I realize that I haven't updated in a while… Well I've been in a slump, and I've been up to my neck in schoolwork. Plus I can only update on the weekends, don't have access to the computer until then. But here it is; the last chapter. It was a short fic, but I think it turned out nicely. Had some good twists to it no? Well, hope you enjoy and don't find that it was rushed ^^

" Talking "

' Thinking '

" Flashback "

Till Death Do Us Part

By: BlueMoonEmpress

Chapter 3

Ken sighed as he walked out the door. "Things were just started to get normal again in my life… Why did this have to happen?!" Ken yelled quietly while tugging his hair.

He made it down the street until he finally gave up and took out his cell phone. "Miya? Hi, it's Ken. Yeah look can you come pick me up? I'm just down the street from… Takeru's," He gulped on the name, "Yeah… everything's fine. I know I am. Look Miya I'll tell you everything that I know when we get back to your place okay? Okay, thanks. 'Kay, bye," Ken said as he hung up.

He walked over to the curb of the street and leaned his weight against a light poll. "God Takeru… why?" He asked himself. "Why did you have to go and hurt me?!" He slammed his fist into the poll. "I've been hurt so many times before… I just never thought… never thought…" His train of thought was broken by the sound of a car horn.

"Ken! C'mon, get in!" Miyako yelled from the driver seat of her Porsche. Running over to the car Ken hopped into the passenger side. Once he was in and buckled she pulled up and started speeding down the road. "So," Miyako started over the blaring music. "What's up?"

Ken looked over at her with a depressed face and shook his head slightly, bowing it. Miyako got the message and just kept driving.

Once at her place she and Ken got out and walked up to her apartment. Inside he walked to the kitchen and flopped down onto one of the stools.

"So… What's up?" Miyako asked again, opening the fridge and pulled out two bottles of water and handed one to Ken.

Taking it, Ken unscrewed the top and took a sip. "Takeru's found someone else," He told her simply, bowing his head.

"Ken…" Miyako said slowly, placing her bottle on the counter.

"I knew this day would come… I… I just didn't see it coming so soon… I mean…" He put his head in his hands. Miyako walked over to his side of the counter and pulled him into a hug. "God Miya… why? Why did this have to happen to me…? I was getting better… I was getting better…" Ken sighed as he hung onto her.

"I don't know Ken… I just don't know…" Miyako said holding onto him, not wanting to let go.

Miyako rushed into the hospital, fearing the worst. Taking a corner she spotted Mr. and Mrs. Ichijouji.

"Is Ken okay?!" She yelled as she ran up to them. "What happened?!"

Mrs. Ichijouji looked at her sadly, "Ken, he… he tried…" She trailed off as her husband hugged her tightly.

Miyako looked at her in horror. She didn't even have to finish the sentence… She knew what he had done.

"No… no, Ken wouldn't… Not Ken…" She shook her head in denial and continued to repeat, "No…"

Just as Mr. Ichijouji was about to say something a doctor came up to them and told them that they could go in a see Ken. But as Miyako went to walk in he stopped her.

"Only family is allowed in at this time," He told her.

"But!" Miyako started.

"It's okay Doctor… She is family…" Mrs. Ichijouji said softly. "You can let her in…" The doctor stepped aside.

Miyako gave Mrs. Ichijouji a grateful look. "Thank you…" She said, embracing her.

"That's no problem dear… you are like family to us," She hugged back. They walked farther into the sterile hospital room. "Ken?" Mrs. Ichijouji asked quietly. She got no response. "Ken honey," She sat down in a chair beside his bed and took his hand. "Ken please talk to me…" She pleaded.

"Leave me alone…" His voice croaked. "Just let me alone…"

"Ken, we're not going to leave you alone. We're your family son, we can't leave you alone," Mr. Ichijouji told him.

Miyako pulled the Ichijouji's aside for a moment. "Mr. and Mrs. Ichijouji? I was wondering if maybe I could have a word with Ken alone… not for long… but I think that I may be able to get some information out of him," Miyako told them.

They nodded reluctantly, "If you think you can help Miyako. Then… have all the time you need," Mr. Ichijouji told her. Mrs. Ichijouji nodded in agreement.

