Previously at the beautiful Surfer's Paradise Hotel Resort; Our heroes were presented with new wear and they were not exactly happy with the dress warned the party that he would be firing one of them that day to set an example which made them all, especially Emma, rather nervous. Lo bribes Rosie to clean up her Groms start their training. Emma encounters disaster after catastrophe in the kitchen whileFinn is not too thrilled by her housekeeping job. Bella is fairing rather well, keeping all her gift-shop customers well in line while the ever-lazy afro-hair boy discovers that lugging luggageis hard as Reef seems to be enjoying himself gazing at the hotties on the beach, some more than others. The D-hour comes for Lo when her father gets home and indeed, she is sentence is the entire summer, working in the hotel and no-pent access. After a hard day, the Groms finally enter their living space and it turns out to be an unpleasant surprise of a dump. Reef and Fin get stuck on evening hallway-sitting duty which, as it turns out, needs learned the basics of surfing from afro-guy. Bummer fulfilled his promise to send someone home and the Martha the Goth went packing. The rift between Bella and Kelly increases by a few Skittles but the day ended well with a bonfire and a toast on the beach by the light of the moon.

In the present date, however, it was Dawn and as such the ocean had a somewhat purple look to it's waters as the sky had a light pink and yellow colour scheme, and the waves made by the force of gravity made the dawn-coloured ocean a further point of being beautiful in the opinions of many. However, in this secretive surfing spot came Johnny, Ripper, No Pants Lance, and Ty who were all in their swimsuits (Johnny had a wetsuit) and happily cheering as they all got in the water and surfed the waves happily. They enjoyed themselves in their surfing session for what was likely a few hours, as they rode the curviing waves, and Lance even once fell off of his board at one point in time. By the time it ended and they were all walking back through the woods to the staff house, the time was mid-day.

"Wicked Session!", was Ty's only comment in regards to the surfing he and his senior staff friends had just completed.

"Did you see me get barraled?", Lance asked to the others walking with him, to which Johnny replied;

"I definitely saw you get worked!"

"They don't call it the office for nothing!", Lance then replied back, to which Ty and Ripper (and likely the others) laughed at in their own response. Soon enough, they arrived at point where they could see the staff house, but also Kelly who was waiting on them the entire time, and also growing impatient aswell.

"Come on you guys!", she said to the boys, "Time to haze some Grom and Bella butts!"

"Riight!", Ty replied with a slight smile, "The anual tradition of Grom initiation, so how many we gonna let through this year?"

"To surf the office?", Ripper replied quickly, "I vote none!"

"You said it dude!", Lance quickly said, agreeing completely with Ripper.

"You know we were Groms once too", Johnny began as his response, "And Seniors let us through!"

"More Groms", Ripper began as he looked over towards Johnny with a disagreeing expression, "Equals less waves for me! Equals an Unhappy Ripper!"

"I don't even surf", Kelly answered to the boys, "I just wanna give them a hard time!"

"We still get to mess with them, right?", a curious Lance inquired.

"Oh definitely!", a smiling Johnny remarked, "Humiliate away!", meanwhile as they were talking of their iniation day plans the girls were sleeping peacefully in their rooms. Fin, Emma, and Lo (who had an eye mask) were in the beds while Bella was snoring on the couch with a bag of lays original baked chips on her chest beneath one of her hands, when all of a sudden an alarm clock went off and sent Bella to the ground as she was surprised to be woken up by such a thing. As it went off, Lo simply grumbled and put a blanket over her head. Regardless, soon all of the girls and even Reef (in his swimming trunks), the Mascot (in Mascot suit), and the Afro Boy (also in swimwear) were all gathered on the staff house porch as Ripper, Johnny, Lance who had one arm casually rested on Ty's shoulder, and Kelly were standing before them. Ripper was the one speaking at first to them;

"Listen up Groms!", he said in a intimidating tone to the new staff and Bella, "You are about to embark on a Journey that every new employee at the Sunset Beach Resort must face...Grom Initiation!", it was then as he said those words that Lo, still in her blue sleepwear got up and began to walk away passed Bella who had her hands on her hips and the other groms aswell, Ripper quickly took notice of this of course, "Where do you think you're going?"

"Oh I don't really work here", Lo replied as he lifted her eye mask, "I'm going back to bed.", she then prepared to do as she had just said she would.

"Until Six o'clock tonight you are OURS!", Kelly replied, which was pretty much enough to send Bella into a complete rant mode.

"EXCUSE ME?!", Bella said as she angrily stood up with her hands on her hips as she began her rant, "Are you callin' me YO' PROPERTY? OH HEEEELLLL NO! I AM NOT NO PROPERTY OF NO DAMN SELFISH SNACK STEALIN WHITE HEFFAH WHO HAS A BODY THE SIZE OF A TOOTHPICK!", she then was right up in Bella's face, the boys with Kelly were suddenly surprised by this and likely now knew why their seniors simply let them through easily last year, as she was clearly close to beating the hell out of Kelly.

"Wow, you're already failing your test.", she replied to Bella with a smirk, "No wonder you're not counted as one of us."


"Look Bella", an offended Kelly replied, "All you're doing is making it worse for yourself."

"THE HELL I AM!", Bella replied, "I ain't taken NO orders from YOU!", she then turned to Reef and the Afro Boy, "Will y'all two let me go now!"

"We don't wanna risk a murder happening!", Reef said quickly in response to Bella.

"Oh come on!", Bella replied, "I would just kill her!"

"Charming", Kelly replied while she rolled her eyes, "And then you'd be in Jail."

"Oh yeah? Well what you gon' do if we don't do it? Fire us?!"

"No.", Kelly replied.

"Give us a Strike?", Bella added in, still being restrained and still fuming with rage towards Kelly.

"Then what's the point in doing this?" Reef replied, letting go of Bella who surprisingly did not instantly lunge at Kelly. "That's all I needed to hear anyway." he then prepared to leave when suddenly Ty said something that stopped him from doing so;

"But", the Ridgemount boy began, "If you make it through, we'll let you surf...the office!", in response Emma, Fin, and the Mascot all gasped with smiles (though the Mascot's smile wasn't visible obviously),

"Coool.", the Afro boy said as his own similar response. Reef however, was confused by this statement,

"Exsqueeze me?", he titled his said slightly as he said this, "Did you just say, the office?"

"The hell's the office?", Bella asked as her response, not knowing at all what the others were talking about.

"I read about it!", Emma said in response to Bella's question, "It's supposed to be the perfect break, but almost nobody knows where it is!"

"Only those who pass the test get to see it!", Ripper added to the conversation, "It won't be easy, and it will be gross! If you wanna back out, now's your chance!"

"I'm so excited!", Emma suddenly squealed as she stood from the sofa she was sitting on and jumped on the floor happily for a few seconds, "I'm in, I'm in!"

"I've got four brothers", Fin said confidentally as she stood from the sofa aswell, "Bring it on!"

"I'm up for a little punishment", the Afro Boy said as he also joined Emma and Fin aswell, now no longer restraining Bella. It was then that Emma and Fin turned to Bella who was still angrily glaring at Kelly (who was returning said glare) and it was in a few short seconds that Bella made up her mind with a plan to get back at Kelly for eating her personal snack stash.

"You know what", Bella began, "Count me in too.", in response to this Kelly let out a somewhat evil smirk, though Bella continued to give her an almost evil glare right back at her. Flame could practically be seen within Bella's eyes as she did this. With Emma, Fin, the Afro Boy and even Bella agreeing to actually take part in initiation the senior staff was finally ready to actually begin the Grom Initiation.

"Initiation", Ripper began happily, "Starts now, and runs until the end of the day! Consider yourselves warned!"

"You know guys", Johnny then began to his fellow Senior staff and Ty, "We still have an hour before our next shift starts."

"Let's Boogey!", Ripper then said as he, Johnny, Lance and Ty then ran off to get one last surfing session in before the initation and work shift began (though Ty didn't have a job at the hotel of course), leaving Bella and the Groms at the porch, with Kelly for some reason not seeming to be there anymore.

"What are they going to do to us?", Emma pondered, somewhat worried about what was going to happen to them all during initiation.

"I heard last year was rough", the Afro boy added in, but Bella soon interrupted;

"It was for the seniors that year!", she suddenly replied, "They thought I was gonna run naked by the pier! I showed them a piece of mah mind fo' that!"

