Okay since I refuse to accept the fact that Wally's….gone I'm making this story even though I have WAY to many other to be working on (plot bunny wouldn't leave me alone)! I hope you all enjoy!

Disclaimer~ I do not own YJ if I did A) it wouldn't have ENDED, B) WALLY WOULDN'T BE DE-DEAD (which I still refuse to accept)

Let Go

Nightwing's POV

"This is no time for you to resign" Kaldur says in disbelief.

"I'm not resigning, just taking a leave of absence. Besides if you need help Barbra's more than ready to step up." I tell him glancing towards the red head. She was more than ready and Tim was around too if worse came to worse. Besides I was just a call away if needed.

"Agreed but Dick….." Kaldur says, again trying to convince me. But I couldn't I needed a break.

"I need a break Kaldur. You, me, Wally we founded this team, without him…." I say tears threatening to come to my eyes. I have held them back since the incident, staying strong for the others. Another reason I needed out to grieve in peace. Kaldur sighs heavily,

"I understand" the Atlantian says grief heavy in his tone. I'm glad he understood, he knew how much Wally really meant to me. He was more than just a teammate; he was more of a brother and after growing apart the past few years and our friendship nearly shattering with the Artemis ordeal…. But we recovered our friendship and my last mission with him at the summit it was almost like old times, I knew he would leave the life again so I treasure those moments. Then after we got Artemis and Kaldur back he, he had asked me to be his best man, he was planning on proposing to Artemis today…. the day we started the Team.

"Kal please tell the Team for me, I don't think I can" I say to the Atlantian. I knew I didn't have the strength to tell them right now. He nods and sticks out his hand. I shake it.

"It has been an honor Nightw… Dick" Kaldur says.

"Remember you can always call me if you need anything" I tell him before turning away. I go to Zeta out but I stop and look back as Kaldur calls the Team together. He immediately sets them to work causing me to smirk at the memories "Business as usual….." I then turn away, faintly hearing Tim ask where I was.

"Recognized Nightwing B01" The Zeta teleporter reads out, drowning out whatever Kaldur had said in response. I step out on the other end, into the city of Bludhaven, my city. I look around the dark city, just taking a deep breath. I knew would never be able to stop the hero gig, not until my dying day, but I really did need a break from the Team where there were constant memories of Wally…. Wally. I quickly leave the Zeta tube behind me and head to one of my safe houses, Dick Grayson was currently on vacation in Europe to account for all the time I had been spending as Nightwing whether it be with the Team, in Gotham, or here, and he could stay there for the time being. I arrive at the safe house, the one the Team had been using since the destruction of the Hall of Justice, and flop down onto one of the beds, pulling of my mask. I knew without looking that my eyes were most likely dull and lifeless from grief and I finally allow the tears to form. Wally was really gone. I cry eventually falling into a fitful, nightmare filled sleep.

I hope you guys liked my start and don't worry all will be answered and please

