A.N. hey this is Dove. Thank you to the THREE people that commented. So that is pinkiepie0706 thank you,you get what you wanted! PineconeFace13 not this chapter but maybe I'll do it for another chapter later on.

And Puckerbina Percabeth Ruled you my friend are amazing! You truly my best reader! Your complements are so nice you almost made me cry. You are the best reviewer I have! SO THANK YOU!

Please please review! If you do your chapter you wanted might be next! So REVIEW! Or maybe a sneak peak might be included.

And my stories don't seem to have couple fluff because my story is more of the make-you-laugh-you-butt-off kind. Though they probably aren't that funny and suck.

And I severely am sorry (ignore the bad grammar. I can't spell the word you use when your saying sorry so that's why) for the irregular updates and the long period of time between each update. I just HATE the "quotation" marks. And I usually only get 100-500 words per day I actually type and my chapters in this story have to have more than 1000 words just my policy.

And I'm probably not going to update until the beginning of August from now because I am gong on vacation. But I will update.

Sorry for the long author note.


Character legend:Paul's side.

Kira,(14) Kai (15) and Kyle (16) children of Paul's sister

Sarah- Paul's sister (no age use your imagination)

Nick-husband of Sarah (cue imagination for age)

Nolan- Paul's younger brother (25)

Paul's family finds out!


Thalia, Nico and I were hanging out in my living room. By that I mean arguing about who the best god is we decided to keep our dads out of this one because my dad would of won by a long shot.

"It's Apollo!"I said.

"No it's not,Hermes is!" Nico argued back.

"Shut it both of you! Artemis is! Thalia yelled.

"Your forgetting that Artemis is only nice around girls!" Nico retorted, "she only acts all cozy and nice with you guys!"

Cozy. It reminded me of Hestia. The kindest one of them all.

"Guys I just realized that we're all wrong. Hestia is the best!"

Without a single trace of reluctance {don't be surprised I know a long three sizable word.}, the both nodded.

"Guys the cookies are ready!" Mom yelled.

"Are the blue mom?" Thalia asked.

You see Thalia and Nico both started calling Sally mom after a slip of the tongue when the were being scolded for attacking each other and mom was overjoyed. Literally she took us out for Chinese that day. But it didn't turn out so well because I saw a fish get its head cut off. It's last word were Oh son of my god I thank you for gracing me with your presence. Would you be so kind to h–. Then you know what happened. Not to mention that Nico somehow saw the ghost of the fish, and they had a high power taser killing the other fish and it looked too much like lightning for Thalia comfort.

"Yes Thalia."

"Race you there!" I said taking off.

When I reached the kitchen Nico was sitting there eating a cookie.

"No fair! You cheated!" Thalia said coming up behind me.

"You never said I couldn't use shadow travel" he replied not looking the least bit tired. You see Nico could shadow up to three people across the world and only one drop of sweat would be the result. He grew stronger with his powers. No joke he kicked Thalia's butt more than once.

Thalia just rolled her eyes response.

"Mom do you have milk?" Nico asked?

"Half a glass as usual?" Mom asked replying.


"You do know that Paul's family is coming to visit right?" Mom said putting the glass in front of Nico, "I told you last week and yesterday."


Mom sighed fondly," I should of known that you didn't hear a word I said when you were ranting about Thalia and Nico visiting."

"Wow Kelp-Head, I always knew you loved us but not that much!" Thalia said.

"I was ranting about the trouble you were going to cause! Not out of excitement!" I replied.

"You wish. Your true colours {A.N I am from Canada so if I spell some words weird that's the reason} are coming out." Nico added.

I just huffed and went back to eating my 14th cookie. Out of nowhere the doorbell rang.

"I wonder who that is. Paul shouldn't be here by now." Mom mused.

The sound of the door opening and footsteps belonging to two people came closer.

"All the ladies luv Leo!" I high pitched voice said causing Nico to choke on his milk.

"Hazel?" Thalia asked incredulously.

"Weren't you dating Frank?" I asked.

"Ya but I lost a bet to Leo. I thought that if he stole one of the Stolls pranking tools he would practically die, instead he got covered on glue."

