
"Alright can let go now..." Zane let out one big sigh as Lydia had finally released her grip from his waist. Zane turned to her with his eyes closed. slowly and weakly he opened them.

"Are you okay now? You're not going to kill him now are you?"

"You sure do ask alot of questions. No, I'm not going to kill him." Zane stated.

"Huh...good, you're not a killer."

"You don't know that..."

"Freyr's...passing...really did have an impact on you."

"I don't think you understand. It wasn't his fault...I could say he got in the way and get over it, but the truth is this. I wasn't strong enough. I wasn't strong enough to not only to protect him, but I wasn't strong enough to take on that Kane dude. I barely defeated him and that was after using my Dragon Force. I vowed to never let that happen again." Zane explained, "I promised that I would get stronger, originally it was to protect all of Demigod. But then...I started learning things. Such as my brother popping up again with Dark Hierarchy. Me, Dexter, and Alia have been hunting and following Dark Hierarchy. Which led us here."

"Well I'm glad it did..."

"Hmph..." Zane scoffed, "All that matters is that Kage's been defeated which should stop Zerus being re-summoned."

"W-well...n-not e-exactly..." A demonic and cracked voice spoke.

"Hmm?" Both Zane and Lydia looked to see Kage's body being lifted from the ground. But obviously not by Kage's own free will.

"Ya see...I'm rather impressed with Kage's showing...I'm also thankful for everything he's done. Bringing together Dark Hierarchy and even gathering so much magical energy for me! I truly am glad that I was able to possess him while I could..."

"W-what's going on?" Lydia asked.

"Z-Zerus...he's been inside Kage this whole time!" Zane said in shock.

"You got that right!" Zerus spoke from Kage's unconscious body, "Ya see I've been controlling and manipulating Kage for a long time now. Once he was under my influence I let him do the rest. Though it was with my help. He welcomed me into his body once he realized that he was doing it for the better good."

"But he can't be your vessel...I refuse it!" Zane shouted enraged.

"Don't worry he's not! He's just a temp rag doll body I've been throwing around!" Zerus laughed wickedly, "It was a nice host body to remain in until everything else fell into place, but unfortunately not everything is said and done thanks to you!" Zerus said angrily, "Though most of me has matured and gained enough strength to live out side of a host body at least until I locate my descendants."

"...Grah! Graaawwhh!" Kage cried out in excruciating pain as a dark aura began to leave his body. His veins burned bright red, tears of blood flowed out of his eyes, his lungs burned and expanded like never before, his bones felt as though they were snapping all at the same time. He squirmed all over the floor holding his head which was throbbing due to the exploding sensation his brain was radiating. He felt as though his skin was being peeled off. As though his throat was going to break loose from his body. As though his heart was being continuously ripped out of his chest. As though his spin was being rearranged. It was pain like never before.

"Stop it! You're killing him!"

"Oh shut up!" Zerus barked as he finally left Kage's body and collapsed on the ground.

"Kage!" Zane quickly aided his brother, "Oh God...I didn't've been possessed for so long...I didn't know...I was going to kill you...I'm so sorry!" Zane cried holding his brother tightly.

"Z-Zane..." Lydia muttered looking at a small child like creature before them.

"Ugh...this will do I guess..." Zerus looked over to the three of them. He is currently in a rather small body, a kids body.

"Damn it..." Zerus muttered. As a monstrous looking kid he stood at about four feet five inches in height. He had dark purple skin, four arms, four red eyes, two small goat like horns, and a goat's lower body as well.

"You damn monster!" Zeus placed Kage down and rushed Zerus.

"Don't get ahead of yourself kid, I have access to a bit of my powers even in this state. Tempest!" Zerus snapped his fingers and summoned forth a massive twister that struck Zane and caused major damage to the White Dragon Slayer as he fell to the ground.


"Weak and pathetic you are in this state." Zerus scoffed.

"Well Master seems like you're back finally..." The White Robed Man appeared with Malphas and Vance by his side.

"Yeah I'm back. Lets go find this kid Zeke...I don't know how long I have before I go bestial."

"Yes sir." All three nodded.

"Z-Zerus...I will come find you...and you...will be my first kill." Zane muttered angrily.

"Hmph, oh kid...I would love to see you try. Just know this, you all have exactly a year to live. Because by that time I will have full control over my new body, along with all my matured abilities. Hell! Because I like your spunk I'll give you a year and a half! So in a year and a half from now I expect you to find me. If you don't I will find you, but you will not like it one bit." Zerus grinned as a portal appeared right behind him and his followers.

"Enjoy you're Heaven on Earth kid, because soon enough it will be hell." And with that they all walked through the portal and vanished.

"D-Damn it..." Zane muttered.

After everything had been said and done Black Heaven and Demigod had gotten back together. They returned to Magnolia. Balthazar had reported everything to he Magic Council.

"So...Zerus is back...or he is returning and we barely have a year or so to prepare?" One of the Council Members asked.

"We have around a year and a half, that's what I've been told." Balthazar sighed with his hands in his pockets.

"This is...terrible..." A Second Council Member said in shock, "Crocus is ruined, Black Heaven not only loses it's Guild Master but Vance is part of whatever Zerus is planning? We haven't traced the whereabouts of Dante since Dragon Heart had fallen, nor have he we found Lazarus since the Dream Reapers incident."

"Don't forget Mason Elegore has gone missing as well..." A Third Council member added on.

"None of those guys were good and now they're all out in the wind? This is not good, Balthazar make sure you're Guild is on it's toes. We don't know what's going to happen next."

