"The first time the Avengers play strip poker, Steve ends up winning because he's the only one not distracted when Natasha casually whips her shirt off." A Tumblr request.

Strip poker was a game Steve had never played before, it was true that the idea of it intrigued him, so when asked to play with his co-workers he couldn't help but say yes. It hadn't taken long for Natasha to end up in her underwear, something that didn't really affect the Captain, though it did seem that his fellow Avengers reacted differently. He had to thank Natasha for taking her clothes off, it meant that he could quite easily win the game with little competition or distraction. They were about to start their second game when Maria walked into Starks office. Rather than sitting and watching or asking to join in, she plonked down at the table and dealt herself in. No one said a word, they dare not, they knew how angry she could get. Steve just smiled, now he might actually lose a game.

When looking at Maria you wouldn't think that she was a gambler and yet she was winning this game of strip poker like a boss. Almost all the guys were in their boxers and Natasha was once again in her underwear. Steve was the only man left with some clothes on, but even his shirt was on the floor.

"I don't know about you but I'm having fun" Maria smirked, eyes flickering over to Steve who was just shaking his head, a soft smile possessing his lips.

Maria refused to lose, she felt guilty that she had all her clothes on but she didn't want to fake losing a game just to humour her competitors. Her delicate fingers reached down and pulled her baggy top over her head. Everyone seemed shocked; even Tony's jaw had dropped.

"What?" she asked, "Even I feel guilty every now and then"

The starkness of her lace black bra set off her alabaster skin well, her hair, now released from its confines fell down past her shoulders in elegant curls, "I know the view's not as good as with Natasha but there's no need to look so disgusted!"

"This is not disgust!" Tony replied, "No offense, but I did not expect you to be so forthcoming with the stripping part of this game, or in your case stripping without even losing. "

"There's a lot you don't know about me." Maria shot a wink at Steve, she had been trying to flirt with him all week but he always seemed to run away bumbling like an idiot every time she tried to talk to him.

Maria quickly got up, "I'm going to get a drink, does anyone want anything?" A chorus of 'no thank you's' came from the table.

"I'll come with you" Steve chimed, getting up and following Maria to the bar. "Are you having fun?" he asked.

"A lot more than I thought I would" She smiled, "You?"

"A lot more now too"

A gaggle of cheers came from the playing table, the two away from the game turned to see Natasha braless, arms in the air, flailing about like she had no control. Maria shook her head, "She's drunk"

"I can tell" Steve chuckled, "Are you drunk?"

"No, why?

"I'm just curious" he smiled, leaning in close to her ear, "and very glad"

Maria just smiled shocked, "How long have you spent with Stark and what has he told you?"

"I…I…don't know what you're talking about."

"STARK" Maria yelled.

"YOU'RE WELCOME" he shouted back.

Maria just shook her head, half frustrated, half entertained. This should be interesting.