"The fire is always right."

"Boys and their ego." You guessed right, Thalia said.

"Let's go to my room." I said not wanting to get into the boys suck argument again for the twenty first time.

In my room we started a conversation about camp. " Leo how are the designs for the Hestia cabin like?" I asked. After all I am her champion.

"Great actually. We just need to paint the outside and stick the statue of her in it."

"Great! Hestia finally gets the respect she deserves!" Nico said.

"For once I agree with Zombie-Brains." Thalia added.

Thankfully before a fight could break out mom, being the life saver that she is called us to the living room. That triggered a fight between Nico, Thalia and I...again.

"Move it Aqua-Dude!"

"Make me Death Breath!"

"Ya move it Kelp-Head and you to Corpse face!"

"Never Lightning-Rod a.k.a Pincecone-Face. But ya move it Shadow-Face!"

That last comment made Thalia snicker which made Nico scowl. "Shut it Sparky."

That made Thalia scowl.

With Leo and Hazel

"I know that they're awesome, not as awesome as me mind you but their worse than the Aphrodite cabin against the Ares cabin!" Leo said

"Their practically joined at the hip like siblings and they fight like siblings too!" Hazel said "that might go either way."

Back to the L-big three big three fight (T, P and N) Percy POV

By now I thankfully I had come up with a great idea. (Don't judge I can be smart!) I grabbed Nico's arm and shoved him out the hallway into the open and held a finger up to my lips making everyone go quiet.

"Nico."I heard Mom say.

"Mom." Nico replied in the sullen emo way he always acts like.

"I thought Sally only had one kid that was 16( A.N just pretend that he's 16)"I heard a feminine voice say.

"She does" Nico said all emo-y (I made a new word today! Take that Annabeth!)" I just call her mom because she's like one to me."

This caused Thalia to let about the laughter that she was holding in for the last couple of minutes. "Nice one Kelp-For-Brains"

"I'm not done"I said smirking.

A look of horror passed over her face. "Kelp-"

Her sentence got cut of by me throwing her over my shoulder and coming out into the open.

"You moron! Put me down before I fry you!" She whisper yelled so that no one else heard.

"The lighting doesn't hurt as much remember? Does the second bath in the river Styx ring a bell?" I said also whispering.

Ya I took a second bath. More like a monster tried killing me during the battle with Gaia by throwing me into the river but I came out with impenetrable (another long word) skin . But this time I had more than one anchor and they were Annabeth, Nico, Thalia, mom, and dad. After dad found out I almost died by taking a second dip you should have seen him he went into protective daddy mode! And it was in front of the council. Then when he found out that I was one of my anchors lets just say he threw the best underwater party anyone has seen. When mom found out what happens she almost killed me than stated hugging me after she found out that she too was one of my anchors. Annabeth was happy enough to give me a kiss! Though when Nico and Thalia found out...well... World War III almost happened. They wrecked part of the forest looking for me when they found out about the dip. Literally campers were finding bones during capture the flag for a month and they still are! And there are nice burn marks too! Thankfully the stopped when I told them the news about my anchor. Though they did give me the most painful hug I have ever experienced in my entire life. That's saying something because I've been hugged by a god and a cyclops and I have the Achilles curse. My mortal spot it behind my left ear.

"Styx I forgot. Curse you Kelp-Head"

"Percy put your cousin down." Mom said.

"K" I said then dropped Thalia on the ground and she landed with a thump.

"Nice one Perce" Nico said fist bumping with me.

"Percy!" Hazel exclaimed helping Thalia up.

"Ignore her. That was awesome!" Leo said giving me a high five.

"Put a lid on it Repair-Boy" Thalia scowled.

"Only Piper can call me that!" (A.N. do you think it should change to Leo/Piper? I'm torn. Comment to tell me your opinion.)

"Anyway..." Mom said trying to get back on topic. "Nico and Thalia are not my genetic kids in more of their aunt but I treat them like my kids."

"That makes more sense." A blonde woman said who was sitting beside a man.

