Aw snap, guess who finally decided to get off her lazy ass and start writing again~ Yes me~ I've finally over come my year long writers block! Huzzah :D I guess this is considered an early birthday present to me. It's March 25 for any of you who actually care. Anyways, this is just something I whipped up in 4th block yesterday. Can you imagine if Ciel and Lizzy had children? They'd be so cute~! Plus I think children would be good for Ciel. You know, he'd finally show some damn emotion for once /shot. Anyways, I hope you all enjoy~
Abigail and Elliot's Age: 5
DISCLAIMER: I own none of the characters here except for Abigail and Elliot.
"Miss Abby, Master Elliot, it is time to wake up." Sebastian's smooth voice echoes as he opens the decorative blue curtains and lets in the morning sun.
The twins cringe as violent yellow rays shines in their groggy faces.
"Sebastian, please, may I have five more minutes? I'm so sleepy!" Elliot groans.
"You stated that five minutes ago, Master Elliot." Sebastian reminds as he raids the closet for the children's attire.
"Why do have to get up so early anyways?" Abigail pouts as she shields her tired eyes with blankets to block out incandesce from the sun.
"We have a guest arriving today and Lady Phantomhive would like you to be on your best behavior." Sebastian replies.
Abigail immediately sits up at this, all signs of exhaustion diminished. "A guest? Who?" The young mistress loved guests. The mansion was rather dull and a guest always brought excitement to the noble house. Abigail had a propensity for dazzling guests with her well mannered behavior and winsome grace.
The young master groans and pulls the blankets over his head, "Another guest?" Elliot, on the other hand, loathed guests. He is forced to be extra polite, smile until he was sure his cheeks would burst, laugh at the dumbest of jokes, and he often received a harsh spanking if he used rowdy or rude behavior in front of a guest.
"Yes, so the both of you please heed your mother's advice and please try to behave." Sebastian replies as he slips off Abigail's night gown.
"Who is it?" Elliot questions as he sits up and stretch his stiff muscles.
"Oh god, please don't let it be grandma!" Abigail cries. "I really love grandma but she's really scary." The blue haired child gulps in recollection of her grandmother's last visit.
"She's always making us comb our hair back and trying to teach us how to fence." Elliot grumbles and crosses his arms over his chest.
"Last time she made us work so hard, I thought my arms and legs would fall off!" Abigail, now fully dressed, frowns.
"She's really mean too! One time, I was gonna get a piece of candy out of the jar and she hit my hand with ruler!" Elliot groans as Sebastian slips him into today's attire.
Sebastian inwardly snickers at the children's words about Elizabeth's mother, the Marchioness.
Sebastian coughs into his fist to restrain his laughter, "Alright children. Please refrain from speaking ill-mannered words about your grandmother. She cares for the both of you deeply and only wants to train you to be strong and well mannered men and women." Sebastian chides, though he secretly agrees with the children. The Marchioness was quite the woman.
The twins each blew a raspberry at the dark butler but ceased their ramblings.
Abigail and Elliot hop out of their cozy beds and exit the room. Sebastian watches the children leave with a small smirk on his thin lips.
"Such interesting humans," He said with a chuckle as he rearranges the bed sheets.
~ O ~
"Who do you think the guest is, Ellie?" Abigail inquires as she and her brother walk down the corridor.
Elliot shrugs, "I don't know Abby but I hope they leave really soon."
Abigail's thin eyebrows knit together. She slaps her twin's shoulder, "Don't say stuff like that Ellie! What if the guest was here and they heard you? They'd start crying then they'd leave and you'd get another spankin' from mama!" The older twin lectures. Elliot rolls his eyes. She was beginning to sound like their mother and grandmother already.
"Why do you hate guests anyways? They're lots of fun!" Abigail pauses. "Well, guests that aren't grandma."
"You only think guests are fun because everyone thinks you're so cute." Elliot replies in a mocking tone.