"Well I'm not doing it!", Reef added in, not at all intending to take part in initiation at all.

"Didn't you hear them?", Fin turned over to Reef with a surprised tone of voice, "The Office!"

"Yeah", Reef responded, "and if they can find it so can we!", he then walked infront of his fellow staff members with his plan, "All I have to do is find where the secret surf spot is, and we can blow the seniors off! I'm goin' after them!", he then ran off into the woods in the same direction that seniors went. Soon enough, the Mascot followed him eagerly going along with his plan as the others just watched.

"Wait! I'm coming too!", were the Mascot's words as he quickly rushed to follow Reef into the woods after Ty, Ripper, Lance and Johnny. As the seniors walked infront of them, Reef carefully tip-toed behind them with the Mascot right behind him. He then began sneaking behind trees while going along the path, with the mascot attempting but not being as good at doing the same thing. They even tried creeping behind the bushes in the direction of the seniors, only to end up being chased by an angry female Canadian Dilophosaurus (Raptor-like being without raptor foot, dark feathers, double crests on top of head), resulting in Reef being in some minor bandages and as he hid behind a tree, a snake (probably a python) came down to wrap itself around Reef's neck and pull him up into a tree. The two then continued to hide behind various trees and bushes, until a raccoon popped up on Reef's head, causing him to scream as it went on to maul his face, once it got off of his head Ripper and Lance both finally noticed the two, and properly gave them a punishment for trying to find the Office.

"Nice try, Grom!", Ripper commented with a smirk on his face, "Cath ya on the way back mate!", he and Lance both then left, leaving Reef hanging by his underwear on a tree, and of course still determined to find the Office.

"Oh yeah? Well this only makes me wanna find it more!", Reef proclaimed as he was hanging by that Tree, "I will surf the office!!", as he then whimpered for Help, the Mascot was also dangling by what seemed to be yellow straps from his mascot suit. As this was occurring, Bella was at the gift shop with all of the mascot related merchandise and the diamond surfboard, and while at her cash register station she was sure to munch down on lays baked original chips as she had a Milkyway bar in her hands. However, Kelly (dressed in work uniform) soon arrived, snatching the Milkyway from Bella's hands quickly.

"Thank you so much for this!", Kelly replied with a smirk, Bella angrily glared at her upon seeing her.

"Oh no you didn't!"

"Oh yes I did!"

"Bitch, ya bettah give me that back", Bella angrily warned, "Or I will smack yo' ass all the way back to your momma's womb!", as she said that she crushed the back of chips completely in her hands. Kelly however was unphazed by this threat, remembering that the day was iniitiation for the Groms, she then opened up the Milkyway bar and took a bite out of it, enraging Bella even further. "Oooh THAT'S IT!", Bella then lunged at Kelly, but the girl dodged her and as other customers (such as the Marvins) watched, Bella fell onto the floor as Kelly then walked out of the Gift ship.

"Attacking a senior on initiation?", Kelly replied, "Why that's against initiation rules! Oh, and remember Bella!", Kelly then took a few more bites of the candy bar, "You're not supposed to leave your work place. It's, against the rules you know, I'll be back when I'm off to continue this chat.", she then left as she continued biting on the Milkyway bar, much to Bella's anger. As Bella stood up angrily, she said these words;

"I'll be lookin' forward to it.", she then turned to the Marvin family and said a few words to them aswell, "What in the Hell you lookin' at?!", as Bella did her Gift Shop duties, Kelly walked right to the Dining room, and just as winch dressed Emma walked out of the kitchen doors, Kelly spilled a bowl of clam chowder all over her, causing her to drop several plates as well. As Emma gasped in sudden horror, Kelly took one more bite of the Milkyway bar, which was now halfway gone.

"Okay once you clean yourself up", Kelly then took another bite, "You'll be serving table one, it's the Ridgemount family know...the owners!"

"But it's only my second day here!", Emma replied with an upset face, "and i've been clam chowdered!"

"I know!", Kelly replied as she handed Emma a plate and still had the candy bar in her hand, "Don't Screw up, Grom!", as she then walked off, Emma let out an unhappy sigh, beginning to somewhat wish she hadn't agreed to do this. Meanwhile, Fin was in maid uniform as she and her supplies came up to a room with a note on it. She took the note and saw that it read 'from the seniors, enjoy!', she then opened room to see that it had pigs and chickens running across the floor, toilet paper all over the floors and ceiling, and most likely countless other filth aswell. Her eyes widened in shock at the sight of this room. As this was going on, Johnny was speaking with the Afro Boy (both in their work uniforms) at the front desk, regarding initiation day of course.

"Okay, so you don't have to any of the digusting, degrading things on this list", Johnny said as he held up a list, "and I get 50 percent off at your mom's surf shop?"

"Plus", the Afro boy began, "My Mom will make you her famous seafood jumbalaya! Mmm, so tastey!"

"Deal!", Johnny quickly replied, "Just, keep it quiet. If the other seniors find out I cut you some slack, it's tickets man!"

"Trust me, I'll keep it on the downlow bro", the afro boy replied in a whisper like voice before him and Johnny then did a brofist. As they finished that conversation, there was another important one going on between none other than Bummer and Kelly right by the dining room, with Bummer looking at his clipboard which had numerous things for the staff to do written on it, of course he eventually came to one thing he had nobody assigned to, which was the weekly checking of the Air Conditioning unit of the entire hotel.

"Okay, only one thing hasn't been done yet.", Bummer said aloud, "Someone has to check the Hotel-wide AC unit, Kelly, you're the nearest employee, you go do it?"

"Me?", Kelly replied, not wanting to go up there at all, "Why me? I mean, that place is heavily dangerous and high up, why don't you send like, one of the groms or something to do it? Like, Bella?"

"Do you honestly think I want to face the argument and verbal abuse Bella will give me if I ask her to do it?", Bummer remarked, "But, fine, if you can find one Grom who will actually go up there and check on the AC, then fine. You don't have to do it."

"Oh don't worry", Kelly said, looking towards the dining room with a wicked grin as Bummer walked away not paying attention, "I have the perfect person in mind!", as she said those menacing words, she walked into the dining room to begin her work shift. At one of the tables, however, specifically the Ridgemount family table, sat George, Ty and Mr. Ridgemount (who had a newspaper covering his face). This was also just as Lo entered the dining room too, but dressed in her normal clothes. She was hoping to sit at the ridgemount table, but was stopped when Emma suddenly approached her, looking back at Ty who she had just given coffee to drink along with his father.

"Oh my god Lo!", Emma said in a slight whisper, looking back to Ty and then back at Lo, "Your Brother is like, so cute!"

"Ty?", Lo replied, surprised, "Ew! I mean, he's like, well-"

"Hey!", Kelly suddenly said, somewhat overhearing what they were saying, but still not letting them finish at all, "Winch, I need you to actually go and check out the AC right now."

"But, there's like, plenty of ACs!", Emma responded, "How can I like do every single one of them?"

"The Mother AC.", Kelly then furtherly explained, "It's right below the Penthouse and controls all the ACs in the entire hotel, infact, I think it's combined with the power of the entire hotel too, but anyway, just go check it and fix any problems with it. It's either that, or get down on your knees and ask Ty to marry you."

"Okay okay!", Emma responded quickly, "Anything but that! I'll do it! Just don't make me do that!", right then and there Emma ran off to do as Kelly asked, not wanting to be forced to ask Ty to marry her. It was then that Kelly turned to Lo with a bit of a smirk on her face, knowing that she was currently being banned from penthouse privelages from her father, and was meant to be an employee at the hotel.

"Aren't you supposed to be taking their order?"

"Oh, Daddy only said that cuz he thought he was mad.", Lo responded with a calm tone of voice, "If he actually meant what he said he would've been having his eye twitch. When he's really angry that's what happened, so really, just stay out of my business.", Lo then went on to sit at the table as if she was still allowed to so. Of course, her younger brother George smirked and pointed out the truth of the matter.

"Aren't you supposed to be taking my order?"

"Aren't you supposed to be taller?", Lo quickly responded.

"Your Brother's right.", Mr. Ridgemount said, newspaper still covering his face, "Why aren't you working?"

"Oh you know, Daddy", Lo replied, "I've learned my lesson and stuff, I'm like totally ready to totally go back to the penthouse now. yeah."

