It's been a year since Dante and Nero defeated Sanctus. The city of Fortuna had, over all, recovered but much was still under construction. The defeat of the Savior had scared the living daylights out of most of the lesser demons. Some devils attempted passage, but were quickly put down by the remaining members of the Order of the Sword. Leaving a certain devil hunter VERY bored.

Dante bared his teeth, fangs elongating. He looked angrily around his shop. It was clean. He couldn't believe that he was so bored, he actually took the initiative to tidy up his shop. Hell, he even brushed the fur of the pelt behind his desk!

With a growl he roughly removed his red, western style trench coat and undid the three buckles across his chest. He tossed them onto the laz-y-boy next to the drum set and then flopped onto the couch. He picked up his Xbox controller and propped his feet up on the newly polished table. He turned on the Xbox and removed his undershirt, which was dusty from the cleaning.

"Hmmm..." He hummed as he scanned through the multiple games he had downloaded. "Modern Warfare 2, World at War, Black Ops, Marvel vs. Capcom 3... World at War it is then." He started up the game an waited to click on the zombies mode. He found out the hard way about the current multiplayer for that game. "Damn hackers... Flying around like freakin' Edward Cullen. Damn pansies..." He soon became engrossed in the Der Riese map, hell bent on beating his previous score. He didn't even notice his half brother enter the shop.

Nero felt seriously put out. Not even a year, and the love of his life was already bored of him. Kyrie had decided that his lifestyle was too hectic for a family, so she told him that she just wasn't ready. According to his friend, Trish, Kyrie was just a little confused at the moment. The youngest Sparda Cambion bit the inside of his mouth as another wave of sadness hit him like a brick wall. He shakily ruffled his white hair and entered his half brother's shop. It was a month after the epic battle when Sparda reappeared. He had confronted Dante and Nero, with Vergil at his side. Nero had to use Devil Bringer to stop Dante from strangling the Dark Knight, who childishly hid behind the elder twin for safety. A sad smile broke the impassive mask Nero put on as the memory came back. But, like all eighteen year old boys, heartbreak might as well have been terminal cancer. It fucked everything up. An involuntary sob broke out from his throat and he hastily covered his mouth in shock and embarrassment.

Dante jumped slightly as he heard a small hiccup from behind him. Quickly hitting pause, he jumped up instinctively and held the controller out like a pistol before looking at it in confusion. He glanced up to see his younger half brother's tear stained face being covered up shamefully. Checking to make sure the game was paused Dante strode over to him, concerned.

"Hey, kid. You okay?" Dante asked, trying to sound nonchalant. God forbid he act like those morons on Patty's soap truth was, though, he had never seen Nero so sad. Angry, yes. But not sad. "Okay. Who died?"

Nero glanced up at him, blue eyes rimmed with red from sadness.

"My relationship with Kyrie." Dante had to give a slight chuckle before turning to the game.

"Don't worry kid. She'll come running back. I bet she-" Dante fell into the couch as Nero clocked him in the head. The poor kid looked murderous as he lifted Dante up by his collar and flung him through the window and into the street. Glass embedded itself in Dante's bare torso. The Cambion just laid there on the ground in shock, not really sure what just happened.

Nero was about to go, as Dante once put, emo when a large, brown Eagle owl swooped in and perched on his shoulder. Nero started, but froze in place as the bird cooed slightly and rubbed it's soft face against his. It almost seemed to be comforting him. He reached up with his Devil arm and stroked its head. He smiled and spotted a letter on its leg. The owl flew off and landed near Dante's beer. Nero watched, amused as it began to take tentative sips before shaking its head in disgust. It flew back to him and watched as he opened the oddly addressed letter.

"What the hell... Dante! Get your insenstive ass in here!"

This was just to jump start the fic. I honestly hate doing this to Nero, but it's for the sake of later chapters. I also understand they seem very OOC, but I'm trying to not make Dante a completely asshole who cusses every five seconds. He didn't do that in any of the games, or the anime. The first few chapters may be a little weird, but then again, having four Hellions go to school would be a bit strange. Please review nicely, but if you must, go ahead and throw what ever literal blast furnace you have at me, I need something to roast marshmallows with.