Trigger warning! Includes flashback of rape!

I put a * as a warning mark!

Chapter 1

She gazed at the police officer who stood before her.

'And you don't know anything else about them?' he asked, watching her closely with every movement and breath she took. She nodded her head slightly.

'I don't.' she replied, looking at her father, who stood next to the officer.

'I'm so sorry, I just don't. It happened so fast.' She sobbed, feeling the warm liquid running down her cheeks and tasting the saltiness on her tongue. 'There were 3 of them, that's the only thing I know.'

Sansa felt her heart shiver and break to pieces. Well, what was left of her heart anyway.

'I think that is enough for today,' Ned said to the officer, who nodded in agreement and stood up.

'You will be changing schools. You need to get your life back together, Sansa,' Ned said as they walked down to the parking lot. Sansa stared at him in disagreement.

'I don't want to,' She told him. 'I'm too scared. What if they are still out for me?' she asked.

'Your mother and I will talk about that, but first, we are going to sign you up.' Ned sighed as he opened the car door.

Sansa climbed into the car after Ned.

'Right now?' she asked, thunderstruck.

She knew her parents were planning this, but right after her third interrogation? She felt that she didn't have any time to recover, but she knew her parents did not agree.

'Right now,' Ned stated, starting the car and driving away.

During the ride Sansa gazed out the window, staring as the beach near their home passed by. Soon after that the landscape turned into buildings and houses, which Sansa already hated. She prefered the nature, with its beauty and bright colours. She liked it when she felt the sand bubbling between her toes, with the background music of the sea, crashing its waves.

They stopped at a parking lot in front of a big building and Sansa sighed.

Sansa took a deep breath and followed Ned out of the car, looking nervous. Her tummy fluttered as they walked towards the building.

When they entered, there was a flood of teens in front of them, crossing and walking towards their classrooms. Sansa tried to swallow her panic, but felt more uncomfortable than ever.

Ned squeezed her hand, but Sansa didn't notice.

When they walked to the reception desk, her father spoke. Sansa remained silent, crushing herself down in her head.

I'm never gonna fit in, She thought. They will think i'm a freak if I they ever find out what happened to me.

*Sansa found her mind flashing back when she thought about the attack. The two boys holding her while another undressed her, ignoring her screams as she panicked beneath him.

Her father's voice brought her back to her senses.

'Are you coming Sans?' He stared down at her with worried look. 'My god, you look pale as a ghost. What's wrong?'

Sansa looked up at him.

'I don't know. I just..' She didn't want to bring it up again. The incident almost happened 2 months ago, but it seemed like yesterday.

And yet it felt like a day didn't pass when they hadn't talked about it. Or even thought about it.

How can I go back to high school when I have these flashbacks? Sansa thought.

How can I possibly survive this?