J: Alright everyone, I put it off as long as possible to give you all the time to mentally prepare yourself. For here is the very last chapter of this very long fanfiction. I'm glad to have shared it with you all and I love everyone that took the chance to read it :)

THANKS TO: SteelAutobot and Dontgotaclue88


ShortShift stood in the shadows watching everything around her as she waited. Her energon thrummed through her body as her spark continued to send out the signal.

On the other side of the pillar she heard movement, metal shavings being shuffled by a pede. Again the noise of small rubble being moved. ShortShift didn't twitch as a silhouette came out of the moonlight and revealed itself to be NitroSiren.

Tension that had been building up in her wiring eased off as the green femme smiled, "It's a good thing you give yourself away, I'd hate to blast your pretty face plates off by accident."

"I've said it before and I'll say it again Shift, if I was really trying to sneak up on you you'd never get the chance to hit me. You'd be down and out in less than a nanoclick." Nitro pat her spark sister on the helm laughing as ShortShift swatted her away with an eye roll.

Keeping to the shadows the two mismatched femmes, one an Autobot the other a Decepticon, walked next to each other at a leisurely stroll. They'd been meeting in secret for nearly two years since discovering their sibling bond. Encouraged by the only other two Cybertronians that knew they found that the meetings had made life through war a bit more tolerable. When together they never spoke about plans made by either side. The only thing they talked about was matters of the spark and what life might have been like for them without the war keeping them apart. There were numerous cases of brothers and sisters killing each other due to opposing factions in the war. NitroSiren and ShortShift saw no reason to follow that trend so long as they could keep their bond secret.

NitroSiren was low on the threat list of getting caught. All Decepticons and Autobots recognized her as a spy that fought and killed only when necessary or provoked. As long as the Autobots didn't see her on their territory they wouldn't bother her. The Decepticons needed the data she could provide and had long since learned not to bother following her. Anyone that did found themselves lost and confused at a dead end.

For ShortShift things were a bit trickier. The Autobots were losing soldiers every cycle making team work and defense the key to their survival. WheelJack often covered for her by claiming they were going on extra patrol. This cover had been warped into a more elaborate form by their comrades thinking they were sneaking off to have a romantic relationship (ShortShift wished that was true.) When it came to the Decepticons ShortShift sat on a fence of paranoia. On one side she felt safe because SoundWave knew and encouraged their meetings. On the other side it was no secret that SoundWave would do anything that Megatron ordered, including sharing any information he had.

Having a means of protection to see each other they had agreed at the beginning that telling Megatron or Optimus about the bond was out of the question. Megatron wouldn't hesitate to exploit such a weakness in the Autobot ranks. Optimus would be a threat of letting the secret slip in the heat of battle by keeping his men from killing NitroSiren.

After all these precautions they'd discovered that they could actually relax. They would spar with each other to see what they could learn from the other sister. They would talk about their hopes of love with the mech of their choice. Mostly they would mess around with each other because it was fun and nothing to do with the war. If not for their insignias they would be able to ignore the war entirely.

"Tell me elder, how goes your relationship with Blast Happy 'Jackie?" NitroSiren walked backwards intent on watching the hard shelled femme get flustered.

Rather than the entertaining reaction NitroSiren became worried as ShortShift slumped forward, "We had another fight. A bad one this time."

They stopped walking remaining concealed beneath a short tunnel, "What did you fight about?"

ShortShift's optics carried all the pain NitroSiren felt over the bond, "You...He's getting restless with me seeing you on my own. I told him that if he was so worried he was more than welcome to shadow me to see for himself that I was safe."

"You invited him without asking me?" Nitro's worry subsided for disbelief. One time before SoundWave had wanted to shadow them, she had asked ShortShift before allowing SoundWave the chance.

ShortShift held up her hand in a gesture of peace, "I was going to ask you the second after I suggested it, before I could he blew up on me saying that proof shouldn't be needed. That if you really wanted to spend time with me then you'd just come join the Autobots."

