to slap each other since you started dating?"

"No…God! Things with her are just so complicated. With Brittany it was simple and easy. I could literally say anything to Brittany and it wouldn't even matter. She'd except it and move on. Quinn's a fighter. She's a challenge."

"And you were expecting her to fight back."

"I was, and she did…just not as hard." Santana paused, stopping to glance at the boy. "That's what makes everything so hard to believe. She just walked out, gave up. Like we meant nothing."

"Did you even consider the possibility of them telling the truth?"

"That Rachel's auditioning for a student film based around an affair? No, that's just pathetic."

"It's a student film. Most of them are pathetic." Kurt replied, offering his coffee.

Santana took a little drink, starting on the journey again. "Why are you turning on me?"

"I'm not!" Kurt snatched Santana's hand, turning her back toward himself. "I just really liked you two together."

"You liked us together?" Santana blurted. "Ha! I love her." She whipped herself around and started walking forward again. "Rachel even gave me an unfinished script." She told him. "It was literally unfinished there were only two pages and two of the characters were unnamed. I read the scene and it was exactly what Rachel and Quinn had been saying. I think Rachel typed it up while Quinn and I were talking…I mean we weren't talking we were fighting. She's a quick typer right?"


Santana glared at him, "you did not seriously just correct me when I'm feeling like this did you?"

"I don't know." Kurt shook his head, he followed her on her detour as she took a seat on a bench.

"And Quinn told me to take a look around." Santana snapped. "I mean…what the hell was that supposed to mean?"

"Did you take a look around?" Kurt shrugged.

"Yeah, and I thought it was stupid. I didn't see anything."

She watched as Kurt took his coffee back and took a quick swig. This was depressing. She was supposed to be spending this day with her girlfriend...well ex-girlfriend now. They were supposed to be cuddling in bed and watching movies and having sexy times and instead she was sitting on a bench in New York City with Kurt. And Quinn had left seven hours earlier than she was meant to.

She wasn't sure how long they sat on that bench, but she was sure it was a while. By the time they finally stepped away and returned to their apartment Rachel was nowhere in sight. Not that Santana really minded, she'd probably bite her head off if she'd seen her. She went straight for her room and flopped down on her bed. To tell you the truth she was exhausted. Fighting with Quinn earlier and then wandering around New York to calm herself down seemed to take everything from her.

Reaching over to her side table to snatch her headphones she grabbed her phone from her pocket and blasted some music into her ears. This day just needed to end. Her eyes wandered around the area as the song that was playing hit her heart. Tears were building in her eyes and she wasn't sure she'd be able to stop them. Why did it have to be like this? Was it really going to end like this?

She couldn't help glancing at her phone. A part of her hoping that Quinn had tried to call. Part of her hoped that the blonde would fight her on this. She fought her on everything. So why should this be different.

But Quinn didn't call.

Why would Quinn ever do this to her?

She fell asleep after about an hour of crying. Luckily for her Kurt was nice enough to leave her alone. Nice enough to let her have a little peace. When she did wake up, hours later she noticed something on her side table she hadn't notice earlier. A small case, and once she examined it closer she realized it was meant to hold glasses. She could only hope Quinn hadn't left her glasses inside.

"Of course she did." Santana whispered. Clapping the case shut and setting it on the table. That's just awesome.

"Why is Quinn's stuff all over the apartment?" Santana asked, picking up the jacket that was draped across the chair in the living room. That was the fourth thing of the blonde's she'd found.

Kurt looked up from his bowl of cereal, crunching the bite in his mouth before he said, "is it?"

"Yeah." Santana answered waving the article of clothing in her hand for emphasis.

Kurt shrugged, "well you did kind of just kick her out without warning."

"But she already had all her stuff backed to go to Lima." Santana told him.

Kurt's eyes wandered around before he shrugged, "is this what she meant by take a look around?"


"That she was leaving stuff behind."

Santana shook her head, "no…that doesn't make any sense."

"Oh, but it does." Rachel chimed in as she walked through the living room and toward the kitchen.

When she didn't say anything more Santana sighed, "well, out with it troll."

Rachel rolled her eyes as she grabbed herself a coffee mug to grab herself some coffee. "Quinn was going to move in." She told them.