"I think introductions are in order." The man said, "My name is Nick. I'm a historian on Ancient Greek"

I hid a smile

"I'm Sarah" The blonde said, "Paul's sister and I'm a vet"

"I'm Nolan." Said the pale haired but not blonde man that looked to be around his mid-twenties. "Paul's younger brother. And I'm in medical school"

"The names Kai I'm 15 and the best." The blonde haired boy with pale hazel eyes said.

"Ignore my brother. My names Kyle age 16 and I'm the best." The teen beside him said he had blonde hair and blue eyes (still not cool as Thalia's don't tell her I said that or I'll attack you with riptide.)

"Idiots." The girl said. "My brothers are complete retards so ignore them. My names Kira." She had dirty blonde hair with more brown than blonde and had brown eyes.

"My name is Leo. And I am available." Leo said winking at Kira causing her to blush and her brothers to narrow their eyes. Looks like she has overprotective brothers.

"Shut up Leo. I'm Hazel."

"My name is Thalia."

"Pincecone-Face" I coughed.

She just ignored me after shooting me a glare.

"The names Nico."

"Death-Breath." Thalia said fake coughing like me.

He just gave her a look that said I'll get you later.

"And I am Percy the awesome." I said posing like superman.

"More like Percy the fish." Nico snickered.

"No Nico he not a fish." Thalia said.

"Thank yo-"

"He's Percy the Kelp-Head"

"What wonderful cousins I have."I said sarcastically

"Thanks Aqua-Dude." Nico said hugging me with Thalia joining in.

"So you guys are related?" Kira asked.

"Ya. On our dads side."Nico said.

"Poseidon is Percy's, Zeus is mine and Hades is Nico's" Thalia said.

"Aren't those Greek gods?" Nolan asked.

"They were Greek and our grandparents were very into culture." I explained covering up. Wait a second that means Kronos is my grandfather. Gross! I could tell that my cousins were thinking of the same thing because of their expressions. They hid them well but only I could pick them up.

"I heard that you have ADHD and Dyslexia." Nick said.

"Actually all of us do." I said pointing to everyone else.

"All of you?"

"Ya we meet Leo at the camp for ADHD's and Dyslexics and Hazel at another camp. And I guess between Nico, Thalia and I...it's probably a genetic thing."

"So how old are you guys?" Kai asked.

"Hazels 13 and Nico's 13 they're half siblings don't ask how they're the same age. Leo's 15, Percy's 16 and I'm 15 " Thalia said.


"And Percy your cousins are moving here in the summer. They came early to check everything out so that means... You might have to spill about you dad." Paul said whispering the last part so only the demigods and mom could hear.

"Are you sure.?" Hazel asked.

"Maybe we should wait until everything is settled." Thalia's said.

"What's the fun in waiting?" Leo said loudly interrupting the whispering.

"Please shut up Leo. I'll tell Piper." Thalia threatened.

"Shutting up."

"If you not mind asking why do you three have a grey steak in your hair?" Sarah asked punting to me and my cousins.

I internally twitched. When closing the Doors of Death the three of us went into Tartarus and closed it. Annabeth was too weak to stay. So even when our dads said no, we went in. Annabeth and I were only in Tartarus for a week but with the three of us it was three weeks. My streak just got easier to notice. Thalia and Nico got the exact same ones as me. Since Tartarus as more dangerous the steaks are a lot easier to notice than holding up the sky, so their steaks were as noticeable as mine. The gods spent all of their energy getting us out. They were passed out for a week.

"A genetic thing." Nico said.

I looked at Leo and Hazel they both had the faraway look in their eyes. They were probably remembering when we went in and everyone thought we had died. Apparently Camp Half Blood spent a week remembering us with camp Jupiter. But the people that personally knew us, (Stoll's Katie, Will, Annabeth, Clarisse,Chris, Malcolm, Piper, Jason, Leo, Rachel, Juniper, Groverand Chiron) wouldn't come out of their cabins or tree that often and when they did they would see something that reminded them of us and would leave.

"I'm guessing on you Dads side right?" Kyle said.


"I don't want to be nosy but how are the relationships with your dads going?"

"Great actually. We get to see them often." Thalia said, "But that means seeing the flirt if my half brother." (She mumbled the last part causing us to snicker.)

