Hey people this is my first story and I mean very first story so please do not flame me because of how I typed this story. I will try and improve over time people just need to tell me what it is I need to improve on. This is a Naruto and Digimon crossover fanfiction so all I gotta say is SIT BACK AND ENJOY THE SHOW.

Naruto becomes the The new Juubi after having the all the bijuu sealed into him after almost having Kurama extracted from him by Obito and Madara, but when he kills the two and returns Konoha only to find it in ruins. He finds the culprits but he decided to leave his world, to make a world of his own the digital world.

Digivolution/ Human Speaking

Digivolution/ Digimon Speaking


Digivolution/Kyuubi Speaking


God Of The Digital World

Chapter 1

(Start playing Giving my life by I-Exist)

21 year old Naruto could feel Kurama leaving him as Madara and Obito extracted her from him. What no one knew about Naruto was that he had fell in love with the nine tailed demoness without anyone even knowing. He had met her when he was receiving a beating from the villagers at age 6. She always looked out for him every time he got himself into a tight spot, but not this time he was loosing her he would lose his first love because of a madman's dream and it was his fault. If he hadn't been so arrogant when fighting the two Uchihas. He could hear her crying and it hurt to hear her crying because of his foolishness. He looked over to the two Uchihas and saw them smirking at him as the extracted Kurama from him oh how they were going to be surprised at what he had up his sleeve.

With the little strength that he had left he mad one a hand sign and with it a seal appeared in the center of Naruto's forehead as he said " FORBIDDEN UZUMAKI FUINJUSTU:BIJUU ABOSORBTION SEAL!" Naruto yelled.

Madara looked on in shock and yelled " Stop the flow of chakra NOW."yelled out Madara. Obito tried to stop but it wouldn't stop. " IT WON'T STOP, DAMN YOU UZUMAKI NARUTO DAMN YOU AND YOUR FAMILY TO THE LOWEST PITS OF HELL." Screamed out Obito as a vortex opened and it started to suck not only the bijuu chakra out of the statue but also their own. The vortex started to close leaving Madara and Obito barley alive with any chakra to use. Madara and Obito looked up and saw something that they both would literally take to their graves weather they wanted to or not. In front of them no longer stood Naruto Uzumaki but a creature of mass pa-portions. It had golden fur that could out shine the sun itself, the thing looked like a perfect mix between a fox and a wolf, it had the body of a wolf, the face of a fox, but what shocked them was not the ten golden tails flowing behind it, no it was the fact that this beast had a holy energy about it and a pair of angel wings on its back. The Juubi looked down at the to Uchihas and roared in anger before squashing them under it tremendous paw.

The moon came into view of the newly formed Juubi. It let loose a howl of agony, grief, and sorrow. The beast started to shrink and once done standing in its place was none other than Uzumaki Naruto. He was crying over the loss of his beloved. He had changed his spicky hair was now tamed and had grown longer it now reached the middle of his back, he went from "5,6" to "6,1". His eyes were now opposites gone the sky blue, his right eye was now silver with a slit it almost looked white like the snow, but the left eye was now a bloody red with a slit the red looked almost like blood. You could see the canines poking from his mouth. His hands had turned int claws, the whisker marks on his cheeks had become deeper and more defined. His chest looked like it had been carved by the gods themselves, he had the perfect body he wasn't scrawny but he also wasn't a muscle head like A the Riakage. He had a six pack and great pecks that you could bounce a coin off of them.

(Start playing colors of the rainbow by Dj Skeptyk)

Naruto sat there until he felt a presence in his mind and a voice that belong to the one he thought he had lost when he became the new Juubi. " Naruto-kun whats going on all I remember is being extracted by those two bastard Uchihas.", Kurama spoke in her gentle tone. Naruto started to cry tears of joy it would seem Kami was giving him something for all the suffering he had went through because of Konoha, Madara, Obito, and his own father Minto Namikaze, but none of that matters right now because he had his demoness back with him and nothing was gonna separate them again. Naruto decided to go into his mindscape to go and see his beloved before going back to the accursed thing that people called the strongest village Konoha. Just the thought of it made Naruto's stomach churn. The only reason he actually stayed was because of the people that held close to him. How he wish he could destroy it and take his friend away from that place.


When Naruto entered his mindscape he was unprepared for Kurama to tackle him to the ground sobbing into his chest. When he looked at her it hurt to see her like this and it was all his fault. He started to rub her back and whispering sweet nothing into her ear to calm her down. It seemed to be working because her crying started to calm down until it was nothing but sniffle meaning she was calming down." Kurama-chan not that I don't mind staying like this but could you get off of me".

