"So, what do you reckon? Suppose they are finally going to let us into the Order?"

Her youngest brother's voice made Ginny Weasley look up from the book she was reading. It was one of those old muggle romance novels again, which she had been very fond of ever since she could remember. The book's cover was worn and the binding was loose, and Ginny couldn't remember how many times she had read this. Sometimes she thought she was too old to read this kind of sappy novels. She was grown up now, not the silly eleven year old girl who dreamt of a knight on a regular basis.

Ginny sighed, and pondering her brother's question for a while, shrugged indifferently in the end. "I don't know Ron. I don't think they will let us in. Mum will go nuts."

They were currently in the room Ginny and Hermione shared at the Burrow, the Weasley home. It had been acting as the headquarters of the Order of the Phoenix ever since Voldemort was resurrected in Ginny's fourth year.

After a few minutes of silence, Ron spoke up again. "I don't know what mum's problem is. Why can't we join the Order? Hermione and me are of age now. And it's not like we haven't fought death eaters before. You have even fought V-Voldemort, for Merlin's sake!"

Ginny closed her book and regarded her brother curiously who was shaking his head in frustration. She knew Ron was right. And the indignation he just expressed had been boiling in her for a long time. She may not have been of age but she perhaps had far greater experience in fighting the evil than most adults out there. She was the Girl-Who-Lived, and the title came with many undesirable experiences.

The story of the Girl-Who-Lived was famous in Britain and the continental Europe; about how a two months old girl did the impossible and survived the killing curse by reflecting it back to the castor of spell, vanquishing him. The fact the person she unknowingly defeated was Lord Voldemort, the most fearsome evil wizard of their time was something the people could never forget. Thus an infant who hadn't even started to speak became an instantaneous heroine in the magical Britain. The lightning bolt shape scar on her forehead, the reminder of an impossible feat, became the symbol of victory. However, there was a thing all but a few never bothered to remember; that the fame didn't come without a price.

Those who intimately knew the Weasleys were aware of that the real hero was not Ginny. It was Cedrella Weasley, the mother of Arthur Weasley, when she sacrificed herself by jumping in front of Voldemort's first killing curse that Halloween night, providing her granddaughter with a rare and very powerful blood protection.

Ginny was bestowed upon the title the girl-who-lived by the wizarding world. She became the most famous celebrity surpassing the quidditch players, musicians and models. The Weasley family was showered by money and other things but they never accepted anything at all. They could have gone from rags to riches in minutes but the love and care in their family was enough for them.

"It's not just your mum, Ronald. What about your brothers? You know you are the only brother that supports Ginny in this subject. Others want Ginny as far away from all of this as possible." came the opinion of Hermione.

"I wish that too, Mione. But I know the prophecy and what it implies. No matter what, Ginny is going to be in the center of this and in danger. And I will make sure that I will be there for her."

Ginny felt her eyes stinging with tears at the passionate proclamation of her brother. There was a time when Ron could be an arrogant and insensitive prat. But he had surpassed that phase, had grown up a lot, surprising everybody.

Before anyone could say anything else, Molly Weasley's yell came from the downstairs.

"Ginny, Ron, Hermione, please come here!"

The three teens glanced at each other before making their way downstairs.

The 'golden trio', as they were called affectionately by their friends, adoringly by their fans and mockingly by their enemies, walked into the kitchen where the Order members had gathered around a large table.

The small conversations that had been going on came to halt at the entry of Ginny, Ron and Hermione.

"Ah, Ginny, Ron, Hermione, welcome. Please be seated." Dumbledore told them with a smile.

Ginny surveyed the room as she took a seat around the table, Ron and Hermione taking seats at either side of her. Dumbledore was at his customary place, the head of the table. The reassuring smile on his face calmed Ginny. On the headmaster's left, sat Alastor Moody, Professor Snape, Professor McGonagall, Dedalus Diggle, Emmeline Vance, Professor Filtwik, Hestia Jones and Nymphadora Tonks. Her whole family and Kingsley Shacklebolt had taken the side she was sitting. The only inner circle member who was absent was Hagrid. She frowned at the three empty chairs placed at the other end of the table, wondering whom those chairs were for. She nudged Hermione and pointed at those chairs. The brunette frowned and merely shrugged.

Dumbledore cleared his throat to get attention and everyone looked at their leader. With a gentle smile, he addressed the teens all of whom wore a puzzled expression on their faces.

"Ginny, Ron, Hermione. This is an important meeting. After so many discussions and arguments, we have decided to induct the three of you into the Order of the Phoenix." Dumbledore paused for a moment and gazed at them above his glasses. Hermione gave a startled gasp while Ron muttered something like 'about time'. Ginny slowly turned to each member of her family, gauging their reactions. Her father wore a supporting smile though there was a shadow of anxiety in his eyes. Her mother, as expected, was full of worry and was wringing her hands together. Her eldest brother's face was surprisingly impassive. Ginny had expected him to be the first one of her brothers to argue against this decision. However, when Ginny caught his eyes, he gave her a nod and a smile. Beside him, Fleur, the latest addition to the family, wore a radiant smile that warmed Ginny's heart. Charlie and Percy wore identical frowns. She thought they were barely restraining themselves from jumping and roaring their disapproval. The twins wore supporting smiles, with mischief lurking behind it. Her youngest brother was grinning like mad now, as if it was the best thing that happened to him.

The other members of the Order wore various expressions, both approving and disapproving. Ginny didn't have to look at Snape's face to see the expression on his visage. She could almost imagine the hatred and disapproval that burned in his black eyes.

