So I totally forgot to thank all that have reviewed/fav'd/alerted this story in the last chapter. I apologize! But I appreciate all the love, it makes me want to continue to write!

SOOOO I want to thank all that have reviewed/fav'd/alerted from the last chapter! It means so much, all of you, who continue to read this story.

SCHOOL'S DONE FOR SUMMER! OH YEAH! Now I can update on a more regulated basis! But I still have work, and one summer class (that doesn't start till end of June anyway, but I'll still be able to write :) )

This chapter will mainly be in James's POV, unless otherwise stated, I think… I say this now, but I haven't even begun to write yet, and usually I start one way and end up another.

But fun fact! 24/Seven is released the day before my 21st birthday! Coincidence? I think not ;) Happy Birthday to me! :) I'm so beyond excited for this new album, but I'm afraid of it being their last all together. Don't get me wrong, I'll be excited to see them move on, but something about how (and yes, very cliché) long they've been together and how much time (and money) I've invested in them, it's going to suck when every thing is done. So if you all keep watching and tuning in, there will be a season 5.

Ok, lets do this!

I do not own BTR or anything you may recognize… but I wish I did…

A few weeks later finds James struggling through his core business classes. He knows he's not a real student, but to continue with the façade, he actually is trying to understand his course work, but math was never his strong suit. Logan and James are currently hanging out in their dorm room. Logan is on his bed, reading The Wall Street Journal typical business nerd and James is struggling through his intermediate 1 financial accounting homework that's due at midnight, which is one hour from now.

"How am I supposed to know in order to increase accounts payable you credit it?" James, clearly frustrated, yells at his computer.

"Because James, The Accounts Payable account is credited when goods or services are purchased on credit terms, as opposed to being purchased for cash." Logan mentions to James.

"How do you remember all this stuff?"

"Because I study and take my time, instead of looking at myself all day." Logan jokes.

"I don't know how I'm going to pass this class, and I really don't know how I'm going to pass this test next week. If it's this hard now, I can't imagine how intense it's going to get from here." James pouts.

"My point is, how do you not know this stuff? Didn't you take an intro to financial accounting class at your last school? I mean you had to have, otherwise you wouldn't be in this class now, since that is a prerequisite." Logan notes.

"…Sure I did." James slyly responds.

"So you don't remember?" Logan asks, raising one eyebrow.

"Well you know, I took this class so long ago, and I guess I just need a refresher. More like a tutor…"

"I guess I could help you out, I mean what are friends for, right?" Logan says with such nonchalance, he hopes James doesn't notice how hopeful he is by saying him and James are friends.

"Really? Logan, that would be amazing!" And James runs to hug him, almost pushing him off the bed.

"Let's start out by finishing this homework, since it's due in a little bit."

"We've got to start somewhere." And the smile James gives Logan is one that Logan will never get tired of.


"I'm calling to inform you of my progress."

"Ok, get on with it, James I have other business to take care of. I can't stay on the phone with you all night."

"Since I truly am struggling in the classes, and to keep up with the student front, Logan is officially my tutor."

"Good. Anything else to report?"

"He considers me a friend, and he sounds very unsure of himself."

"What a shame, well he won't be around much longer to feel that way, right?"


"Good work son, call me again next week."

"Will do sir."

As the line goes dead, he begins to wonder when exactly did his relationship with his father become strictly professional.


James is alone in the dorm room, Logan is out tutoring another student the smart genius he is, when he gets a knock on the door.

"Hey James, want company?" Kendall, Logan's friend asks James.

"Hey Kendall, sure! Is Carlos with you?"

"HI JAMES!" Carlos shouts

"Well that answers my question"

Kendall and Carlos enter the room, making themselves comfortable. Logan introduced Kendall and Carlos to James after James's first day of classes. Even though James can tell that Logan doesn't have many friends, he can tell that Kendall and Carlos are the closest Logan has to "best friends", but he's sure it must be awkward being the third wheel all the time. Carlos and Kendall are obviously a couple, even before they started making out two seconds after James was introduced.

Kendall clapped his hands together and sat down on James's bed, Carlos following suit.

"Let's get straight to the point," Kendall says, "We're here to talk about Logan."

Carlos jumps in "Even though Logan is so awkward, he's one of our bestest buds. I don't know if you know this, but Logan has a problem with depression. Kendall and I have tried everything to cheer him up, but it's all useless. He never wants to come out with people unless it's going to class, getting food, or something to do with school. Otherwise he usually just stays in his room all night."

Kendall picks up, "But something's changed. Ever since you got here, something has changed, he seems almost happy. You're all he talks about. Logan's past wasn't an easy one, and it's not my place to tell you anything, I'm sure he will tell you when he's ready."

James leans forward, his facial expression showing that he's deep in thought. He asks the two young men, "Do you think I can help Logan come out of his shell?"

"Well, it's worth a shot." Carlos says, contemplative.

"I think if anyone can help him, I think it might just be you James. You seem to already have gotten through to Logan a little bit, maybe you two share something, and if that's so, then I'm happy. Carlos and I really do care about Logan; he's a gentle creature. He doesn't deserve to be miserable." Kendall adds.

"Alright, challenge accepted." James announces to Kendall and Carlos.

Kendall and Carlos high five James, and bring him into a very manly hug. And in that second, James almost forgets why he's actually here.