"Thank you," Miyako said before turning back to Ken.

She sat down in the chair Mrs. Ichijouji just exited. "Ken?" She asked looking at him. Ken just looked away. "Ken look at me," She cupped his cheek gently and pulled him towards her. "Ken, c'mon talk to me," She pleaded softly.

"Miya… Just go away… I just want everyone to go away so I can die in peace…" Ken told her looking at her with sad eyes.

"Ken, I won't leave you. Like your mum said I can't leave you. I'm your best friend and you're mine… leaving each other is just something that we do not do! Do you hear me Ichijouji?!" She asked him, still holding his face in place.

"Miya…" Ken pleaded softly.

"Why did you do it Ken? Why?" She asked more forcibly, letting go of his face. In doing that he turned his head away from her. "Ken, please… tell me why," She begged.

Ken sighed giving up, he knew that she would never leave him alone until he told her why, and really… he just wanted to lie in the hospital bed in peace… "I couldn't take it anymore…""

"Couldn't take what? You're life is perfect Ken!"

"How could you say that?! My life is a wreck!" Ken cried.

"How can you say that Ken?! You have everything going for you! You have…" She stopped as she saw the look in his eyes. She knew. She knew then why he did this. "Oh god Ken… It's… it's because of… Oh Ken," She gently took him in her arms. "I'm so sorry that this had to happened to you…" She whispered.

"I just wanted the feeling to go away… I just wanted to be clean… it's the only way… the only way…" He whispered clinging onto her.

"It's not Ken… I know it's not and I'm going to help you through it all…"


Ken stepped into the café at seven forty five, found a table ordered an ice cap, and waited, and waited, and waited… Just as he was about to get up and leave a flustered blonde ran into the small café. As he ran over Ken sat back down.

"You're lucky. I almost left," Ken said softly sipping his drink.

"I know, sorry… I got a little… preoccupied…" Takeru told him blushing softly. Ken looked up at him slightly, noticing the blush he closed his eyes to keep the tears from falling. Takeru took a seat across from Ken, "So, Ken…" He trailed off.

"Takeru, don't. I know you've been seeing this guy behind my back, and me finding out was bound to happen. So don't worry about it…" He stopped as he tried to hold back a sob.

"Ken you don't…" Takeru tried to explain, but Ken cut him off.

"Yes, I think I do. I wasn't enough for you, so… you went looking elsewhere…" Ken trailed off sadly.

"Ken that's not true! You just have to listen to me!" Takeru begged standing up from his seat. Ken looked up at him, ready to listen. Takeru sighed and sat back down. "I haven't been cheating on you Ken… In fact I guess it's been the other way around…" Ken looked at him oddly. "I've known Daisuke for a long time… since we were kids really…"

"Then why have I never met him?" Ken asked sharply.

Takeru sighed again; "Because he's been in Japan… in the war…" Takeru sighed and looked down at his lap.

"He was… in the war?" Ken asked softly. Takeru nodded. "Oh god…"

"We were maybe seventeen when he first told me that he was bi… At that point I already knew I was gay… and I had had a crush on him for a while… but I couldn't bring myself to tell him… It wasn't until sometime in the next two months that he actually said something… and we were together until the war…" He took a deep breath, "I didn't want to leave him… I wanted to stay behind with him… but he… he wouldn't let me…"

"Why did he stay behind?" Ken asked.

"I didn't know… I still don't know… he's never told me… and he pushed me away… away to England… away to you," Takeru looked up into Ken's eyes. "I never meant to hurt you…" He took Ken's hands in his own and squeezed them.

"I know… I'm sorry…" He squeezed back. "I should go…" Ken said getting up abruptly.

"Ken wait!" Takeru said going after him. But Ken didn't wait. He kept going, leaving Takeru behind to ponder on what he might do…


Takeru continued to stand in front of the small café until he was unable to see Ken's figure any longer. Just as he was about to leave he saw a familiar shadow come up behind him. Not wanting to talk to this person he started walking forward, then broke into a sprint hoping to lose the person behind him. Unfortunately for him, the other noticed who he was and was quick and easily caught up to him.