But truth be told ever since the Tartarus incident our dads have been visiting the camp every week to make sure we're okay. Last time it was during dinner. It was so embarrassing. They made such a fuss. That time Apollo and Hemes joined along. And since we are their favourite cousins and half blood sister as they say they decided to make a fuss too. While I was remembering the embarrassing moment I hear a voice in my head.

Hey boss!


The one and only.

What do you want and no donuts.

Fine. And there's traces of monsters in Central Park.

So does that mean we have to go?


Are the Pegasi ready?

Ya about that...


It's only me.


What? Nico can use shadow travel and Hazel and Leo can use that motormouth Arion.

Fine. Meet me in the ally.

Already there.

I went over too Nico.

"What do you want cousin? You looked like you were talking to Blackjack." He said.

"Yes now go to my room and use my cell phone and fake call me home phone." I said


"Just do it."

"I'll be right back." Nico announced and headed toward my room.

A couple of seconds later the phone rang.

"I got it mom. Probably camp." I hollered running toward the phone.

Reaching the phone I picked up and told Nico to comeback. I carried not the conversation for a few minutes and came back. Everyone else was talking.

"Hey Percy I have to go. I forgot that Reyna needs me." Hazel said.

"Can you give Leo a ride to Central Park first? Blackjack says that some monsters are there." I whispered.

She nodded in response.

"Mom I have to go. Camp needs us to do a job at Central Park." I said hinting what we had to do.

"All of you?" She asked.

"Well all of us but Hazel she has to get back to camp."

"How long do you think it'll take?"

"I don't think it will take that long. So what about you pack a picnic and leave here in like ten minutes so we can enjoy ourselves there?" I suggested.

"Great idea. Be careful."

With those words we left. Turning the corner we headed into the ally.

Hey boss man.

"Blackjack!" I groaned "stop calling me boss. Why did you have to change it to boss man?"

Cause I'm cool like that, but I'll stick to boss it's cooler.

"Um Percy, what are you doing?" Leo asked.

"He called me boss man."

"High hoof Blackjack!" Thalia said. Ya you heard me Blackjack can high hoof people life we high five each other.

"Hazel can Arion come?" I asked.

"He's on his way," she replied "he's apparently and I quote neigh Snort neigh neigh huff what does that mean?"

"He says that he's pickin up some gals and will be here" I replied. That horse has some weird thoughts.

"All males are the same. Even horses!" Thalia huffed.

A angry whinny shut her up.

"Arion says that you should shut up you female dog." I translated.

"Female dog?"

"The alternative to what he said"


"So I'm riding with Hazel, Nico is shadow traveling and Thalia and you are taking this awesome Pegasus?"

Cue a snicker from Blackjack.

"Yup and Blackjack says that you awesome too."

"Let's go before Leo and Blackjack starting serenading each other" Nico said cutting of Leo's reply and shadow traveling into a wall

Hazel and Leo climbed onto Arion's back and left. I climbed onto Blackjack and held out my hand for Thalia, who just looked at it.

"Percy...you know about my fear...I…I don't think I can do it," she stuttered

"I'm with you I'm not letting my sister getting turned into a pancake."

Gulping she took a shaky breath and took my hand to climb on.

"I trust you. If I die I'm coming back and haunting you." She threatened.

I laughed and took off.

"You idiot! Not so fast." She screamed.

"It's not me. Blackjack wants to beat Arion there!" I said

She just hugged me tighter in response. I'm so glad I have the Achilles Curse.

Landing we saw Nico waiting with his arms crossed. "What took you so long?" He asked. Taking a look at Thalia clinging onto me he said "never mind." He knows about Thalia's fear too after he heard Thalia screeching at me about it.

"You can get off" I said to Thalia.

"Thank the gods," she said "Blackjack nearly killed me. Said horse snickered angrily. "He says and I'm quoting what he said you just can't handle the awesomeness that is me. Only boss can."

She just glared in response. "Why do all the animals that are related to you have such big egos?" She asked.

"...don't remind me about my relatives."

"I'm here!" Leo said.

"What took you so long?" Nico asked.

