Heyyyy! So I'm back with a whole new remake to Bella, Alice, and Rose the Cheerleaders. I loved this story when I read it and wanted to add on! I renamed it and remade it to a modern version. I will alert you about Pay Back and other stories soon!

Disclaimer: I do not own Twilight or the base of this story. Characters are owed to Stephanie Meyer and the story plot belongs to Vampiregurl97. I've just made the story exciting and Bella sassier…hell yeah!

Unleash The Beast

I heard my name being shouted from across the cafeteria. I knew that voice anywhere; because only one person had a tinkling pixie like voice. I heard Jessica huff in the seat next to me and I turned to her and mouthed 'sorry'. Today was supposed to be the day I sat with my friends for once instead of the Cullens.

"Beeeeellllllaaaaaaaaaa!" I heard again. Sighing as I rose from my chair, I threw a 'be right back' to whoever was listening and made my way to a bouncing Alice. Now, a bouncing Alice is normal…it's the smiling Rosalie that had me scared shitless. I stood there waiting for her to spill the beans…but I also noticed the boys were missing.

"Oh I sent them to pick up some stuff." Rose says dismissingly as if reading my thoughts. She and Alice share a look, and then giggled.

They fucking GIGGLED! This is insane! I can guarantee I'm going to not survive this one!

"So guess what!" Alice is beaming…I'm afraid.

I humor her and answer even though I don't want to. "What Alice?"

"We're trying out for cheerleading!"

I look at her and smile. "That's great Alice. You two will be great."

Alice and Rose both frowned at me. I looked at them wondering what was wrong until it dawned on me…

"No!" I said loudly. A little too loudly, because the cafeteria stopped and looked at me as if I was in a strait jacket. I didn't care though, because if Alice and Rose think that I'm going to try out for cheerleading, they have another thing coming!

"Oh you will," Alice smiled. "Oh come on! This is our junior year! Can we at LEAST try something together?" She started to pull the puppy dog eyes.

"Besides," I heard Rose say. "Someone's mom told us that you knew how to tumble anyways!"

Fucking A! My mom is such a tattle tale!

"I took gymnastics for five years." I said as I hung my head defeated already. Never argue with Alice, I've learned that a while ago.

"Well try outs are after school. Don't think about running off…I will find out." Alice glared menacingly, then she and Rose went back to sit at their table.

I walked back to my table, and sat next to Angela.

"What did you guys talk about? I noticed you were over there for a long time." Angela was a sweetheart, bless her soul. I knew she wouldn't laugh at me and my lack of coordination.

"They're making me try out for cheerleading today after school."

Lauren, aka Snooty Bitch, snorted and laughed. "Bella and cheerleading don't go together."

"That's funny, because Lauren and cute don't go together either." I retorted as I glared at her. I've done nothing wrong to this whore, but because I date Edward Cullen (drool) she hates me! Not my fault he hates clowns…

Just then, I heard Emmett's voice behind me.

"Ready?! OKAY! Let's go BELLA!"

I turn around to see Emmett doing cheerleading moves, Jasper trying not to laugh and Edward laughing hysterically.

I flip them all the bird and stuck out my tongue.

"Don't worry Bella," Jasper says still trying to contain his laughter. "You know Emmett's a natural ass…but just to let you know, Edward…loves…cheerleaders!" Then Jasper starts going ballistic with laughter while Edward glares at him and I blush bright pink.

Lauren looked up from her magazine and stared wide eyed. "Really?!"

"Yea…except for you!" We laugh except for Lauren, who glared at me.

Once I could calm down, I wiped a couple tears from my eyes. "Alrighty guys, go away before you scare my friends away!"

They turned around (Edward blew me a kiss before he did though) and headed back across the cafeteria. I watched them walk away, smiling at how goofy my family was, and then turned back to gaping faces.


"You just sent Emmett Cullen away like that and don't care…like, nobody ever talked to him like that!" Jessica sounded surprised and astounded. The way they idolized the Cullens was amazing. Ever since they moved to Forks their freshman year, they were the talk of the town. I was surprised that after two years, people still worship the grounds they all walk on.

I shrug my shoulders. "It's just Emmett. He's a giant ass softie anyways. Like a teddy bear that you cuddle with."

I look back to see the Cullens laughing and Emmett glaring at me. I smiled at him and he narrowed his eyes. I looked back at my table to see them looking between Emmett and me confused. I turned back to Emmett and winked at him to play along, and I flipped him the bird. Emmett pointed at Edward and then motioned his finger across his neck, as saying he would slice Edward's head off.

I stood up and screamed, "Is that all you got Cullen?!"

The whole cafeteria stopped and looked at me.

Emmett stood out of his chair. "Bring it little Swan!"

"Well come here and I will bring it…if you're not too fucking scared!"

Everyone gasped, as if I had called Emmett something so blasphemous. Emmett started to walk across the cafeteria, and so did I. When we met in the middle, we stared each other down…then started to play fight with our hands laughing as we did. The whole cafeteria erupted in laughter.

"Hey! What's going on here?!" The principal decided to make a grand entrance, heading straight for Emmett and me in the middle.

"Were you two fighting?!"

Emmett threw an arm around me and batted his eyelashes. "No sir, why would I do that to Belly Button here? We're practically fam bam!"

I gagged at the nickname and his wording.

"Well keep it clean in my building mister Cullen and miss Swan."

The bell rang just as he mumbled 'Get to class.' And I went to gather my things and met up with Edward.

"You caused quite a scene today, love." He stated as he smiled at me. I beamed back at him. I guess I did…damn. I usually hate spotlights but, it was well worth it. We walked into our biology class and headed towards our usual seats, however when I went to sit, Edward grabbed me by the waist and sat me on his lap.

I looked into his deep sea green eyes and smiled. "Do you really like cheerleaders?"

"I would if you were one, love." Oh, he was so cute!

I was interrupted from my day dreams by a growl. I looked up to see Edward glaring in the other direction, so I turned around to see Mike Newton staring at me and glaring at Edward. Fucking Newton…never takes a hint!

"What's wrong?" I cooed as I brushed a stray hair from his face.

"That mother fucker keeps eyeing you like a piece of meat. I swear I will bash his face in his pretty little head!"

I looked at Edward and melted. He was pretty fucking sexy when he was jealous. I leaned forward, kissing his lips to ensure that he was the one who pleasured me in all the right ways. Oh the things I would do to this boy…

"Miss Swan, Mr. Cullen, no PDA in my classroom!"

I blushed so bright and slid into the seat next to me, embarrassed that I was so into Edward that I've been caught romancing him.

Edward chuckled next to me at my blush. I have unleashed a beast from within, and it won't stop until it was satisfied.

Oh yeah! Sassy Pants on the loose! Thanks for reading, feel free to keep up with me and The Cullens and check out my other stories!

-Winning Duhhh!