
This will be my take on the ending of Mass Effect trilogy based on my own personal playthrough. In this iteration of ME events Commander Shepard is male paragon adept named Nathaniel, with a spacer and war hero background.

To make the story a bit more dynamic I won't stick to just the powers available to adepts in single player but I'm going to incorporate some powers available in multiplayer only.

This story will incorporate all the SP dlc's including the recently released Citadel.

While the story itself, as the name suggests, will mostly revolve around the aftermath of the Reaper War and most of the events and my personal choices from the game will be referenced by characters in the story I'll list all the major choices I made that might affect the game and give you the basic idea of how the story of this particular Commander Shepard progressed.

In the first game Shepard romanced Ashley, saved the council and nominated Anderson as councilor. Wrex survived events on Virmire and Kaidan was the one left behind. Kirrahe survived.

In ME2 Shepard romanced Miranda, feeling betrayed by Ashley realizing she never really understood him. All the crew members were loyal and with maximum upgrades to the ship everyone survived the suicide mission and the Collector base was destroyed. Zaeed and Kasumi were both part of the crew and Arrival and Overlord dlc's were played.

For ME3 itself and it's many choices, here I'll list only the major ones as there are so so much in this wonderful game.

Genophage was cured and poor Mordin sacrificed himself to make it so, Eve survived. Thane stopped Kai Leng from killing the salarian councilor. Ashley survived and realized Udina was a traitor and shot him.

Shepard remained faithful to Miranda reaffirming their love.

With Shepards urging Geth and Quarians made peace agreeing to coexist and work together on Rannoch with Legion giving up his life to give individuality to all the geth.

Having been forewarned by Shepard, Miranda survived her encounter with Kai Leng on Horizon and after killing her father she and Oriana left finally free of his influence.

Shepard encouraged James to join N7 and his relationship with Ashley as well a relationship between Tali and Garrus and one between Donnelly and Gabby as well as the relationship between Joker and EDI.

There were so many other choices that I'm not even sure I'd be able to remember them all so I won't even try.

The final and major choice of how to deal with the Reapers, Shepard chose destroy and with high military readiness the collateral damage to the galaxy was minimal. Citadel and relays themselves suffered only minor damage and were quickly repaired.

In this particular playthrough my EMS was over 10000 thanks to the multiplayer and all the dlc's. With that high EMS I figured there should be some additional changes to the aftermath of the war and that's how this story sprang to my mind.

So to stop boring you with re-listing of my gameplay and the setting I envisioned let's go onward to the story itself.

Hope you'll like it.

