I know, I know… what am I doing updating a completed story? Confusing.

However, bear with me a minute. I wanted to explain that I would be removing most of my multi-chapter fics from this site. The reason is that one of my bestest writer-buddies, Wynter S. Komen, just found out that someone had STOLEN her story, "In the Land of Gods and Monsters," changed some details, and published it as a Kindle ebook. For sale. For money.

In fact, not one but two different people (or the same person with two different pen names) stole her story and published it, and profited from someone else's work.

And while I am beyond grateful to Fanfiction for providing a platform and an outlet for those of us who love stories to share them, free, out of our hearts, I'm no longer willing to risk having stories stolen and sold.

I will be leaving my profile here, as well as my two short fics and the first chapters of my longer fics, but everything else will be removed.

I'm sorry.

I'm hurt, too. I am proud of these stories I've posted here, and sad that they're going to be tucked away and not read anymore. I know that if you've come here to read this story, you're disappointed too.

I am still enormously glad that I've met so many terrific readers and writers here, and I am thankful every day that I met Wynter S. Komen and Nik216 here. It was on Fanfiction that we met and began corresponding, and began a triumvirate focused on encouragement and improving our writing, and now the three of us are ready to begin careers as writers. This is a huge deal for us, and someday I hope to announce that we have secured publishing contracts.

I will not be posting any new stories or resurrecting the ones I've removed. I feel that this chapter of my writing life has closed – and we all know that feeling, don't we? Where you're satisfied by the happily-ever-after part but sad that it's finally arrived.

I want to wish you all continued happy reading on this site. If you'd like to contact me, please do – I will be reachable at wynn AT wynnguthrie DOT com (sorry about the bot-defeating strategy there).