"What?" Santana looked at Kurt, "what is she talking about?"

Kurt only shrugged.

"I'm talking about Quinn staying with us over the summer and then moving into a dorm at NYU." Rachel explained stepping back into the living room. "It wasn't official that's why she hadn't said anything. I was helping her with the transfer a few of my professors at NYADA are in good word with some at NYU, they were talking to Quinn's counselor and helping everything get set up."

"I don't…" Santana trailed off, "this is what you were hiding?"

"Yes." Rachel answered quickly, "it was supposed to be a surprise and when we knew for sure she was going to NYU we were going to bring most of her stuff over…haven't you realized she's been leaving stuff here and there."

"Well, yeah, but that's like normal stuff in a relationship. A few sets of clothes, her toothbrush…but I haven't noticed anything big." Santana shook her head. "God! Why didn't you guys just tell me? This is so stupid."

"You didn't really give us much of a chance." Rachel snapped back. "The only time you asked us anything was when you'd already assumed there was something going on between us and once you get an idea in your head you don't ever let it go."

"That isn't fair." Santana bit back, "I tried to get you to tell me what was going on you just stumbled with your words."

"But you slapped Quinn before she even had a chance-"

"Guys!" Kurt called out causing the two girls to halt in their argument. "This is not helping the situation." He told them, putting his bowl on the table and rising to his feet.

"Nothing is helping the situation!" Santana snapped back. "If you had just told me what was going on I wouldn't have gotten so paranoid…I mean your hand was on her thigh!
Rachel stared at her astonished, "my what!?"

Santana ignored her and moved to her bedroom, immediately finding her phone on her bed she snatched it up and dialed Quinn's number. "Santana," Rachel said, standing outside of the girl's room. "Hey, what are you doing?"

'Hey it's Quinn. I can't talk right now, but leave a message and I'll call you back. Thanks.'

Santana rolled her eyes, because of course the girl didn't answer. "Quinn, please, please call me back. I really need to talk to you." She pushed the end button and moved out of her room, "she didn't answer." She said.

Rachel shrugged helplessly before saying, "I could try? Maybe she'll pick up for me." When Santana glanced at her Rachel shook her head, "Santana, I swear nothing is going on between me and Quinn." She rolled her eyes before grabbing her own phone. "Here…do you wanna do it?" She pushed her phone toward the Latina. Santana nodded, moving to grab the device. "I fully support the two of you together, Santana. I think you're a lovely couple."

Santana nodded her thanks as she scrolled through Rachel's contacts and clicked Quinn's name. "So if I manage to get my girlfriend back how about you never plot to surprise me again, huh?"

"Sounds great."

Santana listened to the phone ring, Rachel standing at her side, giving her a questioning glance. Santana shook her head as she heard:

'Hey it's Quinn. I can't talk right now, but leave a message and I'll call you back. Thanks.'

"She didn't answer." She gave Rachel her phone back before sighing, "thanks anyway."

Rachel watched her for a moment, "you know it's only been a few days." She told her, "you can try again tomorrow."

Santana nodded as she moved to fall back on her bed. This whole thing was ridiculous. "Is she really transferring to NYU?"

Rachel shrugged, "she was going to…I don't know if she still is. Look, she told me she missed you, and that she wanted to be around you more often. And though she loves Yale and she thinks it's great she loves you more."

"Or loved." Santana told her, "since you know I screwed up royally."

"It isn't just you." Rachel commented. "It's both of you an-"

"Oh, Quinn, hi."

Santana perked up hearing the blonde's name. Kurt appeared next to Rachel at her door, he pointed to his phone, 'she picked up for me.' He mouthed. "Oh, yeah." He said into the receiver, "yeah, me too."

"Give me the phone." Santana told him, standing up next to him. "Kurt please? Quinn!" She called out, "please talk to me." She held her hand out, waiting for Kurt to oblige.

"Yeah, she's right here." Kurt said into the phone before looking to Santana and shaking his head.

"Kurt what are you doing?" Rachel whispered harshly, "give Santana the phone."

Santana was glancing at the boy who was still shaking his head, waving his hand at the girls. "Yeah." He said before moving to hand Santana the phone. "Good luck." He whispered.

"Quinn?" Santana had the phone against her ear within a second. "Quinn, please talk to me?"