"I'm not convinced.", Ridgemount replied, "I want to see you working first before I let you back, until you have a solid work ethic, you are not ever getting back into the penthouse.", suddenly his beeper rung, which he answered quickly, then ended the call, "And now I have my karaoke party in the penthouse with the Prime Ministers of both Canada and Japan and the President of the USA right now.", it was then that Mr. Ridgemount walked off, but not before saying something else, "Remember, you better be working by the end of this day!", he then left. Lo simply stayed at the table, and enjoyed her breakfast. As she did so, Emma was busy reaching the top floor. Of course, she had just reached the Penthouse and as such, was unsure if she was heading in the right direction or not. Soon enough, she ran into Rosie before entering the Penthouse, Rosie being confused as to why a wench from the Dining Room was up in the penthouse.

"Aren't you supposed to be in the Dining Room?", Rosie then questioned, "You know this is the Penthouse right?"

"Well, I'm now supposed to be checking on the Mother AC...but the Elevator has no option for it. there some kind of door to it inside of the Penthouse or something?"

"There is", Rosie answered, "But since we're having very important guests today, only authorized people can actually go in there, so you're gonna be using the stairs."

"Stairs?", after that Rosie then pointed to a dark grey door that had small rust spots on it, it was right by the elevator, and almost gave off a creepy feeling to it it in the sense that it was not clean like the rest of the hallway or the penthouse.

"Just head down and go through the first door you see."

"Oh...kay", Emma responded and walked through the door Rosie pointed to. She opened the door and soon enough found a dark stairwell. The only light came from a single lamp on the ceiling, but it seemed to be almost in need of a new bulb. Emma was a bit creeped out as she saw cobweebs and wires all over the floor, coming from the room she saw at the end of it. However, it wasn't that scary and soon enough she was able to go straight to the door she was told to go to and finally found the area the Mother Air Conditioner was. The room holding the massive Machine was circular in overall shape and layout, with a massive and seemingly endless assortment of pipes and wires alligned the walls with only a mere fence blocking them. The wall was metallic, and the Mother AC was right beind a massive assortment of consoles. The Machine itself was a cylindar that was mostly unseen with a massive sphere atop of it with three large blue lights sticking out, and four large pipes connecting it to the ceiling and to the other pipes and wires. Right between the sphere and the cylindar however, were two normal sized AC units, and a large blue light which seemed to be surging electricity. In truth, this is was all the effect of merging a large computer & server with an Air Coniditioner, a Furnace, a power generator, a thermostat, and a heater. Emma was shocked and confused at this sight, but went up to the consoles anyway. Needless to say, she was confused when she looked at all the buttons, levers and switches on it, each with mostly unique commands and controls to them. "Oh god", she said to herself, hesitating greatly, "What am I supposed to do?!", it was then that she looked at a level with the words temperature over it, next to a switch that said life above it and on & off on the switch. "Oh god...I think these two I should check. Let's see, Life and's very hot outside since it's summer...maybe they need it colder?", she then dipped the temperature completely down, to it's lowest point, but as she did that she also tripped and accidentally moved not the life switch, but pressed a button that had 'Lockdown' on top of it instead. Upon pressing that, the blue lights all turned red as she got up. "Well, I'd better go back to work now, I guess I did the right thing.", were her last words before quickly leaving the room, right before the door automatically closed and locked itself behind her. However, thanks to the lockdown, Johnny had a small problem at his front desk. As he was typing and doing his work at the desk's computer, the screen suddenly went blue, and the infamous blue screen of death occured.

"What the?", Johnny said in response, shocked and confused at this screen suddenly popping up out of nowhere, "Are you kidding me?!"

"What happened Johnny?", Bummer suddenly said, having been nearby.

"I just got that blue screen of death!"

"Oh", Bummer remarked, "Well that's no good. Unfortunately, that stuff isn't my cup of tea so you'll just have to deal with it on your own, toodles.", Bummer then walked off, leaving a grimacing Johnny at the front desk, upset at this outcome. As Johnny dealt with his now possibly broken computer, there was another issue going on in the resort. It was specifically around the fish tank in the lobby, and was involving Ripper, Lance and Reef.

"Okay, this is going way too far guys!", Reef complained, standing right above the water of the fish tank with Ripper and Lance behind him.

"We could be making you clean the wax off our boards", Ripper remarked to Reef's complaint, "But unfortunately we already did that earlier, so if you want your shorts back, you're gonna need to get them." of course Ripper was referring to the fact that they had thrown Reef's swimming trunks, which they put rocks into, down into the fish tank and thus Reef was bottomless as they told him to dive in and get his shorts back if he wants them again.

"Well, I don't really have a choice", an embarassed and covering his junk Reef remarked, blushing a bit since he was of course without any bottom clothes, but nonetheless he knew he had absolutely no chouice but to do as they said. As such, he actually did jump into the lobbyquarium to get his shorts. Ripper and Lance both laughed as he did so,

"I can't believe he actually did it!", Lance remarked on his own.

"I know!", Ripper added in, "But then again, who could say no to us?!"

"Haha, yeah!", Lance responded with a laugh as he and Ripper then walked down back to the ground by the tank as Reef was left in the gradually freezing water. Reef, still embarassed as he knew he was bottomless and as such people would probably see him. Of course, he first did come up to the surface, noticing the freezing waters and shivering.

"Okay, I don't remember this water being this cold!", Reef responded as he was shivering, before diving down and having buster right in his face. Of course, upon seeing the massive Shark he screamed in terror and swam away, with buster chasing him. As the now naked Reef struggled to attempt in grabbing his swimming shorts while also swimming away frantically from the sharks, it was surprising that very little guests actually noticed him there. Well, that is of course except for at least two or three notable exceptions. And of course, those exceptions were none other than the youngest, and blonde haired, Ridgemount child George and also one of his two best friends . The friend with him currently was a young Asian-Canadian boy named Ridley with black hair styled like Hitsugaya Toshiro from Blach but flipped the other way, he also wore black shorts with a matching black shirt as well. Ridley himself was actually the one to notice Reef, and while snickering he nudged at George, pointing to the fish tank. Both of them then were laughing, and it didn't take much longer for George to pull out his iphone and take a photo of the event as it was happening before his eyes. They continued laughing and watching this all happen, even as Reef finally got his shorts into his hands, but had to jump out of the water screaming as Buster jumped after him. However, after Buster first hit the water, half of his body was suddenly frozen by the now freezing water. Reef got out of the tank succesfuly though, but still naked due to not having time to even put on his shorts yet. As he shivered due to the cold, he didn't notice Bummer angrily stepping towards him upset of course at what was before his eyes.

"Reef?!", Bummer angrily began, glaring right at the auburn haired male, "What the hell are you doing with your shorts off AND in the lobbyquarium?!"

"Aw, dude, you won't believe what-"

"Nevermind!", Bummer suddenly interrupted, "I honestly don't want to even think about it, and honestly, you're also lucky that I have Air Conditioner issues to worry about, but this is only a warning", Bummer then did a dramatic pause with his angry glare, "Believe me, you don't want to suffer the same fate as the last guy who was bottomless in the lobbyquarium.", as Bummer then walked away, Reef cocked an eyebrow at what he just said as he put his shorts back on, still basically humiliated from the ordeal. He was completely and still unaware that George and his friend Ridely had pictures from the event, even as he walked off from the scene and they were still snickering over it. As this was finishing, Ripper himself approached Johnny over at the front desk,

"Hey, what's up man?", Johhny greeted Ripper with a fist bump which was returned.

"You're board is being waxed as we spea-", suddenly as Ripper said that a surfboard flew and crashed into the lobbyquarium from the gift shop, almost hitting Bummer on the head but he luckily, or un-luckily to some people, ducked down upon seeing it. Luckily for the hotel, the water was now frozen like a giant ice glacier, so the surfboard, which was Johnny's, was literally stuck where it hit, like it was the sword in the stone.

"I AM NOT WAXIN' NO DAMN BOARDS YOU FUCKIN' ASSHOLES!", the loud voice of Bella came in from the gift shop as she suddenly began chucking more and more surfboards, Lance himself could be seen running out of it, covering his head for protection as he did so. Lance and Johnny (along with George and Ridley among others) just watched in surprise at this, and became much more worried once Bella herself came out with a Surfboard lifted above her head and eyes as firey as a pissed off Bull. She then was about to chunk the board right at the orca statue in the lobby before a panicked Bummer along with other generic security guards actually tackled and pinned down the girl before she could do so. Bummer was smacked off of her however, hitting a rack of sunglasses and toppling over with the thing, while the eight other gaurds with him weren't thanks to their football player like builds, but they still had trouble, so they actually had to call forth three extra members just to subdue Bella before finally bringing her into the security office, often used as the 'calm down room' for workers like her. She is actually the employee that casused the need for the security office and calm down room.