NitroSiren's jaw dropped, "He had the nerve to say that? I'm going to have to remind him why I'm a Decepticon."

ShortShift knew there was no point in trying to defend WheelJack this time. "I told him that would happen just as soon as I joined the Decepticons. He got really slagged off at that. He said if we don't work something better out he was going to tell someone about everything and have me locked up. I wanted to hurt him for that but I can't. There was nothing I could say. He wasn't saying any of this to be cruel."

"Then why is he saying all this? It sounds like he's been bottling this all up for a while." NitroSiren was ready to end the discussion entirely. She didn't want to hear any more about WheelJack, her laid back mood was ruined for the evening. She wanted to go crawl into SoundWave's arms and just recharge.

"Have you talked to BreakDown or DreadWing lately? I'm sure they wouldn't mind telling you what happened three days ago." ShortShift's voice was bitter and anger and hatred burned through the bond.

NitroSiren knew about the perverted focus BreakDown had on 'Shift, DreadWing sought only to kill her having designated her as an opponent worth his attention. Nitro had been on the other side of the planet following an interesting tidbit for Megatron. She'd returned earlier that day. SoundWave would have told her if anything had happened to ShortShift if he deemed it important for her to know.

Feeling restless with all this drama NitroSiren continued walking, ShortShift followed after waiting for her sister to break the silence. Exiting the tunnel they were troubled to find themselves exposed in an open area that had once been a small plaza or courtyard.

The tension that crackled through their nerves was too much for ShortShift, "Let's call it a night. I'm sorry for bothering you with all my troubles. Contact me when you're ready for another meeting."

"Shift wait." ShortShift paused mid-step on her way back to the tunnel, "Don't worry about how your problems will affect me, I still want to hear them. You're my spark sister, we need to talk to each other right?"

ShortShift nodded with a small smile, she didn't want to lose NitroSiren if she could help it. They'd lost each other once and had lost a chance of having a sense of family for too many years.

She took another step towards the tunnel and it exploded in her face.

Her shield shifted from her arm and down to her hand, behind her she heard NitroSiren curse. She muttered her own obscenities when she heard a familiar voice above them, "No one would believe me when I told them that you were a traitorous femme, and now I have revealed you. I have to admit ShortShift wasn't who I was suspecting to be your contact."

StarScream swooped down through the smoke to land in front of ShortShift his blasters out and charged. ShortShift glared at the Con around her shield, "For a mech that claims to be intelligent you seem to be unable to count. There are two of us and one of you."

"He is not alone." Fear edged into the spark bond as a second shadow descended to land by NitroSiren. 'Scrap!' This was chorused by both femmes as DreadWing shifted to bi-pedal mode armed and charged like StarScream.

"I was beginning to wonder if you were going to show DreadWing, I've been tracking NitroSiren for the better part of an hour." StarScream's voice told them all how he felt about the other flyer taking his time to arrive.

DreadWing ignored the seeker entirely, "I had my doubts about your loyalties from the beginning. This is proof that my instincts were correct. You will be brought to Lord Megatron and face your punishment."

"So he can rip my spark out? That's what you're hoping for I'm sure, but that's not going to happen. Not after I tell Megatron the truth." NitroSiren was prepared for this, she'd been preparing for it since she learned she had a spark sibling. Her calm response made DreadWing glower in detest. He never did accept her, she stood as a physical representation of all the things he believed to be dishonorable.

StarScream wanted his spotlight back, "What lies would you feed our Master? You are a whore that uses her wiles to gather data! Unless you two are spark mates the only reason for your association with this Autobot is to give away our secrets."

'This is where our opposing body types come in handy. I never will understand why mechs immediately think of interfacing or double dealing for two femmes.' NitroSiren fought off a smirk at ShortShift's observation.

