So this chapter is short, I know, but I ran out of stuff to write! x.x Anyway, enjoy!

When Jack returned, he had once more a fair amount of caught prey.

He moved over to the base of the cement deck, carefully setting down the prey and getting to work.

Nakadai and Rafael eagerly jumped over the railing, landing with ease as the went over to Jack.

"Woah! Look at all this stuff!" Rafael said.

"We're gonna eat like kings today!" Nakadai cheered.

The 'bots watched as Jack did his work quickly, but with much precision as well.

Soon, the smell of cooking meat filled the air. Nakadai and Rafael watched the meat roast with wide, eager, impatient eyes.

Jack, taking note of this, chuckled softly.

"Relax, you two. It'll be ready soon."

They both stuck their tongues out at him.

Silence fell for a long moment, and then Jack's head jerked up to look at the base entrance, pupils dialating like an animals may when they heard prey.

"They're here."

"Who?" Optimus asked, worry on his faceplates.

"The Maximals. They've found us."

Nakadai and Rafael were on their feet within seconds, running to the base entrance.

The 'bots tensed, readying themselves for the worst.

"Relax." Jack murmured. "They aren't going to hurt any of you. They may resemble animals and act differently, but they aren't monsters."

That did little to ease their minds, but they did relax slightly.

The sound of many metal footfalls came, then a group of large, metal animals entered the command room.

Nakadai squealed and Rafael whooped in joy. The human femme going to a large metal rhino, while Rafael went to a yellow, cheetah-like metal being.

While this reunion happened, Jack stood, looking them all over from afar to ensure no harm had come to them.

A giant metal wolf, blue and red in color, moved forward, calm optics on Jack. He stopped a few feet from Jack.

The two looked at each other for a moment, silent. It was broken only when Jack spoke.

"I'm...I'm glad to see you're all okay." He stated, barely hidden relief in his voice.

The wolf smiled, head bowing. He pushed his head into Jack and the teen hugged the furry head, burying his face in the metal. Jack breathed in the familiar and comforting scent that belonged to his guardian and mentor.

Jack pulled away and sheepishly looked at the cooked meat on the fire.

"I didn't catch enough for everyone. I'll go and catch some more."

"No, you deserve rest. You did well, locating Miko and Raf."

Jack nodded.

"We're calling them Nakadai and Rafael here. I'll explain later."

Vukova inclined his head in acceptance.

"Very well."

The wolf's gave then turned, settling on the 'bots who watched him and his group warily.

"I thank you for giving my clan shelter here." He said, bowwing his head. "Should at any time you need assistance, my clan is ready to offer it."

Optimus inclined his helm in return.

Vukova then took to sniffing Jack, searching for any injury. Jack scowled, trying to get away. Nakadai and Rafael were both getting similar treatment (though the two younger humans were more willing).

Vukova stopped Jack, placing a heavy paw on the human. Jack scowled, trying to wriggle free.

"H-hey! Stop it, Vukova!"

Everyone laughed, watching as the teen sulked and the robotic wolf cleaned him off.

It went like this for awhile, the only sounds being Jack's protests.

Finally, Jack was freed and he quickly jumped up into the support beams of the base, where he hid, sulking.

The Maximals settled down, all relieved to get a rest.

Raf watched them with wary awe from the side, hiding behind 'Bee's leg.

Little Fang padded over, sniffing him in curiosity. The tween yelped slightly, ducking further behind his guardians leg.

Little Fang followed, walking around the 'bots leg. Soon, the two were going in circles around 'Bee's leg and it made the poor scout dizzy.

Finally, Little Fang pounced and Raf shreiked slightly in alarm as the small Maximal nuzzled him and purred happily.

"Looks like Little Fang likes ya." Nakadai laughed out as she leaned against her partner.

Little Fang nodded before beginning to lick the small human.

Everything was silent for a moment, then Vukova stood.

"Come Jack. We must continue with your training now that I am here."

Jack stood as well, nodding.

"Yeah. Training by myself just isn't the same."

Vukova carefully lifted Jack up in his powerful maw, setting the teen on his back. Jack's fingers wove through his fur as he sat tall on the Maximal's back.

Vukova padded off quietly, the others in the room watching him and his charge leave.

Silence was left in their wake for a long few moments.

"Dude...I wanna see them train!" Miko exclaimed excitedly, bouncing on her toes.

"Sorry, but Jack doesn't like people watching him train." Rafael replied, looking up from Little Fang, who'd returned to his side.

"Aw man! Why not?" The young femme whined.

"It just makes him uncomfortable." Nakadai explained.

"You need to understand, most people are afraid of Jack, and seeing him fighting, how strong he is? It only intensifies that fear." Rafael explained, face grim.

Nakadai's face fell.

"Yeah. Even Rafael, Jack's mom and I have been scared of him before."

The others looked at each other. They didn't understand it.

Why would anyone be scared of Jack?