"You know what", Ripper said as he looked back nervously to Johnny, "Let's not talk about your board right now, let's you've been doin' with Broseph?"

"Oh", Johnny replied now nervous himself, "Yeah, he's not gonna want to continue living after today for real!"

"Nice!" Ripper replied as Broseph (aka the Afro Boy) calmly began walking into the lobby from behind him, "One less Grommet for-"

"GET'CHO DAMN HANDS OFF ME!", Bella then screamed from far away, distracting everyone and also getting Broseph to leave the room just as the screams became like that of a gorilla or dinosaur and the electrocuting of a tazer could be vaguely heard as the security gaurds still struggled to subdue the girl. One of them was even shoved (or even thrown possibly) out of the office, landing right into the fountain in the lobby, luckily not killed but still knocked unconscious from the struggle.

"Ya know" Ripper said as he looked in the direction of the chaos, "I was gonna tell you about our idea for Broseph we came up with but...yeah I'm just gonna evacuate the area before Godzilla over there breaks loose.", Ripper then began leaving the room, not wanting Bella to claim him as her next victim should be break free from the security gaurds.

"Good idea.", Johnny commented, worried for himself as his job prevented him from doing so. The sound of the struggle could still be heard in the background, the gaurds still trying to tazer Bella and one tazer even being thrown by the girl and almost hitting Johnny on the forehead as well. As this went on, Lo herself was still not doing as her father had told her to, and was in the hotel's golf course, which was beginning to show signs of freezing such as frost beginning to cover the trees and ground and icecicles actually forming on the building, but regardless she was still about to hit the ball with the golf club as her angry father pulled up in his golf cart, angry at the sight he was seeing.

"LAUREN!", Mr. Ridgemount bellowed, stopping his daugther from hitting that Golf ball completely and shocking her once more, "I thought I told you, to report to work!"

"Oh but daddy I can't!", Lo then complained, "Have you seen those staff-"


"Fine!", Lo said as she, annoyed bofore muttering beneath her breath, "Could've let me finish my basket." As Lo was dealing with her current situation, Fin was dealing with her own. She was currently scrubbing the floors of the extremely messy and ruined room left for her by the seniors earlier, bucket right by her, and she personally wanted to complain about it being worse than scrubbing all of the floors in hyrule, though in her mind she thought that would actually be less of a enough however, someone else joined her in the room. It was Reef, still in his work clothes and now his underwear atomic wedgied over his head. Needless to say, he was extremely angry with this event.

"They made me watch Two girls one cup!", Reef said to Fin's now gasping face, "I had watch it twice in a row, man! I hate initiation!"

"I know!", Fin said, standing up to speak her complaints, her breath visible as she opened her mouth in the increasingly cold room, "I've been working on this all morning, even my brothers aren't this messy! Plus, i'm convinced they turned off the heat on purpose!"

"That is it!", Reef then proclaimed, "I'm gonna find the office if it kills me!"

"and how do you propose we do that?"

"Gimme the key to Ty's room.", Reef then suddenly said, officially determined now, though it also would be perfectly possible that he had a double meaning to his question.

"What?", Fin remarked, not willing to give that up easily and risk the seniors becoming even more cruel on her, "Oh No, no way!"

"Come oooon!", Reef replied, not noticing Ripper and Lance now standing behind him, "You have it on your master key ring, he must have like a video, or a map, or something to show us where it is!", however all Fin did as her response was give Reef a 'cutting of the throat' motion, of course it was by this point too late to do so, "They're standing right behind me, aren't they?", in response Fin gave Reef a nod of her head, but it only took mere seconds for the two boys behind him to grab him by the shoulders and drag him off as he screamed in pure terror. Some time later, in the lobby, Mr. Ridgemount was simply sitting on a bench reading his newspaper long after the madness earlier had finally had been calmed down while George and Ridley were playing a game on their Playstation Portables, when something in the gift shop caught Ridley's eyes, and he just felt the need to show George.

"Hey, George", Ridley said as he nudged George's arm, gesturing over to the gift/clothes shop of the store, "Isn't that your sister in there?"

"Yeah", George replied to Ridley, as he was pointing out Lo being in the store, trying on clothes despite what her father had said earlier, "Why?"

"Didn't you tell me, ya know, that she wasn't allowed to be able to do stuff like that anymore?"

"Oh yeah", George answered back with a smirk on his face, "You're right.", meanwhile, as George looked for a way to do what he wanted to do to Lo, Lo herself was as they said busy in the store of the shop, where Bella worked, trying on various new and fancy outfits. As such, it didn't take long for Bella to see Lo once her eyes turned to her, and since Bella had been informed of what Lo was supposed to be doing.

"Uh, ain't you supposed to be workin' here or some shit?", Bella asked to the Ridgemount girl, "Not tryin' on clothes?"

"Hey", a slightly annoyed Lo responded, "Why don't you mind your own business?"

"Excuse me?!"

"Hey, you heard me, didn't you?", Lo snapped back to a now offended Bella, "Why don't you just go do your job and stop bothering me?"

"You know what? Fine!", Bella angrily remarked, "Getcho Ass fired, see if I care."

"Good!", Lo responded, turning back to the mirror and smiling as she was looking at how a new jacket looked when on her body. However, this left her unaware as her brother (and his friend Ridley) came into the story, with George leading his father in with a smile.

"I think you'll just love what you see in here, dad!", George said to his father with a smile. Soon enough, the man caught sight of Lo in the store, and soon enough Lo's time was interrupted once her dad saw her.

"JUST WHAT IS GOING ON IN HERE?!", Mr. Ridgemount said from behind his daughter, startling her and of course ending her once happy attempt at shopping.

" Daddy", a now startled and scared Lo responded, "I was the merchandise?"


" see...I..."

"His eye is twitching now", George said to his sister with a smirk on his face, finding it just hilarious what her situation now was, him and Ridley both actually. Soon enough, however, Lo and her father were in a separate area of the hotel, specifically the dining room with Mr. Ridgemount leading (or forcing) his daughter right into the pirate ship building of the place. Obviously, as Kelly stood at the desk and saw the boss of the place approaching (with his daughter) she made sure she put up a kind and happy expression rather than her previous meaner looking one.

"Good day Mr. Ridgemount!" Kelly said to the big man, "What will I get you and your daughter for today?"

"Oh actually, she's not here as a customer", Mr. Ridgemount then (surprisingly calmly for once) explained, "I'd like to introduce you to, your new employee! She's here to work, for you! Starting Immediately."

"Oh absolutely sir!", Kelly replied, "And just to make things clear, I'm her boss, right?"


"What?!", Lo then gasped, but her father completely ignored her complaints.

"Well that's just great, we happen to have one free spot for a new one after the last Roof Jumper incident last year!"

"Excellent!", Mr. Ridgemount remarked as he handed Kelly a card with his number on it, "And if she gives you any trouble here is my private number, I have a meeting with Ronald McDonald, the Burger King, Wendy, and Captain Crunch.", however he did give Lo some few final words as he walked away, "Lauren, if I get one call from your manager, you can kiss your trip to Europe, goodbye!"

"But, Daddy!", she began even though he was ignoring her completely, "I don't even have an outfit to wear!"

"Oh that's no problem!", Kelly then more legitamentally happily exclaimed as she held up a wench outfit, "We have plenty to work with!"

"I have to wear that?!", Lo replied as she took one look at the wench suit, then looked back for her father who had already left the dining room, "Daddy!"

"I would feel bad for you", Kelly then remarked, "But since you're spoiled and rich, I don't. So, yeah, since now I'm your boss and you work for me, you know have no choice but to do what I say or get fired! So, first thing's first I want you to get into this outfit and do all of these things", Kelly then handed Lo a large piece of paper with a list of tasks for her to do and her wench suit too as she then walked out of the dining room, Lo in response gave off a very annoyed tone of voice, now even more unpleased at her situation than she ever was before. Soon enough, she was frowning as she was now in the kitchen, fully dressed in her wench suit.

