Oh, Hey there! It's been a while. You look good! I am sorry about any of my other stories I have on the go right now, I have been busy with school work and it's my final year of high school and I have two classes with my ex. It's really irritating so I haven't really had time to write. If you guys like this please review. It tells me you want more chapters! Plus anyone good with dating advice please PM me as I need help :P I love you all! Now, on with my new story!


We all thought that we were free, that what we did was our own choice. We were wrong. Everything we did was set for us years ago. They sat in the small room making sure we did as we were told. I thought that the love I felt for him was real, even when I knew the truth I clung onto that hope. I hadn't wanted three years of my life to be a lie, but it was. My entire being was a lie. My world collapsed when I found them, when I found out the truth of life, but our lives seemed to be the only ones controlled. It was disguised as a summer camp for troubled teens, it was really an experiment to see how their new computers worked.


"Be good Rose, be calm. You know how you get when you are angry." I rolled my eyes. My therapist said I had massive anger problems and should go to this stupid camp. It was really just a way for my parents to get rid of me for three months. My entire summer would be spent at this camp, instead of school I was here.

"Yes mother, I promise to not punch anyone in the face, at least not on the first day." She smirked. Janine didn't really care that I had an outlet for my anger, it was boxing until they closed the gym, as long as I wasn't out being a whore. I may or may not have been caught punching a class mate in the face after she said my sister died because I was too much or a bitch for her to handle. That of course was not the case, she was hit by a drunk driver. I stepped out of the car and grabbed my bag. I watched my mum drive off, leaving me here to fend for myself. I looked at the groups standing around. Two girls were giggling to each other. They were looking at me and I knew what I had to do. One of the girls looked like a doll, her blonde hair in ringlets and she wore some very slutty clothing, the other girl had long black hair and wore shorts that could count as underwear and a Nirvana shirt.

"Hey, I'm Rose." I put on my best ditz voice.

"Hey, I'm Mia and this is my friend Avery." The nirvana girl waved at me. The doll was the one to talk.

"So, now that we know names I want to ask you one thing, each!" The girls nodded, both slightly confused. "Cool. First Mia, why do you look like a doll I used to own before I ripped its head off?" Mia looked shocked, Avery smirked. What a true friend.

"I don't know Rose, why do you look like a slut?" Avery laughed, not a real laugh, a fake one that was obvious. I turned to Avery.

"Now Avery, name five Nirvana songs." She paused, I could see the steam coming out of her ears.

"Come as you are…. Ummm" I laughed.

"Come as you are, Rape me, Smells like teen spirit, Polly, Drain me, Negative creep, Heart shaped box. Just to name a few. And to answer your question Mia, I never realized that grey acid wash jeans and a Portal 2 shirt counted as slutty." They both had their mouths hanging open as I turned away from them.

"Bitch." I heard one of them mutter. I spun around and looked Mia in the eye.

"You look like a 12 year old, don't try take me down a peg. I will beat you."

"Rose! Causing trouble already?" I turned to the familiar voice behind me.

"SPARKY! How's it been Fire Crotch?" He laughed and pulled me into a big bear hug. This man was very affectionate. I had known him all my life, he was a pyromaniac and I never stopped giving him shit about it. It was the best way to make him forget that his parents died. They were killed by an out of control fire, it probably explains his love for it. A reminder of the two most important people in his life. His brother's sister took him in, but has never been a real parent to him. She travels around a lot, since she's never home he throws a lot of parties.

"I'm good shortass, Tasha sent me here and I was gonna use it as a time to find a chick for the summer, but now your here and I can pick on you!" I laughed, he was always scamming on chicks. It was funny really.

"Better idea, let's pick on the instructors and those two." I pointed at Mia and Avery.

"Yea, it seems good enough." I laughed. "Hey, did your Mum tell you I would be here?" I shook my head. I never had a good relationship with my mother until Abe showed up. After he showed up again Janine seemed to calm down and realized that I wasn't the devil she thought I was.

"Janine and I are still on shaky ground after your last party." He rolled his eyes. I was caught drinking and she wasn't happy about it. "Did Tasha tell you anything about this place?"

"Not really ae. Just that it's new and a good place to start, especially for the 'Troubled teens' that we are. I mean, you with your anger issues and my love of fire it seems right for us to be here." I smirked at his 'Troubled teens' reference. I looked at the small group of people surrounding the bus area.

"So Sparky, why are they all here?" He gave me a knowing look. We had done camps before, we knew what we were doing. He pointed at the two bitches.

"Klepto and just straight up bitchiness." I laughed.

"So only one serious offence?"

"Yea, the blonde one just looks like she's here for her friend." It seemed true enough. He pointed at the lone blonde girl standing next to her bag. She looked really depressed. "What about the hottie over there?" I rolled my eyes.

"Trust you to objectify the only one who looks like they need to be here. I'm gonna say cutting, two or….three suicide attempts. She looks like a lost soul." He made an odd noise.

"What's your problem Flame-On?"

"Why do I get the feeling that you're gonna put me in the friend zone again?"

"What do you mean again, you never left the friend zone?"

"Fine, what about him?" I turned around and saw tall dark and handsome standing next to the loner. He was hot.

"Oh God please let it be violence, I really wanna get him all hot a sweaty whilst sparing off our anger." He rolled his eyes.

"You're a slut Rosie."

"Not as much as you are Sparks." I kept watching him. He was hot. He was about 7 ft tall, longish brown hair tied into a ponytail at the nape of his neck. Suddenly his booming voice reaches all of us. He had an accent, Russian I think.

"Hello all, I am your instructor Dimitri Belikov but you all can call me Dimitri. I am in charge here so what I say goes. I am going to call out Bus Buddies. These people will be living with you for three months so please get along. I do not need to pull an aggressive off a Klepto today. So I have Avery with Haley, Melissa with Mia, Christian with me, Vailisa with Rose…" I zoned out after my name was called. So I sat with someone with an odd name. We all lined up to get in the bus. I saw that the loner from before was searching for someone.

"Are you…"

"Yea." Her voice was really soft. I nodded at her and gave her a soft smile. I knew she was a depression. She wore long sleeves in the summer, I really wanted to give her a hug. I leant down to whisper in her ear.

"They will check all of your stuff for dangerous items. If you have any just tell Dimitri now. It will save the embarrassment." She nodded at me.

"Thanks." I had made sure we were at the back of the group and saw her grab a blade from her pocket and throw it on the ground. "Saves me more embarrassment." I smiled. She was smart. I like it.