"Takeru!" He yelled as he grabbed Takeru's shoulder and stopped him before he could get any further.

Takeru sighed and turned around, "Taichi," He said quietly.

Taichi looked at him funny, "Hey, didn't you hear me calling you?" he asked letting go of the boys shoulder.

"No… no I didn't sorry…" Takeru told him.

"Don't give me that bull! If you hadn't have heard me then you wouldn't have started to run! Now… why were you running in the first place?" Taichi asked.

Takeru sighed, "I didn't want to see anyone…"

"Why? What's wrong?"

"I don't want to talk about it…"

"You should tell me, it'll make you feel better," Taichi pressed.

"I said I didn't want to talk! So lay off Taichi!" Takeru yelled stepping away from him.

"Whoa… Takeru, calm down okay buddy? Just… calm down, I'm only trying to help."

"I don't need you're help alright?! I don't need yours or Yamato's! Or Hikari's! Or any bodies…" He trailed off.

"Takeru… is this about Daisuke coming back?" Taichi asked stepping towards him again. Takeru nodded solemnly then shook his head. "What?"

"It's him and… and Ken…" Takeru said slowly. "Ken, he… he… it's complicated…"

"Try me," Taichi told him grinning.

"Like I said Taichi… I… I don't want to talk about it…"

"Alright then you'll just have to come over and tell Yama all about it!" Taichi said as he grabbed Takeru's arm and started dragging him towards his and Yamato's apartment.



Ken continued to walk silently towards Miyako's house when he felt something on his shoulder. Stiffening he turned around quickly ready to strike his attacker, but let his fist fall when he saw who it was.

"Whoa there Ken! No need to go all hostile on me!" Koushiro laughed as he placed a friendly arm over Ken's shoulder.

"Sorry about that Kou, I've ah… had a rough day," Ken told him, trying his best to smile.

"Oh?" He shot Ken a concerned glance. "What happen?"

Ken sighed, "I—I rather not talk about it right now…" Ken said quietly.

"Well, if you're sure. But you know I'm here for you if you need an ear, heck I got two if you want 'em," Ken still couldn't figure out what made serious old Koushiro go somewhat comical. He joked around all the time these days it seemed.

Ken nodded his head, "Yeah I know."

Koushiro smiled, "Good, now can I drive you back home? It's getting dark and you shouldn't be walking at this time of night," Ken looked about, he was right, it was dark out. How long did he and Takeru talk? It hadn't seemed long enough for the sun to disappear, and if he had known that it was this dark… Ken would have found some sort of shelter by now, he's still a little uneasy about being out alone at night.

"T-that would be great Kou, I didn't really feel like walking all the way to Miyako's anyway," Ken told him.

"Miyako's? I thought you'd be going home by now. Did something happen between you and Takeru?" Ken sighed again and nodded his head. "Let me guess, you don't want to talk about it?" Koushiro grinned.

Ken smiled a bit, "You catch on quick," He joked.

Koushiro laughed, tightening his grip on Ken's shoulder, "Alright then, I'll drive you over to Miyako's then."

"Thanks Koushiro."

"No problem Ken."


Daisuke was still waiting back at Takeru's place for his return. He sat comfortably on the couch watching TV. He sighed; he didn't know how he survived three years without this precious box. But now that he was out… he was never going to take advantage of this box again. Daisuke glanced up at the clock above the Television. Nine thirty. Takeru should have been back by now. He couldn't have been talking to Ichijouji for that long could he? But what if Takeru all of the sudden just changed his mind and went back to Ichijouji and not him…?

No, he couldn't start thinking like that now. It just wasn't something that he did. He just got back… Takeru loves him… But he loves Ichijouji too…

Daisuke sighed and flopped back down on the couch. There was no use thinking about this. He was just going to get himself upset. And that's something he didn't need right now.

Shifting to his side he watched the black box that was the television. He had turned it off not too long ago seeing as there was nothing good on. His mind wandered to Takeru, he wondered where he was now… what he was doing…who he was with… what they were doing…

Daisuke shook his head. He had to stop thinking like that. He had too.