"Sweet!", the voice of her younger brother said from behind her as he took a picture of her with his iphone, of course in response she became enraged and scowled, but he merely grinned and darted away just as the door opened, Kelly peeking in, just then about to leave for whatever it is she plans on doing that probably isn't her job,

"The Grease pan's in the back! And once your done doing all your little duties, I'll be seeing you at Grom initiation!", Kelly then said to Lo, "It is going to be so much fun having you work for me! Now if you don't excuse me, I'll be going to the movies since I have your other grom friend doing everything else at this place!", Kelly then left, leaving Lo to herself. Lo began crying, but still turned on the water faucet in the dirty plate filled sink as she did so. She only stopped crying once mashed up ice came pouring out of the facuets instead of normal water, confusing her for just enough time until she would be crying again. As she was crying, however, another one of the groms was facing punishment for his own want of a certain room key. It was Reef, but of course he was on the beach instead of inside of the hotel. Infact, he was on his knees aswell, but of course there was purpose in it. He was actually rubbing someone's feet as the other person sat on a chair, and of course he was visibly embarassed as he did so. It was not anyone's foot, though, it was Ty's own foot that he was rubbing with Ripper and Lance watching.

"Um, you know you don't have to do this.", Ty said to Reef, though not resisting the foot rub at all.

"Oh", Reef remarked, "I insist!"

"Oh come on Ty!", Ripper then said, "Don't feel bad, the boy clearly likes doing this for ya, mate!"

"Yeah!", Lance added with laughter.

"Besides, don't tell me you don't like having a good ol' foot rub!"

"Hm", Ty replied, "Okay then.", of course in response all Reef was doing was rubbing Ty's feet, though his face was visibly red as he could plainly here Ripper and Lance mocking him as he was doing this.

"Say Ty", Ripper then began, "You sure just him rubbing it is enough?"

"Yeah", Ty responded as he took a sip of a drink, "I'm pretty good like this."

"You sure?", Ripper remarked, "You're feet have probably been through alot today, you sure you wouldn't mind him giving them a good ol' lick isntead?", upon hearing this Reef's eyes widened in shock, he wasn't believing what they were suggesting making him do, infront of them, and infront of others in broad daylight.

"I'm good.", Ty replied, taking another sip of his drink.

"Ah come on mate!", Ripper replied, nudging Ty, "One little kiss wouldn't hurt, and it'd feel good too!"

"Yeah!", Lance added, "Don't you wanna feel good?", Ty of course rasied one eyebrow upon hearing that, but to be honest any pleasure he was getting from this was overshadowed as he himself was feeling slightly uncomfortable with this situation himself.

"Yeah I do", Ty replied, "But I already do."

"Come on!", Ripper added in, "Just try it out!", he then turned to Reef, "Come on! Give him one little lick, grom!"

"T-ty says he's good!", Reef remarked, blushing almost completely red at this point and trying to avoid licking Ty's foot infront of them all, Ty himself included.

"Well, okay then", Ripper replied, "If you don't wanna lick the foot, I guess we'll just have to make you kiss something else.", as Ripper then looked over at Lance the two began to snicker. Reef became increasingly worried by this, and decided to just go ahead and do what they asked, despite his massive embarassment he actually stook out his tongue and gave Ty's foot a large lick. Much to Ty's surprise, and he actually did somewhat enjoy the feeling, though he still felt a bit uncomfortable with this being so in public. "Yeah mate, don't that feel good?"

"Uhhh, sure", a still nervous Ty responded as Reef continued licking his left foot. It was then that his violet eyes looked right at the ocean, which was literally a giant block of ice, as if winter had it and the entire thing had been frozen like the arctic sea, and not to mention that the sand was beginning to slowly turn whiter, as if it were becoming snow. "Uhhh, what the hell is up with the ocean?"

"What?", Ripper and lance then noticed it too, but Reef just kept on licking Ty's foot, still too scared of what Ripper was talking about moments earlier.

"Where are the waves at?", Lance said as he looked on at the mysteriously frozen ocean, it seemed as if the entire ocean was frozen for miles, which it was, the entire vaccinity considered the waters of the hotel.

"Oi, this is probably just one of the other groms pulling a prank on us!", Ripper then proclaimed, "Let's go get our boards and test this out!", with that statement Ripper and Lance dashed off to get their surfboards and attempt to surf the frozen waters, unaware that it was actually frozen and not a trick. With them gone, Ty gently pulled his foot away from Reef's tongue and adressed the issue.

"Okay, you can stop now, I'm good.", the eldest Ridgemount child said to the other boy, who was still severely embarassed at this and blushing to prove it, but was happy to be able to finally get up back onto his feet.

"T-thanks man", Reef nervously replied, "Umm...yeah."


"Nevermind.", Reef then said weakly before running off, leaving Ty completely confused as to what he meant to say, but Ty simply shrugged and went back to his day instead of worry about Reef. Some time later, Emma and Lo had finished their shifts of work, their hair ruined from the work they had done and Emma herself still showing signs of being clam chowdered earlier, but regardless it was Emma who remained optimistic about the situation.

"I've got grease in my hair, the hotel is having another ice age, and Kelly is just waiting for me to screw up!", Lo complained, already dreading the rest of her life already, "I'm never gonna make it through the summer!"

"Don't worry, I've got your back!", Emma said reassuringly as she placed a hand on Lo's back, "If we stick together we'll be okay!"

"Thanks!", Lo said with a smile in response to Emma's reassurance. It was then that Fin walked by, hunched over angrily and with strange things resembling green elf ears ontop of her own, of course Emma and Lo both were not expecting her to come back like that, "What's with the ears?" Lo herself then asked.

"Oh, you'll find out.", Fin answered back to the girl, as Bella also passed by them, still showing the signs of her tastle with the security gaurds, though all she had were a few minor scrapes and somewhat shaked up clothing, the gaurds themselves had much more serious injuries. Meanwhile, as the girls returned to the staff house, Ripper and Lance were on their surfboards ontop of the frozen ocean, Lance was trying to paddle, but his hands and feet couldn't make it passed the ice, while Ripper was standing, looking for where the waves were, and also looking up at the sun to see what was causing the drop in temperature.

"What is going on here, dude?!", Lance exclaimed, "We hop on our boards and slide all the way out here, and we still can't even surf! Are the groms like, witches or something? I...I think I see a Shark!", of course he was pointing to a frozen Shark he saw down below, literally frozen in time as it was about to attack a smaller seal. Ripper himself looked to see it, but wasn't afraid since he noticed the shark was completely frozen and not moving at all.

"I don't know what those groms did to make this happen!", Ripper then proclaimed, "But oi, I'm gonna make them pay for this!"

"Seriously, how is that shark frozen like that?!"

"Let's get back to the land.", Ripper then said to finish the conversation, and as such they began their journey back to the mainland. As they did so, the grumpy girls of the groms were all gathered at the front porch of the staff house. Emma, Fin, Lo and Bella were all there, grimacing angrily at their day. Fin at her time cleaning an extremely messed up room, Emma and Lo at dealing with the dining room and Kelly, and Bella for though she was not tortured as much, she still had to fight with the security gaurds in the calm down room for most of the day already. Soon enough, Broseph joined them aswell, though he was the only one without any signs of torture or dirt on him at all. It didn't take long for him to get a wiff of the terrible smell most of the girls had on them, either.

"What is that smell, bro?", Broseph commented, waving his hands to attempt in getting the smell away from himself.

"They covered our hair in expired mayonaise", Lo answered Broseph with.

"and I had to clean seaweed out of a bathtub!", Fin then added in.

"I got clam chowdered.", Emma herself also added, before Bella added her own side in,

"I got the po-po tazin' me and tryin' to hold me down to some stupid little calm down room whatever the fuck."

"So what have they done to you?", Emma then asked to Broseph, who then had to quickly come up with some way to not reveal he has been let off easy for the entire day so far thanks to Johnny.

"Dude I'll tell you!", he began, walking towards the coach to sit down, "It's been rough! Johnny's one mean dude!"

"But, you're not even dirty.", Fin then pointed out, to which Broseph gave a sheepish smile at.

"Hope your hungry!", the sudden voice of Kelly (still in her work uniform, as she will be for the rest of this episode actually) then said as her, Johnny and Ty set down tables with small dinner plates with the classic cover ontop infront of all of the girls and Broseph. Of course, none of them were happy to see these at all, though Broseph quickly seemed less unhappy than the others.