Nitro shrugged, "Believe what you want Screamer, I am entirely innocent and Lord Megatron shall see it too."

ShortShift didn't know what to do. Her options seemed to be blasting or escaping. Both options were going to lead to damage and possibly being off-lined. NitroSiren wouldn't lift a finger to help since she was already in scrap just for being caught with an Autobot. ShortShift knew that the femme also wouldn't join the other two in the fight either.

ShortShift felt a test was needed. Ever so slowly she moved her pede towards the opening at her right. StarScream may be an attention hog but he was also the commander of an aerial fleet. He saw ShortShift's movement and blasted a warning shot at the ground next to her pede, "You are not going anywhere Wrecker you are my prisoner!"

"Come anywhere near me Screamer and I rip your wings off. I'm going nowhere with you and we both know you can't beat me in a fair fight." ShortShift gave StarScream her most intimidating leer.

NitroSiren counted down from five watching StarScream and already knowing the outcome. At one StarScream smirked, "How do you plan on doing anything when DreadWing and I can overpower you in an optic blink?"

"That wouldn't be a good idea. If you both fight against me what's to stop NitroSiren from running away?"

"Don't bring me into this." Nitro crossed her arms while she congratulated ShortShift, 'Nicely done.'

'I learned from you.' The point of this question was to bring DreadWing to the conclusion that the femmes knew would be their best bet of survival.

"She is correct StarScream, ShortShift is an equal to myself. I will apprehend her, you will keep hold of NitroSiren." DreadWing's blaster switched out to his hands allowing him to draw out his sword.

"I am the Second in Command to Lord Megatron! I give the orders!" StarScream's hissy fit added more fuel to the small bit of humour this predicament held.

ShortShift took a daring step towards StarScream, "So you do want to go one-on-one with me? It's a good day for me then."

StarScream flinched at the gleam of glee in ShortShift's expression. Recovering he played himself off as cool and collected, "A brute such as yourself is not worth my time. DreadWing subdue her but do not kill her. Lord Megatron will be delighted to have a Wrecker for interrogation for once." StarScream changed the direction of his blasters to NitroSiren, with a gesture he pulled her out of the path of the two power houses.

'Remember sis don't let him get you angry. That's when you stop thinking and get sloppy with your defense.' NitroSiren wanted ShortShift to live, if giving advice was what was needed then that was something she could do.

ShortShift let out an audible huff, 'Don't worry about your big sister, you just watch Screamer and make sure he doesn't pull a fast one on you.' DreadWing must have sensed ShortShift's attention waver giving him the signal to start.

Leaping into the air he intended to split ShortShift down the middle.

Familiar with this move from their previous battles 'Shift jumped back just before DreadWing could make contact and force him to lodge his blade into the ground.

Having fought each other multiple times before they each expected the next move.

ShortShift lunged forward changing out her left hand for the spiked one. As ShortShift swung to cross jab DreadWing's face DreadWing released his sword to lean out of range and follow up with his own right swing.

The exchange of fists continued around the lodged sword, ShortShift trying to knock DreadWing back and DreadWing trying to get a moment to pull his sword free.

Off to the side NitroSiren's attention altered between watching ShortShift and watching StarScream from the corner of her optics. The seeker's attention remained solely on her, setting her sensors on edge as she anticipated an attack.

StarScream waited until the femme's attention shifted back to the two fighting bots, when her optics were focused on the femme he whispered just loud enough for Siren to hear, "Is it because of her that you rejected me? You find that walking waste receptacle more attractive than me?" Seeing NitroSiren's fists clench at his words he chuckled, "I think I get it. You tell her she's pretty and she lets you interface with her, is that it?"