"Well maybe if you acted cute like me, you'd like the guests too." Abigail suggests. "Well not too cute. I can't have a brother that's cuter than me!" Abigail adds playfully as she flashes a bright smile. Elliot could not help but giggle.
"Good morning mama! Good morning papa!" The Phantomhive twins chorus as they enter the dining room.
At the sound of his nickname, Ciel Phantomhive looks up from his morning newspaper; a small smile dancing at his lips.
"Good morning." Ciel replies softly before turning his attention back to the newspaper.
From the sound of the word 'mama', Elizabeth Phantomhive, wearing her usual bright smile like perfume, immediately turns her attention to the twins before her.
"Good morning darlings." Elizabeth laughs and spreads her arms, in which the twins instantly jump into.
"Did you two sleep well?" Elizabeth asked soothingly as she hugs her son and daughter to her chest and pulls them into her lap. The two nod in sync.
"Mama, Sebastian said a guest is comin' today!" Abigail exclaims exuberantly. Elliot groans in disdain and prays to the heavens Sebastian was lying; though that was highly unlikely.
"Yes there will be a guest arriving today and I want the two of you on your best behavior. Do you understand, Abigail, Elliot?" Elizabeth asks sternly, using the twin's real names to show them that she meant business.
"Of course mama! I'm always good, but it's Elliot you hafta' worry about. He said he doesn't like guests and he hopes they leave really soon." Abigail whispers and sniggers at Elliot's shocked expression. He could not believe that his own twin would throw him under the bus like that! But the again, his twin was Abigail Phantomhive.
Elizabeth frowns, "Is this true, Elliot?" The Phantomhive boy gulps.
"Yes but-"
"No buts Elliot. I want you to be on your best behavior today. This visit is very important to papa! Be good Elliot, I mean it." Elizabeth scolds, her emerald orbs boring into Elliot's eyes.
Elliot hangs his head in shame and replies weakly, "Yes mama."
Elizabeth's eyes soften. She puts herself in Elliot's shoes. She remembers how much she hated scolding's from her mother. The often harsh words made her feel terrible.
The Lady of Phantomhive places a gentle kiss on top of her son's head. "Aw now, don't be like that. If you are extra good today, I just might convince Sebastian to let you have ice cream for dessert."
Elliot's green orbs glow with pleasure, "Really?"
Abigail pouts her lips, "I get to have ice cream too, right mama?"
Elizabeth laughs and squeezes her children tighter, "Of course but only if you two are good."
"We'll be extra good mama!" Abigail giggles. "Yeah, extra, extra good," Elliot adds.
Elizabeth giggles, "Wonderful."
Ciel looks up from his morning paper, and smiles at his family across from the table. Despite all the sins he has committed in his twenty-five years of life, the heavens from above has blessed him with the three of the most precious people in the world. It pains the Earl of Phantomhive that his revenge will eventually be attained and his soul will be devoured, taking him away from his wife and children. But for now, the Earl just enjoys life's moments with his beloved family.
Yes, for once in many years, Ciel Phantomhive was finally happy.
~ O ~
"I'm boooorrreed~! I wish the guest would hurry up and get here." whines Abigail, kicking her feet back and forth in her chair that is currently in the twin's play room.
"Me too, so when they leave I can eat ice cream." Elliot replies as images of the frozen treat harass his thoughts.
"What if the guest is a princess? Then we'd play together all day and she'd let me be a princess too! And she'll give me a really sparkly crown and a pretty dress! And we'll eat sweets until we die!" Abigail sighs dreamily. Elliot rolls his eyes. The young Phantomhive would never understand his sister's quixotic dreams of becoming a princess.
Just as Abigail was going to continue to blabber on about things Elliot could not care less about, a mysterious blur of white came crashing through the window; causing shards of glass to fly everywhere. The screams of the children instantly fill the room.
Soon after the incident, Ciel, Elizabeth, and the servants burst into the room; weapons in each of their hands.
The white thing, which actually turned out to be a person, puts his hands up, as if he were surrendering. "I come in peace." He chuckles.
The servants, Ciel, and Elizabeth lower their weapons.