"Oh no!", Broseph said in a very much fake actor tone of voice, "I really hope it isn't worms and grasshoppers! Those are the two things I'm deathly allergic to!", he then lifted the cover of the plate, revealing, as you probably already knew, worms and grasshoppers on the plate, "Oh no! Worms and Grasshoppers! I have a doctor's note right here!", he then held up a doctor's note, which Kelly grabbed and held it up as her and Ty both gave Johnny somewhat unpleased and also suspicious glares.

"Wow! Heheh", Johnny nervously responded, "What are the chances!"

"What's the big deal?", Fin said with the shrug, "My Brothers made me eat worms when I was five!", she then took one worm up into hands after lifting her cover, and she actually ate one worm happily. Bella lifted her cover as well to see the same thing, of course she was disgusted, but she wasn't as disgusted as most would be.

"Ya know what", Bella began, "After I done seen Bummer in his underwear last year, this ain't even close to being minor compared to that.", with those words she actually did the same as fin did, only she actually ate one of the grasshoppers instead of the worms. Of course, Emma nearly puked upon seeing this, and same with Broseph, but it's also possible they were more disgusted by the images of what Bella was talking about. However, after those signs of disgust, attention was now on Emma and Lo as they were the only ones left who didn't open their plate covers.

"Okay", Emma began, "There's only two of them. We can do that!", it was then that they quickly opened their dinner covers, much to their gasps, or more specifically screams as it wasn't worms nor grasshoppers, but a massive pile of cockroaches instead. Disgusting, vile, but mostly deceased, cockroaches. "Oh, my, god!", Emma said in a horrified tone of voice as Lo screamed a second time in pure horror.

"Well", Kelly began, taking Broseph's table and shoving it over to Emma and Lo, "Since Broseph can't eat his food due to, medical reasons, you two can just eat it for him!"

"No way!", Lo then complained, "I can't, I'm on a vegan diet for my skin."

"May you guys excuse me", Kelly said in a mocking tone of voice, "I have an important call to make, to Daddy!"

"Okay!", a defeated Lo replied, "Okay!", she then lifted up one of the roaches, one that was actually still slightly moving, but of course she shivered in fear and disgust as she looked at it, and once more muttered beneath her breath, "When I inherit this hotel I am totally going to have you fired!", before actually beginning to place it into her mouth. As those at the porch faced their latest grueling torture, except Broseph, Reef was searching through the now completely frost filled woods for signs of the office. By now, white snow and frost was all over the ground and the tries, and all fern-like plants within the forest were curled up. Why, he even passed by a mother Dilophosaurus, who was sleeping alongside her three children, three nieces/nephews, and her sister as they were caught by the sudden drop in temperature and had to go into quick hibernation without preparation, though a grizzly bear that passed by walked in on this, and though it yawned, once it saw the top predators were asleep it cheered, doing a can-can as it went off to find food for itself. Meanwhile, Reef was hunting for something different, and he soon found a sign of it, he picked up a small bottle of something from the ground and sniffed the air, and knew instantly what it was.

"Tropical tan sun-tan lotion", he said to himself, "I must be getting close now!", he then crawled a bit further through the wooods, smiling as he imagined finding the legendary office, but as he crawled along the path, passed some left over trash, and other objects of the sort, he soon came across two familiar pairs of feet.

"Looking for something?", the austrailian voice of Ripper said, looking down on him, "mate?", in response Reef simply screamed and ran for his life, with Ripper and Lance of course chasing after him. As the chase was on, however, the others were all gathered at the now snow covered beach, with Emma, Lo, Bella and Broseph standing before a barrel filled with what seemed like oil.

"Okay Groms!", Johnny began to the four, "Your next task is one that has been a tradition for over 50 years of initiations, you will have to surf with your boards covered in petroleum jelly."

"Or, you would be!", Kelly then said.

"What?", the groms, and Bella, replied, confused.

"As much as I hate to say it, just look at the ocean right now!", Kelly replied, "It's not fucking moving, it's like, it's like ice!", she then walked over and stomped her foot on where the waves would be hitting, but instead she hilariously tripped and fell into the snow, which made Emma and Lo snicker a bit at her, albeit extremely minor, misfortune. "Now I WOULD just make them surf, but"

"We would be slipping off too.", Ty then pointed out, facing Johnny.

"Plus", Johnny then added, "We're sitting in snow."

"Exactly!", Bella then angrily exclaimed, "Now someone tell me this, how in the hell are we going to even surf at the damn office in the first damn place, if the damn place is probably frozen like the rest o' this place! Oh, and how the hell is everything even frozen anyway? I don't see no snow fallin'!"

"Yeah.", Fin replied, "This is not normal, infact, it's been getting colder all day, actually."

"Uhhh", Johnny then thought of some kind of explanation, "I'm just asking, but, did anyone touch the Mother AC lately?"

"I told Emma to do it as one of her first tasks!", Kelly replied, and a such the nervous Emma was now under the spotlight, and of course Kelly was the first to attack her verbally over this, "Oh, let me guess, you did this just to spite me, didn't you!"

"What?", Emma replied, "No I didn't! I did just like you asked, I checked the AC and made sure the temperature was okay! I mean, why would I stop myself from surfing on purpose?"

"Oh please", Kelly replied, "Do you think I'm that dumb?"

"Hey!", Bella then angrily butted in, stepping towards Kelly dominantly, "The girl said it was an accident, BITCH! Or do I need to show you somethin that AIN'T an accident?"

"Fine.", Kelly replied, backing off, "Whatever you say. But, this DOES have to change what you groms do, so instead, you guys will just have to go up to the Mother AC, find out where it is on your own, and bring everything back to normal."

"oh that's fine!", Emma replied, "I can get it back up and running easily! Just follow me, guys!", Emma then ran off. With a few shrugs, Bella, Fin, Lo and Broseph ran after her while the three seniors, Ty and Kelly with a still nervous and under suspicion Johnny, were left at the now frozen and wintery beach. Meanwhile, Reef was still running from Ripper and Lance, and the chase even led the three right inside of the hotel itself, where Bummer was observing the frozen Lobbyquarium just as the Marvin family was approaching him from behind, Mr. Mavin poking Bummer from the back, annoying him only until Bummer saw that they were guests and not employees.

"Oh hello thre!", Bummer replied, "How may I help you and your lovely family?"

"Why is this place getting so darn cold?!", Mr. Mavin quickly exclaimed in response, "We didn't come here for winter, we came here for summer!"

"Yeah!", Mrs. Marvin added in, "Had we known we would've packed our hoodies and stuff with us!Oh", she then added, "And is there anything you can do about those lizard things you guys have patrollin' around, we thought those things were just supposed to be like giant vultures, but since the boys saw one attack a poor little deer they've been havin nightmares!"

"Unfortunately, no there is nothing we can do about the Dilophosauruses", Bummer replied, "They are an invasive but now native species, but thank you for telling us, we will have the electric defense gates up and running soon, and as for the cold, we have been trying to find the source of it for a while now, so we advise all guests to just stay outside for right now!"

"That's the problem!", Mr. Marvin added, "The outside is frozen too!"

"What?", Bummer replied, shocked completely to hear of such a thing. Suddenly, the panicking Reef came running in, crashing right into Mr. Marvin's back, hitting the ground and grabbing onto his ankle. The Marvin family just looked on in surprise, as did Bummer, and remained silent though as Ripper and Lance came onto the scene as well.

"Sorry about that sir!", Ripper said as he came along and stomped on one part of Reef's body to get him to stop holding on to Mr. Marvin.

"Groms these days!", Lance added, "They just don't have any manners, we'll take care of him for you sir!", they then picked Reef up, he was still panicking, and took him behind the lobbyquarium and out of view of Bummer and the Marvins.

"Well, as I was saying", he re-started, "Just stay outside for a while, it would probably be warmer than indoors with the sun and all, and if you don't excuse me, I'm going to find myself a jacket.", he then walked off, the Marvin family did the same, while on the very top of the lobbyquarium Reef was once more tossed in, but obviously since the entire thing was like that of a giant glacier, he was merely smacked on the top of it. "Aw damn!", Ripper commented in fustration, "The water here is frozen too now!"

"We could just, ya know, beat him or something.", Lance then suggested.