The line was quiet for a minute before it went dead. "She hung up." Santana said, handing Kurt his phone. "What did she say to you?"

"She just said she was sorry about what happened." Kurt shrugged, "said she wished she was able to say goodbye to me."

"Well, what about me?" Rachel asked. "Why didn't she answer my call?"

"She probably knew it was me." Santana muttered.

Kurt shook his head, "she didn't say."

"This is stupid. She's being stubborn and I need to talk to her." Santana said, "I get she's mad and I get why. But I need to talk to her. I need to fix this."

"Just try calling her again tomorrow and if that doesn't work go to Lima."

"I don't want to chase after her."

"Even if it's the only way to get her back?"

Santana sighed rolling her eyes before she waved the pair away from her room and grabbed her phone. She'd call all day if she had too. She'd fill Quinn's entire voicemail with messages.

'Hey it's Quinn. I can't talk right now, but leave a message and I'll call you back. Thanks.'

"It's me again." Santana said, returning to her bed. "I know you're ignoring me. I know that's why you didn't answer Rachel's call. Look, Quinn, please, just talk to me? Let me know how I can fic this. I really am sorry and I want-"


Santana hung the phone up and called the blonde again.

'Hey it's Quinn. I can't talk right now, but leave a message and I'll call you back. Thanks.'

"And I want to make this better. I need to make this right. God, why didn't you just tell me what was going on?...And that's not me trying to blame you, I'm just upset. I miss you, it's only been like two days and I miss you…Quinn, I love you. I want-"


"God!" She hung the phone up again and called her another time.

'Hey it's Quinn. I can't talk right now, but leave a message and I'll call you back. Thanks.'

"Quinn, I want to go back and fix this but I can't. I wish we could just be how we were but I know we can't. But we'll get there again. I just need you to talk to me. Please, don't give up on us. Please call me back…We really need to talk."

It took three days of Santana moping around the apartment in Quinn's Yale hoodie and calling the blonde almost non-stop before she finally decided going to Lima and chasing after the blonde might just be a good idea. She left as soon as she could and went straight to Quinn's house when she arrived in Lima. She didn't even bother to check in with her parents.

The door popped open right as Santana was about to knock on it. Startled she stumbled back a little. "Oh, Santana, what a lovely surprise." The older woman greeted.

"Hi, Ms. Fabray, i-is Quinn here?"

Judy nodded, "yes, she's upstairs in her room sweetie. Go on up, I have to run to the store. It's good to see you again."

"Thanks, you too." Santana gave her a small smile before stepping into the Fabray house, closing the door behind her. Judy was happy to see her which meant Quinn hadn't told her mother about the break-up. Come to think of it, Santana wasn't entirely sure Quinn had told her mother about their getting together.

Santana shook herself, trying to get rid of her nerves before she carried herself up the stairs toward the familiar room. She took a deep breath, and hesitated with her hand ready to knock before she finally let it tap against the door.

"Yeah." Quinn called out from inside.

Santana pushed her way inside, Quinn was reading a book on her bed, so Santana wasn't surprised when she went unnoticed. "Hey." She said softly.

Her voice seemed to startle Quinn. The blonde looked up from her book. "Santana?" Her voice was low. "What are you doing here?"

Santana stepped a little farther into the room, suddenly feeling a little bolder. She pulled the glasses out of her pocket and waved it a little before saying, "you left these at the apartment." She reached over and placed them on Quinn's dresser.

"Thanks." Quinn said quietly.

"I came to apologize." She confessed. "Look, Quinn, I know it might mean very little to you, but I really am sorry." She shrugged, her arms folding across her chest. "I was stupid. And I should've listened to you."

Quinn dropped her book on the bed and moved, throwing her legs over the edge of the bed. "And you think this is okay?"


"I told you not to come here." The blonde said quickly.

"Well, you weren't answering my calls. I couldn't get a hold of you and I needed you to know how sorry I am."

"Okay…so you're sorry. Thank you."



Santana sighed, "is there any way you could forgive me?" Santana asked. "I screwed up, I know. But I can be better. I will be better, I promise."

Quinn shook her head, "no." She told her. "Look, Santana I love you. I really love you and I want this to work but it can't. You don't trust me, and a relationship can't be built on no trust."

