Author's Note: This is my attempt at writing humor.

Regina had been feeling sick all week. She thought she had the flu. "I don't ever get sick. How did I catch the flu?" she wondered.

Regina made her way downstairs to see Daniel making breakfast. She smiled at him and subconsciously rubbed her wedding ring.

They had been married for two years and she was even more in love with him now.

It was the little things he did that she appreciated. Calling her to say "I love you," or "I miss you," or "I can't wait for you to come home." She felt loved and cared for her.

One thing she did miss was cooking breakfast. At the beginning, Daniel was still getting used to the technology, especially in the kitchen. So Regina decided to teach him how to cook.


Daniel stared at Regina working her magic around the kitchen. She should've been a professional chef in his opinion. However, he was getting a little annoyed that Regina didn't trust him in the kitchen.

Regina felt his eyes. She turned around. "Daniel, what are you staring at?"

"You cooking. When are you going to let me in here?"

"What are you talking about? I do let you in here."

"No, you have me washing dishes and taking out the garbage. I mean, when can I cook?"

"Dear, you don't know how to cook," Regina said softly.

"Well, dear, that's where you're wrong. I do know how to cook. How do you think I stayed alive back in the Enchanted Forest? Come on, it can't be that difficult."

Regina rolled her eyes. "That may be true but sweetheart, kitchens have become a lot more complicated. It's not simply just boiling some water and roasting meat on a stick over some fire."

Daniel rolled his eyes. "If it's so difficult for me to comprehend, teach me."

"Teach you what…how to cook?"

"Yes," he said.

Regina bit her lip. "I don't know."

Daniel tried another tactic. He slid up behind her. "Listen, if you teach me, then you'll be less burdened. Then we can spend our time wisely enjoying each other's company," he said slyly.

Regina snorted and elbowed him in the stomach. "I'm well aware of what "enjoying each other's company" means. She gave him a mischievous smirk. "Alright. But try not to burn the house down."

He kissed her and spun her around. "Thank you."

"For what?"

"Trusting me."

"Whatever. You burn this house down and you'll have to work three jobs to rebuild this house. Mind you dear, I'm high maintenance."

"You sure are," he said.

Regina turned around and punched him in the arm.

"What was that for?" he asked rubbing his shoulder. "For someone so little, she sure can pack a punch."

Regina pouted, "You weren't supposed to agree."

Daniel wasn't about to argue. He just kissed her on the forehead and walked out.

Back to present day

Needless to say, Daniel almost burnt the house down. What was he making? Pancakes and eggs. Something simple. She had to laugh at the memory though.


Regina was in her bed sleeping when she smelled something horrible. "What is that awful smell?"

She was about to wake Daniel up when she noticed he wasn't there.

"Better check what is going on."

Then she heard Daniel yell, "Regina!"

She shot out of bed. She ran to door but Daniel busted it wide open hitting her in the eye.

"Owwww!" Regina yelled. "Daniel! What is wrong with you?"


"What?! You just hit me in the eye with the door."

"Oh," was all he said.

"Oh…" She was about to yell some more when Daniel shouted the next sentence.

"Regina, the house is on fire!"

"What do you mean the house is on fire? Where did the fire start?"

"The kitchen."

"Breathe, Regina, breathe."

"Tell me you put out the fire."

"No, I don't know how!"

"For the love of…" She headed to the hallway and she could see the smoke filling up the room.

It hit her that Daniel said he didn't know how to put out the fire. She quickened her pace.

She entered the kitchen and saw the flames.

"Daniel! I can't believe you just left the fire and ran up the stairs!"

"Regina, what else was I supposed to do?"

"Use the fire extinguisher!" she yelled grabbing it. She put out the fire.

"So that's how you use that thing?" Daniel eyed it wondrously.

Regina huffed. She grabbed a dishtowel and threw it at him.


"Don't Gina me. You almost fried us to death! What were you making?

Daniel got a bit of sheepish. "Pancakes and eggs."

Regina shot up an eyebrow. "Seriously?"

He nodded yes.

"Danny, please just go upstairs and get changed. We're going to Granny's diner."

"Sorry about the fire."

She didn't trust herself to speak. She just nodded her head.

He went back upstairs.

Regina looked around the kitchen. "No way I'm paying for all this damage."

With a wave of her hand, the kitchen returned to its original state.

Present Day

Over time, Daniel got better. He profusely apologized for giving her a black eye. He felt so bad that he pampered her more than usual.

It was nice for a couple of days but then she just got irritated. He didn't let her do anything for an entire week.

Yep, those were fun times.

"Regina," said Daniel. "You gonna come and eat?"

"Yes, dear."

She saw what he cooked. Pancakes. She laughed.

"What's so funny?"

"I just remembered how you almost burnt down the house making breakfast."

He rolled his eyes. "Yeah, yeah."

Regina suddenly felt nauseus. She held her stomach as if that was going to stop something.

Daniel noticed Regina looked pale.

"Baby, what's wrong?"


She couldn't hold it in any longer.

She ran out of the kitchen to get to the bathroom but she knew she would never make it.

Daniel was about to check on Regina when she bolted through the door.

Daniel got hit in the eye.

Regina didn't notice because she was throwing up in the sink.


Daniel held an ice pack over his eye. "Looks like we're even."

Regina lifted up her head. "What?"

"My eye," he said pointing at it.

Regina laughed. That wasn't a good idea. Once again, her head found solace in the kitchen sink.