"This is nuts…" He grumbled getting up from the couch. "I shouldn't be just sitting here waiting for him! Should I…?" Daisuke slapped his head; "There I go again with the dominant thing… Takeru and I are equal! At least that's how I see it… most of the time…" He grinned, "Well… in bed is a different story…"

Daisuke nibbled on Takeru's left ear lobe, his hands lingering at his belt.

"D-Daisuke!" Takeru moaned out. "P-please…"

Daisuke smiled and cupped his lovers cheek, "Patients Take…" He kissed his nose, "It will all come in time…" His left eye, "I promise…" Right eye…

Takeru's eyes shut and he threw his head back. Daisuke grinned. This is what he lived for.

He kissed his way down his lovers cheek… to his throat… shoulder blade… over to his Adam's apple, sucked on that for a little while… down his chest… lick left nipple… right…

Takeru was groaning and squirming below him; he was making his job all the more pleasurable.

Daisuke had his hands on his lover's hips, trying, though unsuccessfully to keep them still, guess that's a good thing. Daisuke grinned on Takeru's stomach, making the boy before him squirm even more.

"D-Dai…" Takeru's hands found his lover's face and brought him back up to his. "I love you…" Daisuke smiled, he loved it when Takeru said that.

"I love you too…" He kissed him briefly then went back down to the job at hand.


Taichi finally stopped when they reached the front of his and Yamato's apartment.

"Taichi! I really don't want to be here right now!" Takeru told him, tugging on his arm.

"Well, you won't tell me what's wrong, and Yama's been pretty upset with Dai coming back, so what better way to solve everything then to talk?" Taichi asked.

Takeru looked at him oddly; "Do you not know my brother? He doesn't talk about anything. You of all people should know that," Takeru told him.

Taichi sighed, "Look, just do me this one favor will yeah? Just, go in there and talk to him. Having a grumpy Yamato isn't fun!" Taichi pouted as he pushed a still reluctant Takeru into his apartment.

Turning around when he heard the door click shut Takeru started to bang on it to get Taichi to let him out.

"Taichi! Stop banging on the—" Yamato stopped mid sentence seeing that it was Takeru standing at the door and not Taichi. "What are you doing here?"

Takeru turned back around when he heard his brothers voice, and looked at him shyly, "Ah… visiting my favourite brother?"

"I'm your only brother now tell me why you're here," Yamato demanded.

"The truth?" Takeru asked. Yamato nodded, "Taichi dragged me here. Said that we need to solve this thing between you and Dai."

Yamato snorted, "There's nothing to solve, I hate him, he hates me--" Takeru cut in.

"That's not true! Dai doesn't hate you! He only acts like that because you hate him and want to keep us apart!"

"Wells he's right! You can do better Takeru! You have done better! Why would you do something stupid like this and ruin everything you have with Ken?!" Yamato yelled.

"Because I'm in love with Daisuke! That's why! I never got over him! I never will! Sure, I like Ken, and it might even go as far as love, but not in the same way Daisuke and I fall. There's just something about him, about us that makes it so… so…" Takeru struggled with the right word.

"Unique?" Yamato asked.

"Yeah, unique. Can't you see that Yama? He makes me happy. Why can't you just be happy for me too?"

Yamato sighed and fell onto a chair, "I still think you can do better. But…" Yamato said.

"But?" Takeru asked eagerly.

"But, I'm willing to let it slide just for your happiness," Yamato said finally.

Breaking into a huge grin Takeru ran towards his brother and gave him a huge hug, "Oh thank you Yamato! I'll love you always for this!" He clung on until Yamato had to pry him off from lack of oxygen.

"Okay! Okay! Now get off me!" Yamato said smiling.

"Aww! Now that's what I like to see! A smiling happy Yama!" Taichi cried from the doorway, where he'd been listening into the entire conversation. Yamato just sighed.


"Thanks again!" Ken said as he closed the door to Koushiro's car. Koushiro waved and soon drove off as soon as he saw that Ken made it safely into the apartment.

Making his way up the stairs to Miyako's place, Ken was about to knock, when the door opened and Miyako just about ran into him.

"God! Ken! You scared the shit out of me! Don't do that again!" She said holding her hand over her chest.

