Dear Mom,-Spencer started his letter, "Dear Mom, I'm sorry about the delay in writing. As you know sometimes my work takes precedence over all other aspects of my life; this time my absence was not due to my work. I have been unwell for several months now, and have, after trying all orthodox, and some unorthodox, modalities of health care available, availed myself of the services of Dr. Carlisle Cullen. His vast experience may be my sole hope of shedding light on my condition. I will be staying at his house for the next week. I am so sorry not to be seeing you during my leave from work, but my situation needs to be addressed.
All my love—Spencer.

Dear Mom, I hope you are well and received my last letter. I have arrived at the Cullen residence, which I find restful, and am optimistic that the quietude of this place will bring some sort of peace. Dr. Cullen has read all my files, and he and I have discussed extensively my options. Unfortunately, I may simply have to live with this condition. I was surprised to find my supervisor from the BAU, SSAIC Hotchner, also paying a visit.
All my love—Spencer

Dear Mom, I hope you continue to be well. The Cullen household, while quiet and dark, two aspects which I value, is full of beauty. Edward, a young man of appearing twenty or thereabouts, plays and composes beautiful music, which he has been kind enough to share with me. I had begun learning to play the piano, as a way to quiet my mind, and his help is invaluable. Alice, his sister is a beautiful spirit, full of life, she doesn't approve of my wardrobe and has made several, sometimes disturbing, "improvements" to it. Bella, Edward's new bride is full of grace and passion, and brings love to all around her. Their young daughter is a light to all who live in this house—and is a prodigy, above all I have seen. It is reassuring, Agent Hotchner, staying at the house with us.
All my love—Spencer

Dear Mom, My thoughts are constantly with you; I hope you are well. I continue to stay at the Cullen house. I do not know when I will choose to return to Quantico. I have taken a leave of absence from the FBI, while I seek some relief. I can no longer stand the light of day. The Cullen household is quiet and dark, and I am increasingly at peace here. Carlisle and Esme are the epitome of perfect hosts, leaving me with little to want; except my health. Their kindness to me has been extraordinary, and they have offered that I stay here as long as I please. Aaron Hotchner is also able to stay a while longer.
All my love—Spencer

Dear Mom, Hope this letter finds you well. My illness continues, and I believe it is only fair that you know the truth. Along with the chronic migraines, I have begun to hallucinate. Sometimes these visions are prophetic, or I believe they are; sometimes terrifying, but always confusing. You must truly know how afraid I am. Aaron does his best to understand, but you I can trust to know.
All my love—Spencer

Dear Mom, Hope you continue to be well. My illness continues, and I no longer believe there is any hope of reprieve. The Cullens are gracious, as ever, and I doubt I will leave the comfort of this household. I hope you understand how I love you. Know that I am proud to be your son.
All my love—Spencer

Dear Mom, I am so sorry to have frightened you, hope you feel better when you receive this letter. My health still deteriorates. The Cullens are long time-friends family friends of Aaron, and he will be staying with me until I no longer need him, he brings me peace and hope, in a way that given the circumstances, is extraordinary.
All my love—Spencer

Dear Mom, I hope you continue to improve. In the interest of the truth I must confess that my health is finally failing. Aaron's love, however, is not. He presence and support, both emotional and physical, carry me through this time. He is my solace, my rock, and my heart. I hope that you will one day meet him, and understand the love I have for him.
All my love—Spencer