Kurama got off of Naruto while blushing "Sorry Naruto-kun I'm just so happy that you are alive and fine, I was so worried about you". Naruto looked at her form ( Kurama looks like Masane from Witchblade in witchblade form) She truly did look beautiful though. Kurama noticed Naruto looking at her and did a sexy pose

"Naruto-kun you know you can domore than just look all you have to do is ask"Kurama said in a provocative voice. Naruto blushed at what the vixen had said to him. Hell he was surprised he didn't go flying from a bloody nose I mean what man wouldn't. He decided to look a different direction, when Kurama saw this she decided to play a little trick on her love. She towards Naruto who still refused to even look her way even though she could tell he was struggling not to. When she was right infront of him she leaned in and licked Naruto's neck where his mate mark was. Naruto felt a small tail of blood running down his nose and he shivered at what his mate/wife did. When Kurama was done she had a satisfied smirk on her face. Naruto wiped the blood from his nose and looked at his lover " Kurama-chan why do I feel so strange?", Naruto said. Kurama looked at her husband/mate and gasped at what she saw, standing before her was not only her mate but an kistune okami. ( I will do s flashback about how they met and the explantion in a different chapter.) Naruto was shocked at the explantion he was not only the first kistune okami Juubi but also a Kami. Wow... just wow oh well he knew that he was gonna become a demon anyways because he was the mate of Kurama. He kisses Kurama " Kurama-chan I'll visit you once I get back to the village then we can finish what you started", Naruto says. Kurama hearing this begins to purr in excitement at the thought of being dominated by him.

(Exit Mindscape)

(Play Stand up Be Strong Bleach Full version)

Naruto opened his mitch mach eyes and smiled. He jumped up on his feet and started to dash towards his home village where his other lovers were probably waiting for him at the village gates (I forgot to mention he had others.) he jumped from tree to tree to get there faster. He could already see the gates coming up but what he wasn't expecting was to see the village on fire. This shocked him but he put his shock away and became worried about the other people he has come to love over time in this village and out. He ran through the village hoping to find any signs of them but all he found where bodies upon bodies. He kept running until he reached the Hokage tower, he ran inside hoping that they would be in there hiding from whatever had caused this epidemic. He reached the top of the tower and saw something that made him want to destroy everything in his path.

There on the ground dead barley covered by their clothing were his other wives. Amaru, Hana, Tsume,Tayuya, Temari,Hinata(road to ninja Hinata and regular Hinata combined), Shion, Shizuka, Shizune, Koyuki, Saara(shippuden movie 3) Ryuzetsu(shippuden blood prison) Samui, Mabui, Yugito, Tsunade( you'll learn about it later) ,Kushina(same thing I said about Tsunade) and Mito( I'm talking about Tsunades grandmother now I know you all are like WTF but you barely see these at all and like I said same with Kushina and Tsunade.) What caught his attention was the fact he could smell two other scents but that's not all he could tell that his wives where raped before being killed. What made him want to destroy everything were who the fucking scents belonged to.

Sasuke Uchiha and Sakura Haruno

Narutos power started to go through the roof his eyes started to change into a combination between the sharigan and the rinnegan.(JUUBIGAN) Naruto could feel that they were at the villages North Gate, he disappeared in a sonic boom. Only to appear infront of the two soon to be victims. They had taken everything away from him while he was gone so now he was going to destroy them to the point there souls won't ever exist not even a fragment will be there. He could see the two were shocked at him appearing before them, but the shock was short lived because their faces morphed into arrogant smirks which in turn made Naruto even more pissed off about this whole thing.

"Well if it isn't the dobe did you find my little surprise I left you at the top of the tower. I must say if they weren't already used by you I would have made them my sluts." Sasuke said with so much arrogance that it could almost be seen by Naruto. Sakura on the other started to gush over Sasuke like he was Kami herself. This made Naruto let loose so much KI(killer intent) that it stared to leave a crater where he stood, his two targets where on their knees seeing their very own deaths at the hands of Naruto in a hundred different ways. Naruto started to cry blood his anger had finally reached it peak.

"UCHIHA, HARUNO FOR WHAT YOU HAVE DONE I WILL DESTROY YOUR VERY SOULS FOR THIS"Naruto let loose a sonic roar that sent the two of them flying. He rushed towards the Uchiha and delivered a punch to the stomach that launches Sasuke into the air. Naruto then appears above him and grabs him by his head drives it into the ground. He then pulls the Uchihas head out the ground and rips out his eyes.

Sasuke screams in agony as blood flows through his empty eye sockets. Naruto drops him on the ground and grabs Sakuras fist when she tried to blind side him. He breaks her arm and sends her into the ground with one of his tails. He jumps into the air and brings his foot down on Sakuras chest as she starts to cough up blood from the injury she received. Naruto then come up with an idea he grabs Sasuke with his tails and brings him infront of him. He knows Sakura is still awake but barely.

"SAKURA WATCH AS I KILL YOUR BELOVED UCHIHA FOR BOTH YOUR SINS"Naruto yells at her. Sakura stares with wide eyes as Naruto rips Sasuke apart with his tails. Sakura screams as she watches her crush get killed by Naruto, but it wasn't over Naruto let her see the Uchihas soul as he started to also destroy that to. Naruto drops the body of the Uchiha and slices off Sakuras head while burning he very soul until it is nothing but ashes. He then telaports back to the top of the Hokage tower to gather his dead wives.

He knew he could bring them back to life but not in this world where people have so much lust for power. He now knew he had to make his own world where when someone dies they can be reborn and redeemed for their sins where they had to work hard for their power to evolve further. A place that he and his loves could call home. He opened a gate to where he could create his world who knows maybe his creations will see the good in people that he never knew until he met the loves of his life.

He then entered the dimensional gate with the bodies of his wives not to be seen again until the time was right until the return of the


Well that's the end of Chapter 1 of GOD OF THE DIGITAL WORLD