NitroSiren spun on StarScream with her sonic blaster charged and ready to fire, "Shut your mouth Screamer. I turned you down because you disgust me. Your envy of Lord Megatron's power is known to everyone on the planet, including Lord Megatron. Your schemes and tricks of turning his followers against him have never worked. Whenever you get caught in the act you kiss Lord Megatron's pedes until they sparkle. Why he doesn't off-line you is beyond my comprehension. If it wouldn't cause problems for me I would off-line you here and now." NitroSiren held nothing back and relished the anger she drew out of StarScream with her words. Her blaster still aimed at StarScream's head she took three steps back and turned her attention back to ShortShift and DreadWing. If he tried to blast her she could dodge it or neutralize it with her own shot, if he got any closer she wouldn't hesitate to blow one of his wings off.

DreadWing finally got his sword free after getting in a hit that made ShortShift stagger back. The instant he pulled the sword free ShortShift assumed a defensive stance, this was not how their fights usually progressed. DreadWing knew ShortShift's fighting style like the back of his hand. Her defence came into play only when a hit was coming her way, when she didn't need to block she attacked in full force. His answer came when he saw her gaze flick towards StarScream and NitroSiren just for a nanosecond. Looking over he saw that NitroSiren and StarScream were further apart and NitroSiren had drawn out her gun to aim at the seeker. 'She wishes to keep an eye on NitroSiren but not risking getting caught off guard because of it. StarScream may have been right about their relationship. An advantage I can use.'

DreadWing made the next move swinging his sword forward in just the right way for it to hold against ShortShift's shield, as planned the femme bore the force of the attack remaining in place. His voice was strained as he continued to push against the shield, "Do you truly care about that traitorous femme ShortShift? Do you intend to protect her from her fate? You are above her, she does not know the meaning of honour or loyalty."

ShortShift could handle insults directed at her, they'd been thrown at her for most of her life through one confrontation after another. When insults were made against those she cared about, BulkHead, WheelJack or her spark sister, then she got upset. Putting her anger into her weight ShortShift pushed back against DreadWing growling through her denta, "You don't know her!" On her last word ShortShift tilted her shield to dislodge DreadWing's sword causing DreadWing to take a step back.

NitroSiren held herself back from verbally yelling what she was already yelling through the bond, 'You idiot I told you to watch your temper! He's riling you up on purpose! Ignore whatever he said and bring your shield back out!' Caught up in her concern and irritation towards her spark sister NitroSiren's aim on StarScream shifted. The shift was minor but noticeable to StarScream.

Ever so slowly he made to circle around to her back and out of her optic range.

DreadWing easily dodged her fist and countered with a reverse crescent swing meant to cut her from hip to shoulder. Her anger had not clouded her judgement enough, for ShortShift cleverly blocked with her arm covered by her disengaged shield. Knowing another push would set her off entirely DreadWing openly told her, "This will be our last fight, and once I am finished with you then I shall remove BulkHead and WheelJack. With all three of you gone no Autobot will stand against me."

'ShortShift do not act as stupid as he believes you are. He is clearly messing with your emotions.' Even as NitroSiren said this she felt the angry hum turn into a solid chord of fury through the bond.

ShortShift's processor clung to the single thought of DreadWing hurting or even off-lining Bulkhead and WheelJack. Her programmed system of self-preservation stopped functioning as she zeroed in on the threat to her happiness. Her shield reengaged but she held it to the side rather than in front of her, "I'm hearing lots of scrap talk but seeing no action!" ShortShift sprung forward circling her arm forward to use her shield as a weapon.

The attack left an opening even a youngling could take advantage of.

NitroSiren opened her mouth to tell ShortShift to stop and defend, but her voice box went mute as she felt and saw DreadWing's sword slice through ShortShift's shoulder cutting down into the armour at an angle to breach her spark chamber. ShortShift's anger vanished, replaced with a surge of fear, pain, and apology. Then ShortShift's end of the bond went numb, and finally devoid of anything.

The abrupt ending of the bond had NitroSiren gasping in pain. Over and over her spark called out to ShortShift only to feel an empty void at the other end.