"I'm sorry Miyako, you scared me too," Ken told her, somewhat more calmly.

"So what were you doing out so late? Did you have a hot date?" Miyako winked and nudged him.

Ken hung his head and made to move past her, "I was talking to Takeru," he walked inside.

Miyako turned, "Are you okay?" she asked worriedly.

Ken nodded his head, then shook it, "I don't know. All I know is that I'll never be able to be with him…" he trailed off.

"Oh Ken…" Miyako said as she made to hug him.

Ken backed away, "Please… don't… I just need some time…" He made to turn away but she caught him by the arm.

"It'll be okay Ken. I know it doesn't seem like it now… but it will…"

"You always say that… You always say that but sooner or later I end up getting hurt again!" He yelled turning to face her, "Do you even know what it's like to watch the one you love the most walk away with somebody else? Walk away from you? From your life?"

Miyako looked at him, sorrow in her eyes, "I do."

He looked at her surprised. "Wha—? Who?"

Her eyes slid shut, "…You…" She whispered.

"Me?" Ken choked.

"You." She repeated, "I've always loved you Ken, but I knew I could never have you. I knew I would never be the one that you needed most in life, I'd have to settle for the role of best friend," She smiled, "But I'm okay with that now… it took me a long time Ken, a really long time, but it's okay."

"Miyako… I—I don't know what to say…"

"You don't have to say anything… you've been through a lot today, why don't you go and lie down? You can use my room. I'll have to couch tonight."

Ken moved towards her and hugged her, "Thank you," Ken whispered, "I don't know what I'd do without you…"

"You'd probably be dead by now…" She whispered back.

"You're probably right. Thank you again," He kissed her on the cheek and walked over to her room.

"I love you more then anything Ken…"


Takeru opened the door quietly; not wanting to wake Daisuke, stepping inside he moved over to the coat rack and planted his coat on it, he stepped back over to the door and closed it, as silently as he had opened it.

He moved over to the kitchen, and got himself some bottled water, twisting the cap off he took a swig and walked over to the living room.

Takeru flopped down onto the couch only to jump back up again as something yelled from underneath him.

"Dai—Daisuke! I didn't know you were there!" Takeru yelled.

"Noticed…" Daisuke said as he rubbed his back, his face scrunched.

"Sorry…" Takeru said as he sat down on the ground, in front of Daisuke. "Why did you come back…? Why now, after all this time…?"

"Because I love you?" Daisuke answered, thinking it was obvious. "You realize I only got out of that prison a year ago right?"

Takeru shook his head, eyes wide, "No idea. I didn't know they had caught you."

"They had, and I'll tell ya… it was one of the most terrifying experiences I went through. I was caught soon after you had left, it was stupid… but I was supposed to be sent off for ten years… but I was freed after three, which was last year. And now I'm back, and I don't want to have to leave you again," Daisuke said as he grabbed one of Takeru's hands.

Takeru brought the hand to his mouth and kissed it, "Daisuke… I didn't know…"

"I know you didn't. I didn't want to tell you because I knew you'd get worried and scared… but you don't have to be because I'm here now."

"I just have one more thing left to ask…"

"Anything," Daisuke told him.

"Why did you stay in the first place?" Takeru asked tearfully.

Daisuke hung his head, "My parents and sister where in hiding… I had to try and get them out of there, and to somewhere safe, before I could leave…But…" He paused.

"Dai?" Takeru asked worriedly.

"But before I got there… someone… someone had…" He took a breath, "They were already dead…" Not knowing what else to do, Takeru wrapped his arms around him and hugged him.

"I'm sorry Dai… I know how much you loved your family…"

"It's not your fault…"

"And it's not yours either," Daisuke looked at him, "I know you, and I know how you think. You blame their deaths on yourself don't you?" Daisuke nodded, Takeru wiped a tear from his cheek, "Don't… It's not your fault… you tried as hard as you could to get to them in time. There's nothing you can do… You did your best…" He placed a kiss on his forehead.

"I love you Takeru…"

"I love you too Dai."


Well, it's over… it's done. Although maybe… just maybe I'll continue it if some people think I should… But for me to know that means you have to review… Think you can do that? I hope so ^^