"It's been a while, Earl." The white figure smirks.
Ciel rolls his eyes, "Not long enough, Charles Grey." The silver eyed man snickers, "Now is that any way to treat your guest, Earl?"
"It is the way I treat a guest who nearly kill my children." Ciel spat as he points to the trembling twins in the corner.
Grey's silver eyes dart to the corner and land on Abigail and Elliot.
"This is the kiddie's room? Oops. Sorry Earl, it's been a while. I don't remember which window it's safe to crash through." Grey chuckles.
"Charles Grey, what is the matter with you? You could have very well hurt someone, let alone my children! Look, you've scared them half to death! Why don't you use the front door like everyone else? Her majesty will be hearing about this!" Elizabeth shouts, glaring daggers into the silver clad butler's eyes.
"Ah, Lady Phantomhive, hello, my sincerest apologizes, milady. I was trying to make an entrance as usual. I will be using the front door from now on." Grey replies, scratching the back of his head.
"Our deepest apologies milady," Charles Phipps, who had just climb through the shattered widow, bows.
Elizabeth crosses her arms and looks away; a small 'hmpf' emerges from her lips.
"Anyways," Grey announces. "I have very important matters to discuss with you Earl." He tells him seriously.
Ciel sighs, "Very well, Sebastian please show these two to my office. Mey-Rin, Finny, and Bard get this mess cleaned up."
"Papa, who are they?" Abigail questions, latching onto her father's leg once Elliot and she had gained enough courage to move from their spots in the corner. "Yeah and why did that man jump through the window?" Elliot added; latching onto Ciel's other leg.
Ciel disentangles the children from his legs and holds them in his arms. "Abigail, Elliot this is Earl Charles Grey and Earl Charles Phipps. They are the queen's butlers. As for your question Elliot, I am not sure. Earl Grey has been jumping through Papa's windows for a very long time."
As the word "Queen" reaches her eardrums, Abigail's emerald eyes instantly light up.
'These men could make me a princess!' The young mistress thought. A wide grin carves itself onto Abigail's lips. 'I've got to be extra cute for them!'
"Hello Mr. Grey, hello Mr. Phipps! You can call me Abby. Not Abigail. Just Abby. I like the name Abby lots better." The young mistress giggles and holds out her hand. The two men each give Abigail's petit hand a small shake.
"Hello Miss Abby. It has been a while since I've last seen you. Why, I haven't seen the two of you since you were this small." Grey makes a gesture with his hands, indicating how small the children were as infants.
"You two have certainly grown since then. You will probably grow up to be my height soon enough." Phipps added, the corners of his lips threatening to turn upward. Phipps did have a soft spot for children. But he did have an image to maintain so he kept his cool demeanor.
"Really?" Elliot gasps, his green eyes shining like diamonds. Elliot loathed being short. His small size made him feel weak and insignificant. He was smaller than most boys his age and even his sister seemed to overpower him in height.
Phipps nods.
Sebastian clears his throat loudly causing everyone, except the servants, to divert their attention to the black clad butler. "This way gentlemen." says Sebastian, his hand over his heart while bowing slightly.
Ciel nods and places a kiss on Abigail and Elliot's cheeks before setting them down on the floor. The three men follow Sebastian out the door.
Elizabeth, who had been aiding the servant clean up the mess, strolls over to the children and crotches down to their height.
"Are you alright darlings? Are you hurt?" Elizabeth asks, her green eyes reflecting the genuine concern she had for the children.
"I'm fine mama, but I fell out my chair and I hit my head." Abigail whines, lifting up her bangs and revealing the small bruise forming on her forehead.
Elizabeth smiles as she places her daughter's head in her hands and brushes her lips against the wound. "Does that feel better?" She asks. Abigail grins and nods.
"Mama, can we play out in the garden?" Abigail asks. "Yeah mama, we promise not to get dirty!" Elliot adds.
Elizabeth sighs, "Alright, stay out of the mud. And don't step on any of the flowers. Finny and Sebastian work very hard to keep them looking their best."
