Wow, I don't post a chapter for two months and now you guys get two in one week? It's the apocalypse! But seriously, while I was on my hiatus I did have this awesome idea for a future case which incorporates the themes of another favorite story of mine called "Second Chances" by Hero541. Basically I take the plot from the last half of his second story, turn it into a case, and then add a huge plot twist that probably no one will see coming… that is unless you read the spoilers I'm dishing out.

SPOILER ALERT! If you want to avoid possibly the greatest and most actiony part of that case please do not read and be patient, all will come in due time.

If you do want to ruin the plot of the chapter (You big spoil sport) then continue reading and I hope you like it. May it raise your energy and inspire you to stay loyal to me.

We rushed outside only to find that we were already too late, Discord sat on his new throne zapping anything he wanted with purple energy from his fingertips, transforming it into a messed up and incomprehensible version of itself.

"How could he have done so much damage in so little time?" Anna asked

"I don't know, we haven't been gone that long and at this rate he'll take over the rest of Ponyville and eventually all of Equestria. He needs to be stopped."

"And how are we going to do that? The two most powerful alicorns in existence and the elements of harmony are stuck in stone. I hate to be the downer here but we're out of options." She said defeated.

I had to stay optimistic. "Anna, as much as I enjoy embracing my insane side we can't give up." I needed an inspirational speech and I needed it now. "A day may come when the courage of men fail, when we forsake our friends and break all bonds of fellowship but it is not this day." I saw her spirits rise higher as I continued to talk. "An hour of wounds and broken hearts when the walls of Ponyville come crashing down, but it is not this day, THIS DAY WE FIGHT!" Now she rose up with newfound courage in her. "By all that you hold dear on this good earth, I BID YOU STAND! SUGAR OF PONYVILLE!"

"All right all right, you've convinced me, we'll fight."

I nodded. "Good, gather all the pokemon you can and we'll stage an attack on Discord."

She sighed. "As good of a plan that is, it won't work. Pokemon moves can only faint a person and even if we did attack him all at once he's way more powerful than any of our pokemon."

"Damn it! Well that's the best plan I could come up with so unless we can find another alicorn we're screwed."

"Well we could go find Princess Cadence and then…"

I had stopped listening to Anna, I needed to come up with my own plan but nothing was coming to me. I desperately looked at her and then back at me, and then something came to me.

"No…no it's impossible."

I stared at her and her horn and I looked behind me and at my wings.

"Anna, I had the worst possible idea but it just might be enough to win the battle." I said excitedly.

"And what do you propose?" She asked curiously.

I explained my plan in great detail and how if it worked we could have enough power to beat him. While I was on the optimistic side she was in a state of disbelief.


"Anna I trusted you when you chose to create pokemon all I ask is that you give me that same courtesy now, and if I'm wrong we go to plan B."

She seriously thought about it and then came to a decision. "All right then, if we're going to do this we have to practice."

I smiled at her. "That's my girl, and hey if this works we'll have an awesome story to tell our future kids."

40 minutes of preparation later…

With our plan set in place we walked up to the throne of Discord and got his attention.

"Ah if it isn't my two favorite ponies, I can see that you broke free from my control spell. Maybe I was too easy on you." He was about to try to zap us with his magic until I waved my hooves franticaly.

"No no no no no wait Discord we're actually here to surrender." I said

He looked shocked. "Really?"

"Sure I mean we really can't fight your power so why not join it instead?"

"And as such we have created a celebratory dance for your amusement." Anna added.

He clapped his hands excitedly. "Oh I do love silly dances, go on do it."

We backed up a little and stood parallel to one another.

"You ready for this?" I asked her telepathically.

"I'm ready." She replied

We stood on our back hooves and extended our front pair away from each other.

"Fuuuu…" We moved our arms in a semicircal and strafed closer to one another.

"Sion…" We moved our hooves to the other sides while leaning closer to one another.

"What kind of dance is this?" Discord asked.

I smiled confidently as we finished the dance. "Haaaa!" We brought out hooves together and at first nothing happened, then suddenly we were bathed in white light and I felt this energy draw us together.

"It's working! It's actually working" Anna rejoiced.

"Ha ha! I knew this could work, hold on tight old friend the real battle has just begun." I replied.

Soon the energy enveloped us and the two forms started to come together and became one being. It was a tall pony with an orange coat and a golden mane that stood up on end and was jagged like its tail, next to it was a cutie mark of a scale with a pokeball in the middle. This was not an average pony, this was an Alicorn!

Discord looked on in both shock and confusion at the new pony in front of him. "Hold on a second, where are those other two ponies who were here a minute ago?"

The creature looked at him with a confident grin and a voice that echoed as two voices turned to one. "The ponies? They are here. We are them, we are one. Unfortunatly for you Discord."

Suddenly they were surrounded by a golden aura and that knocked Discord back.

"What the heck are you?" He asked.

"I am the hope of Equestria. I am the answer to all ponies who cry out for peace, the bond of two ponies pure in heart and strong of will, I am neither Anna or Will…" It struck a mighty pose. "I am the mighty PegaSpright!"

And that's all that I can give for now, I guess you'll just have to wait for the that case to come. Don't worry it will happen soon though maybe in one or two more cases I don't know. Until then please show massive support so this can turn out as awesome as I think this could be.