"Quinn, I'm sorry." Santana tried again. She was starting to get scared. This couldn't be happening. She didn't come all this way for another goodbye.

The blonde stood up, walking the short distance to where Santana was standing. "I know you are." She told her, taking one of Santana's hands before she reached up and brushed away a tear that had fallen from Santana's eyes. She them moved to cup Santana's cheek, "maybe when the timing's right we can try again." She told her.

Santana was shaking her hand, "that's not what I want." She whispered. "Please, just come back to New York with me. Follow your original summer plans. Quinn, it'll work I promise-"

"Stop, Santana. Please, stop." Quinn shook her head, bringing her other hand up to cup the other side of Santana's face.

"But I love you." Santana choked out.

"I love you too." Quinn whispered, a little chocked up herself. She moved to gently kiss Santana for a final time.

Santana however was a little selfish. She kept Quinn against her longer than the blonde intended. If this was supposed to be the last time she was meant to kiss her, then she would make it last. She'd remember this kiss.

[Eight Months Later]

"This is a bunch of bull." Santana muttered as she followed Kurt through the crowd. "Honestly, why are we here?"

Kurt reached the end of the aisle and took a seat, waiting for Santana to sit beside him before he said. "We're here supporting our friend. Rachel really wanted us to see this film."

"It's a stupid student film. Why would I want to see it?" Santana whispered harshly. "Beside that didn't she film it last year?"

"That's not going to affect the quality of the movie, Santana." Kurt told her. "And I think it was six months ago."

"Oh, my bad." Santana rolled her eyes before she motioned to the empty seat beside her. "Is Rachel sitting with us?"

"No." Kurt shook his head. "I'm not sure who that's for. Rachel told me she reserved three seats."

Santana glanced at the seat again before she turned to Kurt. "If that seat is for Finn I'm out."

"What if it's for me?"

That voice.

That voice startled Santana, she quickly turned around. "Quinn?"

Things had been good between the two of them, though they weren't as good as Santana had wanted them to be. Over the past year they'd gotten to know each other on a level they hadn't before. Quinn would come down on vacation and some weekends and Santana would visit her whenever she could get time away from work.

Santana thought they were ready to try their relationship again. She was just too scared to tell Quinn. It had taken a while for the blonde to warm back up to the idea of them being friends and Santana completely understood. She did, but she also knew that the two of them had grown. And although she had tried to date other people no one had ever stuck and Santana knew why. She was ready to make a fresh start with Quinn.

Quinn was who she wanted.

"Sit please." Santana motioned to the chair beside herself.

Quinn didn't even hesitate to sit down.

"You do know what film we're here to see, don't you?" Quinn wondered.

Santana shrugged, "am I supposed too?"

Quinn moved to show Santana the flyer that was being handed out at the front entrance of the auditorium.

"Oh, there's no way." Santana said as she read the title.

"It's true." Quinn smiled.

Santana read the title again before she shook her head, "you know they could've at least changed the title. I thought 'On The Side' was a working title?"

"They just couldn't think of anything better." Quinn shared as the lights dimmed and the movie began to play on the screen in front of them.

"This is ridiculous." Santana sighed, her eyes rolling as she stared at the screen in front of her.

Fifteen minutes into the movie and a hand was slipped into her own. Santana glanced down at their intertwined hands before she turned to Quinn.

"I'm ready too." Quinn whispered to her, before leaning forward and kissing Santana lightly. "And you have Rachel to thank for getting me to New York."

"I'm sorry?" Santana shook her head, she was still a little dazed from the kiss that had just happened.

"Rachel told me you're still in love with me." Quinn whispered. "Told me all you ever do is talk about me and what you want with me…I've been feeling the same. Completely."

"I'm gonna kill that little hobbit." Santana muttered.

Quinn laughed before she said, "don't do that just yet…Rachel helped me transfer to NYU."

Santana's head snapped over to her, "say what now?"

"I'm moving to New York, Santana." Quinn shared, "I'm serious about this." She motioned between the two of them. "I really missed you."

Santana couldn't help the smile that grazed her face before she moved to kiss Quinn one more. "You are totally mine."

So thoughts? I have a feeling it ended kind of dumbly?

...I don't know...