"Don't worry mama; we won't!" Abigail smiles. "Good. You may leave now." Elizabeth says before kissing both their cheeks.
"C'mon Ellie~!" The young mistress grins and grabs Elliot's hand, pulling him out the door.
"Waah-! Abby slow down!" Elliot shouts while being helplessly dragged down the hall.
Elizabeth giggles. Oh, how Abigail reminded Elizabeth so much of her younger self.
"Abby! Let go of my shirt! I can't breathe! Abby!" Elliot wheezes as his older twin pulls him by his shirt collar.
Fortuitously, Abigail listens and releases her twin's shirt collar; letting him topple to the floor.
"Ow-!" Elliot wails but it is cut short due to Abigail placing her finger over his lips. "Shh. They'll hear us." She whispers.
Elliot raises an eyebrow but his eyes widen once he realizes where they are standing.
"Why are we here? I thought we were going to play in the garden." Elliot asks as he and his sister stood outside their father's study.
"I lied." Abigail admits shamelessly; her emerald holding a mischievous glint. "I just told mama that so we could leave. What I really want to do is talk to Mr. Grey and Mr. Phipps. You're going to help me, Ellie." Abigail smirked, feeling proud of her astute actions.
"What!? Abby, if mama finds out what we're doing, she'll spank both of us and we won't get any ice cream! Plus, papa is in there with them! How are you going to ask Mr. Grey and Mr. Phipps something with papa being in there?" Elliot exclaims.
"That's why I need your help." Abigail replies, only half listening to her brother's rants.
Elliot shook his head, "I'm not helping you Abby. Not this time. I like sitting and ice cream too much." Elliot states and crosses his arms; feeling a small sense of pride in his chest for refusing to capitulate to Abigail's demands.
Abigail's thin eyebrows knit together; a pout forming on her lips. "Fine. Don't help me, you're a baby anyways. You'd mess everything up!" She shouts and turns away.
Elliot's once closed eyes immediately snap open. "I am not a baby," The boy protests. Abigail, still facing away from Elliot, smirks as an idea forms in her mind.
"Yes you are, Elliot. That's why you don't want to help me. You're a baby~! Only babies cry when they get spankings."
Elliot's cheeks glowed red with anger, "I am not a baby! And you cry too when you get spankings!"
"That's because I'm a girl. Girls are supposed to cry; not boys. Only baby boys cry." Abigail jeers at her frustrated twin.
Elliot's eyes widen; his face stained with red, his fists tightly clenched together and unshed tears obscuring his vision. "That is not true! Lots of boys cry!"
"Really? Name one." Abigail chuckles. She was having too much fun with this.
Elliot remains silent.
"I thought so. Now go away, Ellie. No cry babies allowed. You can go play in the baby garden." Abigail replies and waves her hand, shooing the boy away.
"I'm going to help you. I'm not a baby! You'll see!" Elliot frowned, wiping his eyes with his sleeve.
Abigail finally faces her brother with a large grin plastered on her face, "Great." The young mistress eyes twinkle.
Somewhere in the back of his mind, Elliot knew this was wrong and that Abigail planned this. He mentally slapped himself for, once again, surrendering to Abigail's desires. But that girl was such mastermind, he couldn't resist.
Elliot's balled fists shook as he raises it to knock on his father's door. He knows this is wrong, but he had to go along with the plan and prove to his sister that he was not, in fact, a baby. But as the young Phantomhive stood there, he wondered if it was worth it.
Finally, Elliot's small fist anxiously taps on the solid oak door.
"Enter." The voice of his father is heard from inside. Elliot fills his lungs with much needed air and opens the door.
"Papa?" Elliot calls into the room. "What is it Elliot? I'm in a meeting." Ciel frowns. What could the boy possibly want now?
"I'm sorry papa but mama said she wants you to come here." Elliot replies, averting his gaze from his father to his shoes.
Ciel raises an eyebrow, "She wants me? What for?"