DreadWing watched as shock and pain entered ShortShift's optics. Staring him straight in the optic she mouthed the words, "Not over." Her optics closed and her body shut down causing her to fall face down to the ground. The shield that responded as a symbiot to ShortShift's will fell from her hold as her fingers went slack. DreadWing saw no need to collect trophies to boast of his skill, any who doubted him joined the list of those he'd defeated. Yet the shield was different. If he did not take it then it would be taken by another who didn't deserve it. Its previous owner knew the full potential of the shield and had never once just used it as a tool. The shield was an extension of ShortShift just as his sword was an extension of his arm. As he took hold of the shield he heard StarScream yell, "You traitorous coward! How dare you take the easy way out!" Looking over he found NitroSiren sprawled on the ground with her hand buried into her chasis.

As NitroSiren fought to comprehend the end of her beloved sibling bond StarScream snuck up behind her. Smiling at his own plan he put a hand over NitroSiren's mouth and whispered into her audio receptor, "You will never ridicule me again." He jabbed his free hand into the weak spot of armour in her lower back. NitroSiren released a single grunt of pain, figuring that to be all StarScream removed his hand from her mouth. His spark sputtered to a stop when her head turned and she glared over her shoulder at him. Her voice was raspy with the last of her air intake as she cursed him, "I will be back to get you Screamer." Her vengeance sworn she fell back against him.

Momentarily panicked he jumped out of the way allowing her to fall onto her back. Recovering his senses he looked over at DreadWing, the other flyer had his attention fixed on ShortShift's shield. Acting fast he plunged his hand into NitroSiren's chest then took her hand and put it into the wound. Working himself up he yelled at the dead femme for committing suicide.

DreadWing joined StarScream by the body, ShortShift's shield slung onto his back with his sword. Staring down at NitroSiren's lifeless body DreadWing asked, "How did you let this happen? You were in range to prevent it."

"While you were busy bashing away at the Autobot I was held at arms-length by her blaster. As soon as she saw the Autobot die she buried her hand into her chest before I could jump the distance. As you said she was nothing but a traitor without any honour." StarScream gave NitroSiren's arm a kick to emphasis his point.

DreadWing could tell something was off with the seeker but chose to ignore it, the evidence before him spoke of suicide and unless something was brought forward to prove otherwise he would accept it. "Lord Megatron will not be pleased. Only he may end the life of those that betray him. He will need to see this for himself or he will suspect one of us of doing it on his behalf."

"Uh yes, I will call for clean-up and we will of course be leaving the Wrecker behind. She will make an excellent example for the Autobots." StarScream leered at the dead femme, it served her right for challenging him. He would love to break her body into pieces just for the pleasure of destroying her himself, an educated guess told him even her arm would weigh more than he could handle.

The sound of approaching tires broke through the silence. DreadWing looked down at his defeated opponent, "Her comrades I'm sure. I will distract them only long enough for you to bring the traitor back to Lord Megatron." DreadWing jumped into the air to change to alt mode, ShortShift's shield moved so that it laid under DreadWing in plain view.

The ground bridge StarScream had called for opened just as the Wrecker known as BulkHead came into view. A group of drones came through the bridge and took aim at BulkHead.

BulkHead paid no attention to the drones, he drove over to ShortShift already knowing what he'd find. In the background he could hear StarScream telling the drones not to waste energon, behind that he heard the gun fire being exchanged between DreadWing and the enraged WheelJack. Seeing the Con carrying ShortShift's shield had sent WheelJack into a berserker mode that could rival SunStreaker and SideSwipe.

Kneeling in the energon pooling around ShortShift's body BulkHead felt his spark dim. It had only been that morning that ShortShift had sworn she'd never be taken down by a Con.

He didn't know how long he stood cradling her head but it felt like a nanosecond at most. WheelJack came to stand on the other side, his armour bore damage from where DreadWing had hit him. His whole frame shuddered as he fought to keep himself in control, "I-I couldn't get her shield back. He got away from me….Bulk is she?"