"Yeah I know...I have to make sure everybody is in the right place first of all. I mean some of them were corrupted and had to fight each other, and others were just put through a lot...some of them have already started leaving to join other Guild's..."

"It's understandable..." A Council Member sympathized for Balthazar and his situation, "But for now as the strongest Guild in Fiore you're going to need to carry the load it seems. That is unless some other Guild's start stepping up that is."

"Let's hope so..." Balthazar sighed.

"Well, this meeting is over. Take care Balthazar, and inform us if you need anything."

"Will do..." Balthazar lit a cigarette.

"Still smoking huh?" A Council Member laughed lightly, "You'll never kick that habit will ya?"

"Eh, maybe one day." Balthazar sighed before walking out of the council room. He took a deep breath intaking the smoke then let out a large chest relaxing sigh causing a cloud of smoke to simply hover above his head, "Shame, shame..."

After the events of what happened at Crocus, Kazuma had been chosen to be Black Heaven's new Guild Master. They were partially celebrating the fact that they were alive, but it wasn't as great as it could have been. The same went for Demigod. They were celebrating the fact of just being alive. Though some members did departure the party was seen as one that said good bye, and also welcome all new members that would be coming in. They looked at it as though it was a new day, though it did come with some of it's faults.

Such as Ritsu and Asuka both leaving to train for an unknown amount of time. They said their good byes to the Guild and promised their return, and with that they left.

Ishmael had decided to return to the Monastery where he had earned his Monk Title and remain there enable to bring up and teach other upcoming Monks as well. He would be doing it in place of the Monk who had trained him, thus making Ishmael the head of the Monastery.

Christopher, being well skilled in potions, opened up his own store and school allowing him to teach Mages how to properly mix potions along with selling his own for those in need as well. This especially came in handy after the Battle of Crocus and comes in handy for Mage's who need supplies that are heading out on a mission.

Cynthia and Angie left the Guild as well, simply to travel the world. It had become difficult for Cynthia to stay around with her love for Zane remaining strong, yet also seeing how distant he had become not just to her but to the others as well. So she had departed with her best friend Angie by her side and one day they would hope to find a place to call home much like how they did with Demigod.

Even though Kage had been the director of damage and destruction on the Battle of Crocus Balthazar had promised Zane that they would take care of him and heal him. Zane remained rather secluded from the others. Often by his brothers side. At times he would go home and rest or leave to receive fresh air, but when at the Guild he would watch over his twin like no other. Often Lydia saw him like this and at times worried.

Reggie remained the same, yet there was a slight difference. He was actually awake much more often than he was before. Though nobody could keep track of him and his whereabouts.

Samuel had vanished from thin air. It seemed as though the core Mage's of Demigod were falling apart and falling away from each other.

One day as the sky cried Zane had left the guild. Hands in his pockets, head hanging, feet dragging, eyes low. He walked the watery streets of Magnolia. He had never felt such sadness. So far other than Demigod taking care of Kage the only other bright side was that Dexter and Alia had both officially joined Demigod. He eventually lifted his head only to look up at the black clouded skies that hovered above him. Keeping the sun out of sight. Keep the light away from the darkness that had overcome him.

He had become cold. Isolated. Alone. After Freyr's death he was never the same. He had lost his best friend due to him being too weak. And that forever changed him. He went out and disappeared for two years. He found Dexter and Alina along the way and trained them so the same thing would not happen to them. Now he looks at them as his younger siblings. He loves them, and worries for them everyday. Zane continued to walk. He sighed and felt a great knot in his chest.

He looked around realizing the street he was on. It seemed familiar. His eyes found themselves darting towards and attracted to one specific balcony. Up there standing in the rain in her night gown. Lydia. The two exchanged glances, and Lydia simply turned away from Zane. Zane hung his head and continued to walk. As he kept walking he soon stopped and looked back. He jumped up and landed on the rail of Lydia's balcony. He stepped from the rail and stood in the rain.

"Hmm?" Lydia turned to see Zane standing there in the rain. She walked out and looked at him. Rain fell down his face, but it didn't take long for Lydia to notice it was more than rain. Zane dropped to his knees and wrapped his arms around her waist.

"Freyr's dead Lydia...and I almost killed my own brother! What's wrong with me?!" Zane cried into her body, he wept like never before. He didn't understand this pain he was feeling. He was loss in the flood of sadness that was drowning him. Scared by the fear of what he was becoming overcoming and overwhelming him. It was a mix and a storm of emotions he had not felt before, especially all at once, and let alone one at a time. Lydia brushed her hand through his hair and simply and silently hushed him continuously as you do to a crying child to calm them down. She tried to comfort him.

"It's okay...everything will be okay...I promise you..." Lydia whispered to him. Zane looked up at her and slowly brought himself to his feet. He looked her in the eyes and she caressed his face very lightly. They exchanged and did not break.

"L-Lydia..." Zane muttered lightly.

"Yes?" She asked with a small smile and blush on her face.

"I...I-" the two's lips then embraced instantly. As though it was meant to happen. Zane held her so she wouldn't leave him. Zane then scooped her up and Lydia wrapped her legs around his waist as he continued onwards to her room.

Next Time: With some of the core members of Demigod branching out doing different things what else is there to do now? There's only a year and a half before Zerus returns. He gave that warning to Zane and to the world. Well Dexter and Alina are the newest members of Demigod, that is until a wave of new young Mage's show up wanting to join the Guild! With a bored Dexter and Alina, combined with hungry young Mages wanting to prove themselves what do they do? Well they go on a mission of course! What could go wrong? Well, that depends on the mission.