"I know this is a surprise for you but please don't take it lightly. Don't expect to participate in any field activities either."

Dumbledore's words caught her attention. A sudden protest leapt to Ginny's lips but she restrained it. He was right after all. She had witnessed firsthand the duel between Voldemort and her headmaster. The spells they used, the power they exhibited, she could only dream of attaining that level anytime in the future. She needed to work hard and complete her education first.


"No Mr. Weasley, you are still students. Your first priority now is your education. You are in no level to participate in the field activities now. But you will be, at the end of the year." Dumbledore's face had assumed a rare sternness when he said this and Ron fell silent instantly.

"You can recruit like-minded students," Dumbledore continued, "just like you did it a couple of years back." his eyes twinkled when he said the last bit. Ginny had no difficulty in recognising his reference to Umbridge"s notorious reign and the formation of the famous Dumbledore's Army.

"Well, now we have another matter to attend to. As I had been saying earlier, I have invited three people to this meeting. I hope we can persuade them to join the Order as it will be a great strength for us and the resistance against Voldemort." Many people in the room flinched at the mention of the dark lord.

Ginny exchanged glances with Hermione and Ron. The Order had recruited many members lately but none of them was in the inner circle. Considering Dumbledore's words, he was planning to induct the new members into the inner circle straightaway. Many of the other members' faces also wore confused expressions though everyone had seemed to expect something of sorts regarding the presence of the three empty chairs.

Ginny turned back her attention to her headmaster as he continued speaking. "Some of you are familiar with our guests. Two of them had been supportive of the Order during the last war though not directly involved. They went to live in America after a great tragedy struck them. They have now returned and-"

Dumbledore's words were cut off by a sudden knock on the door. Everyone had their wands drawn in seconds and were looking apprehensive.

"Ah, I think our guests for tonight have arrived. I gave them the apparition points at the ministry. But we never can be too confident." Dumbledore stood, his wrinkled fingers curled around his wand, and moved towards the door. Ginny watched as her father followed him and everyone prepared themselves expecting the worst.

"Who is it?" Dumbledore asked, his voice tearing the sudden silence that enveloped them.

"It is us. Sirius Black and Remus Lupin." A male voice replayed.

"Then Sirius, what were your final words to me when we met last time?"

There was moment of pause before the replay came and Ginny didn't miss the hard edge that voice carried. "I will hunt him down."

Ginny didn't know whom the man was referring to but it was evident that the subject of the statement had done something unforgivable to him.

"You can ask the question now."

"What is your favourite product of the Weasley's Wizarding Wheezes?" It was another voice that asked the question now.

"Why, the canary creams of course." Ginny blinked at her headmaster's reply before looking at the twins. They were sporting identical grins and gave the headmaster a thumbs up when he winked at them. She shook her head. All of them were eccentric.

Everyone relaxed somewhat and Dumbledore opened the door with a casual flick of his wand. In the pale moonlight, two silhouettes were visible and Ginny involuntarily tightened the grip on her wand.

Their visitors moved forward, making their forms completely visible. The men appeared to be in their late thirties. One had sandy brown hair streaked with grey and a kind face. He appeared a little haggard and worn out as if he had gone through something tiresome lately. He wore a gentle smile on his face. The other man was handsome, with long shiny black hair and a mischievous glint in his striking grey eyes. There was an aristocratic air in his posture which made Ginny classify him as a wealthy pureblood. Both the men were clad in shirts and jeans, with grey trench coats over them.

Dumbledore moved forward and greeted both men, shaking their hands. "Sirius, Remus, it's good to see you both. Welcome."

"We met the other day, professor," said the black haired man, rolling his eyes. "And I know you could have identified us without those questions."

"Ah yes, yes. But where is the fun in that? Please come in."

The men entered and took seats at the table. The rest of the Order had relaxed now and returned to their seats as well. Ginny watched as the black haired man and Tonks cheerfully waved at each other. She frowned but before she could ponder on the subject though, Dumbledore spoke up.

"My friends, some of you may have acquainted with these two gentlemen. I am very glad to welcome Sirius Black and Remus Lupin to this meeting."

The two men nodded to everyone smiling. The black haired man caught Ginny's eyes and his eyes travelled to her forehead before he winked at her. Ginny blinked at this unusual reaction from someone who identified her.

The man turned to Dumbledore when he was asked a question. "Sirius, Where is Harry? Is he not coming?"

Black and his companion, Lupin, exchanged uneasy glances. "Er.. He will be here shortly, Professor. He just had um.. an unexpected visitor."

"Very well, then. Let's get to the matter then." Dumbledore started, "As I said the last time we met, the war is getting more and more gruesome. I would daresay our resistance is losing its strength," He stopped and Ginny felt that he seemed much older now.

"Too many innocents are getting murdered everyday. We need some strong hands with us. Now I am asking you to reconsider the question I asked nineteen years ago. About joining the Order."

There was a tense moment while everyone waited for the answer. The two men appeared to be holding some silent conversation with their eyes before they turned to Dumbledore.

"We will join," the brown haired man, Lupin, said. Dumbledore emitted sigh of relief.

Ginny was still unsure of this men. Why were they so much important to Dumbledore? Where they have been so far?

"What about Harry?" Dumbledore asked again.

"Well, he will join too, I suppose," said Black. "We knew something like this would come up when you invited us. Harry told us to say yes if we were asked to join the order. So..."

Again a knock interrupted the meeting and everyone turned towards the door.