
Artemis finds out she's pregnant.

59… 60…


Nonononono. No.

Eyes wide and flitting from side-to-side frantically, Artemis tried to look anywhere but the plastic in her hands.

She was trembling; and if she was him right now, she would have already burst the water pipes in the bathroom and be sporting a glorious nose bleed.

78… 79…

Den, his- her- their dog was lying next to her, head on paws and tail wagging slowly, watching the door with eyes that shone like polished coal.

He was always watching, waiting for his master's inevitable- improbable return.

She wished she could have as much optimism as he.

112… 113…

Her phone beside her flashed and vibrated off the counter, causing Den to bark at the sudden interruption.

Picking it off the side, she flipped it up and read the text.

'Hey Artemis, just checking you're holding up okay? -Barry'

'I've been better.' She ruthlessly text back. No point in denying the truth to him.

'We all have.' Was the prompt reply she received, followed swiftly by a: 'Sorry, that was Bart. He likes butting in where he's not welcome.'


She had to smile, she couldn't help herself.

She guessed speedsters just had that affect on her.

They were too lovable for their own damn good.

136… 137…

'It's fine, Barry. I'm fine. Thanks for checking up on me.'

'No problem, kid. Iris and I- we're always here if you ever need us, for anything. Don't forget that.'

She wouldn't. Even if they weren't blood, and even if he wasn't here, Barry and Iris Allen were family to her.

Just like Cheshire- Jade and Red Arrow- Roy and Lian and her mother were.

151… 152…

Her breathing was slow and deep. She had managed to cease the trembling of her fingers, but her core still shook with the fear of the unknown.

The toes on her unclad feet tensed and then relaxed, gripping uselessly at the tiled floor.

173… 174…

Not long to go now.

179… 180.

Taking a deep breath, with her eyes still closed she raised her hands, plastic stick included, so they were in front of her face.

With a final countdown from 3, she opened her eyes.

It was like losing him all over again.

The plastic clattered to the floor, and she followed suit shortly after.

Her sobs were wretched; pulling right the way from her gut.

The tears were endless; flowing down her cheeks and through the slits in her fingers.

She couldn't even function enough to grasp her phone correctly; more than once it escaped her hands and fell, each time another piece of it chipping off when it hit the cold, hard floor.

'I need help.'

They were there beside her in seconds, Barry with his arms around her shoulders as he held her whilst she cried and Bart, entertaining the now confused and restless Dog.

Prompted on my tumblr, and I actually liked this so I thought I'd post it on here as well!

-I haven't actually watched Endgame yet, but I know the gist of the ending. So here!-