Lyndon Skyler is a normal boy of the age of 19 who is known as an up and coming pro gamer. his background had never been a happy one moving from one house to another trying to find that one place he could call home but alas at the age of 18 he was thrown out of the boys home and into the street to fend for himself. He soon found refuge in the back of an arcade over by the highway and ciders creek where he would sneak out and use coins that had been dropped on the floor to play a game or two at night. which soon turned into beating people who challenged him on games for quarters in the day then moved to playing in game torments hosted by the arcade to bring in more money but that is not important. what is, is what happened that fateful day he was stuck inside during one of the worst thunder storm the town had ever known all alone with the backup generator running to keep the place going.

Lyndon roughed his dirty blond hair back out of his deep green eyes as he laid on the small cot in the back room as he listened to the harsh rain patter on the metal roof of the arcade. He held his nights coins in his hand having just scoured the floor for coins only a few minutes ago and finding a mere two quarters. Lyndon held the coins up to his face spreading them out with his fingers and thinking of the games he could play with only two coins. He could play one game with both coins and have it be one of the newer games or he could play two games of a older game in the arcade. Lyndon scooted out of the cot and onto his feet where he then made his way back into the game room with his coins in hand.

He looked around the room trying to think of what he wanted, seeing as how he could never make a choice on the spot to even save his life. After minutes of thinking his eyes came upon the old Fix It Felix Jr. game in the center of the room. It was almost as if the game was calling for him to play it the way the lights on it shined, smiling he walked over and placed a coin in the game then grabbed the controls getting ready for the game to start.

Mean While...

Ralph sat in his shack about to eat his first bite of the first cake he had ever been given which of course the Nice Landers had baked him in honor of his return from his brave adventure. Just as the food was about to hit his tongue he heard the sound of a coin being put into the game and dropping into the collective coin bank. This sound not only confused Ralph seeing as how the arcade was closed but it also made him angry knowing that he would have to hold off on the cake. He huffed and went to stick his utensil into the cake for safe keeping until he came back but instead in his anger he squashed the whole cake to a pulp making it fly everywhere around his shack. Ralph stood up not even wanting to deal with the mess at the moment and made his way to the door knocking it open with his unusually large hand.

As Ralph walked over to his stomp set up in the middle of the screen he could see Felix off in the distance look at him and then shrug almost as if to say 'I'm not sure what is going on either big guy'. Ralph shrugged back an went on with his usual thing that he did when the game started though he was still a bit unhappy about his cake now lining the wall of his shack. after his usual spiel of "I'm going to wreck it!" And breaking the house up as usual Ralph stood on the roof knocking bricks down at Felix trying to give him a game over quickly so that he could get back and trying to salvage his cake. Nothing against Felix since they had just started to really get along almost like friends but mostly his anger was getting the best of him at the moment. It was about the moment when Ralph was knocking the final brick when they heard a large boom and crack outside of the game and a large blinding light appeared from the monitor in the far distance.

Back With Lyndon...

As Lyndon watched the intro as he smiled he never felt better than when her was in control of a game, it was almost like he could always chose the outcome of the game unlike his life where he seemed so helpless in. He jumped and fixed the house as fast as he could but the game was really hard it almost seemed like the wave of bricks were almost endless as he dodged and weaved trying to get Felix to do his job quickly. He had taken a few hit and was down to his last life when there was a large brick that he was sure should not have been in the game. He was about to die in the game a large rolling thunder and lightning cracked outside making its way through the roof and down through the game causing him to jump back and land on his butt with his still staring in disbelief at what had just happened. He stood up shortly after his legs a bit shaky and his heart pounding in his chest like a Donkey Kong drum.

When he stood up to take a look at the damaged done to the game he was even more surprised to find that not only did the game seem unharmed but the monitor seemed to be shining with a shimmering light the likes of which he had never seen before. His human instinct kicked in after minutes of staring and he wanted to find out what was going on with the game, he shifted the coin in his finger and tossed it at the screen lightly to see if it would have any affect. The light was so bright it was hard for him to really look directly at it so when he tossed the coin and he did not hear the sound of the coin hit the monitor he assumed he had missed. After a few more minutes he took a big breath and made a choice to touch it, he moved slowly closer to the game on step at a time holding his hand out to place it on the monitor fear racing in his brain he did not notice the rest of the games had stopped to watch the new found event that was occurring. As his finger tips touched the game he felt them sink into an almost liquid form and when he quickly got scared he tried to pull them back but with no avail his arm sank into the game monitor an soon his shoulder. It was almost like the game itself was sucking him in to his death, soon his whole body was incased with the light and he had the odd sensation of flying through the air as high speeds. It was when the light had faded that he opened his eyes to see that he had been thrown toward a building in the far distance that was in shambles.

His mind raced as he tried to think he knew he had seen that building just seconds ago but it had been in the game he was playing it was all so odd his mind immediately assumed he was asleep and that this was a dream or worse he died when the lightening had struck and he would be forced to relive a horrible nightmare the rest of eternity. However as he neared the building he saw a rather large male on top looking right at him who his brain seemed to recall as the bad guy from the game as he was heading on a coalition course straight for him. In a matter of seconds he hit the man and they tumbled off the side of the building and fell down into a puddle of mud and were it not for the man being so large and Lyndon landing on top of him he was sure the fall would have killed him. after the pain wore off and the men let out a few groans Lyndon went to wipe the mug off his face only to find that his had been changed into an almost game like state an upon farther inspection after standing up the rest of his body seemed to have went through the same change. "I-I'm a game character? What is going on?"He found himself asking out loud. "That is what I'd Like to know kid." He heard a rather angry voice ask to the side of him.