"Hold on!", Ripper then said with a smile, "I have a better idea!", a few seconds later, Ripper and Lance were actually using Reef like something of a club, literally smacking his groaning and sometimes screaming head and face into the hard frozen ice of the water, kind of like using him as a weapon to break the ice. Reef's hair became slightly ruined during the bashing, as did some parts of his face and whatnot, as one would expect. Of course, Ripper and Lance would taunt and mock Reef in ways such as this, "So, are you gonna do what we say now?", Ripper said in the total third time he briefly took a break from smashing Reef into the now Reef head shaped dent in the ice, "Or, do you need some more pursuasion?"

"You know what? Yes! Fine!", Reef said pleadingly, "I'll do whatever you tell me to do! I'll do whatever you want! Just please...stop...beating me like this!", of course Ripper and Lance did it for two more times before deciding it was enough.

"Okay then!", Ripper said with a smile, then noticing that the other groms were coming into the lobby in a group, "I see they are likely doing something for the others, go do whatever they're doing, and if we even catch you try to look for the office again, you don't wanna KNOW what we're gonna do to you!"

"Ah! Okay! Okay!", Reef said in a panicking voice before being thrown off of the lobbyquarium by Ripper and Lance. He landed right on Johnny's board, but since the thing was still stuck in the ice, he broke it into two pieces instead of breaking the whole thing out. However, he was able to recover from his fall and as he noticed the others walking towards the elevator, he quickly realized he would need to catch up to them now. "Hey! Wait for me!", he said as he then dashed to catch up with them. Of course, soon enough, Reef and the others soon found themselves unable to use the elevator up at all, when Emma tried pressing the buttons, all that happened was nothing.

"Why isn't this thing working?!", Emma complained, pushing the button rapidly at this point.

"Why is this place so freezing?!", Lo added in, "I mean, ugh, now I'm even more upset my dad didn't let me buy that hoodie!"

"What are we even trying to do guys?", Reef asked as his own addition to the conversation.

"We're trying to get up to the penthouse", Broseph answered, "To to go to where the Mother AC is, to turn everything back to normal."

"The Mother of all ACs?", Reef replied, "I didn't know ACs could have babies!"

"I know!", Broseph remarked, though Bella and Fin rolled their eyes at hearing their remarks about Air Conditioners. Soon enough, Bella herself got tired of seeing Emma fight with the button, and pushed to the front.

"Girlfriend, let me take a turn", Bella said in her determined voice, "Bella'll show y'all how to open a door!", it was then that she began pulling up her sleeves, and quickly began actually punching and kicking with all of her strength at the door. However, even the mighty Bella couldn't get the door to budge at all, and her attempts to force it open were causing the lobby to shake like an earthquake. As such Bummer soon walked over, two security guards with tazers at his side since Bella was involved, to question the groms.

"Just what is going on here?!", Bummer asked.

"We're trying to get to the top floor!", Fin answered.

"Why?", Bummer responded, "Most of you aren't even allowed up there!"

"Because, we're trying to get to the big AC thing, to fix things and make summer come back again!", Fin answered, "Because apparently, that's why everything is freezing up!"

"Ugh, I knew it!", Bummer replied, "I knew someone screwed up with the damn Mother AC, people just don't realize that that thing doubles as the brain and main control for this entire hotel, I bet someone tipped over the lockdown switch too and knocked out all the power to all the damn computers, phones and doors, so you guys are just gonna have to take the dangerous and security enforced maintenence shaft.", Bummer then pointed to a door right beside the front desk that was made of wood instead of glass or metal, and seemed to led into a room lit by threatening red lights.

"Um, if you know now, why can't YOU go do it?", Fin replied.

"Are you kidding?!", Bummer remarked, "If you knew how dangerous that pathway is, you'd see why. You groms can handle it, I have mangager duties to attend to, and I better have my computer back up and running by the end, or I'm gonna go through a second firing day, with TWO people instead of just ONE!" of course everyone gasped at that statement, and all of the groms (and Bella) rushed through the wooden door as fast as they could, in-fact, they literally broke through it actually. However as they trekked through the maintence path they had many problems, much like a montage of them if you will. The first of many was Bella falling through the stairway leading upwards, which was made of old and aged metal, but luckily the others stuck together and pulled her out, only for her to slam into them of course. Later on, they came a across a slanted room filled with lasers facing diagnol, horizontal, veritcal and whatnot, and while most of the others were able to move passed this room, even Bella, it was Reef accidentally tripped and trigged the alarm system, thus causing them all to then be shot at by numerous bolts of lasers, running for their lives up the slanted room. Later, the alarm still on, they came across a room where the lasers from the ceiling flashed on and off, while the lazers along the wall moved from one end to the next,and they had electric surges on them too. Shocked, they all tried to make it out alive, dodging to avoid having their hair or other body parts scorched by the beams, though Broseph almost got caught, his crotch being hit by a lazer and in the process of being burned much to his shock, only saved when Bella tripped and fell onto him, bouncing them out of the room safely. Later they hit into the others and they formed a large cannonball through the next trial, a large series of tough metal security doors going around in a circular hallway upwards, and it was this high velocity snowball of people that managed to puncture the doors just enough to actually cause them to collapse and be destroyed, all the way until they slammed into a wall, a corner heading into yet another laser room, this one in which all of them were along the floor, and turrets were all on the ceiling ready to blast at them all. Through an open space behind the lasers was the Mother AC room at last, showing this was the final push. They all dashed for it, getting shot at by the lasers repeatedly. Some of them were pushed to the wall by the lasers' effects when they hit the ground, others were pushed forward into the room. In the end, it was Broseph who was flown closest to the Mother AC. Luckily for him the labels on the controls were simple, all he had to do was turn the lever from pure cold to a bit more of a hotter temperature, and then just switch the lockdown off. The Mother AC and the Maintence path's red lights all turned back to blue, and all of the lasers and turrets deactivated as the elevator, computers, phones, and doors around the hotel came back on (The only one that didn't shut down was the front door) and the groms all began cheering together, happy at their victory over the maitence path. Not only that, but the woods and the beach finally began thawing slowly, the sun working it's magic instantly, meaning the Dilophosaurus family woke up soon enough as the heat arrived, they started slow with a few yawns, but soon enough they spotted the hunting bear and charged, starting a massive chase between them. However, some enough some level of realization hit the group.

"Wait a minute guys", Fin then pointed out after the cheering ended, "What about the ocean?"

"What about it?", Reef asked in response, "It should be unfrozen right now, we just put the heat back up!"

"Um, no", Fin answered, "Things don't thaw up that quickly, this hotel might, but the enviornment sure as hell won't! If we're gonna even be able to use the office, we're gonna need to help the ocean break free from the ice!"

"But we're gonna need something pretty big and tough for that!", Broseph then commented, and it was then that everyone in the room looked at Bella, the one being they all knew would fit those needed requirements. Of course, Bella herself was confused why they were doing so.

"Why the hell y'all lookin' at me?"

"Bella!", Emma replied, "You're the only one that would be able to do it!"

"Yeah!", Lo added, "You're like, the perfect size!"

"Excuse me?!", Bella remarked, not knowing if Lo just insuled her or complimented her.

"Okay, basically, all you'd have to do is like, ride on a board or something and let your weight or your toughness break the ice, literally!", Reef said to the girl, "That should be easy, I would do it, but I'm know."

"I told y'all! I don't surf no more!", Bella remarked, "No board can hold the big B no more!", it was then that Fin began thinking, and she then remembered one specific board from the store that could actually work, and she decided it was their only shot at getting their ocean back.

"What if I told you I know one board that might!", Fin then said to Bella.

"I'd say you're nuts", Bella responded with her arms now crossed, "But, I'd give it a try.". Moments later, Fin's plan was put into action. Somehow they had gotten one of the msot expensive surfboards at the shop, the one with diamonds encrusted in it, and now Bella was actually riding on that one in the still frozen waters of the hotel. The other groms cheering her on, along with the seniors watching in surprise that the board was actually not breaking under Bella's weight were all watching from the beach. Bella herself, thanks to her weight and the board's weight, literally cracking the ice as she slid on the water, and once she turned a curve it caused a chain reaction; a crack that went right to the edge of where the frozen water met the unfrozen water that wasn't part of the hotel, and it was this that caused the ocean to unfreeze as the ice shattered, the waves to return, and for the seal to escape from the shark thanks to being frozen for so long, but for the shark to be attacked by a large member of an Orca pod instead. On the surface, Bella herself was surfing like everyone else, she was actually riding a massive curling wave that was the first wave to return, and not only did she ride through it, but she also did a jump after she came out of it and actually twirled in the air, did a brief handstand and landed back on the ground with a loud thud, standing on her board. This caused almost all of the nearby snow to dissappear and uncover the long lost sand, now it was just waiting for the forest to thaw itself out. However, none of those watching cared about that, they were caring more about cheering on for Bella, not just because she freed the ocean, but also for her surprisngly talented surfing abilities. All but Kellyy were cheering for her.

