A/N: Hello, as always, please R&R... I suppose that is all there is to that *nods*

She could not believe this was actually happening. Hogsmead trips were meant for fun, shopping, laughing. You spent them with friends, boyfriends, hell, even illicit lovers. Hogsmead trips were most definitely not spent with James Bloody Potter. Yet, here she was, sharing one of the sickeningly pink booths at Madame Pudifoots, sipping tea with the infamous marauder after their lunch date. A lunch date she hated to admit, she had actually enjoyed. Not that she would ever let him know it of course. He had surprised her time and time again so far that day, picking out her favorite brand of sugar quills, without her having to tell him which ones, claiming they were his favorite too, he had taken her to the quidditch store and they laughed together watching as the new Slytherin seeker picked out a new pair of glove totally inadequate for the rough sport relative to his position. She had even allowed him to, Merlin, hold her hand as they walked down the street.

"You're cracking up Lils!" her mind screamed, "What are you doing with him? He's a git, remember?"

"A handsome git though," another portion giggled, as the negative voice gaged.

James pulled something out of his pocket, a crumpled up piece of paper, and handed it to her.

"Am I a rubbish bin now?" she smirked. The poor boy blushed and tried to snatch the paper back, but she quickly sat on the paper.

"Um.." James coughed, "that's, a poem. I wrote it for you, but its rubbish. You shouldn't read it. I'll just take it back if you don't mind." Her mind whirred, a poem? She had gotten his little notes, "You're cute", "date me already", and others of that nature, but they all seemed like a joke. She knew he had a crush, but poetry, that was a bit out of hand.

"I think I'll have a look anyways," she murmured as she unfolded the parchment and smoothed out the crinkles created by her bottom.

I lay in the confines of my sheets

I swim into my dreams

I feel the grass tickle my fingertips

I feel the dew reflecting the suns heat

The sun does not keep me warm though

The light that guides my heart is fierce

A redhead, with bright green eyes

She dances in my vision

Warming my world

Breathing life into my dreams

Guiding my heart

This was not ok, not at all. She was brought back to reality hearing him groaning in his chair. She looked up to find the boys face as red as her hair.

"It doesn't even rhyme. I'm sorry, I should have never…" But she didn't hear the rest of his sentence, instead choosing to cut off his doubts with a tender kiss. Maybe this day wasn't a mistake after all…