"Hazel had to go and Arion was lazy so he dropped me off a little ways from here." He replied.

Yo boss! Evil tree nymphs ahead.

There were still some nymphs they went rouge after Gaia was defeated that were causing trouble.

"Guys! Weapons out I said pulling uncapping riptide. Thalia got her spear out, Nico got his creepy sword out, and Nico got his flaming long daggers.

"Demigod." A nymph snarled coming out of the tree flowed by nine more nymphs.

"Take two each. Blackjack you too." Thalia yelled charging two of the nymphs.

Shrugging I charged too.

"Perseus Jackson." One creepy one growled lunging at me with her talons.

"Shut up. I'm trying to kill you" I hissed slashing the nymphs arm causing her to howl in pain.

"For that you will pay." I heard a voice behind me hiss before claws raked my back before shattering.

Stabbing the one on front of me through the stomach I turned around and cut the head of the other one off. Looking around I saw everyone fighting two nymphs. Nico stabbed one through the back and it disintegrated. Looking at Leo I saw him fighting only one. Thinking he killed the other one I looked at Thalia to see her finishing of her second one. A neigh of pain echoed in my ears. I whipped around to see Blackjack trying to buck of the one ridding on his back. The nymph has its claws sunken deeply into his neck. Red coloured vision. Barely noticing the ground trembling underneath me I raced toward by Pegasus with riptide in my hands. Letting out a yell I suck riptide I to its neck making it disintegrate. "No one and I mean NO ONE hurts my Pegasus." I snarled.


While resting on his throne Poseidon sensed an earthquake happening somewhere not a major one probably a 1.5 on the Poseidon scale only enough to throw people off their balance. It surprised him because he was not the reason of the earthquake. The mist will probably make it seem like a bunch of people triped.

With a snap of his fingers a misty image appeared playing the scene. There was a black Pegasus with a nymph sinking its claws into its neck. Poseidon knows who this Pegasus belongs to. And since it was his son Percy's Pegasus it ticked him off a little. Suddenly the earth started shaking as Percy came into view he plunged his sword into the nymph and it disintegrated. He smiled fondly ad the image disappeared. Percy my son, you never seize do you? Every time I see you you make me proud. You are a true son of the sea god. He thought.


Blackjack came up to me and out his head beside mine. Thanks boss. But be careful I still sense monster it might be what the freaky tree people left of another monster.

I smiled as i nodded and went to look at everyone else. Leo was okay and had a single cut on his forearm, Nico had a small scratch on his face above his eye that was bleeding and Thalia had a cut on her shoulder. Reaching into the backpack that was strapped to Blackjack I pulled put a canteen of nectar and threw it to Leo. Nico came up to me and took the ambrosia.

Concentrating on the water particles around me I created a blob of water. Moving over Blackjack's wound I let it dink in. Mumbling a few words in Ancient Greek I made the water heal his wounds. Cool boss! New trick huh?

"You might want to put away your weapons." I said to everyone as Blackjack flew off, "they should be here soon.

A few minutes later I heard moms voice call out my name.

"Over here." Nico yelled.

"Thank the gods that you're alright." She whisper yelled, "How many of them were there?"

"Ten annoying rouge nymphs." Leo replied

"Any injuries?"

"Nothing dangerous." I replied.

"So how many jobsdid you complete?" Nolan asked.

"All ten." Nico replied.

I inched over to mom and Paul. "What is it?" They asked.

"Keep a close watch out Blackjack said that there's a chance that there is still a monster around." I said.

No sooner had I said those words I heard Thalia's voice yell "HYDRA"

"Styx" I heard Leo curse.

"Keep them out of this." I said pointing to Paul's family.

They nodded and hurried away.

"Guys so this is the plan; Nico Thalia and I will work on the heads and Leo you cauterize it." I explained.

I charged the hydra with my cousins at my side. Dodging the first head of the hydra I jumped on the body.

"Sally! Paul! What are those kids doing? It's a monster that looks like the freaking hydra! Everyone one of us can see it!" I head Nick say.

"Styx!" I heard Thalia say, "All of them can see through the mist?"

"Then hurry up!" I heard Leo yell.