"Dude, that was radical!", Bropseh commented.

"Yeah!", Reef exclaimed, "I didn't know you had it in you!"

"What can I say?", Bella replied, showing off her skills, "I knew how to surf, I just wasn't able to for a while now!"

"Well, I've got to give it you!", Ripper said to the groms, him and the seniors, except Kelly, turning to them now, "You Groms are pretty hardcore! I am pleased to report that you-"

"Wait!", Kelly suddenly said, interrupting him completely, "We still have seventeen minutes until the end of initiation!", she had this evil look in her un-covered eye, "There's still time for one, last, test!", soon enough, her, the other seniors and the groms were gathered outside as she opened up a large garabge bin to dump a bucket into it, "Inside this garbage bin is a keychain with a surfboard on it!", she explained, standing proudly next to the bin, "Find the keycahin in the next fifteen minutes, or you're all out!"

"No way!", Lo replied, "Trip or no trip, I'm not going in the garbage!"

"HEEEELLLL NO!", Bella ramrked, her arms crossed and her body making a clearly sass-filled pose.

"Yeah, I'm done-zo.", Reef himself added.

"That is just nasty!", Fin added. Broseph himself was holding his nose in disgust at the smell of the garbage,

"Ohh, Ripe!", he said, the smell was just too ripe for his nose to handle. But, he wasn't holding it anymore once Emma stood infront of them, as the only one of them all that was actually willing to do this final trial.

"You guys are quitting this now?!", Emma said to them surprised, "After everything we've gone through?!"

"Uhhh, yeah.", Fin then bluntly responded with.

"We have a chance to be locals, and a legendary break!", Emma then continued, "A break that's only been surfed by a few people, EVER! Perfected, uncrowded waves, and we get to surf there!" of course as the other seniors watched this and were mostly kind of blankly looking towards Kelly or Emma, Kelly remained proud and confident that none of them would manage to find the key in time to complete her test. However, Emma was the one to open the bin first, "Are you really going to let a little stinky garbage come between you and the best waves in the country?! Because I'm NOT!", she then stepped in.

"Me neither! Yeehaw", Reef then responded, being the first one to join Emma, even jumping off of a box and cannonballing into the bin. As the others watched, Fin took a small sniff from her arm pit, which of course already stank from all the stuff they had been put through.

"We already reak!", she said, as she became the third member of the groms to jump into the dumpster, doing the same kind of technique reef did.

"Girl makes some sense!", Broseph then said himself before jumping in himself, 'wooh'ing as he did so. However, when he jumped on the box, he smacked right into the wall above the dumpster before falling off of it and into the dumpster. This left only Lo and Bella left, both of them beginning to feel somewhat left out. They even looked at eachother before shrugging.

"What the heck?", Lo then said, as her and Bella both walked towards the dumpster, much to Kelly's shock and pretty much defeat.

"What?!" Kelly comment in surprise at seeing this, watching as the two approached the dumpster, looking up at the others. Everyone was pretty much surprised at the two, Lo for even agreeing to this and Bella for actually submitting to Kelly's test for once.

"Move over", Lo then said to the others, since obviously Bella and her would both need some extra room.

"Seriously?", a happily surprised Emma replied, soon enough both Bella and Lo both made their way up to the dumpster, Emma and Lo sharing a friendly hug with eachother and the other groms all smiling while the seniors (Johnny, Kelly, Ripper, Lance and Ty) were watching now from the front of the dumpster.

"Anyone who loves surfing that much deserves to see the office", Lo then commented, "Plus, it will totally tick Kelly off if we find it", of course as she saying that all the seniors except Kelly were actually smiling, Kelly was in shock that her last resort was failing. "Now dig people! Dig!", it was then that everyone rapidly began digging for the keychain within the dumpster, not at all afraid of the garbage, much less getting dirty from it, and Kelly remained the only senior not smiling at this site, instead just stood speechless and in surprise, after a few more seconds, it was Lo that surfaced with the keychain, "I FOUND IT!", she exclaimed happily, and all of her grom friends joined her in a cheer, Not only that, but the seniors also cheered, all except the now even more shocked and defeated Kelly of course.

"Congratulations you all have officially passed initiation!", Ty then said to congratulate the group, however Bella still had one more plan before she and her fellow groms went to the office.

"But, before I can go to the office", Bella then said, she then did a surprise jump in the dumpster, with all of her might. The others were in surprise, but when she came down the others were lifted into the air as the garbage hurled out. Of course, it literally homed in on none other than Kelly, who screamed in horror as it literally hit her like a missle, sending her all the way into a distant pile garbage bags away as Bella's friends gently touched the bottom of the dumpster again. The other seniors actually smiled at Kelly's misfortune, admiring Bella's accuracy. "Alright NOW it's time to GET TO THAT OFFICE!", with those words the groms were finally allowed into the secluded and beautiful surfing spot known as the office, and needless to say, while the woods were still thawing from the freeze earlier, thanks to Bella the ocean and beach were fully thawed, thus allowing them to surf on the waves of the office. Just like the legends said, the office had the best waves of all the ocean, and these groms had well earned it. They all showed their surfing talent, Bella on her diamond studded surboard, along with Reef, Lo, Broseph, Fin and Emma on their more basic surfboards. They all surfed, enjoying the waves and the scenery, all until the time of sunset, when they all gathered around a small campfire on logs and such, to relax and have an end of day 'chill time'.

"Oh my god this is amazing!", Fin said during this period of chilling in the sunset.

"Okay this totally makes it all worth it!", Emma then added in, "Even if we do smell like old fish!"

"Yeah!", Broseph then said, "And it wasn't even that bad."

"Oh come on!", Fin remarked, rolling her eyes, "Johnny front desk guy went totally easy on you!"

"Where IS Johnny front desk guy?", Reef then questioned after looking around for Johnny a bit. Three seniors; Ty who was in his swimsuit while Ripper and Lance weren't, and Ripper was even playing guitar were the ones who knew of course.

"He's paying for letting Broseph off easy", Ty then answered to Reef with, him and Lance then brofisted, while Ripper was playing his guitar. As this was going on, a phone, finally reactivated, rang at the front desk. Johnny then came waddling in in a filthy suit that once was worn by wipeout, but it had been badly damaged. It had stench from puke being inside of it, numerous other marks of filth and bandaids for failed repair, and a ripped fin. Not to mention since it was an orca suit, no fingers on the flippers of course. Johnny tried to grab the phone, but of course these flippers made it nearly impossible and he was left flopping it around repeatedly until finally got it.

"Surfer's paradise hotel!", he said from inside the whale suit, but the man on the other end didn't understand him right.

"Excuse me what was that?", Johnny then had trouble with the phone once more, flopping it around and around yet again. Once he grabbed it once more he tried speaking louder to be heard more clearly,

"Surfer's Paradise Hotel!", he said more loudly this time, hoping he would be heard more clearly.

"Is this Patrick?"

"Yes!", Johnny replied, not understanding what the man was saying due to fustration.

"Well I'm looking for the Surfer's Paradise hotel", it was then that Johnny once more had trouble with holding onto the phone and began flopping it around repeatedly once more. As Johnny did this, the real wipeout was watching, holding his radio.

"Not as easy as it looks!", he commented, before he had trouble with his radio, and ended up dropping it. He sighed, and Johnny just looked on. Clearly, his punishment for letting off Broseph was not worth all this trouble, but he could at least look forward to being let out of it later on, and finally being allowed to join the office again. Of course, that would be in a little amount of time, and so would the groms (and the senior's) next adventure, or to some their misadventure, in the land of Surfer's Paradise Hotel.

Author's Note: Finally done! Sorry it took so long. Anyway, this episode was originally entitled "Iced Up Summer" but I decided "Cold Hearted Summer" would be more appropriate. So...yeah. ANYWAY, this is probably going to be one of the last episodes based off of the original ones since I wanna put more originality in here! Except next Chapter/Episode to be more original.