If you don't know, I'm one HUGE theater junkie. I love acting and singing, but I'm not too great at the second one ;)

I got this idea while I was in chorus yesterday (go figure) and I was like "Hey! This could be interesting!"

It's also REALLY weird because Percy and Annabeth practically switch personalities in this story!

~Happy Reading!

Disclaimer: does it look like I own PJO? Don't think so.

Annabeth's POV:

"Zigga zigga za, zigga zigga za, zigga zigga zigga zigga zaaaa."

"Good! Now, try to open your mouth a bit more on za." Aunt Aphrodite chimed behind the piano. Being short, it covered her completely, but she still managed to raise her hands communicating with me. She was pretending to pull a piece of chewed gum. That was her signal for za.

"Aunt Ven, don't you think I'm done with warm ups? We've been working on them for at least half an hour," I was stressed beyond belief. My audition was tomorrow and my aunt was wasting my time with warm ups. I know they're important, but I've talked/sang all day! Shouldn't my throat already be used to making sound since it's been doing it all day?

Let me start over. Hello, howdy, how are you? The name's Annabeth, Annabeth Chase. I'm probably Goode High School's biggest star, not to sound conceded to anything, but it's true. Like, in the history of Goode. By star, I don't mean like acting in lame kids television shows or movies; I mean live, right in front of your face, musicals and plays. Oh, my name rings a bell? Great! You must have read about me in the New York times last weekend! That was probably my biggest hit. Our last show was Wonderful Town, and naturally, I starred as Eileen. There hasn't been a show I didn't auditioned for since my freshman year. Now that I'm a junior, I've practically been in every production; as a main role or an understudy. I've sung for as long as I can remember. My Aunt, Aphrodite (say hi Aunt Ven!), has been my voice teacher since I was nine. My mom, Athena, got a new job here in New York and has been busy ever since. Ven moved in with us, she watched over me, heard me singing one day and BAM! Suggested I should join the school play. I think it's one of the best choices I've ever made.

"No, honey. Don't push warm ups! It's probably the most important part of a singing lesson," Aunt Ven scolded. "Your voice has to be ready or else it will strain and crack." I curled my fingers in annoyance, pushing my hands behind me so she wouldn't see.

"But I need to work on my audition piece!"

"But you need to warm up first!" Aunt Ven mocked. She was a real sweet woman, but was a little more strict when it came to lessons. After all, she was a singer herself and has been a teacher for so many years that I've lost count. "If you wanna hit those notes in A Heart Full of Love, You've gotta warm up, honey!"

"But-" I started to protest.

"No buts, young lady! Now, again!" I sighed, but then obeyed. Oh yeah, this semester Goode is doing a production of Les Miserables. I'm auditioning for Cosette, which shouldn't be a problem because I'm a first soprano meaning I can sing outrageously high.

"Alright." I took a sip of water from my glass that was sitting on the piano. Aunt Ven played a C major chord, which rang clear as a bell in our music room. I took the note and began again. "Zigga zigga za, zigga zigga zaa...."

Percy's POV:

"I looooovvveee to siiinnnggg." My voice was real shaky, croaky, and didn't really come out the way I hoped it would. I was hoping for something a bit less scared and mouse-like. And last I checked, I'd never eaten a frog. "I-I'm sorry, Mr. Brunner."

"No worries, Percy. You sound great, but a little nervous. Would you feel better if you told me why?" My voice lesson teacher rolled out from behind the piano so he could be in front of me."

"I-I've never auditioned for a school play before. This will be my f-first time." I stammered. I was lying. Okay, half lying; when you tell the truth but lie at the same time. It wasn't only because of that, it was because I already knew Annabeth Chase was auditioning. There will be so many guys fighting for Marius, I don't know if I'll even stand a chance. Oh yeah, did I mention that I have a huge crush on her, despite the fact we've never talked?

"But Percy, you have been in many productions before. What makes it different this time?"

"Because this is the first time I won't be auditioning for something other than a secondary role and ensemble." I pretty much whispered that. On the lists it was always 'Percy Jackson: Joyboy. Percy Jackson: ensemble' I never tried out for a big role, even though people tell me to.

I've been acting all my life, but didn't start singing until a few years ago. It was never my vibe, and I never thought I was any anyways. Then one day, an acting camp buddy of mine discovered my voice when I was singing "Livin' on a Prayer" while putting away some props. Ever since then, I've been singing. Musicals weren't really my thing though, even though I could sing. It's just the dancing part and, well, I had a bad experience with one. I was Charlie Brown in a small production of the 1967 version of You're a Good Man, Charlie Brown once upon a lifetime, but I completely froze when my solo, The Kite, came up. Hey, at least it was only opening night.

"Perseus, please have some more faith in yourself. You have a wonderful voice and the world deserves to hear it! I believe you will be able to snag the role of Marius because of your magnificent range. You will sound fantastic in your audition piece. Now let's finish warm ups so we can start working on that." Mr. Brunner winked at me as he rolled back behind the piano.

"Okay," I managed to smile a little.

"Don't be nervous, I'm not here to eat you. I'm here to help," I laughed at his joke, feeling a bit better. He started to play chords again, telling me to start again. This time, I thought about Annabeth as my Cosette and how wonderful it would be if she were really giving me a heart full of love.

Ugh. Such a bad ending to that. Sorry guys, my mind went blank for that. It's cheesy, cliché, etc.

Hoped you guys like the first chapter! I thought it was okay, but it'd be cool if y'all told me your opinions. Also I need ideas! Ideas, ideas, ideas!

Review this maybe? Thanks, Amigos or Amiga!