"Listen to him" I ordered chopping one of the heads off and dodging a column of flame.

Beside me Thalia cut a head off and so did Nico. Jumping of the hydra I cut of the last head. Landing I watched it disintegrate.

Walking over to Thalia I saw that the Hydra got her good, there was a burn mark from the acid the hydra shot and sweat beaded on her for head. (A.N can they do that? Meh just go with it) nearby Nico had a nasty bite on his leg.

"Mom! Do you have any ambrosia and nectar?"

She hurried over to me and handed me nectar and threw the ambrosia to Nico. Bending down I tricked a little bit of the godly drink onto Thalia's wound. "Thanks Kelp-Head" she said.

"What's wrong with you?" I yelled,


"You almost got yourself killed! That's my job! You may be immortal but you still can get killed on battle! You are my freaking sister! What do you think I would do if I lost you?" I continued.

"Shut up Percy." She said getting up and hugging me. "I'm not dying that soon especially since my brothers job is to almost get himself killed."

"I thought hunters cant hug males?" I teased.

"You're my cuz. It's allowed."

"Nico get your butt over here!" I called. He got up up and joined the hug.

"My rant goes for you too." I said.

He huffed. "Leo join the club bro!" He called.

"You sure?" He asked commuting up to us.

Our response was to grab his hands and drag him into the hug.

"Take that as a yes."

The sound of arguing brought us out of rainbow-land.

"Paul tell me what that was about! That thing was a hydra!" I head Paul's brother say.

"It was." Mom said.


"Percy tell them." She said ignoring Nolan's statement.

Taking a deep breath I started. "Have you ever heard of the Greek gods?"

"Yes" Kyle said.

"They're real." Nico said,

"That's impossible!" Nick said.

"Anyway we're their children,"

"Prove it" Sarah said

"Okay. Leo then Thalia then me then Percy." Nico said.

"I'm a son of Hephaestus. Fire-user, defeater of Gaia, captain of the Argo II and hero of Olympus the giant war. Oh and defeater of Mimas(opposed to Hephaestus) " Leo said lighting is hands of fire.

"I'm a son of Hades. King of ghosts, ambassador of Pluto, retriever of the sword of Hades, wander of the labyrinth, survivor of Tartarus twice, warrior in the second Titan war, and the giant war and defeater of Alcyoneus.(Hades)" Nico said creating a ring of Hellfire around him.

"I'm the daughter of Zeus, lieutenant of the hunters Artemis, retriever of the sword of Hades, survivor of Tartarus, warrior in the second Titan war and the giant war and defeater of Gration (supposed to oppose Artemis).

"And finally I am the son of Poseidon, defeater of medusa, the furries, Ares and a whole boat load of monsters with anger management issues. Sailor of the sea of monsters, holder of the sky, wander of the labyrinth, child of the prophesy, campion of Hestia, defeater of Gaia and Polybotes, defeater of the Titan, Atlas (just go with it), Iapetus a.k.a Bob, Hyperion and Kronos,one of the seven, survivor of Tartarus twice, favoured child of Poseidon, rider of a black Pegasus that has a craving for donuts, retriever of Zeus lightning bolt that might as well be his teddy bear (cue dramatic thunder) and Hades sword and hero of Olympus twice that was offered god hood twice and declined twice." I said creating a trident out of water.

Looking at everyone I saw their jaws practically on the ground.

After a long explanation they were finally updated.

"So that giant storm cell that we had was actually Typhon?!" Nick half asked half stated.

I head a flap of wings and a voice in my head yo boss can I come with you? Sure.

"What is that?" Kira's asked.

"My ego filled Pegasus Blackjack." I replied.

I am not!

Yes you are! I said out loud.

This turned onto a argument.

"Ignore him." Thalia said.

"He can talk to cant sea creatures and a anything horses or anything remotely related to horses." Leo said.

I just came to tell you old beefy dude is back.

As soon as Blackjack said those words the said beef dude appeared.

"Really? You again?" I said as I charged him.

There you go guys. A long chapter to aka up for not updating so soon. Remember to review. If u don't get reviews I don't get updates, go vote on the poll. REVIEW! Or no update.

-Dove is out