Tails: what do we need to talk about?
Vanilla: I am going out of town tomorrow so I was wondering if you wanted to stay with Nexus until I got back.
Tails: I would love to!
Vanilla: great! I will call his parents and talk to them about it
Tails: *this is great! I get to stay with Nexus for a couple days!* ok
Tails goes back up to his room while Vanilla calls Nexus parents, he gets to his room and starts to text Nexus
Tails: *in text* hey Nexus guess what?
Nexus: what?
Tails: I'm staying with you for a while!
Nexus: oh um that's awesome!
Tails: what's wrong?
Nexus: well… when people are around each other for too long they grow apart from each other and I don't want that to happen…
Tails: oh, well we wont I promise!
Nexus: promise?
Tails: yes!
Nexus: ok
Tails continues to text Nexus about what they are going to do when Tails stays with him for couple days. Finally tails tells Nexus he is going to bed and they say good night and go to sleep. The next day Tails gets up and looks out the window to see the snow is all gone! It must be spring finally!
Tails: finally spring!
Vanilla: Tails get ready for school!
Tails: damn I forgot about school
Tails gets up and gets dressed and starts walking to school, on the way there he sees Nexus walking
Tails: hey Nexus!
Nexus smiles and looks at Tails
Nexus: hey Tails! I missed you!
Tails runs up to Nexus and kisses him
Tails:*whispers* I missed you more
They start walk all the way to school together and when they get there they see a white and blue dog
Tails: hey Nexus does he go here?
Nexus: nope, he must be new! Lets go talk to him
Tails and Nexus, hand in hand walk over to the new kid
Tails:*thinking*whoa he is really cute..
Nexus: hey you must be new here? I'm Nexus!
Tails: and I'm Tails
Alpha: I'm alpha, nice to meet you
Alpha smiles at Tails and Nexus
Nexus: so where are you from?
Alpha: oh uh-
All the sudden the bell rings
Tails: oh sorry we gotta go, hey why don't you come with us?
Alpha: I don't know if we have the same classes?
Nexus: let me see your list?
Alpha gives Nexus the list and Nexus reads it
Nexus: you have the same classes as Tails…but ill be in most of your classes too!
Alpha: oh cool!
Tails: yeah so come on!
Tails, Alpha and Nexus walk to class together and sit next to each other in every class expect the last one because Nexus is in a different class. So Tails and Alpha sit next to each other. Alpha gets out a piece of paper and wrights on it and passes it to Tails
Alpha: *in note* hey, I saw you holding Nexuses hand, are you gay?...
Tails wrights back
Tails: *in note* oh uhm yeah! Why do you ask?
Alpha: *in note* well…. I am too…and I kind of thought you were cute…
Tails: …
Nexus: I am so sorry that took soo long! I have been busy with my band and then my computer broke ugh! Sorry!
Tails: calm down! Dang
Alpha: nipples