No excuses. No Preamble. Just a happy Thanksgiving, hope everyone enjoys. :)

Disclaimer- Young Justice and it's characters do not belong to me.

Chapter 4 ~ Alternate Egos

Nightwing's POV

Bludhaven- July 21- 20:15 EDT

Three hundred eighteen days since Tula died.

"Hey Grayson, it's about time you got back! How was your trip to Europe with the old billionaire?" Patterson asks as we both pull on our bulletproof vests, holsters attached directly after.

Two hundred four days since he came up with the infernal plan.

"Fine." I snap, slipping a loaded pistol into the holster, turning my back to the red-headed cop, the newest in the force joining just before my civilian persona went to Europe.

Two hundred fifty nine days since Kaldur went undercover.

"Woah someone missing his vacation." Patterson answers, holding up his arms in defense with a joking grin. "Geez did someone die?"

Eighty nine days since Artemis joined him.

I grit my teeth in response, the newbie having no idea how close he struck to home. Not that I was going to let him know that.

Thirty-one days had passed since his best friend had died.

"Enough questions Patterson, we have a job to do."

Fourteen days since had passed since he had left his Team.

"Yeah, yeah lighten up! Jeez you must have the worst trip ever, you were so chill before you left!"

Eleven days since he cut contact with his old friends and mentor.

"Things change." I reply curtly, silencing my ringing phone as we both slipped into an unmarked police cruiser.

About Eleven seconds before his phone suffered the same fate.

"Alrighty boss, I won't ask anymore questions about your vacation." Patterson replies with ease, blowing his bangs out of his face as he reclined in the passenger seat. "So what's the job tonight?"

"Stakeout. Someone called in a possible base for a big drug cartel by the warehouse district. It's our job to observe and find evidence of the cartel. We are not to intervene unless civilians are at risk and to call for backup if that is the case."

"Sounds riveting. Think we might see the famed Wing tonight?" I shrug my shoulders, having forgot how much of a fanboy the redhead could be.

"Doubt it, it's a big city and Nightwing is rarely spotted this early." I reply.

"Still," Patterson whistles, tucking his hands behind his head in a leisurely position. "It'd be awesome to see him in action!"

"He's just a regular human in spandex, he's not anything special."

"You kiddin Grayson? I grew up here in Bludhaven, it may still be a serious hellhole but as hard as it is to believe it was a hell of a lot worse before he came." Patterson retorts, taking me surprise as he rockets upwards in his seat, voice filled with passion like he was the leader of a Nightwing fan club defending their pride. "Hell he's the reason I went to police academy and stayed here. I want to help him make this city better." I slam on the brakes a little harder than necessary, jerking the car to a stop as we arrive across the street from our location.

"Well here's a bit of advice Patterson, leave the city and its saving to the crazy guy in tights and get the hell outta here before you die." He looks me in the eyes, face remarkably serious and I'm struck by a sudden image of another redhead, a spray of freckles running across his nose.

"You haven't got much room to talk Grayson, you may think you're hiding it but I can see right through you." I tense as the image of Wally fades and I'm slammed back into reality with Patterson drilling me, possibly on my secret identity. "I can tell you're just like Nightwing and I, you could've gone anywhere, done anything, but you decided to become an officer in one of the worst cities in the world. You want to save this place to." I let a small sigh of relief escape me, tension fading from my muscles as I break eye contact and slump back against my seat.

"Shut up Patterson and keep your eyes open."


Hours had slipped past and their wasn't a single sign of trouble, almost concerning in and of itself with this being Bludhaven. Our shift was just about up meaning Nightwing's was soon to start and I was itching to get going, shifting the car into gear and startling a near asleep Patterson from his daze.

"Time up already?"

"Yeah, looks like we got a bad tip." I reply when his finger suddenly jerks out, nearly whacking my nose.

"Wait look!" He all but shouts, my head instantly snapping in the direction he was pointing out. I narrow my eyes to see through the murky streetlights, making out two human like shapes quickly making their way towards each other, the one closer to the car making shifty glances that screamed trouble. The two met at the front of an alleyway where intel said was the assigned meeting place of the cartel, one extending a large briefcase from where it had been partially concealed by his large overcoat. The other man shifts and I just barely make out a tell tale glint reflected by the blinkering light from the streetlamp above. Gun. I'm out of the car in an instant, Patterson almost as quick, gun in my hand.

"Police! Hands up!" I shout, Patterson mimicking my movements at my side as he snatches his walkie. The man with the gun doesn't hesitate, whipping it out and firing a few quick shots in our direction causing me to tackle my partner to the ground to avoid them as the man whirls and fires his would be dealer, grabbing the case as the man falls. I grab the walkie from where Patterson had dropped it as we both get back to our feet. "Officer Grayson here, we are in pursuit of a gunman and requesting immediate medical assistance. A dealer has been shot." I report as Patterson and I run forward, kneeling beside the man who had been hit, blood gushing from his stomach as a response rings back over the com. "Stay with him until the paramedics arrive." I order after checking to make sure the man was still breathing, Patterson nodding as he re-holstered his gun.

"Alright boss, be careful." I give a quick nod before taking off down the alleyway, pausing as the walls cut off my light supply. I exhale slowly, both hands moving to my gun and steadying it before me, still extended outwards as I take slow, careful steps. I knew from extensive training this was an extremely bad situation, a cornered drug addict was dangerous alone but one who was armed and clearly knew his way around a gun in closed quarters was even worse. Especially when he was protecting said drugs. A faint clatter rings out and I whirl, squinting as familiar red hair appears, arms in the air. "Patterson what are you doing?"

"Backup arrived, Dickens was close and told me he would watch the injured guy. He told me to come help you." I narrow my eyes. I had my suspicions about Dickens for awhile and he happening to be around, well I was taught never to believe in coincidences. But there were more important things at hand at the moment. I nod.

"Fine, stay close and stay quiet." I whisper, a stiff breeze ruffling both`of our hair as we proceeded down the alley, straining to see its dark end. Finally we reach it, Patterson drawing out his flashlight as we got close and shining it against the grimy back wall as I readied myself to fire. But our gunman was gone, briefcase left their as if nothing had happened. My hand hovers my walkie again, something was clearly off. I grab the device as I holster my gun, signalling Patterson to stay close and alert as I bring the communicator close to my mouth kneeling beside the case. "Officer Grayson here again, the suspect got away but he left behind-" I cut off as my hand gets close to the subject, eyes widening as a faint beeping made its way to my ears. "Patterson get-!" I shout, jumping up and pushing him back as the bomb goes off, sending the both of us flying back in a whirl of wind, fire, and pain. I hit the opposite wall, head filled with stars, and the flash of hungry flames distorts my last seconds of vision before everything goes dark.

Hope everyone enjoyed it and had a wonderful holiday! Please leave some comments if you can, it'll help kick my butt into gear and write more and better (assuming you all did enjoy it, if not please do let me know!)