Elliot swallows the lump forming in his throat, "I don't know but she needs you right now." A chill ran down the young Phantomhive's spine. He hated lying; especially to his father.
"Can't it wait? I-"
"Nonsense Earl." Grey interjects. "Go tend to Lady Phantomhive. We can wait, right Phipps?" Grey asks. Phipps nods in reply.
Ciel sighs but nods and exits the room in search of his wife. 'Elizabeth better have a good reason for this.' He thinks.
Elliot follows him out the door and into the hall.
Once he is sure his father is out of ears range, Elliot shouts, "Abby! He's gone!"
Abigail, who has been hiding around the corner, scampers down the corridor.
"Good job Ellie! Maybe you're not a baby." Abigail giggles. Elliot flashes a triumphant smile. "Now Ellie, just stand here and watch for Sebastian or papa."
"What do I do when I see them?" Elliot asks. Abigail contemplates on this. "Make a noise but not too loud or they'll we're doing something." Abigail instructs.
"What kind of noise?" Elliot asks.
"Just make one up but keep it quiet. Got it?" Abigail asks.
Elliot raises his hand to his forehead as if he were saluting, "Yes ma'am!" He giggles. Abigail smiles and quietly enters the room.
"Hi Mr. Grey! Hi Mr. Phipps!" Abigail smiles. Grey turns to the child in surprise, "Hello Ms. Abby. Is there something you need?" He asks, wondering why the child was there.
Abigail grins at his question, "Why yes! Yes there is." She nods.
"What is it, milady?" Phipps inquires.
"Well..." Abigail starts, taking a seat between the two men on the couch. "I want the two to make me a princess!" She smiles.
There is a prolong silence blanketing the room before Charles Grey bursts into a symphony of giggles. Charles Phipps deadpans at the child's innocent request.
"What's so funny?" Abigail frowns. The young mistress hated not being taken seriously. She felt her question was serious and deserved a serious answer.
"I'm afraid we do not have the power to do that milady." Grey replies, wiping a stray tear away.
"Why not?" Abigail pouts her lips; a common action when the child did not get her way.
"Well, you have to be the daughter of the king and queen or be married to a prince." Phipps explains.
"Not true! Mama read me a story where this lady became a princess just by kissing a yucky frog!" Abigail protest.
Grey bursts into laughter again while Phipps sighs. "That story is fictional milady. It's not real." Phipps explains.
"Oh..." Abigail's eyes dim with sadness and hangs her head. Her dreams were crushed.
Phipps sighs and ruffles her hair in a playful manner. "Cheer up milady. You may not be a real princess but I am sure your father considers you to be a princess." Phipps smiles reassuringly.
Abigail lifts her head and stares in the white haired butler's eyes. "Really?" She asks.
"Of course." Grey chimes in. Abigail smiles, feeling a bit better.
Elliot bursts into the room, "Abby! Abby! Papa is coming." The boy warns and pales as his father steps into the room.
Ciel's visible eye narrows dangerously at the female child on the couch. Abigail gulps.
"Abigail." Ciel says, his voice holding an uneasy, ominous, tone.
"P-Papa, I-" Abigail stammers. Grey notices the panics in Abigail's voice and says, "Don't be upset with her Earl. She was only curious about something, that's all." Grey smiles.
"But-" Phipps interrupts Ciel, "It's fine Earl, really. She is a charming young lady. She just has an extraordinary curiosity in the royal family." He chuckles.
Ciel glances at Abigail and Elliot. Both of them were wearing a sheepish grin.
Ciel groans, "Very well. Abby, Elliot you are dismissed. But I do not want this happening again." He warns.
"We still get to have ice cream, right papa?" Elliot asks innocently. This causes the men to chortle slightly.
"Yes you may, as long as your mother never finds out about this." Ciel smiles lightly.
The twins nod their heads and runs down the hall to go play in the gardens.
"They certainly are amusing Earl." Grey chuckles.
Ciel smirks and turns to the butlers sitting on the couch, "They get it from their mother." He laughs.