Gently BulkHead laid ShortShift back down. Standing he put a hand on his best friend's shoulder, "She's gone 'Jackie….We didn't make it."

Disbelief, pain, and anger shifted through WheelJack's face plates. He took in a deep breath and put on his battle mask covering any other emotions he didn't want BulkHead to see, "We ever see SoundWave or DreadWing again, they are mine." The cold tone and glare WheelJack directed towards the long gone DreadWing left no room for BulkHead to argue.

NitroSiren's body lay on KnockOut's table. Megatron, SoundWave, StarScream, KnockOut and BreakDown stood around the table listening to the retelling of StarScream and DreadWing's capture of the two femmes. BreakDown sighed at hearing that his favourite Autobot toy had been killed. The news of NitroSiren's suicide was received differently by each member gathered.

KnockOut and BreakDown shrugged off the loss by telling themselves that her buff jobs and interactions were only second rate.

Megatron had valued NitroSiren for her provided intel and tech capabilities that nearly matched up to SoundWave's level. To hear that she had been trading secrets with an Autobot femme was not surprising. He knew of the rumours of her easy ways with both mechs and femmes. It was her ending that he found suspicious. Megatron knew of the treachery StarScream would and could commit, "She was smart, had you brought her back to me alive her ending would not have been as quick. SoundWave you may do as you like with her, but I will not hear her name spoken again. That is an order. Any who speak it will be dismantled." His order given Megatron left the room, StarScream, KnockOut and BreakDown behind him.

Alone SoundWave deactivated the doors and surveillance in the room. In complete solitude SoundWave stepped closer to the body. His tentacles stretched out to take hold of NitroSiren so that he could pull her onto her side giving him a clear view of her back. As he'd suspected there was a wound in her lower back that did not equal out to the wound in the front. The emotions that were no longer felt through his processor were still felt in his spark. Fury made his tentacles twitch with the need to destroy someone. There were two mechs at the top of his list, the first was StarScream. Retribution upon the seeker would be ill received by his Master. Until the day came when Megatron gave him permission to rip StarScream into scrap he would wait. While he waited he would focus on the second mech.


WheelJack stood as the substitute for ShortShift. It had been ShortShift's decision to remain with the Autobots even after learning of having a spark sister. NitroSiren would never have been accepted by the Autobots, whereas Autobots that deserted to the Decepticons were given opportunities to earn their place among the ranks.

SoundWave allowed for NitroSiren to connect with ShortShift through the hope of recruiting the Wrecker as well as to see Nitro's improvement in emotional stability.

Since ShortShift had already been eliminated WheelJack remained to take the blame. More than once NitroSiren had told him of the mech's encouragement to Nitro to join the Autobots. WheelJack had also encouraged ShortShift to meet with NitroSiren just as he did. SoundWave refused to put any of the blame of this situation on himself. NitroSiren would tell him he was glitching and to focus on those that provided the thought in the first place.

His mind set SoundWave went to work cleaning off the energon and dirt smeared over her armour. NitroSiren was as vain about her appearance as KnockOut. He would make sure she was spotless for her final day in the sunlight. As his hands worked his processor began the schematics of the tomb she was going to rest in. No Decepticon was given a burial, the law among them was that weapons, tools or even armour was stripped from the dead and given to those that deserved it.

Megatron told SoundWave he could do whatever he wanted with her body, so he would give her the first and only Decepticon burial. He would be the only one to know.

J: Its not my best ending but that's cause I wrote it in a way that was meant to lead to a sequel. For that I'm sorry. Now to be honest, there is a small portion that can follow this but I don't intend to post it here. If you're interested and want the FINAL FINAL ending cliffhanger (it seriously is a cliffhanger) then please feel free to message me or say in your review that you want to read it. I'll do what I can to email or message it to you :) Hope everyone has a good summer and sees TF4!